15 research outputs found

    Sleep duration in preschool age and later behavioral and cognitive outcomes:an individual participant data meta-analysis in five European cohorts

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    Data de publicació electrònica: 07-02-2023Short sleep duration has been linked to adverse behavioral and cognitive outcomes in schoolchildren, but few studies examined this relation in preschoolers. We aimed to investigate the association between parent-reported sleep duration at 3.5 years and behavioral and cognitive outcomes at 5 years in European children. We used harmonized data from five cohorts of the European Union Child Cohort Network: ALSPAC, SWS (UK); EDEN, ELFE (France); INMA (Spain). Associations were estimated through DataSHIELD using adjusted generalized linear regression models fitted separately for each cohort and pooled with random-effects meta-analysis. Behavior was measured with the Strengths and Difficulties Questionnaire. Language and non-verbal intelligence were assessed by the Wechsler Preschool and Primary Scale of Intelligence or the McCarthy Scales of Children's Abilities. Behavioral and cognitive analyses included 11,920 and 2981 children, respectively (34.0%/13.4% of the original sample). In meta-analysis, longer mean sleep duration per day at 3.5 years was associated with lower mean internalizing and externalizing behavior percentile scores at 5 years (adjusted mean difference: - 1.27, 95% CI [- 2.22, - 0.32] / - 2.39, 95% CI [- 3.04, - 1.75]). Sleep duration and language or non-verbal intelligence showed trends of inverse associations, however, with imprecise estimates (adjusted mean difference: - 0.28, 95% CI [- 0.83, 0.27] / - 0.42, 95% CI [- 0.99, 0.15]). This individual participant data meta-analysis suggests that longer sleep duration in preschool age may be important for children's later behavior and highlight the need for larger samples for robust analyses of cognitive outcomes. Findings could be influenced by confounding or reverse causality and require replication.Open Access funding enabled and organized by Projekt DEAL. This research (LifeCycle Project ID: ECCNLC201914) was funded by the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under Grant Agreement N: 733206, LifeCycle project. Kathrin Guerlich was granted a LifeCycle Fellowship (Grant Agreement N: 733206, LifeCycle project). Berthold Koletzko is the Else Kröner Seniorprofessor of Paediatrics at LMU – University of Munich, financially supported by Else Kröner-Fresenius-Foundation, LMU Medical Faculty and LMU University Hospital. Deborah A Lawlor and Ahmed Elhakeem work in a Unit that receives support from the University of Bristol and UK Medical Research Council (MC_UU_00011/6). Deborah A Lawlor is a British Heart Foundation Chair (CH/F/20/90003) and a National Institute of Health Research Senior Investigator (NF-0616–10102). Mònica Guxens is funded by a Miguel Servet II fellowship (CPII18/00018) awarded by the Spanish Institute of Health Carlos III. Jordi Julvez holds Miguel Servet-II contract (CPII19/00015) awarded by the Instituto de Salud Carlos III (Co-funded by European Social Fund "Investing in your future"). Tim Cadman was funded a Marie Sklodowska-Curie Individual Fellowship. Funding details for each cohort are provided in Online Resource 1. No funder had any influence on the study design, data collection, statistical analyses or interpretation of findings. The views expressed in this paper are those of the authors and not necessarily of any funders

    Green space exposure and blood DNA methylation at birth and in childhood – A multi-cohort study

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    Green space exposure has been associated with improved mental, physical and general health. However, the underlying biological mechanisms remain largely unknown. The aim of this study was to investigate the association between green space exposure and cord and child blood DNA methylation. Data from eight European birth cohorts with a total of 2,988 newborns and 1,849 children were used. Two indicators of residential green space exposure were assessed: (i) surrounding greenness (satellite-based Normalized Difference Vegetation Index (NDVI) in buffers of 100 m and 300 m) and (ii) proximity to green space (having a green space ≥ 5,000 m2 within a distance of 300 m). For these indicators we assessed two exposure windows: (i) pregnancy, and (ii) the period from pregnancy to child blood DNA methylation assessment, named as cumulative exposure. DNA methylation was measured with the Illumina 450K or EPIC arrays. To identify differentially methylated positions (DMPs) we fitted robust linear regression models between pregnancy green space exposure and cord blood DNA methylation and between cumulative green space exposure and child blood DNA methylation. Two sensitivity analyses were conducted: (i) without adjusting for cellular composition, and (ii) adjusting for air pollution. Cohort results were combined through fixed-effect inverse variance weighted meta-analyses. Differentially methylated regions (DMRs) were identified from meta-analysed results using the Enmix-combp and DMRcate methods. There was no statistical evidence of pregnancy or cumulative exposures associating with any DMP (False Discovery Rate, FDR, p-value &lt; 0.05). However, surrounding greenness exposure was inversely associated with four DMRs (three in cord blood and one in child blood) annotated to ADAMTS2, KCNQ1DN, SLC6A12 and SDK1 genes. Results did not change substantially in the sensitivity analyses. Overall, we found little evidence of the association between green space exposure and blood DNA methylation. Although we identified associations between surrounding greenness exposure with four DMRs, these findings require replication.</p

    Associations of Maternal Educational Level, Proximity to Green Space During Pregnancy, and Gestational Diabetes With Body Mass Index From Infancy to Early Adulthood:A Proof-of-Concept Federated Analysis in 18 Birth Cohorts

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    International sharing of cohort data for research is important and challenging. We explored the feasibility of multicohort federated analyses by examining associations between 3 pregnancy exposures (maternal education, exposure to green vegetation, and gestational diabetes) and offspring body mass index (BMI) from infancy to age 17 years. We used data from 18 cohorts (n = 206,180 mother-child pairs) from the EU Child Cohort Network and derived BMI at ages 0-1, 2-3, 4-7, 8-13, and 14-17 years. Associations were estimated using linear regression via 1-stage individual participant data meta-analysis using DataSHIELD. Associations between lower maternal education and higher child BMI emerged from age 4 and increased with age (difference in BMI z score comparing low with high education, at age 2-3 years = 0.03 (95% confidence interval (CI): 0.00, 0.05), at 4-7 years = 0.16 (95% CI: 0.14, 0.17), and at 8-13 years = 0.24 (95% CI: 0.22, 0.26)). Gestational diabetes was positively associated with BMI from age 8 years (BMI z score difference = 0.18, 95% CI: 0.12, 0.25) but not at younger ages; however, associations attenuated towards the null when restricted to cohorts that measured gestational diabetes via universal screening. Exposure to green vegetation was weakly associated with higher BMI up to age 1 year but not at older ages. Opportunities of cross-cohort federated analyses are discussed.</p

    Associations of Maternal Educational Level, Proximity to Green Space During Pregnancy, and Gestational Diabetes With Body Mass Index From Infancy to Early Adulthood:A Proof-of-Concept Federated Analysis in 18 Birth Cohorts

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    International sharing of cohort data for research is important and challenging. We explored the feasibility of multicohort federated analyses by examining associations between 3 pregnancy exposures (maternal education, exposure to green vegetation, and gestational diabetes) and offspring body mass index (BMI) from infancy to age 17 years. We used data from 18 cohorts (n = 206,180 mother-child pairs) from the EU Child Cohort Network and derived BMI at ages 0-1, 2-3, 4-7, 8-13, and 14-17 years. Associations were estimated using linear regression via 1-stage individual participant data meta-analysis using DataSHIELD. Associations between lower maternal education and higher child BMI emerged from age 4 and increased with age (difference in BMI z score comparing low with high education, at age 2-3 years = 0.03 (95% confidence interval (CI): 0.00, 0.05), at 4-7 years = 0.16 (95% CI: 0.14, 0.17), and at 8-13 years = 0.24 (95% CI: 0.22, 0.26)). Gestational diabetes was positively associated with BMI from age 8 years (BMI z score difference = 0.18, 95% CI: 0.12, 0.25) but not at younger ages; however, associations attenuated towards the null when restricted to cohorts that measured gestational diabetes via universal screening. Exposure to green vegetation was weakly associated with higher BMI up to age 1 year but not at older ages. Opportunities of cross-cohort federated analyses are discussed.</p

    Lifestyle patterns in European preschoolers: Associations with socio-demographic factors and body mass index

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    Background: energy balance-related behaviours (EBRBs), that is, dietary intake, screen, outdoor play and sleep, tend to combine into 'lifestyle patterns', with potential synergistic influences on health. To date, studies addressing this theme mainly focused on school children and rarely accounted for sleep, with a cross-country perspective.Objectives: we aimed at comparing lifestyle patterns among preschool-aged children across Europe, their associations with socio-demographic factors and their links with body mass index (BMI).Methods: harmonized data on 2-5-year-olds participating in nine European birth cohorts from the EU Child Cohort Network were used (EBRBs, socio-demographics and anthropometrics). Principal component analysis and multivariable linear and logistic regressions were performed.Results: the most consistent pattern identified across cohorts was defined by at least three of the following EBRBs: discretionary consumption, high screen time, low outdoor play time and low sleep duration. Consistently, children from low-income households and born to mothers with low education level had higher scores on this pattern compared to their socioeconomically advantaged counterparts. Furthermore, it was associated with higher BMI z-scores in the Spanish and Italian cohorts (β = 0.06, 95% CI = [0.02; 0.10], both studies).Conclusion: these findings may be valuable in informing early multi-behavioural interventions aimed at reducing social inequalities in health at a European scale.</p

    Green space exposure and blood DNA methylation at birth and in childhood – A multi-cohort study

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    Green space exposure has been associated with improved mental, physical and general health. However, the underlying biological mechanisms remain largely unknown. The aim of this study was to investigate the association between green space exposure and cord and child blood DNA methylation.Data from eight European birth cohorts with a total of 2,988 newborns and 1,849 children were used. Two indicators of residential green space exposure were assessed: (i) surrounding greenness (satellite-based Normalized Difference Vegetation Index (NDVI) in buffers of 100m and 300m) and (ii) proximity to green space (having a green space ≥ 5,000 m2 within a distance of 300m). For these indicators we assessed two exposure windows: (i) pregnancy, and (ii) the period from pregnancy to child blood DNA methylation assessment, named as cumulative exposure. DNA methylation was measured with the Illumina 450K or EPIC arrays. To identify differentially methylated positions (DMPs) we fitted robust linear regression models between pregnancy green space exposure and cord blood DNA methylation and between cumulative green space exposure and child blood DNA methylation. Two sensitivity analyses were conducted: (i) without adjusting for cellular composition, and (ii) adjusting for air pollution. Cohort results were combined through fixed-effect inverse variance weighted meta-analyses. Differentially methylated regions (DMRs) were identified from meta-analysed results using the Enmix-combp and DMRcate methods. There was no statistical evidence of pregnancy or cumulative exposures associating with any DMP (False Discovery Rate, FDR, p-value &lt;0.05). However, surrounding greenness exposure was inversely associated with four DMRs (three in cord blood and one in child blood) annotated to ADAMTS2, KCNQ1DN, SLC6A12 and SDK1 genes. Results did not change substantially in the sensitivity analyses.Overall, we found little evidence of the association between green space exposure and blood DNA methylation. Although we identified associations between surrounding greenness exposure with four DMRs, these findings require replication

    Urban environment in pregnancy and postpartum depression: An individual participant data meta-analysis of 12 European birth cohorts

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    Background: Urban environmental exposures associate with adult depression, but it is unclear whether they are associated to postpartum depression (PPD). Objectives: We investigated associations between urban environment exposures during pregnancy and PPD. Methods: We included women with singleton deliveries to liveborn children from 12 European birth cohorts (N with minimum one exposure = 30,772, analysis N range 17,686–30,716 depending on exposure; representing 26–46 % of the 66,825 eligible women). We estimated maternal exposure during pregnancy to ambient air pollution with nitrogen dioxide (NO 2) and particulate matter (PM 2.5 and PM 10), road traffic noise (L den), natural spaces (Normalised Difference Vegetation Index; NDVI, proximity to major green or blue spaces) and built environment (population density, facility richness and walkability). Maternal PPD was assessed 3–18 months after birth using self-completed questionnaires. We used adjusted logistic regression models to estimate cohort-specific associations between each exposure and PPD and combined results via meta-analysis using DataSHIELD. Results: Of the 30,772 women included, 3,078 (10 %) reported having PPD. Exposure to PM 10 was associated with slightly increased odds of PPD (adjusted odd ratios (OR) of 1.08 [95 % Confidence Intervals (CI): 0.99, 1.17] per inter quartile range increment of PM 10) whilst associations for exposure to NO 2 and PM 2.5 were close to null. Exposure to high levels of road traffic noise (≥65 dB vs. &lt; 65 dB) was associated with an OR of 1.12 [CI: 0.95, 1.32]. Associations between green spaces and PPD were close to null; whilst proximity to major blue spaces was associated with increased risk of PPD (OR 1.12, 95 %CI: 1.00, 1.26). All associations between built environment and PPD were close to null. Multiple exposure models showed similar results. Discussion: The study findings suggest that exposure to PM 10, road traffic noise and blue spaces in pregnancy may increase PPD risk, however future studies should explore this causally.</p

    Associations of early-life pet ownership with asthma and allergic sensitization: a meta-analysis of more than 77,000 children from the EU Child Cohort Network

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    Background: studies examining associations of early-life cat and dog ownership with childhood asthma have reported inconsistent results. Several factors could explain these inconsistencies, including type of pet, timing, and degree of exposure.Objective: our aim was to study associations of early-life cat and dog ownership with asthma in school-aged children, including the role of type (cat vs dog), timing (never, prenatal, or early childhood), and degree of ownership (number of pets owned), and the role of allergic sensitization.Methods: we used harmonized data from 77,434 mother-child dyads from 9 birth cohorts in the European Union Child Cohort Network when the child was 5 to 11 years old. Associations were examined through the DataSHIELD platform by using adjusted logistic regression models, which were fitted separately for each cohort and combined by using random effects meta-analysis.Results: the prevalence of early-life cat and dog ownership ranged from 12% to 45% and 7% to 47%, respectively, and the prevalence of asthma ranged from 2% to 20%. There was no overall association between either cat or dog ownership and asthma (odds ratio [OR] = 0.97 [95% CI = 0.87-1.09] and 0.92 [95% CI = 0.85-1.01], respectively). Timing and degree of ownership did not strongly influence associations. Cat and dog ownership were also not associated with cat- and dog-specific allergic sensitization (OR = 0.92 [95% CI = 0.75-1.13] and 0.93 [95% CI = 0.57-1.54], respectively). However, cat- and dog-specific allergic sensitization was strongly associated with school-age asthma (OR = 6.69 [95% CI = 4.91-9.10] and 5.98 [95% CI = 3.14-11.36], respectively). There was also some indication of an interaction between ownership and sensitization, suggesting that ownership may exacerbate the risks associated with pet-specific sensitization but offer some protection against asthma in the absence of sensitization.Conclusion: our findings do not support early-life cat and dog ownership in themselves increasing the risk of school-age asthma, but they do suggest that ownership may potentially exacerbate the risks associated with cat- and dog-specific allergic sensitization.</p

    Associations of maternal education, area deprivation, proximity to greenspace during pregnancy and gestational diabetes with Body Mass Index from early childhood to early adulthood: A proof-of-concept federated analysis in seventeen birth cohorts

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    Background: International sharing of cohort data for research is important and challenging. The LifeCycle project aimed to harmonise data across birth cohorts and develop methods for efficient federated analyses of early life stressors on offspring outcomes. Aim: To explore feasibility of federated analyses of associations between four different types of pregnancy exposures (maternal education, area deprivation, proximity to green space and gestational diabetes) with offspring BMI from infancy to 17 years. Methods: We used harmonised exposure and outcome data from 17 cohorts (n=200,650 mother-child pairs) from the EU Child Cohort Network. For each child, we derived BMI at five age periods: (i) 0-1 years, (ii) 2-3, (iii) 4-7, (iv) 8-13 and (v) 14-17 years. Associations were estimated using linear regression via one-stage individual participant data meta-analysis using the federated analysis platform DataSHIELD. Results: Associations between lower maternal education and higher child BMI emerged from age 4 years and increased with age (difference in BMI z-score comparing low with high education age 0-1 years = 0.02 [95% CI 0.00, 0.03], 2-3 years = 0.01 [CI -0.02, 0.04], 4-7 years = 0.14 [CI 0.13, 0.16], 8-13 years = 0.22 [CI 0.20, 0.24], 14-17 years = 0.20 [CI 0.16, 0.23]). A similar pattern was found for area deprivation. Gestational diabetes was positively associated with BMI from 8 years (8-13 years = 0.17 [CI 0.10, 0.24], 14-17 years = 0.012 [CI -0.13, 0.38]) but not at younger ages. The normalised difference vegetation index measure of maternal proximity to green space was weakly associated with higher BMI in the first year of life but not at older ages. Conclusions: Associations between maternal education, area-based socioeconomic position and GDM with BMI increased with age. Maternal proximity to green space was not associated with offspring BMI, other than a weak association in infancy. Opportunities and challenges of cross-cohort federated analyses are discussed