20 research outputs found

    Brown Tumors Belong to the Spectrum of KRAS-driven Neoplasms

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    Brown tumors are rare and generally self-limiting mass lesions of bone occurring in the context of hyperparathyroidism. Although commonly regarded as endocrine-driven tumor-like lesions, we detected pathogenic hotspot KRAS mutations in 10/16 brown tumors (62%) with similar frequencies found in cases affecting the peripheral and axial skeleton. Pathogenic mutations in other driver genes of the RAS-MAPK pathway were not identified. Our findings suggest brown tumors to represent true neoplasms driven by the activation of the RAS-MAPK signaling pathway. The frequent regression of brown tumors after normalization of hyperparathyroidism points to a second hit mediated by endocrine stimulation to be required for tumor development. Our findings underline the pathogenic relation of brown tumors to nonossifying fibroma and giant cell granuloma of the jaws which both appear histologically similar to brown tumors and are also driven by RAS-MAPK signaling pathway activation

    Raw Sewage Harbors Diverse Viral Populations

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    At this time, about 3,000 different viruses are recognized, but metagenomic studies suggest that these viruses are a small fraction of the viruses that exist in nature. We have explored viral diversity by deep sequencing nucleic acids obtained from virion populations enriched from raw sewage. We identified 234 known viruses, including 17 that infect humans. Plant, insect, and algal viruses as well as bacteriophages were also present. These viruses represented 26 taxonomic families and included viruses with single-stranded DNA (ssDNA), double-stranded DNA (dsDNA), positive-sense ssRNA [ssRNA(+)], and dsRNA genomes. Novel viruses that could be placed in specific taxa represented 51 different families, making untreated wastewater the most diverse viral metagenome (genetic material recovered directly from environmental samples) examined thus far. However, the vast majority of sequence reads bore little or no sequence relation to known viruses and thus could not be placed into specific taxa. These results show that the vast majority of the viruses on Earth have not yet been characterized. Untreated wastewater provides a rich matrix for identifying novel viruses and for studying virus diversity

    Fibroblast growth factor receptor (FGFR) inhibitor rogaratinib in patients with advanced pretreated squamous-cell non-small cell lung cancer over-expressing FGFR mRNA: The SAKK 19/18 phase II study.

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    BACKGROUND Patients with advanced squamous-cell lung cancer (SQCLC) frequently (46%) exhibit tumor overexpression of fibroblast growth factor receptor (FGFR) messenger ribonucleic acid (mRNA). Rogaratinib is a novel oral pan-FGFR inhibitor with a good safety profile and anti-tumor activity in early clinical trials as a single agent in FGFR pathway-addicted tumors. SAKK 19/18 determined clinical activity of rogaratinib in patients with advanced SQCLC overexpressing FGFR1-3 mRNA. METHODS Patients with advanced SQCLC failing standard systemic treatment and with FGFR1-3 mRNA tumor overexpression as defined in the protocol received rogaratinib 600 mg BID until disease progression or intolerable toxicity. A 6-months progression-free survival rate (6mPFS) ≤15 % was considered uninteresting (H0), whereas a 6mPFS ≥38 % was considered promising (H1). According to a Simon 2-stage design, 2 out of 10 patients of the first stage were required to be progression-free at 6 months. Comprehensive Genomic Profiling was performedusing the Oncomine Comprehensive Assay Plus (Thermo Fisher Scientific). RESULTS Between July 2019 and November 2020, 49 patients were screened and 20 were classified FGFR-positive. Among a total of 15 patients, 6mPFS was reached in 1 patient (6.7 %), resulting in trial closure for futility after the first stage. There were 7 (46.7 %) patients with stable disease and 5 (33.3 %) patients with progressive disease. Median PFS was 1.6 (95 % CI 0.9-3.5) months and median overall survival (OS) 3.5 (95 % CI 1.0-5.9) months. Most frequent treatment-related adverse events (TRAEs) included hyperphosphatemia in 8 (53 %), diarrhea in 5 (33 %), stomatitis in 3 (20 %) and nail changes in 3 (20 %) patients. Grade ≥3 TRAEs occurred in 6 (40 %) patients. No associations between mutational profile and treatment outcome were observed. CONCLUSION Despite preliminary signals of activity, rogaratinib failed to improve PFS in patients with advanced SQCLC overexpressing FGFR mRNA. FGFR inhibitors in SQCLC remain a challenging field, and more in-depth understanding of pathway crosstalks may lead to the development of drug combinations with FGFR inhibitors resulting in improved outcomes

    Cell-Free DNA Genomic Profiling and Its Clinical Implementation in Advanced Prostate Cancer.

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    Most men with prostate cancer (PCa), despite potentially curable localized disease at initial diagnosis, progress to metastatic disease. Despite numerous treatment options, choosing the optimal treatment for individual patients remains challenging. Biomarkers guiding treatment sequences in an advanced setting are lacking. To estimate the diagnostic potential of liquid biopsies in guiding personalized treatment of PCa, we evaluated the utility of a custom-targeted next-generation sequencing (NGS) panel based on the AmpliSeq HD Technology. Ultra-deep sequencing on plasma circulating free DNA (cfDNA) samples of 40 metastatic castration-resistant PCa (mCRPC) and 28 metastatic hormone-naive PCa (mCSPC) was performed. CfDNA somatic mutations were detected in 48/68 (71%) patients. Of those 68 patients, 42 had matched tumor and cfDNA samples. In 21/42 (50%) patients, mutations from the primary tumor tissue were detected in the plasma cfDNA. In 7/42 (17%) patients, mutations found in the primary tumor were not detected in the cfDNA. Mutations from primary tumors were detected in all tested mCRPC patients (17/17), but only in 4/11 with mCSPC. AR amplifications were detected in 12/39 (31%) mCRPC patients. These results indicate that our targeted NGS approach has high sensitivity and specificity for detecting clinically relevant mutations in PCa

    Newly described human polyomaviruses Merkel Cell, KI and WU are present in urban sewage and may represent potential environmental contaminants

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    Recently, three new polyomaviruses (KI, WU and Merkel cell polyomavirus) have been reported to infect humans. It has also been suggested that lymphotropic polyomavirus, a virus of simian origin, infects humans. KI and WU polyomaviruses have been detected mainly in specimens from the respiratory tract while Merkel cell polyomavirus has been described in a very high percentage of Merkel cell carcinomas. The distribution, excretion level and transmission routes of these viruses remain unknown

    The Priority position paper: protecting Europe's food chain from prions

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    International audienceBovine spongiform encephalopathy (BSE) created a global European crisis in the 1980s and 90s, with very serious health and economic implications. Classical BSE now appears to be under control, to a great extent as a result of a global research effort that identified the sources of prions in meat and bone meal (MBM) and developed new animal-testing tools that guided policy. Priority ( www.prionpriority.eu ) was a European Union (EU) Framework Program 7 (FP7)-funded project through which 21 European research institutions and small and medium enterprises (SMEs) joined efforts between 2009 and 2014, to conduct coordinated basic and applied research on prions and prion diseases. At the end of the project, the Priority consortium drafted a position paper ( www.prionpriority.eu/Priority position paper) with its main conclusions. In the present opinion paper, we summarize these conclusions. With respect to the issue of re-introducing ruminant protein into the feed-chain, our opinion is that sustaining an absolute ban on feeding ruminant protein to ruminants is essential. In particular, the spread and impact of non-classical forms of scrapie and BSE in ruminants is not fully understood and the risks cannot be estimated. Atypical prion agents will probably continue to represent the dominant form of prion diseases in the near future in Europe. Atypical L-type BSE has clear zoonotic potential, as demonstrated in experimental models. Similarly, there are now data indicating that the atypical scrapie agent can cross various species barriers. More epidemiological data from large cohorts are necessary to reach any conclusion on the impact of its transmissibility on public health. Re-evaluations of safety precautions may become necessary depending on the outcome of these studies. Intensified searching for molecular determinants of the species barrier is recommended, since this barrier is key for important policy areas and risk assessment. Understanding the structural basis for strains and the basis for adaptation of a strain to a new host will require continued fundamental research, also needed to understand mechanisms of prion transmission, replication and how they cause nervous system dysfunction and death. Early detection of prion infection, ideally at a preclinical stage, also remains crucial for development of effective treatment strategies

    Nuevas metodologías para el estudio de virus humanos contaminantes del medio ambiente

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    [spa] La contaminación del medio ambiente, principalmente de ríos, lagos, playas y agua subterránea, que habitualmente se utilizan para actividades recreacionales, cultivos de moluscos, sistemas riego en la agricultura o como fuentes de agua para el consumo humano, es un tema de gran preocupación en términos de salud pública y de gran importancia económica y de legislación. Si se considera la distribución de la población humana, especialmente en zonas cercanas a estos tipos de agua, es indiscutible que estos ecosistemas tienen un considerable riesgo de contaminación que proviene de agua residual de origen humano e incluso de mataderos de animales y de fertilizantes de origen animal empleados en la agricultura. La mayoría de los estudios y datos disponibles sobre contaminación y calidad microbiológica del agua, hacen especial referencia a la contaminación de origen fecal, es bien conocido que una gran cantidad de microorganismos son excretados en la orina y la heces, entre éstos, los virus. Definitivamente la ruta fecal-oral es la vía responsable de la mayoría de las infecciones víricas asociadas al agua. Existen importantes patógenos transmitidos por el agua contaminada, sin embargo, en la actualidad la calidad microbiológica del agua es controlada mediante estándares bacterianos. Actualmente no existe un protocolo estandarizado en las legislaciones para el estudio de virus en muestras ambientales, ni protocolos estándar para el estudio de la infectividad de estos virus. El presente trabajo de Tesis Doctoral describe el desarrollo de nuevas metodologías para la concentración y detección de virus en agua, la utilización de indicadores víricos para evaluar la contaminación fecal, así como también datos sobre la presencia de virus emergentes y virus potencialmente nuevos. El trabajo consta de tres Capítulos que engloban cinco Estudios diferentes.[eng] Fecal contamination in the environment is a public health concern and a serious economical problem. This situation is mainly in rivers, lakes and seawater that frequently are used in recreational activities, shellfish industry, and irrigation in the agriculture and as sources for drinking water. If we consider the high distribution of human population, especially in coastal areas, certainly these ecosystems have a risk of fecal contamination by waste water from humans, agriculture and animals. Most of the studies and available data about contamination and microbiological quality of water have a special interest in the fecal contamination, it is well know that a numerous microorganisms are shed by humans in feaces and urine, among these the viruses. The fecal-oral transmission route is definitely the responsible of most of viral infections related to water. There are important pathogens transmitted by fecal contaminated water, however, currently the microbiological quality of water is monitored using bacterial standards. At the moment there are not standard protocols to study viruses in the legislations for the environment. The present Doctoral Thesis describes the development of new methodologies for the concentration and detection of viruses in water, the use of viral indicators to monitor the fecal contamination of water, as well as data about the emerging viruses and potential new viruses in the environment

    New methods for the concentration of viruses from urban sewage using quantitative PCR.

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    Viruses are among the most important pathogens present in water contaminated with feces or urine and represent a serious risk to human health. Four procedures for concentrating viruses from sewage have been compared in this work, three of which were developed in the present study. Viruses were quantified using PCR techniques. According to statistical analysis and the sensitivity to detect human adenoviruses (HAdV), JC polyomaviruses (JCPyV) and noroviruses genogroup II (NoV GGII): (i) a new procedure (elution and skimmed-milk flocculation procedure (ESMP)) based on the elution of the viruses with glycine-alkaline buffer followed by organic flocculation with skimmed-milk was found to be the most efficient method when compared to (ii) ultrafiltration and glycine-alkaline elution, (iii) a lyophilization-based method and (iv) ultracentrifugation and glycine-alkaline elution. Through the analysis of replicate sewage samples, ESMP showed reproducible results with a coefficient of variation (CV) of 16% for HAdV, 12% for JCPyV and 17% for NoV GGII. Using spiked samples, the viral recoveries were estimated at 30-95% for HAdV, 55-90% for JCPyV and 45-50% for NoV GGII. ESMP was validated in a field study using twelve 24-h composite sewage samples collected in an urban sewage treatment plant in the North of Spain that reported 100% positive samples with mean values of HAdV, JCPyV and NoV GGII similar to those observed in other studies. Although all of the methods compared in this work yield consistently high values of virus detection and recovery in urban sewage, some require expensive laboratory equipment. ESMP is an effective low-cost procedure which allows a large number of samples to be processed simultaneously and is easily standardizable for its performance in a routine laboratory working in water monitoring. Moreover, in the present study, a CV was applied and proposed as a parameter to evaluate and compare the methods for detecting viruses in sewage samples

    UVC inactivation of dsDNA and ssRNA viruses in water: UV fluences and a qPCR-based approach to evaluate decay on viral infectivity

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    Disinfection by low-pressure monochromatic ultraviolet (UVC) radiation (253.7 nm) became an important technique to sanitize drinking water and also wastewater in tertiary treatments. In order to prevent the transmission of waterborne viral diseases, the analysis of the disinfection kinetics and the quantification of infectious viral pathogens and indicators are highly relevant and need to be addressed. The families Adenoviridae and Polyomaviridae comprise human and animal pathogenic viruses that have been also proposed as indicators of fecal contamination in water and as Microbial Source Tracking (MST) tools. While it has been previously suggested that dsDNA-viruses may be highly resistant to UVC radiation compared to other viruses or bacteria, no information is available on the stability of polyomavirus towards UV irradiation. Here, the inactivation of dsDNA (HAdV2 and JCPyV) and ssRNA (MS2 bacteriophage) viruses was analyzed at increasing UVC fluences, up to 1,800 J/m2. A minor decay of 2-logs was achieved for both infectious JC polyomaviruses (JCPyV) and human adenoviruses 2 (HAdV2) exposed to a UVC dose of 1,400 J/m2, while a decay of 4-log was observed for MS2 bacteriophages (ssRNA). The present study reveals the high UVC resistance of dsDNA viruses and the UV fluences needed to efficiently inactivate JCPyV and HAdV 2 are predicted. Furthermore, we show that in conjunction with appropriate mathematical models, qPCR data may be used to accurately estimate virus infectivity