107 research outputs found

    Short-term effects of deep ploughing on soil C stocks following renewal of a dairy pasture in New Zealand

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    In New Zealand’s high producing permanent pastures the topsoil constitutes a large reservoir of soil organic carbon (SOC), which shows a marked stratification with depth. As consequence, sub-surface layers can contain 10 times less carbon than the surface soil. In permanent pastures with high carbon inputs, the formation and decomposition of these surface SOC stocks are often at equilibrium and C storage shows little change over time. Pastoral based dairy systems utilising ryegrass plus clover cultivars require renewal every 7-10 years to avoid reversion to less productive grasses. This may involve spring cultivation (either no-till, shallow till or full cultivation), summer forage cropping and autumn re-grassing. It has been hypothesised that SOC stocks can be increased by inverting the soil profile at pasture renewal through infrequent (once in 25-30 years) deep mouldboard ploughing (up to 30 cm depth). Increased C sequestration occurs when the new grass quickly rebuilds SOC stocks in the new topsoil (exposed low C sub-soil) at a rate faster than the decomposition of SOC in the rich former topsoil transferred to depth (now below 15 cm). However, benefits form accelerated C storage may be offset if crop and pasture production is adversely affected by the ploughing event (e.g., as result of compaction or excessive drainage). Hence, the aim of this work was to assess the short-term effects of infrequent inversion tillage of long-term New Zealand pastoral-based dairy soils under summer crop management and autumn re-grassing. An imperfectly drained Typic Fragiaqualf under dairy grazing was deep ploughed (approx. 25 cm) and re-sown with turnip in October 2016; other treatments included were shallow (< 10 cm) cultivation and no-till. The site was core sampled (0-40 cm) before cultivation and after 5 months of turnip growth to assess changes in SOC. Plant growth, herbage quality, and nutrient leaching were monitored during the 5-month period; root growth was assessed at the end of the crop rotation. Full cultivation transferred SOC below 10 cm depth, as expected. Soil bulk density decreased whereas root mass increased (10-20 cm depth; P < 0.05) under deep cultivation only. Besides, losses of mineral N were attenuated under deep tillage, resulting in a relative increase in crop yield. The potential for infrequent inversion tillage increasing soil C sequestration as a greenhouse gas (GHG) mitigation tool is currently being tested at other sites in New Zealand

    Limits on the quiescent radio emission from the black hole binaries GRO J1655-40 and XTE J1550-564

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    We present the results of radio observations of the black hole binaries GRO J1655-40 and XTE J1550-564 in quiescence, with the upgraded Australia Telescope Compact Array. Neither system was detected. Radio flux density upper limits (3 sigma) of 26 micro Jy (at 5.5 GHz), 47 micro Jy (at 9 GHz) for GRO J1655-40, and 1.4 mJy (at 1.75 GHz), 27 micro Jy (at 5.5 GHz), 47 micro Jy (at 9 GHz) for XTE J1550-564 were measured. In conjunction with quasi-simultaneous Chandra X-ray observations (in the case of GRO J1655-40) and Faulkes Telescope optical observations (XTE J1550-564) we find that these systems provide the first evidence of relatively `radio quiet' black hole binaries at low luminosities; indicating that the scatter observed in the hard state X-ray:radio correlation at higher luminosities may also extend towards quiescent levels.Comment: Accepted for publication in MNRA

    Parsec-Scale Bipolar X-ray Shocks Produced by Powerful Jets from the Neutron Star Circinus X-1

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    We report the discovery of multi-scale X-ray jets from the accreting neutron star X-ray binary, Circinus X-1. The bipolar outflows show wide opening angles and are spatially coincident with the radio jets seen in new high-resolution radio images of the region. The morphology of the emission regions suggests that the jets from Circinus X-1 are running into a terminal shock with the interstellar medium, as is seen in powerful radio galaxies. This and other observations indicate that the jets have a wide opening angle, suggesting that the jets are either not very well collimated or precessing. We interpret the spectra from the shocks as cooled synchrotron emission and derive a cooling age of approximately 1600 yr. This allows us to constrain the jet power to be between 3e35 erg/s and 2e37 erg/s, making this one of a few microquasars with a direct measurement of its jet power and the only known microquasar that exhibits stationary large-scale X-ray emission.Comment: 5 pages, 4 figures, to be published in the Astrophysical Journal Letter

    The first resolved imaging of milliarcsecond-scale jets in Circinus X-1

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    We present the first resolved imaging of the milliarcsecond-scale jets in the neutron star X-ray binary Circinus X-1, made using the Australian Long Baseline Array. The angular extent of the resolved jets is ~20 milliarcseconds, corresponding to a physical scale of ~150 au at the assumed distance of 7.8 kpc. The jet position angle is relatively consistent with previous arcsecond-scale imaging with the Australia Telescope Compact Array. The radio emission is symmetric about the peak, and is unresolved along the minor axis, constraining the opening angle to be less than 20 degrees. We observe evidence for outward motion of the components between the two halves of the observation. Constraints on the proper motion of the radio-emitting components suggest that they are only mildly relativistic, although we cannot definitively rule out the presence of the unseen, ultra-relativistic (Lorentz factor >15) flow previously inferred to exist in this system.Comment: Accepted for publication in MNRAS Letters. 6 pages, 4 figure

    Effect of water models on transmembrane self-assembled cyclic peptide nanotubes

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    Self-assembling cyclic peptide nanotubes can form nanopores when they are inserted in lipid bilayers, acting as ion and/or water permeable channels. In order to improve the versatility of these systems, it is possible to specifically design cyclic peptides with a combination of natural and non-natural amino acids, enabling the control of the nature of the inner cavity of the channels. Here, the behavior of two types of self-assembling peptide motifs, alternating α-amino acids with γ- or δ-aminocycloalkanecarboxylic acids, is studied via molecular dynamics (MD) simulations. The behavior of water molecules in nanopores is expected to affect the properties of these channels and therefore merits detailed examination. A number of water models commonly used in MD simulations have been validated by how well they reproduce bulk water properties. However, it is less clear how these water models behave in the nanoconfined condition inside a channel. The behavior of four different water models—TIP3P, TIP4P, TIP4P/2005, and OPC—are evaluated in MD simulations of self-assembled cyclic peptide nanotubes of distinct composition and diameter. The dynamic behavior of the water molecules and ions in these designed artificial channels depends subtly on the water model used. TIP3P water molecules move faster than those of TIP4P, TIP4P/2005, and OPC. This demeanor is clearly observed in the filling of the nanotube, in water diffusion within the pore, and in the number and stability of hydrogen bonds of the peptides with water. It was also shown that the water model influences the simulated ion flux through the nanotubes, with TIP3P producing the greatest ion flux. Additionally, the two more recent models, TIP4P/2005 and OPC, which are known to reproduce the experimental self-diffusion coefficient of bulk water quite well, exhibit very similar results under the nanoconfined conditions studied here. Because none of these models have been parametrized specifically for waters confined in peptide nanotubes, this study provides a point of reference for further validationThis work was supported by the Spanish Agencia Estatal de Investigación (AEI) and the ERDF (CTQ2016-78423-R, PID2019-111126RB-100, and RTI2018-098795-A-I00) and by the Xunta de Galicia and the ERDF (ED431F 2020/05, ED431C 2017/25, and Centro singular de investigación de Galicia accreditation 2016-2019, ED431G/09). M.C. thanks Xunta de Galicia for a predoctoral fellowship (ED481A-2017/068). R.G.-F. thanks Ministerio de Ciencia, Innovación y Universidades for a Ramón y Cajal contract (RYC-2016- 20335). Research in MSPS’s group is supported by EPSRC (EP/R004722/1; EP/V010948/1) BBSRC (BB/R00126X/1) and Wellcome Trust (208361/Z/17/Z)S

    Formation of the compact jets in the black hole GX 339-4

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    Galactic black hole binaries produce powerful outflows with emit over almost the entire electromagnetic spectrum. Here, we report the first detection with the Herschel observatory of a variable far-infrared source associated with the compact jets of the black hole transient GX 339-4 during the decay of its recent 2010-2011 outburst, after the transition to the hard state. We also outline the results of very sensitive radio observations conducted with the Australia Telescope Compact Array, along with a series of near-infrared, optical (OIR) and X-ray observations, allowing for the first time the re-ignition of the compact jets to be observed over a wide range of wavelengths. The compact jets first turn on at radio frequencies with an optically thin spectrum that later evolves to optically thick synchrotron emission. An OIR reflare is observed about ten days after the onset of radio and hard X-ray emission, likely reflecting the necessary time to build up enough density, as well as to have acceleration (e.g. through shocks) along an extended region in the jets. The Herschel measurements are consistent with an extrapolation of the radio inverted power-law spectrum, but they highlight a more complex radio to OIR spectral energy distribution for the jets.Comment: Accepted for publication in MNRAS Letter, 6 pages, 3 Figures + 1 online Tabl

    Cultura Digital y documentalismo : Algunas reflexiones

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    Nuestra propuesta es presentar algunas reflexiones llevadas a cabo por el equipo de investigación en curso "Internet, cultura digital y contrahegemonía: nuevas formas de intervención militante", Instituto de investigaciones Gino Germani, Facultad de Ciencias Sociales, el cual abordó el análisis de diferentes colectivos culturales como ser arte callejero, música, T.V. y cine documental, denominados contrahegemónicos. Nos centraremos en el colectivo de cine documental, en donde lo peculiar de su discurso es mostrar a los sujetos atravesados por los conflictos sociales y que eran invisibles en otro momento histórico. Tomaremos como eje de análisis el debate entre "cultura digital" y "beligerancia cultural" pues pueden presentar puntos de contacto y de ahí partiremos al análisis de las entrevistas efectuadas a diferentes grupos en cuanto a sus orígenes, ubicación histórica, organización actual y acciones políticas. Por último aremos una descripción del festival latinoamericanos de la Clase Obrera, FELCO el cual aglutina a una gran producción de cine documental.Facultad de Humanidades y Ciencias de la Educació

    e-VLBI observations of Circinus X-1: monitoring of the quiescent and flaring radio emission on AU scales

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    A recent detection of the peculiar neutron star X-ray binary Circinus X-1 with electronic very long baseline interferometry (e-VLBI) prompted the suggestion that compact, non-variable radio emission persists through the entire 16.6-day orbit of the binary system. We present the results of a high angular resolution monitoring campaign conducted with the Australian Long Baseline Array in real-time e-VLBI mode. e-VLBI observations of Circinus X-1 were made on alternate days over a period of 20 days covering the full binary orbit. A compact radio source associated with Circinus X-1 was clearly detected at orbital phases following periastron passage but no compact radio emission was detected at any other orbital phase, ruling out the presence of a persistent, compact emitting region at our sensitivity levels. The jet was not resolved at any epoch of our 1.4-GHz monitoring campaign, suggesting that the ultrarelativistic flow previously inferred to exist in this source is likely to be dark. We discuss these findings within the context of previous radio monitoring of Circinus X-1.Comment: Accepted for publication in MNRAS. 7 pages, 5 figure

    An overview of jets and outflows in stellar mass black holes

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    In this book chapter, we will briefly review the current empirical understanding of the relation between accretion state and and outflows in accreting stellar mass black holes. The focus will be on the empirical connections between X-ray states and relativistic (`radio') jets, although we are now also able to draw accretion disc winds into the picture in a systematic way. We will furthermore consider the latest attempts to measure/order jet power, and to compare it to other (potentially) measurable quantities, most importantly black hole spin.Comment: Accepted for publication in Space Science Reviews. Also to appear in the Space Sciences Series of ISSI - The Physics of Accretion on to Black Holes (Springer Publisher
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