185 research outputs found

    The effect of forager loss on honeybee workers temporal polyethism and social network structure

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    The western honeybee Apis mellifera is perhaps the best-known example of an advanced eusocial species displaying temporal polyethism, a process in which workers perform different tasks in the colony as they age. Previous studies demonstrated that this temporal division of labour is not only regulated by the age of the bees but also by the proportion of workers performing the required tasks in the colony. As we progress through the Anthropocene, the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change predicted that a significant increase in both the frequency and intensity of severe weather events can be expected in the coming decades. Here, we performed a controlled interrupted time series experiment with the objective of quantifying the possible effects that these weather events might have in the honeybee colony dynamics. By simulating a significant loss of foragers in the colony, we observed that honeybee workers quickly replaced the missing foragers by accelerating their transition to a subsequent task and, in some cases, completely skipped several of the natural task transitions with respect to their age. In addition, we analysed how the colony social network structure is affected by the sudden loss of foragers. Indeed, our data show that honeybee colonies increased their network cohesion with workers having a higher number of interactions as well as becoming more closely connected to one another soon after the disturbance. Overall, our data shows that even when faced with a substantial perturbation, honeybees can respond swiftly in order to maintain colony homeostasis and likely increase their resilience against future perturbations

    Longe dos partidos e perto da federação: uma avaliação dos gastos municipais na saúde pública

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    The institutionalization of SUS made the municipalities important players in the public health policy. Thus, it was expected that the amount of resources allocated to public health would be determinate in some measure by the political party preferences. Given these political and institutional contexts, we analyzed the importance of the political party policies at the municipality level as a determinant of the expenditure on public health, as well was other conventional determinants of the expenditures on public health (region, per capita income, GDP, etc). Applying some econometric techniques (quantile regressions and econometric decomposition), we found that the parties’ political preferences have minor influence on the allocation of resources in public health. We conclude that the constitutional regulation (Constitutional Emend 29 or EC29) seems to be a more important determinant to explain the allocation of resources in the period 2002-2006 than the supposed political preferences announced by parties.SUS, health economics, Brazil

    Selection and optimization of extracellular lipase production using agro-industrial waste

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    The aim of this study was to isolate and select lipase-producing microorganisms originated from different substrates, as well as to optimize the production of microbial lipase by submerged fermentation under different nutrient conditions. Of the 40 microorganisms isolated, 39 showed a halo around the colonies and 4 were selected (Burkholderia, Bacillus sp., Penicillium lanosum and Corynebac glutamyl), where strains showing lipolytic halo Radius (R) / colony radius (r) ratio greater than 2.0 were selected. The results of submerged fermentation expressed as enzymatic activity revealed that the genera of microorganisms significantly influenced the enzymatic reaction, and lipase obtained from Burkholderia cepacia was the most promising, with activity of 0.0058 U.mL-1. It was also observed in the optimization step of lipase production that the sodium nitrate content (NaNO3) had a positive effect on enzyme production, and its increase was indicative of higher enzymatic activity. The addition of sources of organic nitrogen (corn steep liquor, p = 0.2398), carbon (soybean oil, p = 0.3379), magnesium MgSO4.7H2O (p = 0.4189) and potassium KH2PO4 (p = 0.8562) had no significant effects on the lipase production and could result in decreased production of extracellular lipases.Keywords: Burkholderia cepacia, hydrolytic enzymes, residue, submerged fermentationAfrican Journal of Biotechnology, Vol. 13(4), pp. 566-573, 22 January, 201

    Evaluation of the postharvest quality of Cagaita fruits (Eugenia dysenterica DC.) coated with chitosan and associated with refrigeration

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    Cagaita fruits are subject to seasonality and perishability. This work aims to use scanning electron microscopy (SEM) to evaluate the physicochemical characteristics, texture, color and physical structure of cagaita fruits coated with different chitosan concentrations. The fruits were divided as follows: T0 (uncoated fruits), T1 (fruits coated with 1% (v/v) chitosan), T2 (fruits coated with 2% (v/v) chitosan) and T3 (fruits coated with 3% (v/v) chitosan). They were analyzed at 0, 10, 20 and 30 days of storage. Titratable acidity and soluble solids content showed no conservation of fruit characteristics; they showed better results for uncoated fruits, as well as weight loss, vitamin C and peak strain. The color of cagaita fruits confirmed ripening during storage regardless of treatment. Scanning electron microscopy showed that the film solution did not adhere, as desired, to the cell wall of fruits. As the results of fruits coated with 3% pectin were close to control, further studies should be carried out with higher coating percentages so that the fruit quality is maintained during storage.Keywords: Physical structure, film solution, quality, shelf life


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    Contar histórias está para além de ser apenas um entretenimento, um passatempo ou uma atividade para preencher os vazios da existência humana. Ao ser organizada uma roda para narrativas, concebe-se, nesse momento de encontro, o espaço e o tempo de educar. Educar os sentidos, o olhar, a escuta, a fala, o gesto, o respeito ao momento do outro e, nesse cenário, a construção das relações de convivência. Este trabalho tem como proposta apresentar uma síntese das práticas de formação de contadores de histórias, no Curso de mesmo nome, este que é um subprojeto do Núcleo de Estudos da Terceira Idade (NETI), da Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina (UFSC). As metodologias aplicadas no Curso, teóricas e práticas, estruturam-se em textos literários, com ênfase na leitura e a partir desta configuração a equipe formadora busca desenvolver as atividades planejadas. Pretendemos, ainda, demonstrar que independentemente de faixa etária, e nesse contexto o público-alvo são pessoas em processo de envelhecimento, a leitura fomenta acessos a mundos que se entrecruzam e permitem diálogos entre gerações, sendo os textos instrumentos balizadores e potencializadores à arte de contar histórias, eles também se constituem em chaves de acesso que transcendem o tempo dos alunos do curso Contadores de Histórias e endossam o movimento educacional permanente, em cumprimento à proposta norteadora do Núcleo

    Dual Effect of Wasp Queen Pheromone in Regulating Insect Sociality

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    SummaryEusocial insects exhibit a remarkable reproductive division of labor between queens and largely sterile workers [1, 2]. Recently, it was shown that queens of diverse groups of social insects employ specific, evolutionarily conserved cuticular hydrocarbons to signal their presence and inhibit worker reproduction [3]. Workers also recognize and discriminate between eggs laid by the queen and those laid by workers, with the latter being destroyed by workers in a process known as “policing” [4, 5]. Worker policing represents a classic example of a conflict-reducing mechanism, in which the reproductive monopoly of the queen is maintained through the selective destruction of worker-laid eggs [5, 6]. However, the exact signals used in worker policing have thus far remained elusive [5, 7]. Here, we show that in the common wasp, Vespula vulgaris, the pheromone that signals egg maternity and enables the workers to selectively destroy worker-laid eggs is in fact the same as one of the sterility-inducing queen signals that we identified earlier [3]. These results imply that queen pheromones regulate insect sociality in two distinct and complementary ways, i.e., by signaling the queen’s presence and inhibiting worker reproduction, and by facilitating the recognition and policing of worker-laid eggs


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    This study had the purpose to optimize the specific volume and sensorial quality of breads prepared with different proportions of wheat flour, cassava starch and okara (residue of protein soybean extract). It was used the direct baking process test as the standard and displacement of millet seeds method for specific volume determination. The sensorial analysis was carried out with a trained painel to determine internal and external characteristic, flavor, taste and general grade of elaborated breads. It was applied the test of acceptability of the product optimized after 1, 48 and 96 hours of storage. The specific volume of the bread was higher when smaller proportion of okara was used compared to cassava starch. The bread made with 64.1% of wheat flour, 18.9% of okara and 17% of cassava starch showed specific volume of 4.02 cm3/g, durability and acceptability up to 96 hours after baking. The partial substitution of wheat flour by cassava starch and okara up to 35.9% was viable. The bread obtained had good sensorial quality and specific volume as common sandwich loaf.O objetivo deste trabalho foi otimizar o volume específico e a qualidade sensorial de pães de forma elaborados com diferentes proporções de farinha de trigo, fécula de mandioca e okara (resíduo do extrato protéico de soja). Utilizou-se o teste de panificação direto para padronização do processo e o método de deslocamento de sementes de painço para a determinação do volume específico dos pães elaborados. Efetuou-se análise sensorial do pão com equipe treinada para a determinação das características externas, internas, aroma, gosto e nota geral. Aplicou-se o teste de aceitação ao produto otimizado após 1, 48 e 96h de armazenamento. Concluiu-se que o volume específico dos pães foi maior quando se utilizou menor proporção de okara em relação à fécula de mandioca. Os pães elaborados com 64,1% de farinha de trigo, 18,9% de okara e 17% de fécula de mandioca apresentaram volume específico de 4,02 cm3/g, durabilidade e aceitabilidade até 96 horas após sua produção. A substituição parcial da farinha de trigo por fécula de mandioca e okara no pão de forma até 35,9% mostrou-se viável, obtendo-se pães com boa qualidade sensorial e volume específico próximo ao do pão de forma comum

    Melatonin reduces the severity of experimental amoebiasis

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Melatonin has immunomodulatory effects but very little is known about its influence in protozoan infections, such as <it>Entamoeba histolytica</it>, which causes amoebiasis, a disease with significant morbidity and mortality. In this study, we evaluated the effects of exogenous melatonin interference in experimental amoebiasis and on interactions between human blood cells and <it>E. histolytica </it>trophozoites.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>The effect of melatonin was investigated in models of experimental amoebiasis in hamsters and rats by evaluating the area of necrosis induced by <it>E. histolytica</it>. The activity of melatonin on the interactions between leukocytes and amoebae was determined by examining leukophagocytosis. For <it>in vitro </it>tests, polymorphonuclear and mononuclear human blood leucocytes were incubated with <it>E. histolytica </it>trophozoites.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>The areas of amoebic necrosis were significantly reduced in animals treated with melatonin. Melatonin treatment increased leukophagocytosis but was associated with a greater number of dead amoebae.</p> <p>Conclusions</p> <p>These results suggest that melatonin may play a beneficial role in the control of amoebic lesions, raising the possibility that this drug may be used as an adjuvant in anti-amoebic therapy.</p

    Viabilidade econômica da implantação de um sistema de coleta e secagem

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    O objetivo deste trabalho foi estudar a viabilidade econômica da implantação de um sistema de coleta e secagem da polpa residual de lavagem de batatas na linha de processamento de batatas fritas, para ser utilizada em snacks fritos, visando o aproveitamento de resíduos agroindustriais, como novo ingrediente para a indústria de alimentos. O método payback foi estudado, este é um método de avaliação direto, no qual calcula-se o número de anos que decorrerão até que os fluxos de caixa acumulados igualem ao montante do investimento inicial. De acordo com os resultados obtidos, a empresa irá economizar 19,8 % de farinha de trigo mensalmente, com a substituição da farinha de trigo por polpa residual de lavagem da batata desidratada (PRLBD), no processamento de snacks fritos. O payback para a compra e implantação do sistema de secagem da PRLBD será pago em aproximadamente 16 meses. Este estudo demonstrou que o projeto é viável do ponto de vista econômico, além de contribuir na diminuição do impacto ambiental e com sustentabilidade da empresa, proporcionando um destino adequado para os resíduos agroindustriais

    Conserved Class of Queen Pheromones Stops Social Insect Worker Reproduction

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    Dissertação de mestrado em Gestão, apresentada à Faculdade de Economia da Universidade de Coimbra, sob a orientação de Patrícia Pereira da SilvaEm 2011, a crise política e financeira de Portugal atingiu um nível crítico, levando à queda do governo, assim como ao pedido de ajuda à denominada Troika, constituída pelo (Fundo Monetário Internacional, Banco Central Europeu e Comunidade Europeia). As recomendações da Troika sobre a política energética Portuguesa basearam-se em torno de medidas que potenciem a eficiência energética, ou seja, medidas que permitam poupar e otimizar consumo de energia. No entanto, sobre as energias renováveis, foi pedida especial atenção, em particular, em tecnologias menos desenvolvidas (incluindo o fotovoltaico), nas quais se deverá efetuar uma análise rigorosa em termos de custos e consequências para o preço da energia. Outra das recomendações da Troika passou por uma revisão em baixo do preço pago pela tarifa (Feed-in tariff), com o intuito de que esse valor não produza compensações alegadamente excessivas para os investidores neste setor. Atendendo às novas constrições anteriormente apresentadas, e aos elevados custo de investimento que as Fontes de Energias Renováveis apresentam, nomeadamente, no setor fotovoltaico, a respetiva avaliação económica assume um papel primordial. É, assim, objetivo desta dissertação estimar da forma mais correta a rendibilidade do investimento, sendo, para tal, desenvolvida uma metodologia de análise de projetos de investimento, usando o método discounted cash flow (DCF) – Free Cash Flow to the firm, bem como, compreender e analisar quais os principais fatores que estão inerentes a um projeto de Fontes de Energia Renovável, nomeadamente, na análise do Levelized Cost Of Electricity (LCOE) e paridade com a rede elétrica. Deste modo, pretende-se uma reanálise do ponto de vista económico de projetos com origem em fontes de energia renovável