594 research outputs found

    Neutron capture on ^{205}Tl: depicting the abundance pattern of lead isotopes in s-process nucleosynthesis

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    Proposal: Neutron capture on 205Tl: depicting the abundance pattern of lead isotopes in s-process nucleosynthesisWe propose to use the TOF technique to measure the neutron capture cross section of 205Tl(n,gamma) over the full energy range of stellar interest. An accurate measurement of this cross section is needed for a complete and consistent understanding of the s-process nucleosynthesis of the heaviest nuclei which are produced in low-mass and low metallicity AGB-stars. The only previous TOF measurement has yield only a partial information, insufficient for a reliable analysis of the complex branching pattern around 205Pb and 205Tl. Furthermore, there is also a discrepancy of 40% between the two previous activation measurements made at kT=24 keV. The cross section of 205Tl(n,gamma) is particularly relevant because it affects the equilibrium that is established in some stellar conditions between the 205Tl -> 205Pb bound-state Beta-decay and the 205Pb -> 205Tl E.C. decay. This effect induces a complex interplay which influences the final s-process abundance of both nuclei. We propose to measure accurately and with high resolution the 205Tl(n,gamma) cross section by using a set of four C6D6 detectors in combination with the pulsed neutron-source of CERN n_TOF.Preprin

    Fission fragment angular distribution measurements of U-235 and U-238 at CERN n_TOF facility

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    Neutron-induced fission cross sections of U-238 and U-235 are used as standards in the fast neutron region up to 200 MeV. A high accuracy of the standards is relevant to experimentally determine other neutron reaction cross sections. Therefore, the detection efficiency should be corrected by using the angular distribution of the fission fragments (FFAD), which are barely known above 20 MeV. In addition, the angular distribution of the fragments produced in the fission of highly excited and deformed nuclei is an important observable to investigate the nuclear fission process. In order to measure the FFAD of neutron-induced reactions, a fission detection setup based on parallel-plate avalanche counters (PPACs) has been developed and successfully used at the CERN-n_TOF facility. In this work, we present the preliminary results on the analysis of new U-235(n,f) and U-238(n,f) data in the extended energy range up to 200 MeV compared to the existing experimental data.Postprint (published version

    Approaching the precursor nuclei of the third r-process peak with RIBs

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    The rapid neutron nucleosynthesis process involves an enormous amount of very exotic neutron-rich nuclei, which represent a theoretical and experimental challenge. Two of the main decay properties that affect the final abundance distribution the most are half-lives and neutron branching ratios. Using fragmentation of a primary 238U beam at GSI we were able to measure such properties for several neutron-rich nuclei from 208Hg to 218Pb. This contribution provides a short update on the status of the data analysis of this experiment, together with a compilation of the latest results published in this mass region, both experimental and theoretical. The impact of the uncertainties connected with the eta-decay rates and with beta-delayed neutron emission is illustrated on the basis of r-process network calculations. In order to obtain a reasonable reproduction of the third r-process peak, it is expected that both half-lives and neutron branching ratios are substantially smaller, than those based on FRDM+QRPA, commonly used in r-process model calculations. Further measurements around N 126 are required for a reliable modelling of the underlying nuclear structure, and for performing more realistic r-process abundance calculations.Postprint (published version

    Study of the 234U(n,f) fission fragment angular distribution at the CERN n_TOF facility

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    The angular distribution of the f ssion fragments (FFAD) produced in neutron induced reactions of actinides have been measured with a fission detection setup based on parallel-plate avalanche counters (PPACs) at the Neutron Time-Of-Flight (n_TOF) facility at CERN. The main features of the setup and preliminary results are reported here for the 234U(n,f) reaction measurement showing a high concordance with previous data, while providing new results up to 100 MeV.Postprint (published version

    Conceptual design of the BRIKEN detector: A hybrid neutron-gamma detection system for nuclear physics at the RIB facility of RIKEN

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    BRIKEN is a complex detection system to be installed at the RIB-facility of the RIKEN Nishina Center. It is aimed at the detection of heavy-ion implants, ß-particles, ¿-rays and ß-delayed neu- trons. The whole detection setup involves the Advanced Implantation Detection Array (AIDA), two HPGe Clover detectors and a large set of 166 counters of 3He embedded in a high-density polyethy- lene matrix. This article reports on a novel methodology developed for the conceptual design and optimisation of the 3He-tubes array, aiming at the best possible performance in terms of neutron detection. The algorithm is based on a geometric representation of two selected parameters of merit, namely, average neutron detection efficiency and efficiency flatness, as a function of a reduced num- ber of geometric variables. The response of the detection system itself, for each configuration, is obtained from a systematic MC-simulation implemented realistically in Geant4. This approach has been found to be particularly useful. On the one hand, due to the different types and large number of 3He-tubes involved and, on the other hand, due to the additional constraints introduced by the ancillary detectors for charged particles and gamma-rays. Empowered by the robustness of the al- gorithm, we have been able to design a versatile detection system, which can be easily re-arranged into a compact mode in order to maximize the neutron detection performance, at the cost of the gamma-ray sensitivity. In summary, we have designed a system which shows, for neutron energies up to 1(5) MeV, a rather flat and high average efficiency of 68.6%(64%) and 75.7%(71%) for the hybrid and compact modes, respectively. The performance of the BRIKEN system has been also quantified realistically by means of MC-simulations made with different neutron energy distributions.Postprint (published version

    Development of a Quantitative Descriptive Sensory Honey Analysis: Application to Eucalyptus and Clover Honeys

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    Abstract: Sensory analysis of bee honey is an important tool for determining its floral origin, for subsequent quality control practices and which ultimately will determine consumer preferences towards this product. A procedure for the selection, training and monitoring of assessors was applied. Unifloraleucalyptus and clover honeys produced in Argentine were assessed using descriptive quantitative analysis. The sensory profiles differentiated clover honey (light, fruity and floral flavor with low intensity) from eucalyptus honey (more intense flavors, vegetable notes, aromatic, warm, small crystals with a high tendency to quick crystallization in mass). The analysis by principal components showed higher intensities of sweetness and smell for eucalyptus honeys and graininess for clover honeys. These appropriate indicators of quality provide a differentiating tool to increase the added value of these honeys

    Papel del médico de familia en el diagnóstico concomitante de mieloma y amiloidosis primaria en una misma paciente. Caso clínico

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    Multiple Myeloma is a myeloproliferative disorder of plasma cells, which may be complicated with secondary amyloidosis. We report a 48 year old woman consulting to primary care for weight loss and malaise. An initial laboratory study revealed a hypogammaglobulinemia with a monoclonal component and lambda light chains. These results motivated her derivation to hematology: her serum calcium was 11.8 mg/dl, immunofluorescence showed a monoclonal component of lambda chains and urine Bence-Jones protein was positive. A bone marrow biopsy confirmed plasma cell infiltration. A Congo-red stain of a rectal biopsy was positive. The patient was treated with thalidomide, bortezomid and dexamethasone

    Measurements of high-energy neutron-induced fission of (nat)Pb and (209)Bi

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    This is an Open Access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial License 3.0, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any noncommercial medium, provided the original work is properly citedThe CERN Neutron Time-Of-Flight (n_TOF) facility is well suited to measure low cross sections as those of neutron-induced fission in subactinides. The cross section ratios of (nat)Pb and (209)Bi relative to (235)U and (238)U were measured using PPAC detectors and a fragment coincidence method that allows us to identify the fission events. The present experiment provides first results for neutron-induced fission up to 1 GeV. Good agreement is found with previous experimental data below 200 MeV. The comparison with proton-induced fission indicates that the limiting regime where neutron-induced and proton-induced fission reach equal cross sections is close to 1 GeV

    Neutron capture measurements with high efficiency detectors and the Pulse Height Weighting Technique

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    Neutron capture cross section measurements in time-of-flight facilities are usually performed by detecting the prompt γ-rays emitted in the capture reactions. One of the difficulties to be addressed in these measurements is that the emitted γ-rays may change with the neutron energy, and therefore also the detection efficiency. To deal with this situation, many measurements use the so called Total Energy Detection (TED) technique, usually in combination with the Pulse Height Weighting Technique (PHWT). With it, it is sought that the detection efficiency depends only on the total energy of the γ-ray cascade, which does not vary much with the neutron energy. This technique was developed in the 1960s and has been used in many neutron capture experiments to date. One of the requirements of the technique is that γ-ray detectors have a low efficiency. This has meant that the PHWT has been used with experimental setups with low detection efficiencies. However, this condition does not have to be fulfilled by the experimental system as a whole. The main goal of this work is to show that it is possible to measure with a high efficiency detection system that uses the PHWT, and how to analyze the measured data.This work was supported in part by the I+D+i grant PGC2018- 096717-B-C21 funded by MCIN/AEI/10.13039/501100011033 and by the European Commission H2020 Framework Programme project SANDA (Grant agreement ID: 847552)