943 research outputs found

    A Tutorial on Parametric Image Registration

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    Evidencias de validez y confiabilidad de la escala de esperanza disposicional en adultos de Trujillo

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    La presente investigación tuvo como objetivo determinar las evidencias de validez y confiabilidad de la Escala de Esperanza Disposicional para adultos, con un diseño instrumental, realizado en una población de universitarios adultos de entre 18 y 28 años de edad de la ciudad de Trujillo, y con una muestra de 301 participantes (252 mujeres y 39 varones), a través de un muestreo no probabilístico por conveniencia. Los instrumentos utilizados fueron la Escala de Esperanza Disposicional para Adultos (Snyder et al., 1991) con una fiabilidad por omega de .960 para el factor “Agencia”, y un .859 para el factor “Medios”. Para determinar la validez por estructura interna, se realizó un análisis factorial confirmatorio con el modelo de dos dimensiones, en el que se obtuvieron los valores de ajuste comparativo y global: X2 = 77.4, X2/gl = 4.07, RMSEA = .069 (.053 - .085), SRMR = 0.040, CFI = 0.995, y TLI = 0.993. Además, al hallar la confiabilidad utilizando el coeficiente de omega, se determinó que las dos dimensiones, tienen un ω .76 (Medios) y .81 (agencia)

    Implementación en tiempo real para el seguimiento en secuencias de vídeo

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    Resumen: En el presente trabajo se implementa un seguidor en secuencias de vídeo. La implementación trabaja en tiempo real. El seguidor, ésta basado en el algoritmo de SURF (Speed Up Robust Feature), debido a la robustez que presenta a los cambios de luminosidad y a las posibles transformaciones geométricas de una imagen, como lo son: el escalamiento, cizallamiento, rotación, translación. El objetivo central de este trabajo es obtener un seguidor en tiempo real, que no necesite del objeto de interés un aprendizaje o estudio previo y por ende se pueda generalizar lo que se quieres seguir. Es decir, poder tomar cualquier objeto de una escena cualquiera. El proceso se inicia una vez se obtiene la muestra del objeto a seguir. Posteriormente se generan los puntos de interés mediante el algoritmo de SURF, tanto del objeto de muestras como de la secuencia de video. Así mismo mediante vecinos cercanos se busca la correspondencia entre los puntos generados de la muestra y de la secuencia de videos que mejor correspondan, finalmente mediante el algoritmo de RANSAC se toman un conjunto de puntos, para buscar la homografía de la figura que mejor se adapte al objeto de interés, finalmente se demarca el objeto de interés con los mejores parámetros homográficos encontrados, todo esto en tiempo real. Palabras clave: Seguimiento, SURF, transformaciones geométricas, RANSAC, vecinos próximos, puntos claves

    Multi Focus Image Fusion with variable size windows

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    [EN] In this paper we present the Linear Image Combination Algorithm with Variable Windows (CLI-VV) for the fusion of multifocus images. Unlike the CLI-S algorithm presented in a previous work, the CLI-VV algorithm allows to automatically determine the optimal size of the window in each pixel for the segmentation of the regions with the highest sharpness. We also present the generalized CLI-VV Algorithm for the fusion of sets of multi-focus images with more than two images. This new algorithm is called Variable Windows Multi-focus Fusion (FM-VV). The CLI-VV Algorithm was tested with 21 pairs of synthetic images and 29 pairs of real multi-focus images, and the FM-VV Algorithm on 5 trios of multi-focus images. In all the tests a competitive accuracy was obtained, with execution times lower than those reported in the literature.[ES] En este artículo presentamos el Algoritmo Combinación Lineal de Imágenes con Ventanas Variables (CLI-VV) para la fusión de imágenes multi-foco. A diferencia del Algoritmo CLI-S presentado en un trabajo anterior, el algoritmo CLI-VV permite determinar automáticamente el tamaño óptimo de la ventana en cada píxel para la segmentación de las regiones con la mayor nitidez. También presentamos la generalizado el Algoritmo CLI-VV para la fusión de conjuntos de imágenes multi-foco con más de dos imágenes. A este nuevo algoritmo lo denominamos Fusión Multi-foco con Ventanas Variables (FM-VV). El Algoritmo CLI-VV se probó con 21 pares de imágenes sintéticas y 29 pares de imágenes multi-foco reales, y el Algoritmo FM-VV sobre 5 tríos de imágenes multi-foco. En todos los ejemplos se obtuvo un porcentaje de acierto competitivos, producidos en tiempos de ejecución menores a los reportados en la literatura.Calderon, F.; Garnica-Carrillo, A.; Flores, JJ. (2018). Fusión de Imágenes Multi-Foco con Ventanas Variables. Revista Iberoamericana de Automática e Informática industrial. 15(3):262-276. https://doi.org/10.4995/riai.2017.8852OJS262276153Aslantas, V., Kurban, R., 2010. Fusion of multi-focus images using differential evolution algorithm. Expert Systems with Applications 37 (12), 8861 - 8870. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.eswa.2010.06.011Aslantas, V., Toprak, A. N., 2014. A pixel based multi-focus image fusion method. Optics Communications 332, 350 - 358. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.optcom.2014.07.044Aslantas, V., Toprak, A. N., 2017. Multi-focus image fusion based on optimal defocus estimation. Computers and Electrical Engineering. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.compeleceng.2017.02.003Assirati, L., Silva, N. R., Berton, L., Lopes, A. A., Bruno, O. M., 2014. Performing edge detection by difference of gaussians using q-gaussian kernels. Journal of Physics: Conference Series 490 (1), 012020. https://doi.org/10.1088/1742-6596/490/1/012020Bai, X., Zhang, Y., Zhou, F., Xue, B., 2015. Quadtree-based multi-focus image fusion using a weighted focus-measure. Information Fusion 22, 105 - 118. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.inffus.2014.05.003Calderon, F., Garnica, A., 2014. Multi focus image fusion based on linear combination of images. IEEE, pp. 1-7. https://doi.org/10.1109/ROPEC.2014.7036340Calderon, F., Garnica-Carrillo, A., Flores, J. J., 2016. Fusión de imágenes multi foco basado en la combinación lineal de imágenes utilizando imágenes incrementales. Revista Iberoamericana de Automática e Informática Industrial RIAI 13 (4), 450 - 461. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.riai.2016.07.002Cao, L., Jin, L., Tao, H., Li, G., Zhuang, Z., Zhang, Y., Feb 2015. Multi-focus image fusion based on spatial frequency in discrete cosine transform domain. Signal Processing Letters, IEEE 22 (2), 220-224. https://doi.org/10.1109/LSP.2014.2354534Chai, Y., Li, H., Li, Z., 2011. Multifocus image fusion scheme using focused region detection and multiresolution. 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Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence, IEEE Transactions on 33 (1), 58-71. https://doi.org/10.1109/TPAMI.2010.66Lewis, J. J., O'Callaghan, R. J., Nikolov, S. G., Bull, D. R., Canagarajah, N., 2007. Pixel- and region-based image fusion with complex wavelets. Information Fusion 8 (2), 119 - 130, special Issue on Image Fusion: Advances in the State of the Art. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.inffus.2005.09.006Li, H., Chai, Y., Li, Z., 2013a. Multi-focus image fusion based on nonsubsampled contourlet transform and focused regions detection. Optik - International Journal for Light and Electron Optics 124 (1), 40 - 51. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.ijleo.2011.11.088Li, H., Chai, Y., Li, Z., 2013b. A new fusion scheme for multifocus images based on focused pixels detection. Machine vision and applications 24 (6), 1167-1181. https://doi.org/10.1007/s00138-013-0502-4Li, H., Manjunath, B., Mitra, S., 1995. Multisensor image fusion using the wavelet transform. 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Image and Vision Computing 26 (7), 971 - 979. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.imavis.2007.10.012Li, X., He, M., Roux, M., August 2010. Multifocus image fusion based on redundant wavelet transform. Image Processing, IET 4 (4), 283-293. https://doi.org/10.1049/iet-ipr.2008.0259Liu, Y., Chen, X., Peng, H., Wang, Z., 2017a. Multi-focus image fusion with a deep convolutional neural network. Information Fusion 36, 191 - 207. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.inffus.2016.12.001Liu, Z., Chai, Y., Yin, H., Zhou, J., Zhu, Z., 2017b. A novel multi-focus image fusion approach based on image decomposition. Information Fusion 35, 102 - 116. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.inffus.2016.09.007Long, J., Shelhamer, E., Darrell, T., 2014. Fully convolutional networks for semantic segmentation. CoRR abs/1411.4038.Luo, X., Zhang, J., Dai, Q., 2012. A regional image fusion based on similarity characteristics. 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    Análisis del grado de efectividad de los Programas de Capacitación en el personal administrativo de la Oficina de Recursos Humanos en el Instituto Nacional Materno Perinatal

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    El presente trabajo de suficiencia profesional constituye un proyecto elaborado para elevar el desarrollo estratégico y la mejora de la gestión pública, que menciona la problemática de la capacitación del personal administrativo de la oficina de recursos humanos en el ámbito del Instituto Nacional Materno Perinatal (INMP). El capítulo 1 está orientado a la descripción de la problemática del INMP. Mientras que, el capítulo 2, al análisis de la situación problemática de dicha organización inteligente. Por último, en el capítulo 3 se busca una solución alternativa a la situación problemática.The present work on professional sufficiency constitutes a strategic development project for the improvement of public management, which mentions the problem of training the administrative staff of the human resources office within the scope of the Nacional Maternal Perinatal Institute (INMP). The chapter 1 is aimed at describing the problems of the INMP. While, chapter 2, to the analysis of the problematic situation of said intelligent organization. Finally, in chapter 3 an alternative solution to the problematic situation is sought.Trabajo de Suficiencia Profesiona

    Cytotoxicity Assessment of Surface-Modified Magnesium Hydroxide Nanoparticles

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    Magnesium-based nanoparticles have shown promise in regenerative therapies in orthopedics and the cardiovascular system. Here, we set out to assess the influence of differently functionalized Mg nanoparticles on the cellular players of wound healing, the first step in the process of tissue regeneration. First, we thoroughly addressed the physicochemical characteristics of magnesium hydroxide nanoparticles, which exhibited low colloidal stability and strong aggregation in cell culture media. To address this matter, magnesium hydroxide nanoparticles underwent surface functionalization by 3-aminopropyltriethoxysilane (APTES), resulting in excellent dispersible properties in ethanol and improved colloidal stability in physiological media. The latter was determined as a concentration- and time-dependent phenomenon. There were no significant effects on THP-1 macrophage viability up to 1.500 mu g/mL APTES-coated magnesium hydroxide nanoparticles. Accordingly, increased media pH and Mg2+ concentration, the nanoparticles dissociation products, had no adverse effects on their viability and morphology. HDF, ASCs, and PK84 exhibited the highest, and HUVECs, HPMECs, and THP-1 cells the lowest resistance toward nanoparticle toxic effects. In conclusion, the indicated high magnesium hydroxide nanoparticles biocompatibility suggests them a potential drug delivery vehicle for treating diseases like fibrosis or cancer. If delivered in a targeted manner, cytotoxic nanoparticles could be considered a potential localized and specific prevention strategy for treating highly prevalent diseases like fibrosis or cancer. Looking toward the possible clinical applications, accurate interpretation of in vitro cellular responses is the keystone for the relevant prediction of subsequent in vivo biological effects

    Impact of Industrial SMEs in the Environment Conservation : A Systematic Mapping Study

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    Small and medium-sized companies have an impact on the environment where they operate. In some cases, the effects on the environment can be significant within local communities leading to a series of negative processes, such as emission pollution into the atmosphere, the discharges to rivers and seas, the production of waste; in some cases, it makes the contamination to the soil. This paper presents the results of the systematic mapping study aimed at assessing environmental management in industrial SMEs. Descriptive studies of SMEs emphasize their poor environmental commitment, describing them as primarily interested in controlling pollutant emissions just to comply with regulations. Ninety-eight papers were identified, and the results indicate that environmental management is not fully incorporated as a standard in the management processes of SMEs, so their environmental performance depends on the degree of pressure placed by control agencies, authorities, or clients. Such companies believe that the economic resources allocated for environmental care are costs rather than investments. However, research on environmental management in SMEs shows the uniformity of environmental strategies with a low level of development. The intellectual interest arose based on the need to identify the environmental needs that small businesses in developing countries must attend. The paper is justified by its own condition of proposing sustainable development, with the possibility of providing a real vision of the situation of industrial businesses in environmental matters

    Evaluación de rendimiento del sistema de ficheros paralelo Expand Ad-Hoc en MareNostrum 4

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    Durante los últimos años las aplicaciones utilizadas en el campo de la ciencia están evolucionando hacia el análisis masivo de datos a través de workflows debido al crecimiento de áreas como la Inteligencia Artificial y el big data. Sin embargo, el mayor cuello de botella cuando se ejecutan este tipo de aplicaciones se encuentra en las operaciones de E/S. Para tratar de solventar este problema se está desarrollando el sistema de ficheros paralelo Expand Ad-Hoc. Permite crear particiones virtuales ad-hoc para incrementar el rendimiento de E/S en entornos de supercomputación. El objetivo de este trabajo es presentar una evaluación de este sistema de ficheros sobre el supercomputador MareNostrum 4. En la evaluación de Expand Ad-Hoc llevada a cabo en MareNostrum 4, se ha podido comprobar que su rendimiento y escalabilidad es globalmente superior al del sistema de ficheros paralelo GPFS

    Etiology of chronic urticaria: the Ecuadorian experience

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    Background: The purpose of this study was to identify chronic urticaria (CU) etiologies and treatment modalities in Ecuador. We propose that the sample distribution fits the expected one, and that there is an association between the etiology and its treatment. Methods: We performed a retrospective study involving 112 patients diagnosed with CU using a Checklist for a complete chronic urticaria medical history. Demographic and clinical variables were collected. The etiology of CU was classified using the EAACI/GA2LEN/EDF/WAO guideline. Descriptive analyses were performed for demographical and clinical variables. Chi square tests were applied to analyze the fit of distribution and the independence of variables. P values less than 0.05 were considered significant. Results: Among all the patients, 76.8% were diagnosed with chronic spontaneous urticaria (CSU), of which 22.3% had a known etiology or possible exacerbating condition. Food allergy was identified as the most common accompanying condition in patients with CSU (10.7%) (p < 0.01).. On the other hand, 23.2% inducible urticarias (CIndU) were indentified; dermographism was the most common (10.7%) (p < 0.01). Regarding treatment regimens, sg-H1-antihistamines alone represented the highest proportion (44.6%). The combination of any H1-antihistamine plus other drug was a close second (42.0%) (p < 0.01). Almost 48% of CSUs of unknown etiology were treated with any antihistamine plus another drug. In patients with known etiology, sg-antihistamines alone (44.0%) was the most common management. In addition, 53.8% of CIndUs were treated with sg-antihistamines alone. Though, these associations were not statistically significant. Conclusion: CSU is the most frequent subtype of CU. Modern non-sedating antihistamines in licensed doses are the drug of choice. Nevertheless, a great proportion of patients require the addition of another type of medication

    Efficacy of current treatments against hepatitis C virus

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    It is estimated that currently, in the world, approximately 3% of the population has chronic hepatitis, the hepatitis C virus is the etiological agent most related to the development of this pathology. The diversity of genotypes (7) and quasi-species of HCV, due to its high mutation rate, interferes with an effective humoral immunity. The aim of this work is precisely to evoke those usual drugs used in HCV therapy, as well as cutting-edge drugs. The goal of treatment is the eradication of HCV infection. One strategy offered by the WHO is to eradicate the virus in at-risk populations. Alternatives to the previously used treatment with interferon and ribavirin are shown in this paper; protease inhibitors and other targets have now been developed to make eradication of the virus more effective