19 research outputs found

    Professional Reasoning in Occupational Therapy: a scoping review

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    [Abstract] Background/Aim. Professional reasoning in occupational therapy is the process used by practitioners to plan, direct, perform, and reflect on client care. The professional’s ability to manage the process of the intervention is structured around it, thereby influencing the effectiveness of the work carried out. The objectives of this research were to identify and describe (a) the historical development of this area of research from 1982 to 2017 and (b) the nature and volume of the scientific literature on professional reasoning in occupational therapy and the evidence that exists today. Methods. A scoping review method was used to carry out an historical mapping of research on professional reasoning and to summarise the lines of research explored to date. The review was conducted in five stages following the PRISMA guidelines. After applying the selection criteria, the search identified 303 references. Results. The results are presented under three headings: (a) nature and volume of publications on professional reasoning in occupational therapy according to number and year of publications, journal, country, author, and line of research; (b) historical trends in the scientific literature on professional reasoning in occupational therapy since 1982; and (c) methodological aspects of the research. Each of them is discussed through statistical analysis. Conclusions. The research about professional reasoning in occupational therapy is a field of empirical nature, in which qualitative studies predominate. Principal lines of research are focused on specific fields of practice, undergraduates, and theoretical aspects of professional reasoning. There were identified three historical phases with common features in terms of objectives and research methods

    A Q-Method Approach to Perceptions of Professional Reasoning in Occupational Therapy Undergraduates

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    [Abstract] Background. Professional reasoning provides a firm basis for the development of teaching and assessment strategies to support the acquisition of skills by healthcare students. Nevertheless, occupational therapy educators should use diverse methods of learning assessment to examine student learning outcomes more fully with an evaluation that supports the overall complexity of the process, particularly learners’ subjective experience. The aim of this article is to identify the range of perspectives among occupational therapy undergraduates regarding terms or concepts that are key for improving their professional reasoning. Methods. Q-methodology was used to address the aim of the study. A concourse relating to a series of ideas, phrases, terminology, and concepts associated with various studies on professional reasoning in occupational therapy, specifically on students in this field, was generated. The terms that had the clearest evidence, the most relevance or the greatest number of citations in the literature were collected (n = 37). The P-set was assembled by non-probabilistic sampling for convenience. It comprised undergraduate university students in occupational therapy. Factor analysis was conducted using Ken-Q Analysis v.1.0.6, reducing the number of Q-sets to smaller groups of factors representing a common perspective. Results. Through statistical analysis of the Q-sorts of 37 occupational therapy students, 8 default factors were identified. The four factors in accordance with the selection criteria were rotated by varimax rotation to identify variables that could be grouped together. Each viewpoint was interpreted, discussed and liked to different aspects of professional reasoning in occupational therapy. Conclusions. The observed perceptions were linked to the various aspects of professional reasoning that have been widely discussed in the occupational therapy literature. For most of the students, there was a strong correspondence between the narrative, interactive and conditional aspects of the various components

    El análisis de la actividad como herramienta de intervención en terapia ocupacional

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    El análisis de la actividad es una herramienta fundamental dentro de la Terapia Ocupacional, ya que aporta conocimiento específico de los requerimientos y características de la misma. Esto hace posible que estos profesionales puedan facilitar o promover el desempeño autónomo de personas con diferentes dificultades. Por este motivo, se considera uno de los contenidos básicos a impartir dentro de los títulos de grado que habilitan a estos profesionales y resulta relevante conocer cómo se está llevando a cabo, ya que repercute en las intervenciones realizadas con diferentes usuarios del servicio. Con este objetivo, se realizó una consulta sobre el conocimiento y uso de esta herramienta a tres colectivos: terapeutas ocupacionales formados en España, alumnos y docentes actuales del grado en terapia ocupacional en España. Este aportó información de interés para favorecer estrategias que proporcionen un mayor conocimiento de la ocupación por parte de este colectivo y con ello, promover el crecimiento de la profesión y la identidad ocupacional de los terapeutas ocupacionales


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    The social aspects of medicine and the perspective of rehabilitation in my work as a physician, professor and researcher have focused on disability and its circumstances. It was the year 1983 when I first met Ana Vicente, at that time occupational therapist at a nursing home in Cáceres; since then and until now, well strictly speaking until last year, I’ve been in contact with occupational therapists, in my role as a physician as well as a professor and researcher. I hope I have always made them clear my interest in knowing what drives them, with the certainty that we are all part of the same thing and that all parts are intimately related, and what happens in one of them has an effect upon the others.Desde mi interés sobre la vertiente social de la Medicina y desde el punto de vista de la Rehabilitación mi trabajo profesional, docente e investigador se ha proyectado sobre la discapacidad y su entorno. Fue por el año 1983 cuando conocí a Da. Ana Vicente por aquel entonces Terapeuta Ocupacional en la Residencia Asistida de Cáceres; desde entonces y hasta ahora, bueno hasta hace un año he mantenido contacto con las y los terapeutas ocupacionales, desde lo profesional y desde lo docente-investigador. Creo que siempre les he trasmitido mi afición por conocer que es lo que nos impulsa, en la certeza de que somos un todo donde las partes están tan íntimamente relacionadas que lo que ocurre en una de ellas tiene repercusión en las otras

    Terapia ocupacional y su papel en atención temprana: revisión sistemática.

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    Introduction: In children with developmental disorders, or at risk of suffering from them, the moment of detection and initiation of the intervention will determine their evolution. Early Intervention services are responsible for this, providing comprehensive care of the child, the family and the environment, using a multidisciplinary team approach. Objective: The present paper aims to prove that the figure of the Occupational Therapist is an essential part of the professional team working with pediatric population requiring of Early Intervention. Methodology: It contains a bibliographic review of the current literature of interest, by searching through different scientific databases (PsycINFO y PubMed). Results and Discussion: The results present updated information on the occupational therapists’ approach in Early Intervention, showing the effectiveness of their interventions in this population. Conclusions: Conclusion shows the importance of considering Occupational Therapy as one of the fundamental pillars of the professional teams that make up the Early Intervention services and the need to know the best available evidence at present to improve the quality of interventions. Thus, the development of literature to support Evidence-Based Practice in Occupational Therapy will be indispensable for the recognition of the profession.Introducción: En los niños con trastornos en el desarrollo, o en riesgo de padecerlos, será determinante el momento de detección e inicio de la intervención para su evolución. Los servicios de Atención Temprana se encargan de proporcionar estas actuaciones, mediante la atención global dirigida al niño, a la familia y al entorno, a través del abordaje de un equipo multidisciplinar. Objetivo: El presente trabajo tiene el objetivo de demostrar que la figura del Terapeuta Ocupacional debe formar parte del equipo de profesionales que trabaja con la población pediátrica que requiere Atención Temprana. Metodología: Se realiza una revisión bibliográfica de la literatura actual de interés, mediante la búsqueda en diferentes bases de datos científicas (PsycINFO y PubMed). Resultados y Discusión: Los resultados presentan información actualizada sobre el abordaje del terapeuta ocupacional en Atención Temprana, mostrando la eficacia de sus intervenciones en esta población. Conclusiones: Como conclusión se muestra la importancia de considerar la Terapia Ocupacional como uno de los pilares fundamentales de dichos equipos de profesionales que componen los servicios de Atención Temprana y la necesidad de conocer la mejor evidencia disponible en la actualidad para mejorar la calidad de las intervenciones. Por lo que, el desarrollo de literatura que apoye la Práctica Basada en la Evidencia de la Terapia Ocupacional será imprescindible para el reconocimiento de la profesión

    Estudio comparativo entre el desarrollo manipulativo y gestual en el inicio del lenguaje

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    Objective: The main objective of this study is to show the relation among the motor and linguistic characteristics during child development Methods: A quasi-experimental study was carried out through two-dimensional and three-dimensional images. The child’s gesture, manipulative and oral responses were registered during this study. Results: The results showed evidence that the deictic gesture helps the acquisition of words, being the combination of both a precedent to the expression of two words related to each other. Besides, it was observed that the manipulation of the environment surrounding the child caused an alteration in the elocution of the child. Conclusions: This relationship observed in the stages of child development could have great relevance in child caring, in design of learning or in design of treatments for different pathologies related to motor development and language.Objetivo: Demostrar la relación entre estas características motrices y las lingüísticas durante el desarrollo infantil. Métodos: Se llevó a cabo un estudio cuasi-experimental, a través de imágenes en dos dimensiones y en tres dimensiones, registrando las respuestas gestuales, manipulativas y orales. Resultados: Mostraron evidencias de que el gesto deíctico ayuda a la adquisición de palabras, siendo la combinación de ambos un precedente a la expresión de dos palabras relacionadas entre sí. Además, se observó que la manipulación del medio que rodea al niño provocó una alteración en la elocución de éste. Conclusión: Esta relación observada en las fases del desarrollo infantil podría tener gran relevancia en el cuidado del niño, diseño de aprendizajes o el diseño de tratamientos para diferentes patologías relacionadas con el desarrollo motriz y del lenguaje

    Estudio randomizado interdisciplinar de un programa de rehabilitación integral respiratoria en paciente oncológico con disnea

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    HYPOTHESIS: cancer in-patients who have respiratory problems under an occupational therapy and nursery respiratory rehabilitation programme will benefit in a functional level and in quality of life. OBJECTIVES: then main objective, of this study, will be to check out the efficacy of a respiratory rehabilitation programme carried out by an interdisciplinary team, formed by occupational therapists, nurses and doctors in order to improve the respiratory malfunction in cancer. MATERIAL AND METHODS: this is a prospective longitudinal experimental stratified randomization control trial in which patients are allocated in parallel studies either experimental or control group. VENUE: Oncology Medical Service of Salamanca University Hospital. OUTCOMES : the difference between the experimental group and the control group is statistically significant regarding functional level, dyspnea, inspirator y effort capacity and BODE ind ex. CONCLUSIONS: in this study, there is evidence about the efficacy of a respiratory rehabilitation programme carried out by an interdisciplinary team formed by occupational therapists, nurses and doctors in order to improve the respiratory malfunction in cancer.HIPÓTESIS: los pacientes oncológicos que presenten problemática de tipo respiratorio se beneficiarán, tanto a nivel funcional como en de calidad de vida, de la inclusión de un programa de rehabilitación integral respiratoria procedente de la perspectiva de la Terapia Ocupacional y la enfermería en el momento de ingreso hospitalario por una exacerbación de su sintomatología respiratoria.OBJETIVOS: el objetivo principal del estudio será comprobar la eficacia de un programa de rehabilitación integral respiratoria llevado a cabo desde la perspectiva de un equipo interdisciplinar conformado por terapeutas ocupacionales, enfermeras y médicos en la mejora de la problemática respiratoria referida de la enfermedad oncológica. MATERIAL Y MÉTODOS: estudio experimental, aleatorizado, estratificado, prospectivo longitudinal mediante un esquema paralelo de asignación fija con grupo experimental y grupo control. EMPLAZAMIENTO: Servicio de Oncología Médica del Complejo Asistencial Universitario de Salamanca. RESULTADOS: diferencias estadísticamente significativas entre pacientes del grupo experimental y grupo control en niveles de funcionalidad, disnea, capacidad de esfuerzo e índice BODE. CONCLUSIONES: En el estudio queda comprobada la eficacia de un programa de rehabilitación integral respiratoria llevado a cabo desde la perspectiva de un equipo interdisciplinar conformado por terapeutas ocupacionales, enfermeras y médicos en la mejora de la problemática respiratoria referida de la enfermedad oncológica