427 research outputs found

    The Lorenz Curve: A Proper Framework to Define Satisfactory Measures of Symbol Dominance, Symbol Diversity, and Information Entropy

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    Novel measures of symbol dominance (dC1 and dC2), symbol diversity (DC1 = N (1 - dC1) and DC2 = N (1 - dC2)), and information entropy (HC1 = log2 DC1 and HC2 = log2 DC2) are derived from Lorenz-consistent statistics that I had previously proposed to quantify dominance and diversity in ecology. Here, dC1 refers to the average absolute difference between the relative abundances of dominant and subordinate symbols, with its value being equivalent to the maximum vertical distance from the Lorenz curve to the 45-degree line of equiprobability; dC2 refers to the average absolute difference between all pairs of relative symbol abundances, with its value being equivalent to twice the area between the Lorenz curve and the 45-degree line of equiprobability; N is the number of different symbols or maximum expected diversity. These Lorenz-consistent statistics are compared with statistics based on Shannon's entropy and Rényi's second-order entropy to show that the former have better mathematical behavior than the latter. The use of dC1, DC1, and HC1 is particularly recommended, as only changes in the allocation of relative abundance between dominant (pd > 1/N) and subordinate (ps < 1/N) symbols are of real relevance for probability distributions to achieve the reference distribution (pi = 1/N) or to deviate from it.Universidad de Alcal

    Physicochemical and biological changes downstream from a trout farm outlet: comparing 1986 and 2006 sampling surveys

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    In this investigation we compare the results obtained in the 1986 and 2006 sampling surveys regarding physicochemical and biological changes caused by a trout farm effluent in the upper Tajuña River (Guadalajara, Spain). For this comparison three sampling sites were selected: S-1, placed upstream from the trout farm, was used as a reference station; S-2 and S-3 were respectively placed about 10 m and 1000 m downriver from the trout farm outlet. In both surveys, the concentration of nutrients (ammonia, nitrite, nitrate, phosphate) increased downstream from the trout farm, whereas the concentration of dissolved oxygen decreased. Gammaridae, Heptageniidae, Elmidae, Perlidae, Ancylidae, Hydrobiidae, Glossosomatidae and Sericostomatidae significantly decreased their abundances downstream from the trout farm outlet. On the contrary, Tubificidae, Erpobdellidae, Glossiphoniidae, Planorbidae, Sphaeridae and Chironomidae were clearly favoured. The water quality in ecological terms, as assessed by biotic indices, was markedly reduced, with average scores (ASPT, ASPT', a-BMWQ) showing a better indicator value than total scores (BMWP, BMWP', BMWQ). Shredders and scrapers were the functional feeding groups most severely affected, whereas collectors were clearly favoured. We conclude that the wastewater depuration system of the trout farm must be improved since, during the last twenty years, it has been insufficient to prevent significant alterations in the recipient river.En esta investigación comparamos los resultados obtenidos durante las campañas de muestreo de 1986 y 2006 para los cambios físico-químicos y biológicos producidos por el vertido de una piscifactoría en el tramo alto del río Tajuña (Guadalajara, España). Para ello se seleccionaron tres puntos de muestreo: S-1, aguas arriba de la piscifactoría, sirvió de punto control; S-2 y S-3 se emplazaron, respectivamente, a 10 m y 1000 m aguas abajo del punto de vertido. En ambas campañas, la concentración de nutrientes (amoniaco, nitrito, nitrato, fosfato) aumentó río abajo de la piscifactoría, mientras que la concentración de oxígeno disuelto disminuyó. Gammaridae, Heptageniidae, Elmidae, Perlidae, Ancylidae, Hydrobiidae, Glossosomatidae y Sericostomatidae redujeron significativamente sus abundancias aguas abajo del punto de vertido. Por el contrario, Tubificidae, Erpobdellidae, Glossiphoniidae, Planorbidae, Sphaeridae y Chironomidae fueron claramente favorecidos. La calidad del agua en términos ecológicos, evaluada por medio de índices bióticos, empeoró marcadamente, con las puntuaciones medias (ASPT, ASPT', a-BMWQ) mostrando un mejor valor indicador que las puntuaciones totales (BMWP, BMWP', BMWQ). Desmenuzadores y raspadores fueron los grupos tróficos más severamente afectados, mientras que los recolectores fueron claramente favorecidos. Concluimos que el sistema de depuración de las aguas residuales de la piscifactoría tiene que ser mejorado ya que, durante los últimos veinte años, ha sido insuficiente para prevenir alteraciones significativas en el río receptor

    PII- Potential Innovation Index: a Tool to Benchmark Innovation Capabilities in International Context

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    Benchmarking has become a useful tool for companies, enabling better decision-making and improvement of internal practices towards world-class performance. Nevertheless, concerning SMEs’ innovation capabilities from traditional sectors, benchmarking applications have been scarce. This article uses a predefined metric named the “Potential Innovation Index (PII)”, based on internal practices of the firms to compare innovation capabilities of two groups of similar SMEs from 2 different geographical, cultural and social contexts. Results were used to analyze similarities and differences, strengths and weaknesses of the groups. Obtained results confirm the difficulties to innovate of this type firms, no matters the sector or country, as over 55% of the companies studied were evaluated as having a low innovative performance. However, regarding the index’s constitutive practices, significant differences were found. Which leads to infer that innovation support strategies to enhance innovation must be adapted to the local context and culture

    Conocimientos, actitudes y practicas de la minera lalo I para la promoción de la salud ocupacional en minería de la provincia de lima. Propuesta de un plan de comunicación 2016

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    La presente investigación ha tenido por objetivo identificar conocimientos, actitudes y prácticas en el personal minero de Lalo I en lo referido a la promoción de la salud ocupacional en minería. Esta investigación está basada en un diseño cualitativo para l o cual se aplicó un cuestionario, la cual fue validada por juicio de expertos. En tal sentido se ha identificado que el personal de la minera Lalo I posee un conocimiento alto acerca de la salud ocupacional en minería y la información que manejan fue obtenida en sus anteriores empleos. En cuanto a actitudes, se ha identificado que posee un nivel alto de actitudes favorables y predispuestas al cambio en temas de salud ocupacional, aunque esto aún no está reforzado por la minera puesto que no se aplica ninguna capacitación o información de estos temas para los trabajadores y eso que ellos mismos lo consideran importante. En las prácticas, se encontró un nivel bajo hacia ciertas prácticas de salud ocupacional dentro y fuera de la minera, para ello se propone reforzar los conocimientos y actitudes con una propuesta de un plan de comunicaciones basándonos en las motivaciones del trabajador. La propuesta está realizada con el fin de mejorar los conocimientos, apoyar la predisposición y generar una conciencia para la realización de las prácticas en el uso de los implementos de seguridad en donde el eje primordial es cuidar sus vidas Asimismo, promover la importancia del trabajo en conjunto de la minera a través de sus supervisores y áreas encargadas para un trabajo conjunto para el refuerzo de los temas de salud ocupacional. De este modo mejorar la percepción y participación de los trabajadores, generando una cultura de prevención en beneficio tanto para la minera como para los trabajadores.The present investigation has the objective of identifying knowledge, attitudes and practices in the mining personnel of Lalo I regarding the promotion of occupational health in mining. This research is based on a qualitative design for which a questionnaire was applied, which was validated by expert judgment. In this sense it has been identified that the personnel of the mining company Lalo I has a high knowledge about the occupational health in mining and the information that they handle was obtained in their previous jobs. In terms of attitudes, it has been identified that it has a high level of favorable attitudes and predisposed to change in occupational health issues, although this is not yet reinforced by the miner since no training or information on these issues is applied to workers and that which they themselves consider important. In the practices, a low level was found towards certain occupational health practices inside and outside the mine, for it is proposed to reinforce the knowledge and attitudes with a proposal of a communication plan based on the motivations of the worker. The proposal is made in order to improve knowledge, support the predisposition and generate an awareness for the realization of practices in the use of safety implements where the main axis is taken care of their lives Also, to promote the importance of the joint work of the mining company through its supervisors and areas in charge of a joint work to reinforce occupational health issues. In this way improve the perception and participation of workers, generating a culture of prevention to benefit both the mining and the workers

    Positive responses of benthic macroinvertebrates to spatial and temporal reductions in water pollution downstream from a trout farm outlet

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    Inland trout farms can cause important adverse effects on freshwater communities due to the discharge of wastewater effluents into recipient rivers. In this research, responses of benthic macroinvertebrates to diminished water pollution downstream from a trout farm outlet were examined at spatial and temporal scales. Field studies were carried out in the Upper Tajuña River (Central Spain) during the springs of 2007 and 2015. Water pollution decreased, with increasing the downstream distance from the trout farm effluent, and also from 2007 to 2015 as a likely consequence of the lowered annual production of farmed rainbow trout following the 2008 economic recession. Reductions in water pollution resulted in increased concentrations of dissolved oxygen and decreased levels of turbidity and inorganic nutrients (ammonia and phosphate). Benthic macroinvertebrates responded positively to diminished water pollution by decreasing the relative abundance of collector-gatherers (oligochaetes and chironomids) and increasing the relative abundance of shredders and scrapers (ephemeropterans, plecopterans and trichopterans). In addition, values of taxonomic diversity and Biological Monitoring Water Quality biotic indices tended to increase. It is concluded that the wastewater treatment system of the trout farm should be improved to minimize the environmental impact on the recipient river

    Use of digital mobile applications and their integration in plastic surgery

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    Introduction: In the environment of new digital health technologies, many paradigms are being broken, and the opening to obtain further knowledge allows the plastic surgeon to use them in their professional practice. This article aims to analyze the use of digital mobile applications by patients and professionals. The purpose is to understand the importance and recognition of this type of technology to provide more quality and safety in medical care, specifically for elective care in the plastic surgery specialty. Methods: Two analysis were carried out, in parallel, in a retrospective and descriptive manner: 1) of the conversations carried out through a mobile instant messaging application on the communication channel for monitoring patients undergoing surgery in a private plastic surgery clinic; (2) of the use of digital technologies in plastic surgery, through the analysis of the responses to a research questionnaire sent to professionals in this specialty. Results: In the sample obtained (n = 61), the monthly average of 122 conversations in the postoperative period was recorded. In a satisfaction survey, patients found it useful to communicate through a mobile application directly with the clinic. Only 4.1% of the professionals who participated in the research had their own clinic application. Conclusion: The perception of the importance of technology in patient care, the need to meet the population's requirements, and the possibility of providing more comprehensive monitoring reliably offer the basis for validating new technology resources and mobile applications with specific resources in plastic surgery care


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    The COVID-19 pandemic is an unprecedented global challenge, whose impacts on health systems around the world can be characterized as a kind of tragedy of the commons, in which the number of critically ill patients at the same time can quickly overcome the availability of medical equipment and the number of health professionals trained to provide the necessary assistance. This study aimed to discuss the behavioral factors involved in social problems similar to those faced during the current pandemic situation and, from there, explore strategies that can be used to enhance the adoption of actions and interventions aimed at minimizing the effects of COVID-19 on individuals and society as a whole. Behavioral processes involved in self-control and social cooperation were identified and described as related to a greater or lesser likelihood of adhering to the emergency measures necessary to cope with the pandemic, such as social distancing, the strengthening of hygiene habits, and the use of personal protective equipment. Based on the analytical-behavioral literature, we propose nine strategies of self-control and social cooperation that are configured as non-coercive alternatives to curb the progress of the disease, allowing the health systems to adequately serve all the people who need medical care at this time.Keywords: commons dilemma; decision-making; delay discounting; probability discounting; social discounting.A pandemia de COVID-19 se configura como um desafio global sem precedentes, cujos impactos sobre os sistemas de saúde ao redor do mundo podem ser caracterizados como uma espécie de tragédia dos comuns, na qual o número de pessoas adoecidas ao mesmo tempo pode superar rapidamente o número de equipamentos hospitalares e a quantidade de profissionais capacitados para prestar os atendimentos necessários. O presente trabalho teve como objetivo discorrer sobre os fatores comportamentais envolvidos em problemas sociais semelhantes aos enfrentados durante a atual situação de pandemia e, a partir disso, explorar estratégias que podem ser utilizadas para potencializar a adoção de ações e intervenções voltadas para minimizar os efeitos da COVID-19 sobre os indivíduos e sobre a sociedade como um todo. Processos comportamentais envolvidos no autocontrole e na cooperação social foram identificados e descritos como relacionados com uma maior ou menor probabilidade de adesão às medidas protetivas necessárias para o enfrentamento da pandemia, tais como o distanciamento social, o fortalecimento de hábitos de higiene e o uso de equipamentos de proteção individual. Com base na literatura analítico-comportamental, foram propostas nove estratégias de autocontrole e cooperação social que se configuram como alternativas não-coercitivas para se frear o avanço da doença, de modo a permitir que os sistemas de saúde atendam adequadamente todas as pessoas que precisem de cuidados médicos nesse momento.Palavras-chave: dilema dos comuns; tomada de decisão; desvalorização pelo atraso; desvalorização pela probabilidade; desvalorização social

    Labor psicológica en la Institución Educativa Privada “Divino Sembrador” de San Juan de Lurigancho

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    El presente Informe por Experiencia Profesional está orientado al área de la Psicología Educativa, donde se realizó la labor de Bachiller en Psicología en la I.E Divino Sembrador, teniendo a cargo alumnos del nivel primaria hasta 5º año de secundaria; quienes fueron atendidos mediante los casos derivados por el profesor o tutor, a solicitud de los Padres de Familia y casos detectados en las evaluaciones grupales. El proceso de abordaje de los casos psicológicos, se realizó mediante el siguiente orden: Técnicas de Observación y Entrevista, Evaluación, presunción diagnóstica y derivación a centros especializados. Seguidamente se asumió la función Preventiva a través de charlas, boletines las mismas que fueron dirigidas para los alumnos y Padres de Familia en reuniones distintas: Programas Escuela para Padres, taller de Orientación Sexual, habilidades sociales, hábitos de estudio, orientación vocacional (Según el plan de trabajo). También se realizaron acciones curriculares y extracurriculares tales como la función de tutor de un aula, docente de la asignatura de Psicología en el tercer, cuarto y quinto año. Asimismo, participación y ejecución de programas cívico-patriótico-cultural y sociales que tienen propósitos de integración a la comunidad Educativa

    Evolución Del BTC En Colombia Y Sus Sistemas De Inversión En La Ciudad De Duitama

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    Resumen El uso de criptomonedas en especial el bitcoin, ha tenido gran auge y fuerza en los últimos años, convirtiéndose en una alternativa de pago dentro de los comercios tradicionales. No obstante, es una moneda digital que aún no ha sido aceptada dentro de la economía o finanzas del país, por lo cual, se mantiene dentro de la especulación de muchas personas en el momento de invertir a través de estas criptomonedas. Esta monografía es originada desde la investigación y profundización de algunos autores, buscando conocer la evolución que ha tenido el bitcoin, y cómo dicha evolución en las finanzas ha conllevado a la innovación del sistema financiero de Colombia y del mundo entero. Diversos sistemas de inversión permitieron evidenciar algunos resultados existentes en Colombia, dichos resultados le servirán al lector para encontrar más información referente al tema de investigación, y que posiblemente aún es desconocida.Abstract The use of cryptocurrencies, especially bitcoin, has had great boom and strength in recent years, becoming a payment alternative within traditional businesses. However, it is a digital currency that has not yet been accepted within the economy or finances of the country, therefore, it remains within the speculation of many people at the time of investing through these cryptocurrencies. This monograph is originated from the investigation and deepening of some authors, seeking to know the evolution that bitcoin has had, and how this evolution in finance has led to the innovation of the financial system of Colombia and the entire world. Various investment systems made it possible to show some existing results in Colombia, these results will help the reader to find more information regarding the research topic, which is possibly still unknown

    Respuestas ecológicas de las diatomeas epilíticas y macrófitos acuáticos a la contaminación producida por una piscifactoría en un río español

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    We examined the ecological responses of epilithic diatoms and aquatic macrophytes to organic pollution and nutrient enrichment caused by a trout farm effluent in the upper Tajuña River (Guadalajara, Spain). Four sampling sites were selected over the study area: one site (S-1) placed upstream from the trout farm was used as a reference station; sampling sites S-2, S-3 and S-4 were set, respectively, about 10, 100 and 1000 metres downriver of the trout farm outlet. The river bottom was mainly stony with cobbles and pebbles at S-1, S-3 and S-4, but at S-2 it was covered by a thick layer of organic sediment. Although some macrophyte species (Apium nodiflorum, Groenlandia densa) were either absent or fewer downstream of the farm, abundance (% coverage) and diversity (number of species) for the aquatic macrophyte community as a whole increased. In contrast, epilithic diatoms were completely absent at S-2, and some species (Diploneis parma, Fragilaria ulna, Gomphonema angustatum, Nitzschia dissipata) were also absent at S-3 and S-4. Indeed, diatom diversity (number of species) was lower at S-3 and S-4 than at S-1. However, diatom abundance (cells/cm2) was higher at S-3 and S-4 than at S-1. Biological indices for diatoms (IBD, TDI) indicated a better water quality at S-1 than at S-3 and S-4, with a clear tendency to improve with distance from the fish farm. In contrast, biological indices of macrophytes (IM, IVAMG) indicated a similar water quality at S-1, S-3 and S-4, but with bad water quality at S-2. We conclude that epilithic diatoms may be more useful than aquatic macrophytes for biological monitoring of fish farm pollution in fluvial ecosystems. However, as historical and seasonal factors may be relevant to understanding the distribution, abundance and diversity of primary producers in running waters, further studies on long-term seasonal changes are needed to improve the use of macrophyte and diatom indices in assessing fish farm pollution.En este trabajo examinamos las respuestas ecológicas de las diatomeas epilíticas y los macrófitos acuáticos a la contaminación orgánica y por nutrientes producida por el vertido de una piscifactoría situada en el tramo alto del río Tajuña (Guadalajara, España). Se seleccionaron cuatro puntos de muestreo a lo largo del área de estudio: uno aguas arriba de la piscifactoría empleado como punto control (S-1); los puntos S-2, S-3 y S-4 se ubicaron a 10, 100 y 1000 m aguas abajo del punto de vertido, respectivamente. El lecho del río era principalmente rocoso, con guijarros y cantos rodados en S-1, S-3 y S-4, pero en S-2 estaba cubierto por una gruesa capa de sedimento orgánico. Pese a que algunas especies de macrófitos (Apium nodiflorum, Groenlandia densa) resultaron ausentes o vieron reducidas sus abundancias aguas abajo del vertido, la abundancia (% covertura) y la diversidad (número de especies) del total de la comunidad de macrófitos acuáticos aumentó. En oposición a esto, las diatomeas epilíticas desaparecieron completamente en S-2, y algunas especies (Diploneis parma, Fragilaria ulna, Gomphonema angustatum, Nitzschia dissipata) también resultaron ausentes en S-3 y S-4. De hecho, la diversidad de diatomeas (número de especies) fue menor en S-3 y S-4 que en S-1. No obstante, la abundancia de diatomeas (células/ cm2) fue superior en S-3 y S-4 que en S-1. Los índices biológicos de diatomeas (IBD, TDI) indicaron una mejor calidad del agua en S-1 que en S-3 y S-4, con una tendencia clara a mejorar con la distancia a la piscifactoría. En contraste, los índices biológicos de macrófitos (IM, IVAM-G) indicaron una calidad del agua similar en S-1, S-3 y S-4, pero con una mala calidad del agua en S-2. Es concluido que las diatomeas epilíticas pueden ser más útiles que los macrofitos acuáticos para la monitorización biológica de la contaminación causada por las piscifactorías en los ecosistemas fluviales. No obstante, debido a que factores históricos y estacionales pueden ser relevantes para entender la distribución, abundancia y diversidad de los productores primarios en las aguas corrientes, estudios posteriores son necesarios para mejorar el uso de los índices de diatomeas y macrófitos para valorar la contaminación producida por las piscifactorías