1,072 research outputs found

    Esofagitis eosinofilíca ¿otra forma clínica de polinosis?

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    La esofagitis eosinofílica es una enfermedad emergente en nuestro medio, en la que se produce una inflamación inmunoalérgica crónica a nivel del esófago, que ocasiona una disfunción esofágica y se caracteriza por un infiltrado de eosinófilos a nivel del esófago. Constituye la principal causa de disfagia en niños y adultos jóvenes. Se considera que está producida por reacciones de hipersensibilidad tipo I (IgE) y tipo IV (Th2) que serían desencadenadas por alimentos o aeroalérgenos, sin ser mutuamente excluyentes. Se pretende revisar los últimos avances en el conocimiento de su fisiopatología y valorar el papel de aeroalérgenos como el polen en su etiopatogenia. Hay numerosas evidencias que indican que los aeroalérgenos podrían ser los responsables de la clínica de muchos pacientes afectos de EE. Aquellos pacientes sensibilizados frente al polen podrían beneficiarse de un tratamiento con inmunoterapia específica dirigida, al igual que lo hacen pacientes con rinitis alérgica o asma. Se debe seguir investigando en métodos preventivos y terapéuticos más seguros y eficaces para frenar esta patología en crecimientoGrado en Medicin

    Rasgos sedimentarios indicadores de inestabilidad causada por actividad tectónica sismogenética. Las cuencas neogénas de las minas de Hellín y Cenajo (Prebético Externo, SE de España)

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    Las sucesiones estratigráficas que constituyen el relleno de las cuencas neógenas de Las Minas de Hellín y Cenajo presentan numerosas evidencias de eventos derivados de inestabilidad tectónica. Son abundantes las estructuras de deformación sedimentaria a pequeña y mediana escala, como inyecciones de arena en filones, estructuras en champiñón, niveles de mezcla, laminación varvada disturbada y otras, que son interpretadas como respuesta a la actividad sísmica (sismitas). Aparte de estas estructuras, se reconocen depósitos resedimentados de gran escala, tales como macrobrechas y deslizamientos (slumps) de escala métrica a decamétrica, que también fueron debidos a movimientos sísmicos que afectaron a las cuencas durante su relleno. Otro aspecto considerado es la presencia de montículos carbonáticos parcialmente silicificados dentro de la sucesión estratigráfica de la Cuenca de Las Minas de Hellín, cuyo desarrollo estuvo estrechamente ligado a fallas a través de las cuales tuvo lugar la entrada de aguas termales

    Performance of random linear coding over multiple error-prone wireless links

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    In this letter we derive an exact formulation for the performance of Random Linear Coding (RLC) when applied over multiple wireless links. We combine this technique with UDP so as to offer a reliable communication service . We extend a previous result, which only considered one single link, to embrace both multiple sources as well as varying quality of wireless links. We establish the number of excess packets that are required to successfully accomplish the communication and, based on the Bianchi model, we calculate the achieved throughput. We also propose a context-aware probabilistic transmission scheme that leads to a relevant performance gain. We use a thorough simulation-based study over the ns-3 framework to assess the validity of the proposed model and to broaden the corresponding analysis.This work has been supported by the Spanish Government by its funding through the project COSAIF, “Connectivity as a Service: Access for the Internet of the Future” (TEC2012-38754-C02-01)

    Exploiting sparse coding: A sliding window enhancement of a random linear network coding scheme

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    Random Linear Network Coding (RLNC) is a technique that provides several benefits. For instance, when applied over wireless mesh networks, it can be exploited to ease routing solutions as well as to increase the robustness against packet losses. Nevertheless, the complexity of the decoding process and the required overhead might jeopardize its performance. There is a trade-off when deciding the field and block sizes; larger values decrease the probability of transmitting linearly dependent packets, but they also increase both the required overhead and the decoding complexity. In order to overcome these limitations, we propose a sliding window enhancement; a fixed number of packets (fewer than the block size) is combined within every transmission, and the decoding process can therefore take advantage of the algebra with sparse matrices. The paper presents an analytical model, which is first validated and later broaden by means of an extensive simulation campaign carried out over the ns-3 simulator.This work has been supported by the Spanish Government by its funding through the project COSAIF, “Connectivity as a Service: Access for the Internet of the Future” (TEC2012-38754-C02-01)

    Objective assessment of Attention-Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) using an infinite runner-based computer game: A pilot study

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    This article belongs to the Special Issue New Advances in Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD).In the last few years, several computerized tasks have been developed to increase the objectivity of the diagnosis of attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD). This article proposes the 'running raccoon' video game to assess the severity of inattention in patients diagnosed with ADHD. Unlike existing tests, the proposed tool is a genuine video game in which the patient must make a raccoon avatar jump to avoid falling into different gaps. The distance to the gap is recorded for each jump. To evaluate the proposed game, an experiment was conducted in which 32 children diagnosed with ADHD participated. For each participant, the median and interquartile range of these distances were calculated, along with the number of omissions. Experimental results showed a significant correlation between the participants' inattention (measured by the Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder Symptoms and Normal Behavior rating scale (SWAN) inattention subscale) with each of these three measures. In addition to its accuracy, other benefits are its short duration and the possibility of being run on both standard computers and mobile devices. These characteristics facilitate its acceptance in clinical environments or even its telematic use. The obtained results, together with the characteristics of the video game, make it an excellent tool to support clinicians in the diagnosis of ADHD.This research was partially funded by the Spanish National Project, grant number RTI2018-101857-B-I00

    Appraisal of the suitability of two-stage extraction process by combining compressed fluid technologies of polar lipid fractions from chia seed

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    Although triacylglycerols (TAG) are the major constituents of chia oil, it also contains minor lipid fractions that include phospholipids (PL) among other desirable components. Its amphiphilic character and excellent biocompatibility make PL appropriate for numerous applications with technological and nutritional significanceand potential health benefits. Given the difficulties entailed by the PL isolation, the efficiency for extracting such compounds using two environmental friendly techniques, pressurized liquid extraction (PLE) and supercritical fluid extraction (SFE) was evaluated. By using PLE with food-grade ethanol (EtOH), an oil recovery close to 100% was achieved in just 10 min. This oil extract was particularly rich in α-linolenic acid (ALA; 70%) as compared to the oil extracted by SFE (56%). In the case of SFE, the oil recovery was only 87% but increased to 99% when ethanol was added to CO2. However the use of co-solvent did not affect the fatty acid profile of the supercritical extracts or their TAG composition, where the high molecular weight TAG species were the predominant in all cases. With the exception of SFE without co-solvent, all methods applied were capable of extracting the PL fraction, although the content and distribution of the individual components present in this fraction differed markedly depending on the extraction conditions used. In this context, the use of a sequential extraction process, combining SFE and PLE was particularly interesting. The re-extraction by PLE of the chia cake, previously defatted by SFE, allowed to obtain an oil extract highly enriched in PLs, whose content exceeded 16% and with a higher PL species than the rest of the oil extractsThis study was supported in part by grants from the Spanish Ministry of Science, Innovation and Universities, Spain (AGL2017-87884 MINECO/AEI/FEDER, UE); by the Comunidad de Madrid through the B Programa de Actividades en Tecnologías, Spain (ALIBIRD-CM S2013/ABI-2728

    Providing reliable services over wireless networks using a low overhead random linear coding scheme

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    In this work, we propose a novel intra-flow network coding solution, which is based on the combination of a low overhead Random Linear Coding (RLC) scheme and UDP, to offer a reliable communication service. In the initial protocol specification, the required overhead could be rather large and this had an impact over the observed performance. We therefore include an improvement to reduce such overhead, by decreasing the header length. We describe an analytical model that can be used to assess the performance of the proposed scheme. We also use an implementation within the ns-3 framework to assess the correctness of this model and to broaden the analysis, considering different performance indicators and more complex network topologies. In all cases, the proposed solution clearly outperforms a more traditional approach, in which the TCP protocol is used as a means to offer a reliable communication service.This work has been supported by the Spanish Government by its funding through the project COSAIF, “Connectivity as a Service: Access for the Internet of the Future” (TEC2012-38754-C02-01)

    TCP performance enhancement over wireless mesh networks by means of the combination of multi-RAT devices and the MPTCP protocol

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    The last trends at communications realms, in particular, wireless technologies, where it is more and more usual that devices carry more than one interface (i.e. multi-RAT, Radio Access Technology), to get access to the Internet, question the classic single-path paradigm, imposed by the mainstream transport protocol, TCP. In this work we assess the behavior of Multipath TCP (MPTCP), which allows the transparent breakdown of a single TCP session into multiple simultaneous subflows. This straightforward feature might lead to remarkable performance enhancements, yielding as well a stronger resilience against failures within any of the routes. Moreover, we evaluate three different routing algorithms (link, node and zone disjoint) that aim to discover the optimal route configuration of disjoint paths over a Wireless Mesh Network (WMN), exploiting the possibilities arisen by this brand new protocol. We use the obtained results to evaluate, by means of simulation, the behavior of the MPTCP protocol, showing that the aggregated performance is significatively higher than that of achieved by the traditional single-path and single-flow TCP.The authors would like to express their gratitude to the Spanish government for its funding in the project “Connectivity as a Service: Access for the Internet of the Future”, COSAIF (TEC2012-38574-C02-01)

    Accurate Prediction of Children's ADHD Severity Using Family Burden Information: A Neural Lasso Approach

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    The deep lasso algorithm (dlasso) is introduced as a neural version of the statistical linear lasso algorithm that holds benefits from both methodologies: feature selection and automatic optimization of the parameters (including the regularization parameter). This last property makes dlasso particularly attractive for feature selection on small samples. In the two first conducted experiments, it was observed that dlasso is capable of obtaining better performance than its non-neuronal version (traditional lasso), in terms of predictive error and correct variable selection. Once that dlasso performance has been assessed, it is used to determine whether it is possible to predict the severity of symptoms in children with ADHD from four scales that measure family burden, family functioning, parental satisfaction, and parental mental health. Results show that dlasso is able to predict parents’ assessment of the severity of their children’s inattention from only seven items from the previous scales. These items are related to parents’ satisfaction and degree of parental burden.This research has been partially supported by the Spanish National Project No. RTI2018-101857-B-I00. This research was also partly financed by the Community of Madrid in the framework of the multi-annual agreement with the University Carlos III Madrid in its line of action Excellence for University Teaching Staff. They are established within the framework of the V Regional Plan for Scientific Research and Technological Innovation 2016–2020