153 research outputs found

    Coleção de macroinvertebrados bentônicos: ferramenta para o conhecimento da biodiversidade em ecossistemas aquáticos continentais

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    Zoological collections can be considered important registries of freshwater biodiversity for academical and research activities. The objective of this study was to organize a database of the diversity of benthic indicators of water quality collected in many freshwater ecosystems. The Benthic Macroinvertebrates Reference Collection of the Laboratory Ecology of Benthos, Institute of Biological Sciences, Federal University of Minas Gerais was created in 1997. This collection comprises 16,500 registers from different lotic and lentic ecosystems in Brazil and other countries. The taxa (with one or more organisms) are preserved in tubes, glasses, and wardrobes. In the tomb notebooks are registered: the taxonomical identification, origin, collection method, number of individuals, sample number and field observations. Besides the maintenance of the Reference Collection, a database is being constructed with the benthic biodiversity information. Up to this moment, the database has almost 71,000 registers preserved in 6,000 tubes and in 174 glasses. The incorporation of new organisms to the Collection is of c. 7,100.00 (+ 7,471.67) organisms per year. The aquatic insects are the main abundant and taxonomic diverse in the Collection. Diptera, Ephemeroptera, and Trichoptera were the most numerical important groups, with respectively 37.9%, 16.7%, and 14.5%. Among the Dipterans, Chironomidae comprises 59 genera. This Reference Collection represents an important tool for knowledge of benthic biodiversity in lotic and lentic ecosystems, allowing later taxonomical identification, and the development of population dynamics and community structure studies, due to the increase deposit of knew material. Moreover, it is of paramount importance to guarantee future taxonomical, biogeographical, phylogenetical and ecological studies, using this material. Key words: benthic macroinvertebrates, scientific collection, database.As coleções zoológicas podem ser consideradas como registros fundamentais da biodiversidade aquática para o desenvolvimento de atividades de ensino e pesquisa. O objetivo deste estudo foi sistematizar em um banco de dados informações referentes a exemplares da diversidade de macroinvertebrados bentônicos indicadores de qualidade de água coletados em ecossistemas aquáticos continentais. A Coleção de Referência de Macroinvertebrados Bentônicos do Laboratório de Ecologia de Bentos do ICB/Universidade Federal de Minas Gerais (UFMG) foi iniciada em 1997 e possui, em seu acervo, exemplares coletados em vários ecossistemas lóticos e lênticos no Brasil e no exterior, alcançando, atualmente 16.500 registros. Os taxa (com um ou mais exemplares) são preservados em tubos de ensaio, potes de vidro e em armários. Nos livros de tombos são registrados: a identificação do taxon, origem, método de coleta utilizado, número de indivíduos, número da amostra e observações. Concomitantemente à manutenção da Coleção, um banco de dados vem sendo alimentado com estas informações. Até o momento, o banco de dados possui cerca 71.000 exemplares preservados em mais de 6000 registros divididos em 174 lotes. A incorporação de novos exemplares à Coleção ocorre na média de 7.100,00 (+7.471,67) organismos/ano. Os insetos aquáticos são os mais abundantes e diversificados taxonomicamente na Coleção. Diptera, Ephemeroptera, e Trichoptera foram numericamente os mais representativos, com 37,9%, 16,7% e 14,5% respectivamente. Na ordem Diptera a predominância é da família Chironomidae com 59 gêneros. O acervo depositado representa uma ferramenta para o conhecimento da biodiversidade bentônica em ecossistemas lóticos e lênticos, permitindo o aprofundamento da identificação taxonômica, além de facilitar a realização de estudos de dinâmica de populações e estrutura de comunidades devido à crescente incorporação de material. Além disso, é de fundamental importância garantir que novos estudos taxonômicos, biogeográficos, filogenéticos e ecológicos possam ser realizados no futuro, a partir da utilização deste material. Palavras-chave: macroinvertebrados bentônicos, coleção biológica, banco de dados

    Efetividade de áreas protegidas (APs) na conservação da qualidade das águas e biodiversidade aquática em sub-bacias de referência no rio das Velhas (MG)

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    The creation of protected areas is one of the most important methods for the preservation of the biodiversity. It does not necessarily mean that the creation of these areas will guarantee the proper conservation of all biodiversity. It is necessary to evaluate the site, the protection capacity and the ecological status of this environment and if the management is effective. The proper conservation and management of rivers and the maintenance of their ecological integrity are essential to preserve the biodiversity and the health of freshwater ecosystems in Brazil. In this study, we assessed the effectiveness of six protected areas in maintaining the quality of freshwater habitats and in preserving the benthic assemblages in Das Velhas river watershed. Both abiotic and biotic analysis showed that the protected areas are effective in preserving the sampling stretches of Das Velhas watershed, due to the use control and the land occupation in the surrounding areas. The results suggest that, although the protected areas do not have the conservation of freshwater biodiversity as their priority, its effective management guaranteed the preservation of benthic communities in those rivers. Key words: protected areas, benthic invertebrates, watershed, environmental management.A criação de áreas protegidas (APs) é um dos métodos mais importantes para a conservação da biodiversidade. No entanto, a criação de APs não garante necessariamente a conservação adequada da biodiversidade aquática. É necessário avaliar a localização, a capacidade de proteção e a conservação do estado ecológico desses ambientes e da efetividade das medidas de manejo implementadas. A conservação e gestão adequada de rios e a manutenção de sua integridade ecológica são fundamentais para preservar a biodiversidade e a saúde de ecossistemas aquáticos no Brasil. Neste estudo, buscamos avaliar a efetividade de seis áreas protegidas na manutenção da qualidade de hábitats aquáticos e na conservação das assembléias de macroinvertebrados bentônicos na bacia hidrográfica do rio das Velhas. Tanto a avaliação de parâmetros físico-químícos quanto de assembléias biológicas evidenciam que as áreas protegidas são eficientes em proteger os trechos amostrados na bacia do rio das Velhas, devido ao controle do uso e à ocupação do solo em suas áreas de entorno. Embora as áreas protegidas não tenham como finalidade primordial a conservação da biodiversidade de organismos aquáticos e não tenham objetivos específicos para preservação de ecossistemas lóticos, os resultados obtidos sugerem que sua gerência eficiente garantiu a proteção das assembléias bentônicas nesses rios. Palavras-chave: unidades de conservação, macroinvertebrados bentônicos, bacia hidrográfica, planejamento e gestão ambiental

    Inventário da diversidade de macroinvertebrados bentônicos no reservatório da estação ambiental de Peti, MG, Brasil

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    The aim of this study was to inventory the diversity of benthic macroinvertebrates of the reservoir of the Peti Environmental Station in Minas Gerais State through the evaluation of these communities in space and temporal scales during the rainy and dry periods from June - 2002 up to June - 2004. The Peti reservoir has almost 50 years and is used for hydropower generation. The benthic macroinvertebrates are an important tool for the evaluation of water quality and environment monitoring through inventories of diversity and data on community structure. A total of 16 taxa was found and the most abundant groups were Chaoboridae (47,51 %), the Chironomidae genera Coelotanypus (15,1%) and Chironomus (2,77%), Bivalvia (19,11%) and Oligochaeta (9,54%). There were no signifi cant variations (R = 0,1927; p >0,05) for the biotic data among the sampling stations during the studied periods. The evaluation of the distribution and structure of the benthic community showed that the quality of the reservoir’s water is preserved, because there was no predominance of bad quality indicator organisms. This situation is due to the constant oxygenation of the hypolimnion which is probably related with the reservoir operation. Key words: benthic communities, reservoir, inventory.O objetivo deste estudo foi inventariar a diversidade de macroinvertebrados bentônicos do reservatório na Estação Ambiental de Peti em uma escala espacial e temporal nos períodos de seca e chuvas entre junho de 2002 e junho de 2004. O reservatório de Peti foi construído há cerca de 50 anos com a finalidade de produção de energia elétrica. Os macroinvertebrados bentônicos são importantes na avaliação de qualidade de água e monitoramento ambiental através de inventários de diversidade e estrutura de comunidades. Foram coletados 16 táxons, sendo os grupos mais abundantes Chaoboridae (47,51%), Chironomidae dos gêneros Coelotanypus (15,1 %) e Chironomus (2,77 %), Bivalvia (19,11 %) e Oligochaeta (9,54 %). Não foram observadas diferenças significativas (R = 0,1927; p > 0,05) para os dados bióticos entre os períodos de seca e chuvas. A avaliação da distribuição e estrutura das comunidades estudadas demonstrou que a qualidade das águas do reservatório é boa, pois não houve predomínio de organismos indicadores de má qualidade. Esta situação é proporcionada pela constante oxigenação do hipolímnio, provavelmente devido ao modo de operação do reservatório. Palavras-chave: comunidades bentônicas, reservatório, inventário

    Length-dry mass regressions for Leptonema (Trichoptera, Hydropsychidae) larvae in a Neotropical headwater stream

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    Abstract: Aim The objectives of this study were to evaluate which allometric measurements of Leptonema larvae are most suitable in order to develop mathematical equations to describe biomass relationships for the population of this taxon in a reference condition headwater stream. Methods We measured four body dimensions (body length, interocular distance, horizontal width of cephalic capsule and vertical width of the cephalic capsule) of 65 Leptonema larvae, which were collected in February 2022, in the Taboões spring, Serra do Rola Moça State Park, Minas Gerais, using a Surber sampler. For the determination of allometric measurements, each individual was photographed under a dissecting stereomicroscope (Leica M80) equipped with a digital camera. Each photographed specimen's length was measured using the Motic Image Plus 2.0 software. After measuring the linear body dimension and direct measurement of the biomass, we used these values to calculate the length-mass mathematical equations. To the equations use power models: DM = a Lb, where a/b are constants, DM is the dry mass, L is the linear body dimension. Results Among body dimensions of Leptonema larvae, body length showed the greatest range of variation, with values ranging from 4.03 to 25.28 mm, followed by head capsule vertical width (0.51 - 2.69 mm), head capsule horizontal width (0.55 - 2.22 mm) and interocular distance (0.24 - 1.88 mm). Our results show that body length provided the best-fitting equation for estimating biomass (R2 = 0.90). However, we observed a close fit between the other allometric measures, including high coefficients of determination, head capsule horizontal width (R2 = 0.85), interocular distance (R2 = 0.82), head capsule vertical width (R2 = 0.78). Conclusions These results will be useful in providing the best allometric measurement and equations to estimate the biomass of Leptonema larvae from the tropics

    Defining quantitative stream disturbance gradients and the additive role of habitat variation to explain macroinvertebrate taxa richness

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    Most studies dealing with the use of ecological indicators and other applied ecological research rely on some definition or concept of what constitutes least-, intermediate- and most-disturbed condition. Currently, most rigorous methodologies designed to define those conditions are suited to large spatial extents (nations, ecoregions) and many sites (hundreds to thousands). The objective of this study was to describe a methodology to quantitatively define a disturbance gradient for 40 sites in each of two small southeastern Brazil river basins. The assessment of anthropogenic disturbance experienced by each site was based solely on measurements strictly related to the intensity and extent of anthropogenic pressures. We calculated two indices: one concerned site-scale pressures and the other catchment-scale pressures. We combined those two indices into a single integrated disturbance index (IDI) because disturbances operating at both scales affect stream biota. The local- and catchment-scale disturbance indices were weakly correlated in the two basins (r = 0.21 and 0.35) and both significantly (p \u3c 0.05) reduced site EPT (insect orders Ephemeroptera, Plecoptera, Trichoptera) richness. The IDI also performed well in explaining EPT richness in the basin that presented the stronger disturbance gradient (R2 = 0.39, p \u3c 0.001). Natural habitat variability was assessed as a second source of variation in EPT richness. Stream size and microhabitats were the key habitat characteristics not related to disturbances that enhanced the explanation of EPT richness over that attributed to the IDI. In both basins the IDI plus habitat metrics together explained around 50% of EPT richness variation. In the basin with the weaker disturbance gradient, natural habitat explained more variation in EPT richness than did the IDI, a result that has implications for biomonitoring studies. We conclude that quantitatively defined disturbance gradients offer a reliable and comprehensive characterization of anthropogenic pressure that integrates data from different spatial scales

    Anthropogenic disturbances alter the relationships between environmental heterogeneity and biodiversity of stream insects

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    Highlights • EH plays a more important role in biodiversity when anthropogenic disturbance is high. • Within a stream site, EH does not affect beta diversity of aquatic insects. • Model selection approach pinpointed the most ecologically meaningful EH metrics. • Managing EH requires knowledge of how disturbances drive biological indicators.The effects of anthropogenic disturbance on multiple facets of biodiversity are poorly understood. In this study, we worked with the hypothesis that anthropogenic disturbances affect the relationship between environmental heterogeneity (EH) and biodiversity. We used a model selection approach to test three predictions. P1: The greater the level of anthropogenic disturbance, the weaker will be the relationship between EH and both taxonomic and functional alpha diversities. P2: The sign and strength of correlations between EH metrics and both taxonomic and functional alpha diversities will depend on the level of anthropogenic disturbance. P3: Taxonomic and functional beta diversities will not respond to the EH gradient. We sampled 76 stream sites in the Brazilian Neotropical savanna and collected insect of the orders Ephemeroptera, Plecoptera and Trichoptera to measure taxonomic and functional alpha and beta diversities. For P1, we did not find a trend of decreasing strength of this relationship with increasing disturbance. Results confirmed P2. Spatial flow diversity was positively correlated to taxonomic and functional alpha diversities in least-disturbed sites. Bankfull height variation was negatively correlated to taxonomic and functional alpha diversities in moderately-disturbed sites. Thalweg depth variation was positively correlated to taxonomic and functional alpha diversities in most-disturbed sites. Results partially confirmed P3 because taxonomic and functional beta diversities correlated with EH metrics in most-disturbed sites. We conclude that the biodiversity-EH relationship is not the same at all levels of anthropogenic disturbance, a finding that has implications for biomonitoring and ecosystem management

    Fatores que determinam a estrutura e distribuição das comunidades de invertebrados bentônicos em uma bacia hidrográfica tropical

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    We used the das Velhas River basin in southeastern Brazil as a study unit to evaluate the role of various physical and chemical variables and the state of conservation in determining the structure and distribution of benthic macroinvertebrate communities. The habitats were characterized through the use of a rapid evaluation protocol, the examination of the granulometric composition of the sediments, and the precipitation in the sub-basins of the segments studied. The taxonomic structure was determined, Shannon-Wiener and Simpson diversity indexes, taxonomic richness, % EPT and % Chironomidae for the benthic assemblages. The results corroborated the importance of habitats in spatial structuring, the importance of the hydrological regime in temporal structuring, and the state of conservation as the main structuring agents of benthic macroinvertebrate assemblages. Key words: biological metrics, bioindicators, protected areas, environmental impact.Foi utilizada a bacia hidrográfica do Rio das Velhas, sudeste do Brasil, como unidade de estudo para avaliar o papel das variáveis físicas e químicas além do estado de conservação na determinação da estrutura e distribuição das comunidades de macroinvertebrados bentônicos. A caracterização dos habitats foi realizada através da utilização de um protocolo de avaliação rápida, da determinação da composição de granulométrica dos sedimentos e da precipitação nas sub-bacias hidrográficas dos segmentos estudados. Foi determinada a estrutura taxonômica das comunidades bentônicas através dos índices de diversidade de Shannon-Wiener e Simpson, além da riqueza taxonômica, % EPT e % Chironomidae. Os resultados encontrados corroboraram a importância dos habitats na estruturação espacial, do regime hidrológico na estruturação temporal e o estado de conservação como o principal agente de estruturação das comunidades de macroinvertebrados bentônicos. Palavras-chave: parâmetros biológicos, bioindicadores, áreas de proteção ambiental, impacto ambiental

    First record of Corbicula largillierti (Philippi 1844) in the Paraíba River Basin and potential implications from water diversion of the São Francisco River

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    ) em sedimentos grossos (cascalho, 2-4 mm). A transposição das águas do Rio São Francisco pode ocasionar a introdução de novas espécies exó ticas potencializando problemas ecoló gicos na bacia do Rio Paraíba