257 research outputs found

    The changes in science and education conceptions in the occidental history : the scenario of these notions and their adaptations for the twenty first century

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    As concepções que temos de ciência e educação são historicamente construídas de acordo com especificidades conjunturais, passando ora por visões simplistas, ora por visões mais complexas. Passamos por mudanças de paradigmas científicos, onde atualmente Boaventura de Souza Santos fala do declínio do paradigma dominante de bases positivista e cartesiana, para o surgimento de um paradigma emergente baseado nas novas teorias da física, na superação da dicotomia entre ciências humanas e ciências naturais, e na busca da interdisciplinaridade. A educação também precisa passar por reconstruções conceituais e práticas, onde a escola deve superar a pedagogia baseada na fragmentação dos conteúdos e dos sujeitos, e na desvinculação com a realidade. A ciência cada vez mais caminha para novas estruturas, e consequentemente a educação deve reestruturarse visando acompanhar esse novo ser humano com sua nova forma de construir conhecimento científico.Existing scientific and educational concepts are constructed historically in accordance with situational specificities, experiencing changes through time, sometimes with simplistic perspectives, alternatively with ones more complex. Scientific paradigms are changing, as Boaventura de Souza Santos today refers to the decline of the dominant paradigm of positivism and Cartesian foundations and to the emergence of the paradigm based on new theories of physics, overcoming the dichotomy between human and natural sciences and the quest for interdisciplinarity. Education also needs to be transformed through conceptual and practical reinventions, where schools should go beyond a pedagogy based on content and subject fragmentation and disconnection with reality. That science progresses towards new structures; consequently, education must reinvent itself with the aim of accompanying this new human bein

    Body, food and culture : discussion and problematization of the contemporary beauty/health standards in science education

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    A educação escolarizada tem abordado o corpo humano como fenômeno puramente biológico, um conjunto de sistemas e órgãos do qual se estudam características e funcionamentos, sem abordar aspectos sócio/histórico/culturais que o inscrevem constantemente. Atualmente, os meios de comunicação divulgam muitas informações a respeito do corpo. Elas propõem padrões de aparência que investem na magreza e juventude como sinônimos de saúde, responsabilizando o indivíduo pela administração de seu corpo. Entendendo a escola como um espaço privilegiado no aprendizado de conhecimentos sobre o corpo e seus cuidados, discutimos a necessidade de nela pensarmos o corpo em contínua construção, trazendo neste artigo o relato da experiência realizada em oficinas para estudantes de Pedagogia, cujo objetivo foi desenvolver abordagens complexas à temática da alimentação. Sem a intenção de prescrever novos modelos para o ensino de ciências, acreditamos que com esse tipo de estudo, talvez, possamos contribuir com outras formas de compreensão do corpo, não como acontecimento inevitável e estabilizado na história, mas como efeito das circunstâncias vividas e que pode, portanto, ser criticado e recriado de outras maneiras.School education has been teaching the human body as purely biological phenomenon, a set of systems and organs, concerning about its characteristics and functioning, without addressing its socio/historical/cultural. Currently, the media shows a lot of information about the body. Its propose standards of appearance that invest in thinness and youth as synonymous of health, blaming the individual for the administration of his/her body. Understanding the school as a privileged space of learning of knowledges about the body and its care, we discussed the need to consider the continuous body construction, bringing in this article the story of experience held in workshops for students of pedagogy, whose goal was to develop complex thematic approaches to food. Without the intent to prescribe new models for the science education, we believe that this type of study may be able to contribute with other forms of understanding the body, not as an event inevitable and stabilized in history, but the effect of circumstances lived and which can, therefore, be criticized and recreated in other ways

    School Rural: a vision of young people about the Biology of a rural community in the municipality of Cunha/SP

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    O objetivo deste trabalho é buscar compreender, através do olhar dos jovens filhos de agricultores familiares agroecológicos, as relações (in)existentes entre as aulas de Biologia de escolas localizadas em zona rural do município de Cunha/SP e os assuntos cotidianos dos alunos e suas famílias. Para isso, utilizamos entrevistas orais semiestruturadas, onde os entrevistados, dois jovens do ensino médio e um do nono ano do ensino fundamental, responderam a perguntas guias e também contam um pouco do dia-a-dia na escola, principalmente nas aulas de Biologia. A fim de entender o contexto em que esses alunos estão inseridos, dois familiares também foram entrevistados, motivados a falar a respeito de seu trabalho e o cotidiano junto a seus filhos. Os pais fazem parte de um grupo de agricultores agroecológicos que ganharam força em Cunha, graças a iniciativa da OSCIP (Organização da Sociedade Civil de Interesse Público) SerrAcima com a parceria da Petrobrás. Com os dados coletados das entrevistas pudemos observar que, apesar do estudante do campo vivenciar muito de perto a produção orgânica de alimentos, através do dia-a-dia com os seus pais, eles ainda têm dificuldades de enxergar oportunidades de crescimento profissional no campo e estas questões aparentam ter pouco espaço de debate em sala de aula. Essas análises corroboram a nossa percepção da importância política do desenvolvimento de ações em Educação do Campo, que busquem, ao mesmo tempo, valorizar o mundo rural como espaço de vida e que promovam o desenvolvimento sustentável nesses espaços, como uma forma estratégica de enfrentar a progressiva migração dos jovens para atividades externas à agricultura. Palavras-chave: Saberes do Campo, Escolas do Campo, Agroecologia, Cunha.   School Rural: a vision of young people about the Biology of a rural community in the municipality of Cunha/SP ABSTRACT. The objective of this study is to see through the eyes of young people the biology classes in schools located in rural municipality of Cunha / SP and how they relate to the everyday concerns of students, children of agroecological farmers; using oral interviews where respondents, two young high school and ninth grade of elementary, answered questions and guides also have some of the day-to-day at school mainly in biology classes. In order to understand the context in which these students are inserted, two family members were also interviewed about their work and daily life with his children. Parents are part of a group of agroecological farmers gained strength in Cunha thanks to the initiative of OSCIP (civil society organization of public interest) SerrAcima a partnership with Petrobrás. With the data collected from interviews I observed that although the student rural experience, through their parents, as organic farmers still have difficulties to see professional growth opportunities in the rural and these issues seem to have no time to classroom debate. These analyzes confirm our perception of the political importance of developing actions in the Countryside Education, seeking at the same time enhance the rural world as a living space and to promote sustainable development in these areas, as a strategic way to face progressive migration of young people to outdoor activities to agriculture. Keywords: Knowledge of the Countryside, Counstryside Schools, Agroecology, Cunha.   Escuelas de campo: una visión de los jóvenes sobre la Biología de una comunidad rural en el municipio de Cunha/SP RESUMEN. El objetivo de este estudio es ver a través de los ojos de los jóvenes de las clases de biología en escuelas del municipio rural de Cunha / SP y cómo se relacionan con las preocupaciones cotidianas de los estudiantes, hijos de agricultores agroecológicos; a través de entrevistas orales donde los encuestados, dos jóvenes de secundaria y noveno grado de básica, respondieron preguntas y guías también tienen algunas de las del día a día en la escuela, principalmente en las clases de biología. Con el fin de comprender el contexto en el que se insertan estos estudiantes, dos miembros de la familia también fueron entrevistados acerca de su trabajo y la vida diaria con sus hijos. Los padres son parte de un grupo de agricultores agroecológicos ganaron fuerza en Cunha gracias a la iniciativa de OSCIP (organización de la sociedad civil de interés público) SerrAcima una asociación con Petrobrás. Con los datos obtenidos de entrevistas que observaron que, si bien el estudiante la experiencia de campo, a través de sus padres, ya que los agricultores orgánicos siguen teniendo dificultades para ver las oportunidades de crecimiento profesional en el campo y estos temas parecen tener poco espacio para el debate en el aula. Estos análisis confirman nuestra percepción de la importancia política de las acciones de desarrollo en el campo de la educación, buscando al mismo tiempo mejorar el mundo rural como un espacio de vida y promover el desarrollo sostenible en estas áreas, como una forma estratégica para hacer frente progresiva la migración de los jóvenes a las actividades al aire libre a la agricultura. Palabras-clave: El Conocimiento de Campo, Las Escuelas de Campo, Agroecología, Cunha.ABSTRACT. The objective of this study is to see through the eyes of young people the biology classes in schools located in rural municipality of Cunha / SP and how they relate to the everyday concerns of students, children of agroecological farmers; using oral interviews where respondents, two young high school and ninth grade of elementary, answered questions and guides also have some of the day-to-day at school mainly in biology classes. In order to understand the context in which these students are inserted, two family members were also interviewed about their work and daily life with his children. Parents are part of a group of agroecological farmers gained strength in Cunha thanks to the initiative of OSCIP (civil society organization of public interest) SerrAcima a partnership with Petrobrás. With the data collected from interviews I observed that although the student rural experience, through their parents, as organic farmers still have difficulties to see professional growth opportunities in the rural and these issues seem to have no time to classroom debate. These analyzes confirm our perception of the political importance of developing actions in the Countryside Education, seeking at the same time enhance the rural world as a living space and to promote sustainable development in these areas, as a strategic way to face progressive migration of young people to outdoor activities to agriculture.RESUMEN. El objetivo de este estudio es ver a través de los ojos de los jóvenes de las clases de biología en escuelas del municipio rural de Cunha / SP y cómo se relacionan con las preocupaciones cotidianas de los estudiantes, hijos de agricultores agroecológicos; a través de entrevistas orales donde los encuestados, dos jóvenes de secundaria y noveno grado de básica, respondieron preguntas y guías también tienen algunas de las del día a día en la escuela, principalmente en las clases de biología. Con el fin de comprender el contexto en el que se insertan estos estudiantes, dos miembros de la familia también fueron entrevistados acerca de su trabajo y la vida diaria con sus hijos. Los padres son parte de un grupo de agricultores agroecológicos ganaron fuerza en Cunha gracias a la iniciativa de OSCIP (organización de la sociedad civil de interés público) SerrAcima una asociación con Petrobrás. Con los datos obtenidos de entrevistas que observaron que, si bien el estudiante la experiencia de campo, a través de sus padres, ya que los agricultores orgánicos siguen teniendo dificultades para ver las oportunidades de crecimiento profesional en el campo y estos temas parecen tener poco espacio para el debate en el aula. Estos análisis confirman nuestra percepción de la importancia política de las acciones de desarrollo en el campo de la educación, buscando al mismo tiempo mejorar el mundo rural como un espacio de vida y promover el desarrollo sostenible en estas áreas, como una forma estratégica para hacer frente progresiva la migración de los jóvenes a las actividades al aire libre a la agricultura.ABSTRACT. The objective of this study is to see through the eyes of young people the biology classes in schools located in rural municipality of Cunha / SP and how they relate to the everyday concerns of students, children of agroecological farmers; using oral interviews where respondents, two young high school and ninth grade of elementary, answered questions and guides also have some of the day-to-day at school mainly in biology classes. In order to understand the context in which these students are inserted, two family members were also interviewed about their work and daily life with his children. Parents are part of a group of agroecological farmers gained strength in Cunha thanks to the initiative of OSCIP (civil society organization of public interest) SerrAcima a partnership with Petrobrás. With the data collected from interviews I observed that although the student rural experience, through their parents, as organic farmers still have difficulties to see professional growth opportunities in the rural and these issues seem to have no time to classroom debate. These analyzes confirm our perception of the political importance of developing actions in the Countryside Education, seeking at the same time enhance the rural world as a living space and to promote sustainable development in these areas, as a strategic way to face progressive migration of young people to outdoor activities to agriculture.ABSTRACT. The objective of this study is to see through the eyes of young people the biology classes in schools located in rural municipality of Cunha / SP and how they relate to the everyday concerns of students, children of agroecological farmers; using oral interviews where respondents, two young high school and ninth grade of elementary, answered questions and guides also have some of the day-to-day at school mainly in biology classes. In order to understand the context in which these students are inserted, two family members were also interviewed about their work and daily life with his children. Parents are part of a group of agroecological farmers gained strength in Cunha thanks to the initiative of OSCIP (civil society organization of public interest) SerrAcima a partnership with Petrobrás. With the data collected from interviews I observed that although the student rural experience, through their parents, as organic farmers still have difficulties to see professional growth opportunities in the rural and these issues seem to have no time to classroom debate. These analyzes confirm our perception of the political importance of developing actions in the Countryside Education, seeking at the same time enhance the rural world as a living space and to promote sustainable development in these areas, as a strategic way to face progressive migration of young people to outdoor activities to agriculture

    Percepção de sintomas depressivos em estudantes de ensino médio de uma cidade do interior do Rio Grande do Sul/ Perception of depressive symptoms in high school students in a city in the interior of Rio Grande do Sul

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    Este trabalho surgiu a partir de um projeto de iniciação científica júnior construído em parceria com profissionais de saúde de uma cidade do interior do RS, preocupados com a percepção de elevados índices de depressão na comunidade. O objetivo desta pesquisa foi levantar dados sobre os sintomas depressivos em estudantes do Ensino Médio deste município, dados inexistentes até então. Como metodologia foi aplicado o Patient Health Questionnaire-9 (PHQ-9), um questionário que contém nove perguntas e se propõe a identificar indivíduos com risco para o desenvolvimento de depressão, analisando seu cotidiano nas últimas duas semanas e determinarem, em escala likert de 1 a 3, com qual frequência apresentaram sintomas descritos em cada pergunta. A análise do material coletado baseou-se na nota de corte do questionário utilizado (? 9); os dados foram tabulados no Excel. Dessa forma, do total de alunos de Ensino Médio do município, 69,3% participaram da pesquisa, sendo que os resultados obtidos demonstraram que 28,9% possuíam sintomas depressivos, e, dentre eles, 76,6% foram estudantes autodeclaradas do sexo feminino. Além disso, 10% declararam apresentar pensamentos suicidas, atingindo a frequência máxima do questionário, ou seja, em quase todos os dias. A partir dos resultados obtidos destaca-se que ações voltadas ao cuidado em saúde mental tornam-se indispensáveis já na adolescência, demonstrando também que intervenções sobre essa temática na escola são muito importantes, pois através delas os alunos poderão ter a oportunidade de falar sobre o tema, o que justamente é uma das melhores estratégias de promoção da saúde mental

    Educação do Campo e o Ensino de Ciências: Experiências em uma escola ribeirinha no Sul do Estado do Amazonas

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    ABSTRACT. This work is the result of a research developed in the academic master's degree in Science and Humanities Teaching at the Federal University of Amazonas - Campus Vale do Rio Madeira. It aimed to discuss the extent to which the integration of traditional/popular knowledge about plants contributes to the development of scientific education for students at a riverside school in the Southern Amazonas state. It is a qualitative and descriptive field research, which was developed with 15 students of the 7th, 8th and 9th grades of a riverside school located in a traditional community in a municipality of the Amazonas state. The investigation was based on participatory activities, such as: questions, practical classes and drawings. Based on the development of activities, we have found out that there is a lot of knowledge about plants in the life of these students, in addition to the importance of articulating their knowledge with scientific concepts in the teaching of Natural Sciences. In general, we highlight how important it is to discuss the integration of knowledge in rural education, with methodologies that prioritize multidimensional methods, considering social, cultural and environmental knowledge.ABSTRACT. This work is the result of a research developed in the academic master's degree in Science and Humanities Teaching at the Federal University of Amazonas - Campus Vale do Rio Madeira. It aimed to discuss the extent to which the integration of traditional/popular knowledge about plants contributes to the development of scientific education for students at a riverside school in the Southern Amazonas state. It is a qualitative and descriptive field research, which was developed with 15 students of the 7th, 8th and 9th grades of a riverside school located in a traditional community in a municipality of the Amazonas state. The investigation was based on participatory activities, such as: questions, practical classes and drawings. Based on the development of activities, we have found out that there is a lot of knowledge about plants in the life of these students, in addition to the importance of articulating their knowledge with scientific concepts in the teaching of Natural Sciences. In general, we highlight how important it is to discuss the integration of knowledge in rural education, with methodologies that prioritize multidimensional methods, considering social, cultural and environmental knowledge.RESUMEN. Este trabajo es el resultado de una investigación desarrollada en la maestría académica en Docencia en Ciencias y Humanidades de la Universidad Federal del Amazonas - Campus Vale do Rio Madeira. Su objetivo era discutir en qué medida la integración del conocimiento tradicional / popular sobre las plantas contribuye al desarrollo de la educación científica de los estudiantes de una escuela ribereña de la región sur del estado del Amazonas. Se trata de una investigación de campo, cualitativa y descriptiva, desarrollada con 15 alumnos de 7º, 8º y 9º años de una escuela en el campo, ubicada en una comunidad tradicional de un municipio del Amazonas. La investigación se basó en actividades participativas, tales como: preguntas, clases prácticas y dibujos. A partir del desarrollo de actividades, se constató una gran riqueza de conocimientos sobre las plantas en la vida de estos estudiantes, además de la importancia de articular conocimientos vividos con conceptos científicos en la enseñanza de las Ciencias Naturales. En general, se destaca la importancia de discutir la integración del conocimiento en la educación rural, con metodologías que prioricen enfoques multidimensionales, considerando el conocimiento social, cultural y ambiental.ABSTRACT. This work is the result of a research developed in the academic master's degree in Science and Humanities Teaching at the Federal University of Amazonas - Campus Vale do Rio Madeira. It aimed to discuss the extent to which the integration of traditional/popular knowledge about plants contributes to the development of scientific education for students at a riverside school in the Southern Amazonas state. It is a qualitative and descriptive field research, which was developed with 15 students of the 7th, 8th and 9th grades of a riverside school located in a traditional community in a municipality of the Amazonas state. The investigation was based on participatory activities, such as: questions, practical classes and drawings. Based on the development of activities, we have found out that there is a lot of knowledge about plants in the life of these students, in addition to the importance of articulating their knowledge with scientific concepts in the teaching of Natural Sciences. In general, we highlight how important it is to discuss the integration of knowledge in rural education, with methodologies that prioritize multidimensional methods, considering social, cultural and environmental knowledge.Este trabalho é resultado de uma pesquisa desenvolvida no mestrado acadêmico em Ensino de Ciências e Humanidades na Universidade Federal do Amazonas - Campus Vale do Rio Madeira. Teve como objetivo discutir em que medida a integração dos saberes tradicionais/populares sobre plantas contribuem para o desenvolvimento da educação científica de estudantes em uma escola ribeirinha na região sul do Estado do Amazonas. É uma pesquisa de campo, qualitativa e descritiva, desenvolvida com 15 estudantes de 7º, 8º e 9º anos de uma escola do campo, situada em uma comunidade tradicional em um município do Amazonas. A investigação se deu a partir de atividades participativas, como: perguntas, aulas práticas e desenhos. Com base no desenvolvimento das atividades, constatou-se uma riqueza de saberes sobre plantas na vida dos referidos estudantes, além da importância da articulação de conhecimentos vividos com conceitos científicos no ensino de Ciências da Natureza.  De uma forma geral, destaca-se quão importante discutir a integração de saberes na educação do campo, com metodologias que priorizem abordagens multidimensionais, considerando saberes sociais, culturais e ambientais. Palavras-chave: educação do campo, ensino de ciências, educação científica.   Rural Education and Science Teaching: Experiences in a riverside school in the Southwest Amazonas ABSTRACT. This work is the result of a research developed in the academic master's degree in Science and Humanities Teaching at the Federal University of Amazonas - Campus Vale do Rio Madeira. It aimed to discuss the extent to which the integration of traditional/popular knowledge about plants contributes to the development of scientific education for students at a riverside school in the Southern Amazonas state. It is a qualitative and descriptive field research, which was developed with 15 students of the 7th, 8th and 9th grades of a riverside school located in a traditional community in a municipality of the Amazonas state. The investigation was based on participatory activities, such as: questions, practical classes and drawings. Based on the development of activities, we have found out that there is a lot of knowledge about plants in the life of these students, in addition to the importance of articulating their knowledge with scientific concepts in the teaching of Natural Sciences. In general, we highlight how important it is to discuss the integration of knowledge in rural education, with methodologies that prioritize multidimensional methods, considering social, cultural and environmental knowledge. Keywords: rural education, science education, science education.   Educación rural y enseñanza de las ciencias: experiencias en una escuela ribereña en la región sur del Amazonas RESUMEN. Este trabajo es el resultado de una investigación desarrollada en la maestría académica en Docencia en Ciencias y Humanidades de la Universidad Federal del Amazonas - Campus Vale do Rio Madeira. Su objetivo era discutir en qué medida la integración del conocimiento tradicional / popular sobre las plantas contribuye al desarrollo de la educación científica de los estudiantes de una escuela ribereña de la región sur del estado del Amazonas. Se trata de una investigación de campo, cualitativa y descriptiva, desarrollada con 15 alumnos de 7º, 8º y 9º años de una escuela en el campo, ubicada en una comunidad tradicional de un municipio del Amazonas. La investigación se basó en actividades participativas, tales como: preguntas, clases prácticas y dibujos. A partir del desarrollo de actividades, se constató una gran riqueza de conocimientos sobre las plantas en la vida de estos estudiantes, además de la importancia de articular conocimientos vividos con conceptos científicos en la enseñanza de las Ciencias Naturales. En general, se destaca la importancia de discutir la integración del conocimiento en la educación rural, con metodologías que prioricen enfoques multidimensionales, considerando el conocimiento social, cultural y ambiental. Palabras clave: educación rural, educación científica, educación científica

    Horta vertical : uma ferramenta de incentivo à educação ambiental e alimentação saudável no contexto escolar em uma escola municipal de Pelotas/RS

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    A horta é capaz de permitir que os alunos reflitam sobre a natureza, tendo a oportunidade de aprender muitas coisas, entre elas, lidar com a terra e perceber o quanto estamos em sintonia com o meio ambiente. O objetivo deste artigo é promover a consciência ambiental dos/as alunos e alunas, juntamente com a proposta de uma alimentação mais saudável. A metodologia utilizada foi a implementação de uma oficina Horta vertical no colégio Municipal Pelotense, na cidade de Pelotas/RS. O público-alvo foi de estudantes de sexto ano do ensino fundamental e a análise da proposta deu-se por meio da abordagem qualitativa, onde a participação dos estudantes na oficina foi levada em consideração. Os resultados apontaram a importância da utilização das Hortas no processo de ensino e aprendizagem dos estudantes, possibilitando a leitura da natureza e um ensino contextualizado, interdisciplinar, além da abordagem de temas importantes para saúde e meio ambienteThe garden is able to allow students to reflect on nature, having the opportunity to learn many things, among them, deal with the earth and realize how much we are in tune with the environment. The aim of this article is to promote environmental awareness among/students and students, together with the proposal for a healthier diet. The methodology used was the implementation of a vertical Horta workshop at Pelotense Municipal College, in the city of Pelotas/RS. The target audience was students of the sixth grade of elementary school and the analysis of the proposal took place through the qualitative approach, where the participation of students in the workshop was taken into account. The results pointed out the importance of using Hortas in the teaching and learning process of students, enabling the reading of nature and a contextualized, interdisciplinary teaching, in addition to addressing important topics for health and environment