216 research outputs found

    Dolores\u27 Last Will and Testament

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    This thesis aims to analyze the intersectionality of points of view among generations of Cuban immigrants in Miami through the lens of fiction. In it, Carmen Velez, a Cuban American Construction Manager, faces a divorce and financial ruin which force her to return to the life she fled from in Miami. After her mother, Dolores, dies, Carmen must execute her estate. Following a dangerous whirlwind trip to Cuba, meeting her estranged father, and encountering the shadows of her mother’s former life as a revolutionary, Carmen comes to more deeply understand her family, and by extension, herself. Despite her loses, she gains a new life and the return of her father. The novel is influenced by Jenine Capo Crucete’s How to Leave Hialeah and Amy Tan’s The Joy Luck Club. Like its models, the story focuses on its main character’s struggle with loyalty to family versus loyalty to oneself

    Para entender la macrogestión de liquidez: comentario sobre Inside and Outside Liquidity de Holmström y Tirole

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    Jean Tirole and Bengt Holmström have published Inside and Outside Liquidity (mit Press, 2011). With their proposal, the conceptual foundations for liquidity management and its associated economic policy are described, with applications in financial markets. The precautionary hoarding of liquidity takes place under restrictions to pledge the cash flow of the firm to investors. When liquidity shocks appear, firms can use their own assets, inside liquidity, to obtain cash; when they are not enough, government intervenes through bonds and measures such as the discount window, deposit insurance, unemployment benefits and other forms of outside liquidity, that are not originated in the balance sheet of the private sector. International financial markets are another source of liquidity, with recourse to the pledgeable inflows from international trade. The authors dedicate an epilogue to the subprime crisis, adding the perspective of the bad quality of the collateral as a cause of evaporation of liquidity. Jean Tirole y Bengt Holmström publicaron Inside and Outside Liquidity (mit Press, 2011). Con sus planteamientos se caracterizan los fundamentos conceptuales y de política económica en la gestión de liquidez, con aplicación en los mercados financieros. La acumulación preventiva de liquidez surge ante restricciones para pignorar los flujos de ingreso empresariales a favor de inversionistas. Ante tensiones de liquidez, las empresas emplean sus propios activos, inside liquidity, para conseguir efectivo; al ser estos insuficientes, el Gobierno actúa mediante bonos y medidas como ventana de redescuento del Banco Central, seguro de depósitos, ayudas de desempleo y otras formas de outside liquidity, que no provienen de la hoja de balance del sector privado. Los mercados financieros internacionales son otra fuente de liquidez, contra flujos pignoraticios del sector transable. Los autores dedican un epílogo a la crisis subprime, añadiendo la perspectiva de mala calidad de colateral en la evaporación de liquidez del mercado

    Modeling of Loose Contamination Scenarios to Predict the Amount of Contamination Removed

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    The objective of this research is to evaluate the influence of the factors identified by the Johnson, Kendall and Robert’s theory that affect the strength of the detachment force necessary to remove a particle of contaminant from a surface, and the roughness of the surface in which the contaminant is present, on predicting the efficiency of removal of loose contamination. Two methods were used to reach this objective: the first method consisted of quantifying the contamination by weight and the second method of quantifying the contamination by counting alpha and gamma particles. As a result, it was determined that for particles of 5 μm, the interaction between contaminant-wipe and contaminant-surface were significant. However, for particles between 37-149 μm, the contaminant-surface interaction was the only significant interaction affecting the amount of contamination removed. The results obtained were already used at a contaminated site, confirming the prediction of contamination remove

    Herbert Simon: racionalidad limitada y mercados financieros eficientes.

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    El concepto de racionalidad limitada, aportado por el Nobel de Economía 1978, Herbert Simon (1916-2001) es relevante para considerar la conducta de los decisores del mercado financiero, quienes pueden optar por obtener resultados satisfactorios en lugar de óptimos para sus inversionesy la gestión de tesorería en organizaciones. El decisor económico confronta limitaciones de información y computacionales que conducen a que establezca un nivel de aspiración para la variable por optimizar y se conforme con superar cierto umbral, en lugar de considerar más alternativas. Bajo este esquema de conducta, se tiene el coste de oportunidad de ingresos no devengados y se disuade la innovación financiera dentro de la organización. Este modelo de racionalidad limitada puede responder el enigma de por qué las empresas siguen pagando dividendos sujetos a tributación, en lugar de retener utilidades e incrementar la revalorización de la acción (que solo paga impuesto al venderse).

    Modelling income data using two extensions of the exponential distribution

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    In this paper we propose two extensions of the Exponential model to describe income distributions. The Exponential ArcTan (EAT) and the composite EAT{Lognormal models discussed in this paper pre- serve key properties of the Exponential model including its capacity to model distributions with zero incomes. This is an important feature as the presence of zeros conditions the modelling of income distribu- tions as it rules out the possibility of using many parametric models commonly used in the literature. Many researchers opt for exclud- ing the zeros from the analysis, however, this may not be a sensible approach especially when the number of zeros is large or if one is in- terested in accurately describing the lower part of the distribution. We apply the EAT and the EAT{Lognormal models to study the dis- tribution of incomes in Australia for the period 2001{2012. We nd that these models in general outperform the Gamma and Exponential models while preserving the capacity of the latter to model zeros

    Creencias y Conocimientos de los Docentes sobre la Enseñanza de la Lectura

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    The present article shows the results of an investigation, aimed at describing teachers' beliefs and knowledge about first grade reading teaching. It was based on authors such as: Amaya, (2006); García, Azcarate and Moreno (2006); Flórez, Restrepo and Schwanenflugel (2007); Hare (1999) and Lopez, Noriega and Ospino (2007). The type of research was quantitative descriptive-comparative. The sample consisted of 35 teachers who teach reading in first grade at public local institutions, with more than three years of experience in the educational field. data collection tools were two questionnaires; a Likert scale adapted to Spanish by Hare (1999); with 57 questions, to identify beliefs in reading teaching (CEL), and a questionnaire about reading comprehension (CCM) with 26 questions, two Open and 24 closed type, validated by experts in the area, with a reliability of 0.83 determined by the method (Split - Halves). The study of beliefs was oriented towards the attitudes and visions around the subject and its teaching, the study looked at the content –knowledge of the subject. The results showed positive attitudes towards reading and teaching and a vision oriented to problem solving and instrumental vision. In addition, no significant differences were found regarding knowledge about teaching methods in reading.El presente artículo muestra el resultado de una investigación, orientada a describir las creencias y conocimientos de los docentes sobre la enseñanza de la lectura en primer grado. Se fundamentó en autores como: Amaya, (2006), García, Azcarate y Moreno (2006), Flórez, Restrepo y Schwanenflugel (2007), Hare (1999) y López, Noriega y Ospino (2007). El tipo de investigación fue cuantitativo de corte descriptivo-comparativo. La muestra estuvo conformada por 35 docentes que enseñan lectura en primer grado de instituciones oficiales municipales, con más de tres años de experiencia en el campo educativo. Los instrumentos para recolectar la información fueron dos cuestionarios; una escala Likert adaptado al español de Hare (1999) con 57 preguntas para identificar las creencias en la enseñanza de la lectura (CEL), y un cuestionario de conocimiento acerca de los métodos de lectura (CCM) con 26 preguntas, dos abiertas y 24 de tipo cerrada, validado por expertos en el área, con una confiabilidad de 0.83 determinada a través del método (Split-Halves). El estudio de las creencias se orientó hacia las actitudes y visiones en torno a la asignatura y su enseñanza y además se indagó sobre el conocimiento del contenido de la materia. Los resultados se sitúan hacia unas actitudes positivas ante la lectura y su enseñanza y una visión orientada a la resolución de problemas y visión instrumental. Asimismo, no se encontró diferencias significativas en torno al conocimiento sobre los métodos de enseñanza en lectur

    pp-sdsd shell gap reduction in neutron-rich systems and cross-shell excitations in 20^{20}O

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    Excited states in 20^{20}O were populated in the reaction 10^{10}Be(14^{14}C,α\alpha) at Florida State University. Charged particles were detected with a particle telescope consisting of 4 annularly segmented Si surface barrier detectors and γ\gamma radiation was detected with the FSU γ\gamma detector array. Five new states were observed below 6 MeV from the α\alpha-γ\gamma and α\alpha-γ\gamma-γ\gamma coincidence data. Shell model calculations suggest that most of the newly observed states are core-excited 1p-1h excitations across the N=Z=8N = Z = 8 shell gap. Comparisons between experimental data and calculations for the neutron-rich O and F isotopes imply a steady reduction of the pp-sdsd shell gap as neutrons are added

    Echolocation-related reversal of information flow in a cortical vocalization network

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    The mammalian frontal and auditory cortices are important for vocal behavior. Here, using local-field potential recordings, we demonstrate that the timing and spatial patterns of oscillations in the fronto-auditory network of vocalizing bats (Carollia perspicillata) predict the purpose of vocalization: echolocation or communication. Transfer entropy analyses revealed predominant top-down (frontal-to-auditory cortex) information flow during spontaneous activity and pre-vocal periods. The dynamics of information flow depend on the behavioral role of the vocalization and on the timing relative to vocal onset. We observed the emergence of predominant bottom-up (auditory-to-frontal) information transfer during the post-vocal period specific to echolocation pulse emission, leading to self-directed acoustic feedback. Electrical stimulation of frontal areas selectively enhanced responses to sounds in auditory cortex. These results reveal unique changes in information flow across sensory and frontal cortices, potentially driven by the purpose of the vocalization in a highly vocal mammalian model

    Síndrome de Ramsay Hunt. Informe de un caso y revisión de la literatura

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    It was reported a 68 year old male patient with a personal pathological history of post- ischemic stroke Parkinson's syndrome and systemic arterial hypertension and with the intention of describing the experience of diagnosis and treatment of Ramsay Hunt syndrome. Patient presented to his primary health physician at the Univirsity Clinic “Omar Ranedo Pubillones” in Guantanamo, presenting pain in right side of the face and earache, headache and fever. Then, he presented vesicular lesions with a herpetic appearance. It was concluded the definitive diagnosis of Ramsay Hunt syndrome type II and it was referred to Otolaryngology consultation, where the diagnosis was confirmed. After treatment patient’s improvement was good. Although Ramsay Hunt syndrome is not a health problem, shows the need for primary care physicians to become familiar with the theoretical basis for its diagnosis and the importance of interdisciplinary evaluation for this purpose.Se presentó paciente masculino de 68 años de edad, con antecedentes de síndrome de Parkinson posinfarto cerebral isquémico antiguo e hipertensión arterial sistémica, con la intensión de describir la experiencia del diagnóstico y tratamiento del síndrome de Ramsay Hunt. El paciente acudió a consulta de Medicina Interna del Policlínico Universitario “Omar Ranedo Pubillones”, Guantánamo, por presentar dolor en hemicara izquierda y otalgia homolateral, cefalea y febrícula. Luego, presentó lesiones vesiculosas de aspecto herpético. Se concluyó el diagnóstico definitivo de síndrome de Ramsay Hunt tipo II y se remitió a consulta de Otorrinolaringología, donde se confirmó el diagnóstico. Luego del tratamiento evolucionó satisfactoriamente. Aunque el síndrome de Ramsay Hunt no es un problema de salud, se revela la necesidad de que el médico del nivel primario de atención a la salud se familiarice con las bases teóricas para su diagnóstico y se connota la importancia de la evaluación interdisciplinaria para esta finalidad