697 research outputs found

    The temporal pattern and lifestyle associations of respiratory virus infection in a cohort study spanning the first two years of life

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    Background: Respiratory virus infection is common in early childhood, and children may be symptomatic or symptom-free. Little is known regarding the association between symptomatic/asymptomatic infection and particular clinical factors such as breastfeeding as well as the consequences of such infection. Method: We followed an unselected cohort of term neonates to two years of age (220 infants at recruitment, 159 who remained in the study to 24 months), taking oral swabs at birth and oropharyngeal swabs at intervals subsequently (at 1.5, 6, 9, 12, 18 and 24 months and in a subset at 3 and 4.5 months) while recording extensive metadata including the presence of respiratory symptoms and breastfeeding status. After 2 years medical notes from the general practitioner were inspected to ascertain whether doctor-diagnosed wheeze had occurred by this timepoint. Multiplex PCR was used to detect a range of respiratory viruses: influenza (A&B), parainfluenza (1–4), bocavirus, human metapneumovirus, rhinovirus, coronavirus (OC43, 229E, NL63, HKU1), adenovirus, respiratory syncytial virus (RSV), and polyomavirus (KI, WU). Logistic regression and generalised estimating equations were used to identify associations between clinical factors and virus detection. Results: Overall respiratory viral incidence increased with age. Rhinovirus was the virus most frequently detected. The detection of a respiratory virus was positively associated with respiratory symptoms, male sex, season, childcare and living with another child. We did not observe breastfeeding (whether assessed as the number of completed months of breastfeeding or current feed status) to be associated with the detection of a respiratory virus. There was no association between early viral infection and doctor-diagnosed wheeze by age 2 years. Conclusion: Asymptomatic and symptomatic viral infection is common in the first 2 years of life with rhinovirus infection being the most common. Whilst there was no association between early respiratory viral infection and doctor-diagnosed wheeze, we have not ruled out an association of early viral infections with later asthma, and long-term follow-up of the cohort continues

    Particle approximation of the one dimensional Keller-Segel equation, stability and rigidity of the blow-up

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    We investigate a particle system which is a discrete and deterministic approximation of the one-dimensional Keller-Segel equation with a logarithmic potential. The particle system is derived from the gradient flow of the homogeneous free energy written in Lagrangian coordinates. We focus on the description of the blow-up of the particle system, namely: the number of particles involved in the first aggregate, and the limiting profile of the rescaled system. We exhibit basins of stability for which the number of particles is critical, and we prove a weak rigidity result concerning the rescaled dynamics. This work is complemented with a detailed analysis of the case where only three particles interact

    Continuous-wave Raman laser pumped within a semiconductor disk laser cavity

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    A KGd(WO4)(2) Raman laser was pumped within the cavity of a cw diode-pumped InGaAs semiconductor disk laser (SDL). The Raman laser threshold was reached for 5: 6W of absorbed diode pump power, and output power up to 0.8W at 1143nm, with optical conversion efficiency of 7.5% with respect to the absorbed diode pump power, was demonstrated. Tuning the SDL resulted in tuning of the Raman laser output between 1133 and 1157nm

    Passive mode locking of a Tm,Ho:KY(WO4)(2) laser around 2 μm

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    We report the first demonstration, to our knowledge, of passive mode locking in a Tm3+, Ho3+-codoped KYWO42 laser operating in the 2000-2060 nm spectral region. An InGaAsSb-based quantum well semiconductor saturable absorber mirror is used for the initiation and stabilization of the ultrashort pulse generation. Pulses as short as 3.3 ps were generated at 2057 nm with average output powers up to 315 mW at a pulse repetition frequency of 132 MHz for 1.15 W of absorbed pump power at 802 nm from a Ti:sapphire laser

    The one-dimensional Keller-Segel model with fractional diffusion of cells

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    We investigate the one-dimensional Keller-Segel model where the diffusion is replaced by a non-local operator, namely the fractional diffusion with exponent 0<α20<\alpha\leq 2. We prove some features related to the classical two-dimensional Keller-Segel system: blow-up may or may not occur depending on the initial data. More precisely a singularity appears in finite time when α<1\alpha<1 and the initial configuration of cells is sufficiently concentrated. On the opposite, global existence holds true for α1\alpha\leq1 if the initial density is small enough in the sense of the L1/αL^{1/\alpha} norm.Comment: 12 page

    Genetic diversity and phylogeny of Aedes aegypti, the main arbovirus vector in the Pacific

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    Background The Pacific region is an area unique in the world, composed of thousands of islands with differing climates and environments. The spreading and establishment of the mosquito Aedes aegypti in these islands might be linked to human migration. Ae. aegypti is the major vector of arboviruses (dengue, chikungunya and Zika viruses) in the region. The intense circulation of these viruses in the Pacific during the last decade led to an increase of vector control measures by local health authorities. The aim of this study is to analyze the genetic relationships among Ae. aegypti populations in this region. Methodology/Principal Finding We studied the genetic variability and population genetics of 270 Ae. aegypti, sampled from 9 locations in New Caledonia, Fiji, Tonga and French Polynesia by analyzing nine microsatellites and two mitochondrial DNA regions (CO1 and ND4). Microsatellite markers revealed heterogeneity in the genetic structure between the western, central and eastern Pacific island countries. The microsatellite markers indicate a statistically moderate differentiation (FST = 0.136; P < = 0.001) in relation to island isolation. A high degree of mixed ancestry can be observed in the most important towns (e.g. Noumea, Suva and Papeete) compared with the most isolated islands (e.g. Ouvea and Vaitahu). Phylogenetic analysis indicated that most of samples are related to Asian and American specimens. Conclusions/Significance Our results suggest a link between human migrations in the Pacific region and the origin of Ae. aegypti populations. The genetic pattern observed might be linked to the island isolation and to the different environmental conditions or ecosystems

    Local and Global Well-Posedness for Aggregation Equations and Patlak-Keller-Segel Models with Degenerate Diffusion

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    Recently, there has been a wide interest in the study of aggregation equations and Patlak-Keller-Segel (PKS) models for chemotaxis with degenerate diffusion. The focus of this paper is the unification and generalization of the well-posedness theory of these models. We prove local well-posedness on bounded domains for dimensions d2d\geq 2 and in all of space for d3d\geq 3, the uniqueness being a result previously not known for PKS with degenerate diffusion. We generalize the notion of criticality for PKS and show that subcritical problems are globally well-posed. For a fairly general class of problems, we prove the existence of a critical mass which sharply divides the possibility of finite time blow up and global existence. Moreover, we compute the critical mass for fully general problems and show that solutions with smaller mass exists globally. For a class of supercritical problems we prove finite time blow up is possible for initial data of arbitrary mass.Comment: 31 page

    Hyperbolic traveling waves driven by growth

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    We perform the analysis of a hyperbolic model which is the analog of the Fisher-KPP equation. This model accounts for particles that move at maximal speed ϵ1\epsilon^{-1} (\epsilon\textgreater{}0), and proliferate according to a reaction term of monostable type. We study the existence and stability of traveling fronts. We exhibit a transition depending on the parameter ϵ\epsilon: for small ϵ\epsilon the behaviour is essentially the same as for the diffusive Fisher-KPP equation. However, for large ϵ\epsilon the traveling front with minimal speed is discontinuous and travels at the maximal speed ϵ1\epsilon^{-1}. The traveling fronts with minimal speed are linearly stable in weighted L2L^2 spaces. We also prove local nonlinear stability of the traveling front with minimal speed when ϵ\epsilon is smaller than the transition parameter.Comment: 24 page