79 research outputs found

    Robustness surfaces of complex networks

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    Despite the robustness of complex networks has been extensively studied in the last decade, there still lacks a unifying framework able to embrace all the proposed metrics. In the literature there are two open issues related to this gap: (a) how to dimension several metrics to allow their summation and (b) how to weight each of the metrics. In this work we propose a solution for the two aforementioned problems by defining the R∗R^*-value and introducing the concept of \emph{robustness surface} (Ω\Omega). The rationale of our proposal is to make use of Principal Component Analysis (PCA). We firstly adjust to 1 the initial robustness of a network. Secondly, we find the most informative robustness metric under a specific failure scenario. Then, we repeat the process for several percentage of failures and different realizations of the failure process. Lastly, we join these values to form the robustness surface, which allows the visual assessment of network robustness variability. Results show that a network presents different robustness surfaces (i.e., dissimilar shapes) depending on the failure scenario and the set of metrics. In addition, the robustness surface allows the robustness of different networks to be compared.Comment: submitted to Scientific Report

    Using interdependency matrices to mitigate targeted attacks on interdependent networks: A case study involving a power grid and backbone telecommunications networks

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    Analysis of the interdependencies between interconnected critical infrastructures can help enhance the robustness of the individual infrastructures as well as the overall interconnected infrastructures. One of the most studied interdependent critical infrastructure network scenarios is a power grid connected to a backbone telecommunications network. In this interdependent infrastructure scenario, the robustness of the entire system is usually analyzed in the context of cascading failure models in the power grid. However, this paper focuses on targeted attacks, where an attack on a telecommunications network node directly affects a connected power grid node, and vice versa. Cascading failures are outside the scope of this paper because the objective is to enhance the robustness of the interconnections between the infrastructures. In order to mitigate the impacts of targeted attacks on the interdependent infrastructures, three interdependency matrices for connecting the infrastructures are specified and analyzed. The analysis identifies the interdependency matrix that best reduces the impacts of targeted attacks and the propagation of failures between the infrastructures. Additionally, the impacts of interconnecting a power grid to different telecommunications networks, each with different susceptibilities to targeted attacks, is evaluate

    Restoration in multi-domain GMPLS-based networks

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    In this paper, we evaluate the efficiency of using restoration mechanisms in a dynamic multi-domain GMPLS network. Major challenges and solutions are introduced and two well-known restoration schemes (End-to-End and Local-to-End) are evaluated. Additionally, new restoration mechanisms are introduced: one based on the position of a failed link, called Location-Based, and another based on minimizing the additional resources consumed during restoration, called Shortest-New. A complete set of simulations in different network scenarios show where each mechanism is more efficient in terms, such as, resource overbuild or recovery delayPart of this work was supported by the Government of Catalonia (DURSI SGR-1202), and by the Spanish Science and Innovation Ministry (TRION TEC2009-10724

    Enhanced Interconnection Model in Geographically Interdependent Networks

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    Interconnection between telecommunication networks and other critical infrastructures is usually established through nodes that are spatially close, generating a geographical interdependency. Previous work has shown that in general, geographically interdependent networks are more robust with respect to cascading failures when the interconnection radius (r) is large. However, to obtain a more realistic model, the allocation of interlinks in geographically interdependent networks should consider other factors. In this paper, an enhanced interconnection model for geographically interdependent networks is presented. The model proposed introduces a new strategy for interconnecting nodes between two geographical networks by limiting the number of interlinks. Results have shown that the model yields promising results to maintain an acceptable level in network robustness under cascading failures with a decrease in the number of interlinks

    Epidemic and Cascading Survivability of Complex Networks

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    Our society nowadays is governed by complex networks, examples being the power grids, telecommunication networks, biological networks, and social networks. It has become of paramount importance to understand and characterize the dynamic events (e.g. failures) that might happen in these complex networks. For this reason, in this paper, we propose two measures to evaluate the vulnerability of complex networks in two different dynamic multiple failure scenarios: epidemic-like and cascading failures. Firstly, we present \emph{epidemic survivability} (ESES), a new network measure that describes the vulnerability of each node of a network under a specific epidemic intensity. Secondly, we propose \emph{cascading survivability} (CSCS), which characterizes how potentially injurious a node is according to a cascading failure scenario. Then, we show that by using the distribution of values obtained from ESES and CSCS it is possible to describe the vulnerability of a given network. We consider a set of 17 different complex networks to illustrate the suitability of our proposals. Lastly, results reveal that distinct types of complex networks might react differently under the same multiple failure scenario

    Actualización de la Guía Española de la EPOC (GesEPOC): comorbilidades, automanejo y cuidados paliativos

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    [EN]: The current health care models described in GesEPOC indicate the best way to make a correct diagnosis, the categorization of patients, the appropriate selection of the therapeutic strategy and the management and prevention of exacerbations. In addition, COPD involves several aspects that are crucial in an integrated approach to the health care of these patients. The evaluation of comorbidities in COPD patients represents a healthcare challenge. As part of a comprehensive assessment, the presence of comorbidities related to the clinical presentation, to some diagnostic technique or to some COPD-related treatments should be studied. Likewise, interventions on healthy lifestyle habits, adherence to complex treatments, developing skills to recognize the signs and symptoms of exacerbation, knowing what to do to prevent them and treat them within the framework of a self-management plan are also necessary. Finally, palliative care is one of the pillars in the comprehensive treatment of the COPD patient, seeking to prevent or treat the symptoms of a disease, the side effects of treatment, and the physical, psychological and social problems of patients and their caregivers. Therefore, the main objective of this palliative care is not to prolong life expectancy, but to improve its quality. This chapter of GesEPOC 2021 presents an update on the most important comorbidities, self-management strategies, and palliative care in COPD, and includes a recommendation on the use of opioids for the treatment of refractory dyspnea in COPD.[ES]: Los modelos de atención sanitaria actuales descritos en GesEPOC indican la mejor manera de hacer un diagnóstico correcto, la categorización de los pacientes, la adecuada selección de la estrategia terapéutica y el manejo y la prevención de las agudizaciones. Además, en la EPOC concurren diversos aspectos que resultan cruciales en una aproximación integrada de la atención sanitaria a estos pacientes. La evaluación de las comorbilidades en el paciente con EPOC representa un reto asistencial. Dentro de una valoración integral debe estudiarse la presencia de comorbilidades que tengan relación con la presentación clínica, con alguna técnica diagnóstica o con algunos tratamientos relacionados con la EPOC. Asimismo, son necesarias intervenciones en hábitos de vida saludables, la adhesión a tratamientos complejos, desarrollar capacidades para poder reconocer los signos y síntomas de la exacerbación, saber qué hacer para prevenirlos y tratarlos enmarcados en un plan de automanejo. Finalmente, los cuidados paliativos constituyen uno de los pilares en el tratamiento integral del paciente con EPOC, con los que se buscan prevenir o tratar los síntomas de una enfermedad, los efectos secundarios del tratamiento, y los problemas físicos, psicológicos y sociales de los pacientes y sus cuidadores. Por tanto, el objetivo principal de estos cuidados paliativos no es prolongar la esperanza de vida, sino mejorar su calidad. En este capítulo de GesEPOC 2021 se presenta una actualización sobre las comorbilidades más importantes, las estrategias de automanejo y los cuidados paliativos en la EPOC, y se incluye una recomendación sobre el uso de opiáceos para el tratamiento de la disnea refractaria en la EPOC.Peer reviewe

    Enhanced fault recovery methods for protected traffic services in GMPLS networks

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    Les noves tecnologies a la xarxa ens permeten transportar, cada cop més, grans volums d' informació i trànsit de xarxa amb diferents nivells de prioritat. En aquest escenari, on s'ofereix una millor qualitat de servei, les conseqüències d'una fallada en un enllaç o en un node esdevenen més importants. Multiprotocol Lavel Switching (MPLS), juntament amb l'extensió a MPLS generalitzat (GMPLS), proporcionen mecanismes ràpids de recuperació de fallada establint camins, Label Switch Path (LSPs), redundants per ser utilitzats com a camins alternatius. En cas de fallada podrem utilitzar aquests camins per redireccionar el trànsit. El principal objectiu d'aquesta tesi ha estat millorar alguns dels actuals mecanismes de recuperació de fallades MPLS/GMPLS, amb l'objectiu de suportar els requeriments de protecció dels serveis proporcionats per la nova Internet. Per tal de fer aquesta avaluació s'han tingut en compte alguns paràmetres de qualitat de protecció com els temps de recuperació de fallada, les pèrdues de paquets o el consum de recursos.En aquesta tesi presentem una completa revisió i comparació dels principals mètodes de recuperació de fallada basats en MPLS. Aquest anàlisi inclou els mètodes de protecció del camí (backups globals, backups inversos i protecció 1+1), els mètodes de protecció locals i els mètodes de protecció de segments. També s'ha tingut en compte l'extensió d'aquests mecanismes a les xarxes òptiques mitjançant el pla de control proporcionat per GMPLS.En una primera fase d'aquest treball, cada mètode de recuperació de fallades és analitzat sense tenir en compte restriccions de recursos o de topologia. Aquest anàlisi ens dóna una primera classificació dels millors mecanismes de protecció en termes de pèrdues de paquets i temps de recuperació. Aquest primer anàlisi no és aplicable a xarxes reals. Per tal de tenir en compte aquest nou escenari, en una segona fase, s'analitzen els algorismes d'encaminament on sí tindrem en compte aquestes limitacions i restriccions de la xarxa. Es presenten alguns dels principals algorismes d'encaminament amb qualitat de servei i alguna de les principals propostes d'encaminament per xarxes MPLS. La majoria dels actual algorismes d'encaminament no tenen en compte l'establiment de rutes alternatives o utilitzen els mateixos objectius per seleccionar els camins de treball i els de protecció. Per millorar el nivell de protecció introduïm i formalitzem dos nous conceptes: la Probabilitat de fallada de la xarxa i l'Impacte de fallada. Un anàlisi de la xarxa a nivell físic proporciona un primer element per avaluar el nivell de protecció en termes de fiabilitat i disponibilitat de la xarxa. Formalitzem l'impacte d'una fallada, quant a la degradació de la qualitat de servei (en termes de retard i pèrdues de paquets). Expliquem la nostra proposta per reduir la probabilitat de fallada i l'impacte de fallada. Per últim fem una nova definició i classificació dels serveis de xarxa segons els valors requerits de probabilitat de fallada i impacte.Un dels aspectes que destaquem dels resultats d'aquesta tesi és que els mecanismes de protecció global del camí maximitzen la fiabilitat de la xarxa, mentre que les tècniques de protecció local o de segments de xarxa minimitzen l'impacte de fallada. Per tant podem assolir mínim impacte i màxima fiabilitat aplicant protecció local a tota la xarxa, però no és una proposta escalable en termes de consum de recursos. Nosaltres proposem un mecanisme intermig, aplicant protecció de segments combinat amb el nostre model d'avaluació de la probabilitat de fallada. Resumint, aquesta tesi presenta diversos mecanismes per l'anàlisi del nivell de protecció de la xarxa. Els resultats dels models i mecanismes proposats milloren la fiabilitat i minimitzen l'impacte d'una fallada en la xarxa.New network technology enables increasingly higher volumes of information to be carried. Various types of mission-critical, higher-priority traffic are now transported over these networks. In this scenario, when offering better quality of service, the consequences of a fault in a link or node become more pronounced. Multiprotocol Label Switching (MPLS) and the extended Generalized MPLS (GMPLS) provide fast mechanisms for recovery from failures by establishing redundant Label Switch Paths as backup paths. With these backups, traffic can always be redirected in case of failure. The main objective of this thesis is to improve some of the current MPLS/GMPLS fault recovery methods, in order to support the protection requirements of the new Internet services. Some parameters, such as fault recovery time, packet loss or resource consumption, all within the scope of this quality of protection, are considered. In this thesis a review and detailed comparison of the MPLS fault recovery methods are presented. Path protection methods (global backups, reverse backups and 1+1 methods), as well as segment protection and local methods are included in this analysis. The extension of these mechanisms to optical networks using GMPLS control plane is also taken into account.In the first phase MPLS fault recovery methods are analyzed without taking into account resource or network topology constraints. This analysis reported a first classification of the best protection methods in terms of packet loss and recovery time. This first analysis cannot be applied to real networks. In real networks, bandwidth or network topology constraints can force a change in the a priori optimal protection choice. In this new scenario, current routing algorithms must be analyzed. The main aspects of the QoS routing methods are introduced, and some of these mechanisms are described and compared. QoS routing algorithms do not include protection as a main objective and, moreover, the same QoS objectives for selecting the working path are used for selecting the backup path. In order to evaluate the quality of protection, two novel concepts are introduced and analyzed: the network failure probability and the failure impact. The physical network provides an initial value of the network protection level in terms of network reliability and availability. A proposal to evaluate network reliability is introduced, and a formulation to calculate the failure impact (the QoS degradation in terms of packet loss and delay) is presented. A proposal to reduce the failure probability and failure impact as well as the enhancement of some current routing algorithms in order to achieve better protection are explained. A review of the traffic services protection requirements and a new classification, based on the failure probability and failure impact values, is also provided in this work.Results show that path protection schemes improve network reliability. Segment/local protection schemes reduce the network failure impact. Minimum impact with maximum reliability can be achieved using local protection throughout the entire network. However, it is not scalable in terms of resource consumption. In this case our failure probability evaluation model can be used to minimize the required resources. Results demonstrate the reduction of the failure impact combining segment protection and our network reliability evaluation model in different network scenarios.In summary, an in-depth analysis is carried out and a formulation to evaluate the network protection level is presented. This evaluation is based on network reliability maximization and failure impact reduction in terms of QoS degradation. A scalable proposal in terms of resource consumption, detailed and experimentally analyzed, offers the required level of protection in different network scenarios for different traffic services
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