1,973 research outputs found

    Surface nano-patterning through styrene adsorption on Si(100)

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    We present an ab initio study of the structural and electronic properties of styrene molecules adsorbed on the dimerized Si(100) surface at different coverages, ranging from the single-molecule to the full monolayer. The adsorption mechanism primarily involves the vinyl group via a [2+2] cycloaddition process that leads to the formation of covalent Si-C bonds and a local surface derelaxation, while it leaves the phenyl group almost unperturbed. The investigation of the functionalized surface as a function of the coverage (e.g. 0.5 -- 1 ML) and of the substrate reconstruction reveals two major effects. The first results from Si dimer-vinyl interaction and concerns the controlled variation of the energy bandgap of the interface. The second is associated to phenyl-phenyl interactions, which gives rise to a regular pattern of electronic wires at surface, stemming from the pi-pi coupling. These findings suggest a rationale for tailoring the surface nano-patterning of the surface, in a controlled way.Comment: 19 pages (preprint), 4 figures, supplementary materia

    Phase separation in asymmetrical fermion superfluids

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    Motivated by recent developments on cold atom traps and high density QCD we consider fermionic systems composed of two particle species with different densities. We argue that a mixed phase composed of normal and superfluid components is the energetically favored ground state. We suggest how this phase separation can be used as a probe of fermion superfluidity in atomic traps.Comment: 9 pages, LaTeX2e, version to appear in Phys.Rev.Let

    Hepatocellular Carcinoma: An Unusual Presentation of this Rare Clinical Entity in Children

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    Malignant hepatic tumors are rare in children and hepatocellular carcinomas only represent 20% of cases. A previously healthy 10 year-old male was admitted for sudden abdominal pain. Ultrasound imaging showed an ileo-ileal intussusception with spontaneous resolution, but in the face of worsening pain, fever, and a palpable epigastric mass, abdominal magnetic resonance imaging was performed, showing a liver lesion. Laboratory tests presented elevated liver enzymes and C-reactive protein, so a liver abscess was considered and treated with metronidazole plus ceftriaxone. All of the microbiology tests as well as tumoral markers were negative. Despite clinical and laboratory improvement, the lesion persisted in the imaging. A liver biopsy confirmed a hepatocellular carcinoma, and the patient was submitted to surgical resection and chemotherapy. Contrarily to adults in whom most cases are secondary to chronic liver disease, children may not have risk factors for the disease, which makes it harder to make a prompt diagnosis.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Knowledge and attitude towards the gradual reduction of salt in bread – an online survey

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    Aim: Assess knowledge and attitude towards the gradual reduction of salt in bread and the potential impact on eating habits of children (6-18 years) and their families, as part as a Health Impact Assessment pilot study.N/

    Use of Bayes factors to evaluate the effects of host genetics, litter and cage on the rabbit cecal microbiota

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    Background: The rabbit cecum hosts and interacts with a complex microbial ecosystem that contributes to the variation of traits of economic interest. Although the influence of host genetics on microbial diversity and specific microbial taxa has been studied in several species (e.g., humans, pigs, or cattle), it has not been investigated in rabbits. Using a Bayes factor approach, the aim of this study was to dissect the effects of host genetics, litter and cage on 984 microbial traits that are representative of the rabbit microbiota. Results: Analysis of 16S rDNA sequences of cecal microbiota from 425 rabbits resulted in the relative abundances of 29 genera, 951 operational taxonomic units (OTU), and four microbial alpha-diversity indices. Each of these microbial traits was adjusted with mixed linear and zero-inflated Poisson (ZIP) models, which all included additive genetic, litter and cage effects, and body weight at weaning and batch as systematic factors. The marginal posterior distributions of the model parameters were estimated using MCMC Bayesian procedures. The deviance information criterion (DIC) was used for model comparison regarding the statistical distribution of the data (normal or ZIP), and the Bayes factor was computed as a measure of the strength of evidence in favor of the host genetics, litter, and cage effects on microbial traits. According to DIC, all microbial traits were better adjusted with the linear model except for the OTU present in less than 10% of the animals, and for 25 of the 43 OTU with a frequency between 10 and 25%. On a global scale, the Bayes factor revealed substantial evidence in favor of the genetic control of the number of observed OTU and Shannon indices. At the taxon-specific level, significant proportions of the OTU and relative abundances of genera were influenced by additive genetic, litter, and cage effects. Several members of the genera Bacteroides and Parabacteroides were strongly influenced by the host genetics and nursing environment, whereas the family S24-7 and the genus Ruminococcus were strongly influenced by cage effects. Conclusions: This study demonstrates that host genetics shapes the overall rabbit cecal microbial diversity and that a significant proportion of the taxa is influenced either by host genetics or environmental factors, such as litter and/or cage. © 2022, The Author(s)

    Justice and efficiency: Managing the value conflict

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    DINÂMIA, Dezembro de 2007.Presently, in Portugal, there is an incomplete network of “Julgados de Paz” (small claims courts). The government is committed to extending the network throughout the country. The goal of extending the network is constrained by budgetary considerations. Out of those constraints a conflict between the right to justice and efficiency emerges. In this paper an approach is advanced to help manage this value conflict between justice and efficiency in setting up criteria for the extension of the network of “Julgados de Paz”.À présent, au Portugal, le réseau des “Julgados de Paz” (Juges de Proximité) reste incomplet. Le gouvernement veut étendre le réseau à l’ensemble du territoire national. Cet objectif est limité par des contraintes budgétaires. De là découle une tension entre le droit à la justice et la poursuite de l’efficience. Dans cet exposé nous proposons une approche qui pourrait aider à répondre au besoin de gérer le conflit entre justice et efficience dans l’élaboration de critères pour l’extension du réseau de “Julgados de Paz” au territoire du Portugal.FC

    Asymmetric Fermion Superfluid with Inter- and Intra-Species Pairings

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    We investigate the phase structure of an asymmetric fermion superfluid with inter- and intra-species pairings. The introduction of the intra-species pairing mechanism in canonical ensemble changes significantly the phase diagram and brings in a new state with coexisting inter- and intra-species pairings. Different from the case with only inter-species pairing, all the fermion excitations are fully gapped in the region with intra-species pairing.Comment: 5 pages, 4 figure

    DNA polymerase B deficiency is linked to aggressive breast cancer: a comprehensive analysis of gene copy number, mRNA and protein expression in multiple cohorts

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    Short arm of chromosome 8 is a hot spot for chromosomal breaks, losses and amplifications in breast cancer. Although such genetic changes may have phenotypic consequences, the identity of candidate gene(s) remains to be clearly defined. Pol β gene is localized to chromosome 8p12 - p11 and encodes a key DNA base excision repair protein. Pol β may be a tumour suppressor and involved in breast cancer pathogenesis. We conducted the first and the largest study to comprehensively evaluate pol β in breast cancer. We investigated pol β gene copy number changes in two cohorts (n=128 & n=1952), pol β mRNA expression in two cohorts (n=249 & n=1952) and pol β protein expression in two cohorts (n=1406 & n=252). Artificial neural network analysis for pol β interacting genes was performed in 249 tumours. For mechanistic insights, pol β gene copy number changes, mRNA and protein levels were investigated together in 1 28 tumours and validated in 1952 tumours. Low pol β mRNA expression as well as low pol β protein expression was associated high grade, lymph node positivity, pleomorphism, triple negative, basal - like phenotypes and poor survival (ps<0.001). In oestrogen receptor (ER) positive sub - group that received tamoxifen, low pol β protein remains associated with aggressive phenotype and poor survival (ps<0.001). Artificial neural network analysis revealed ER as a top pol β interacting gene. Mechanistically, there was strong positive correlation between pol β gene copy number changes and pol β mRNA expression (p<0.0000001) and between pol β mRNA and pol β protein expression (p<0.0000001). This is the first study to provide evidence that pol β deficiency is linked to aggressive breast cancer and may have prognostic and predictive significance in patients

    Survival after Laparoscopic versus Abdominal Radical Hysterectomy in Early Cervical Cancer: A Randomized Controlled Trial

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    Previous studies have reported the safety of laparoscopic radical hysterectomy for treatment of early cervical cancer, as option to laparotomy. This study aims to compare overall survival between laparoscopic versus abdominal radical hysterectomy for early cervical cancer. Methods: A single-center randomized controlled trial enrolled 30 patients with clinically staged IA2 cervical cancer and lymphovascular invasion, IB and IIA, who underwent laparoscopic radical hysterectomy (16) or abdominal radical hysterectomy (14). Result: The mean overall survival time was 74.74 months (CI 95%: 54.15-95.33) for LRH 91.67 months (CI 95%: 74.97-108.37) for ARH (logrank test = 0.30). The mean disease-free survival time was 81.07 months (CI 95%: 60.95-101.19) for LRH and 95.82 months (CI 95%: 80.18-111.47) for ARH (log-rank test = 0.371). The overall survival hazard ratio was 2.05 (CI 95%: 0.51-8.24), and the disease-free hazard ratio was 2.13 (CI 95%: 0.39-11.7). Conclusion: Our study suggests a nonsignificant trend of worse outcomes for LRH. In light of recent controversy and need for prospective studies, further studies in different populations are required for definite conclusions and until then, patients should be aware of risks and benefits, survival data and quality of life outcomes related to both surgical techniques.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio
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