154 research outputs found

    Software architecture implementation based on OpenSim

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    One of the objectives of the European Higher Education Area is the promotion of collaborative and informal learning through the implementation of educational practices. 3D virtual environments become an ideal space for such activities. On the other hand, the problem of financing in Spanish universities has led to the search for new ways to optimize available resources. The Technical University of Madrid requires the use of laboratories which due to their dangerousness, duration or control of the developed processes are difficult to perform in real life. For this reason, we have developed several 3D laboratories in virtual environment. The laboratories are built on open source platform OpenSim. In this paper it is exposed the use of the OpenSim platform for these new teaching experiences and the new design of the software architecture. This architecture requires the adaptation of the platform to the needs of the users and the different laboratories of our University. We will explain the structure of the implemented architecture and the process of creating and configuring it. The proposed architecture is decentralized, each laboratory is housed in different an educational center. The architecture adds several services, among others, the creation and management of users automated, communication between external services and platforms in different program languages. Therefore, we achieve improving the user experience and rising the functionalities of laboratories

    Comportamiento del lupus eritematoso Sistémico en las pacientes embarazadas en el Hospital Berta Calderón Roque durante el periodo Enero-Septiembre-2015

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    El lupus eritematoso sistématico durante el embarazo constituye una patologia del alto riesgo obstétrico caracterizado por alteraciones del sistema inmune atacando células y tejidos sano. Las mujeres con LES están expuestas durante el embarazo a un numéro mucho mayor de complicaciones que la población general. Es una enfermedad que inide con más frecuencia(85%)en la mujer en edad reproductiva y por lo tanto es la que más coincide con el embarazo. En nuetro estudio tuvimos como objetivo principal:"Describir el comportamiento del Lupus Eritematoso Sistématico en las pacientes embarazadas en el Hospital Berta Calderón Roque;Enero-Septiembre2015" Observamos que la mayoria de los pacientes presento una evolución sastifactoria, gracias al manejo multidiciplinario que se le brindo.Encontramos una relación alta entre la edad y el desarrollo de la enfermedad (47%) eran menores de 19 años , esto se relaciona con el aumento de los niveles hormonales y el riesgo que implica un embrazo en la adolecencia. No obstante según moemntos del diagnóstico 13 (47%) fue dianosticada antes de salir embarazada y 10 (43%) durante el embarazo en su instacia intrahospitalaria. Tambien se observó que las manifestaciones dermatológicas eran las que se presentaban con mayor frecuencia, pero que nunca se pidió la valoración por dermatologia, ni tampoco se realizo biopsia por el Dermatopatologo. Eritema Malar 19 (83%),al igual que la fotosensibilidad,Eritema eritematoso Discoide 9 (39%). Se pudo observar que la mayoria de los sintomas con los que sepresentó la enfermedad fueron inespecificos lo cual retarda en mucho de los casos el diagnóstico y tratamiento estos fueron:Fiebre 20 (9%),Astenia e Hipodinamia 15 (65%)Poliatritis 13 (57%).Muchos de estos sintomas pasan desapersibidos tanto en atención primaria como secundaria. dentro de la evolución del embarazo 2 (9%) terminado en aborto, 7 (30%) EN parto pretérmino;8 (35%) en parto a términos y 6 (26%) aún estaban embarazada

    Influencia de la motivación según el modelo de Herzberg en el desempeño laboral del personal administrativo de la Unidad de Gestión Educativa Local, UGEL Lambayeque.

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    La presente investigación titulada “Influencia de la motivación según el modelo de Herzberg en el desempeño laboral del personal administrativo de la Unidad de Gestión Educativa Local, UGEL Lambayeque”, tuvo como objetivo principal determinar la influencia de la motivación según el modelo de Herzberg en el desempeño laboral del personal administrativo de la Unidad de Gestión Educativa Local Ugel Lambayeque. Asimismo, la investigación fue de tipo mixta (cuantitativo y cualitativo), presentando un nivel de estudio descriptiva – correlacional, mientras que el diseño de la investigación fue no experimental. La muestra estuvo conformada por 56 trabajadores del área administrativa de la Unidad de Gestión Educativa Local, UGEL Lambayeque, a quienes se les aplicó como técnicas de recopilación de información al análisis documental y la encuesta, mientras que sus instrumentos fueron fichas o formatos y el cuestionario respectivamente. Finalmente, se pudo determinar que la motivación influye en el desempeño laboral del personal administrativo de la Unidad de Gestión Educativa Local Ugel Lambayeque en un 60.7% lo cual indica que existe una influencia positiva y considerable, es decir a una mayor motivación mayor será el desempeño de los trabajadores

    Utility of Modified Ultrafiltration in Congenital Heart Disease Patients Operated with Cardiopulmonary Bypass

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    Modified ultrafiltration is used in cardiac surgery with cardiopulmonary bypass in order to diminish systemic inflammatory response syndrome. We aimed to show its utility for removing pro-inflammatory agents in operated pediatric patients with congenital heart disease and its impact at operative care. A clinical case-control trial was designed, including patients with simple congenital heart disease operated on with cardiopulmonary bypass in a 1-year period. We randomized them to a problem group (with modified ultrafiltration, n = 15) and a control group (without it, n = 16), and blood samples to measure interleukins (6 and 10); 3d and 4d complement fraction concentrations were taken at the following times: baseline, before cardiopulmonary bypass, after it, after modified ultrafiltration, and from the ultrafiltration concentrate. Operative clinical end points of success were defined as hemodynamic stability, absence of morbidity, and lack of mortality. We observed a higher significant interleukin 6 concentration in the problem group patients at baseline, as well as a higher removal of this pro-inflammatory agent at the ultrafiltration concentrate. Modified ultrafiltration has a positive impact over simple congenital heart disease surgery with cardiopulmonary bypass because of removing interleukin 6. We recommend its routine use when hemodynamic conditions are favorable

    Abordaje del nódulo tiroideo en pediatría

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    Thyroid nodules are a frequent clinical finding in the general population, they can present as an incidental finding, without any clinical symptoms associated, therefore representing a diagnostic challenge. They are the most common clinical presentation of thyroid cancer in pediatric population. The diagnosis is based, on clinical and ultrasound findings, and is confirmed, by fine needle aspiration citology. Treatment is defined by malignancy risk estratification, the options include surgical management, by thyroidectomy or lobectomy, close follow-up by ultrasound, or repeating the biopsy.Los nódulos tiroideos son un hallazgo clínico frecuente en la población general, se pueden presentar como un hallazgo incidental, sin ningún síntoma clínico asociado, representando un reto diagnóstico. Son la forma de presentación clínica más común del cáncer tiroideo en pediatría. Su diagnóstico se basa en los hallazgos clínicos y ecográficos, y se confirma mediante resultado de biopsia con punción-aspiración con aguja fina. El tratamiento se define a partir de la estratifición del riesgo de malignidad las opciones a seguir, incluyen manejo quirúrgico mediante lobectomía o tiroidectomía,   seguimiento de cerca mediante ultrasonido, o repetir la biopsia

    Influencia de la alfabetización en información en el uso de recursos de búsqueda de información científica por universitarios: adaptación del modelo UTAUT

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    The objective of this study is to analyze the factors that influence the behavior of use of information search and retrieval resourcesin the teaching-learning process, by 320 university students nationwide from a private university in Chile. The methodology islocated in a non-experimental design, quantitative approach, descriptive, correlational and cross-sectional. The proposed model isbased on the unified theory of acceptance and use of technology. The analyzes in the Smart-PLS software support that the researchmodel presents a favorable validity and reliability of the measurement scales and an adequate global adjustment. The greatest finding is the influence of information literacy as a facilitating condition for the use of scientific information search resources byuniversity students with careers in the Health area at the national level

    Influence of information literacy on the use of scientific information search resources by university students: adaptation of the UTAUT model

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    El objetivo de este estudio es analizar los factores que influyen en el comportamiento de uso de los recursos de búsqueda y recuperación de información en el proceso de enseñanza-aprendizaje, por parte de 320 estudiantes universitarios a nivel nacional de una universidad privada de Chile. La metodología se sitúa en un diseño no experimental, enfoque cuantitativo, de alcance descriptivo, correlacional y corte transversal. El modelo propuesto se basa en la teoría unificada de aceptación y uso de la tecnología (Unfied Theory of Acceptance and Use of Technology, UTAUT). Los análisis en el software Smart-PLS apoyan que el modelo de investigación presenta una favorable validez y fiabilidad de las escalas de medida y un adecuado ajuste global. El mayor hallazgo es la influencia de la alfabetización informacional como condición facilitadora del uso de recursos de búsqueda de información científica por universitarios de carreras del área de la salud a nivel nacional.The objective of this study is to analyze the factors that influence the behavior of use of information search and retrieval resources in the teaching-learning process, by 320 university students nationwide from a private university in Chile. The methodology is located in a non-experimental design, quantitative approach, descriptive, correlational and cross-sectional. The proposed model is based on the unified theory of acceptance and use of technology. The analyzes in the Smart-PLS software support that the research model presents a favorable validity and reliability of the measurement scales and an adequate global adjustment. The greatest finding is the influence of information literacy as a facilitating condition for the use of scientific information search resources by university students with careers in the Health area at the national level.Facultad de Humanidades y Ciencias de la Educació

    Treatment with hydroxychloroquine vs nitazoxanide in patients with COVID-19. Brief report

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    Introduction: coronavirus pandemic has led to 1.8 million deaths worldwide as of May 1st, 2021. Nitazoxanide (NTZ) is currently being studied in several ambulatory clinical trials to control viral infections including SARS-CoV-2. This study evaluates the effect of treatment with NTZ compared to Hydroxychloroquine (HCQ) in hospitalized patients. Methods: in this clinical study performed from May to August 2020, two groups of COVID-19 patients were compared: A) a control group treated with HCQ 200 mg PO twice a day for seven days and B) an experimental group treated with NTZ 500 mg PO every 6 hours for seven days. Student's t-test between the two groups and Relative Risk (RR) with a 95% confidence interval (CI), were calculated. In all cases a P<0.05 was considered statistically significant. Results: twenty-seven (27) patients (females 17, males 10) treated with HCQ and 17 patients (females 8, males 9) administered NTZ were included in the study (mean age 44.6 ± 14.4 years old). At the moment of hospital admission, the following variables were statistically significant: BMI (P=0.0225) and leucocyte counts (P=0.069). In the follow-up period, the statistically significant variables were hospital length of stay (P=0.003257) and Intensive Care Units (ICU) admission with a lower RR in the group taking NTZ vs HCQ of 0.4074 (95% CI: 0.2451 to 0.5927, attributable risk (P1 - P2): 0.5926, P≤0.0001, NNT: 1.688). Conclusion: in comparison to HCQ, NTZ significantly reduces the risk to be hospitalized in the ICU and this approach could be replicated easily in any hospital

    Impact of Modified Ultrafiltration in Congenital Heart Disease Patients Treated with Cardiopulmonary Bypass

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    Modified ultrafiltration is used in cardiac surgery with cardiopulmonary bypass in order to diminish systemic inflammatory response syndrome. We aimed to show its utility for removing pro-inflammatory agents in operated pediatric patients with congenital heart disease and its impact at operative care. A clinical case control trial was designed, including patients with simple congenital heart disease operated on with cardiopulmonary bypass in a 1-year period. We randomized them to a problematic group (with modified ultrafiltration, n = 15) and a control group (without it, n = 16), and blood samples to measure interleukins (6 and 10), 3d and 4d complement fraction concentrations were taken at the following times: baseline, before cardiopulmonary bypass, after it, after modified ultrafiltration, and from the ultrafiltration concentrate. Operative clinical end points of success were defined as hemodynamic stability, absence of morbidity, and lack of mortality. We observed a higher significant interleukin six concentration in the problematic group patients at baseline, as well as a higher removal of this pro-inflammatory agent at the ultrafiltration concentrate. Modified ultrafiltration has a positive impact over simple congenital heart disease surgery with cardiopulmonary bypass because of removing interleukin 6. We recommend its routinely use when hemodynamic conditions are favorable