25 research outputs found
Upwelling regime off the Cabo Frio region in Brazil and impact on acoustic propagation
This work introduces a description of the complex upwelling regime off the Cabo Frio region in Brazil and shows that ocean modeling, based on the feature-oriented regional modeling system (FORMS) technique, can produce reliable predictions of sound speed fields for the corresponding shallow water environment. This work also shows, through the development of simulations, that the upwelling regime can be responsible for the creation of shadow coastal zones, in which the detection probability is too low for an acoustic source to be detected. The development of the FORMS technique and its validation with real data, for the particular region of coastal upwelling off Cabo Frio, reveals the possibility of a sustainable and reliable forecast system for the corresponding (variable in space and time) underwater acoustic environment. (C) 2018 Acoustical Society of AmericaBrazilian Navy; Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Cientifico e Tecnologico (CNPq)/Ciencias Sem Fronteiras [400671/2014-0]; European Union [OAEX-230855]; Fundacao de Amparo a Pesquisa (FAPERJ) [E-26/110.327/2012
The California Current System: A multiscale overview and the development of a feature-oriented regional modeling system (FORMS)
17 USC 105 interim-entered record; under review.Over the past decade, the feature-oriented regional modeling methodology has been developed and applied in several ocean domains, including the western North Atlantic and tropical North Atlantic. This methodology is model-independent and can be utilized with or without satellite and/or in situ observations. Here we develop new feature-oriented models for the eastern North Pacific from 36◦ to 48◦N – essentially, most of the regional eastern boundary current. This is the firsttime feature-modeling has been applied to a complex eastern boundary current system. As a prerequisite to feature modeling, prevalent features that comprise the multiscale and complex circulation in the California Current system (CCS) are first overviewed. This description is based on contemporary understanding ofthe features and their dominant space and time scales of variability. A synergistic configuration of circulation features interacting with one another on multiple and sometimes overlapping space and time scales as a meander-eddy-upwelling system is presented. The second step is to define the feature-oriented regional modeling system (FORMS). The major multiscale circulation features include the mean flow and southeastward meandering jet(s) of the California Current (CC), the poleward flowing California Undercurrent (CUC), and six upwelling regions along the coastline. Next, the typical synoptic width, location, vertical extent, and core characteristics of these features and their dominant scales of variability are identified from past observational, theoretical and modeling studies. The parameterized features are then melded with the climatology, in situ and remotely sensed data, as available. The methodology is exemplified here for initialization of primitiveequation models. Dynamical simulations are run as nowcasts and short-term (4–6 weeks) forecasts using these feature models (FM) as initial fields and the Princeton Ocean Model (POM) for dynamics. The set of simulations over a 40-day period illustrate the applicability of FORMS to a transient eastern boundary current region such as the CCS. Comparisons are made with simulations initialized from climatology only. The FORMS approach increases skill in severalfactors, including the: (i) maintenance of the low-salinity pool in the core of the CC; (ii) representation of eddy activity inshore of the coastal transition zone; (iii) realistic eddy kinetic energy evolution; (iv) subsurface (intermediate depth) mesoscale feature evolution; and (v) deep poleward flow evolution.This work was funded by the Office of Naval Research grants N00014-03-1-0411 and N00014-03-1-0206 at the University of Massachusetts at Dartmouth. Leslie Rosenfeld’s participation was supported by ONR grant N00014-03-WR-20009. PFJL, PJH and WGL are grateful to ONR for support under grant N00014-08-1-1097, N00014-08-1-0680 and MURI-ASAP to the Massachusetts Institute of Technology
Uma discussĂŁo sobre a relevância do diploma para o exercĂcio do Jornalismo
A partir da justificativa do voto contra a obrigatoriedade do diploma para o curso de Jornalismo (2009), apresentado pelo entĂŁo ministro do Supremo Tribunal Federal (STF), Gilmar Mendes, este artigo se propõe a levantar uma discussĂŁo acerca da relevância da graduação na formação do jornalista. Por meio de pesquisa bibliográfica, este trabalho apresenta uma revisĂŁo de artigos, livros e decisões judiciais sobre o tema. O intuito Ă© discutir sobre a tĂ©cnica necessária para atuação dos futuros profissionais, aliada Ă formação de qualidade, liberdade de expressĂŁo e limites ao exercĂcio dessa liberdade
Dynamics of meso-scale interactions activity between Brazil Current and coastal upwelling phenomenon off Cape Frio and Cape of São Tomé, RJ
Os meandros da Corrente do Brasil ao largo do sudeste brasileiro s~ao singulares em termos de sua composic¸ ~ao termohalina. Estes v´ ortices, principalmente na regi~ao de Cabo Frio e Cabo de S~ao Tom´e, constituem um sistema integrado a ressurg^encia costeira e a pr´opria Corrente do Brasil, caracterizando um sistema din^amico que propomos denominar Corrente do Brasil-v ´ ortice-ressurg^encia. Apresentamos uma metodologia de construc¸ ~ao de modelos param´etricos das feic¸ ~oes oceanogr´aficas (ou Modelos de Feic¸ ~ao) que comp~oem o sistema. Estes modelos s~ao capazes de construir tridimensionalmente feic¸ ~oes oceanogr´aficas individuais a partir de dados sin´oticos de superf´?cie e fundo para elaborac¸ ~ao de campos iniciais de modelos num´ericos, com o objetivo de compreender a interac¸ ~ao do sistema din^amico Corrente do Brasil-v´ ortice-ressurg^encia. Atrav´es da simulac¸ ~ao num´erica dos campos iniciais baseados nos Modelos de Feic¸ ~ao investigamos o processo que conduz `a assimetria termohalina dos v´ ortices da Corrente do Brasil, acima descrita. Esta foi devida a aproximac¸ ~ao desses v´ ortices junto ao talude continental e ao ajustamento barocl´?nico das correntes `as menores profundidades. Verificamos, ainda, que a penetrac¸a~o da A´ gua Central do Atla^ntico Sul pela camada de Ekman de fundo n~ao tem efeito significativo na estrutura dos v´ ortices. Realizamos experimentosnum´ericos adicionais com o objetivo de investigar quais os tipos de instabilidade geof´?sica estariam envolvidas no fen^omeno do crescimento dos meandros e v´ ortices da Corrente do Brasil. Analisando os resultados atrav´es de c´alculos de convers~ao de energia pudemos concluir que o sistema Corrente do Brasil-v´ ortice-ressurg^encia apresenta instabilidade mista ( barotr ´opica e barocl´?nica). Contudo, verificamos quantitativamente que a instabilidade barocl´?nica foi dominante. O sistema, no entanto, mostrou-se sens´?vel `a ac¸ ~ao da tens~ao de cisalhamento do vento de nordeste na regi~ao e consequentemente `a ressurg^encia costeira. Interpretamos tal sensibilidade como fator respons´avel pela relev^ancia da instabilidade barotr ´opica no processo de crescimento dos meandros da Corrente do Brasil. Por fim, verificamos que um meandro cicl ^onico frontal, quase-estacion´ario, em condic¸ ~oes especiais de crescimento por mecanismo de instabilidade, pode auxiliar no estabelecimento da ressurg^encia costeira. O v´ ortice do Cabo de S~ao Tom´e simulado apresenta velocidade de fase muito baixa e cresce em direc¸ ~ao a oceano aberto, de forma praticamente perpendicular `a quebra de plataforma. Logo, o crescimento do vo´ rtice de Cabo de Sa~o Tome´ faz com que o mesmo advecte A´ gua Costeira para seu interior provocando, por continuidade, afloramento da A´ gua central do Atla^ntico Sul junto `a costa. Assim, podemos dizer que h´a, de fato, uma interac¸ ~ao entre o sistema costeiro e a atividade de meso-escala da Corrente do Brasil.The Brazil Current meanders off the Brazilian southeast coast are unique in terms of their thermohaline structure. These eddies, especially off the Cape Frio and S~ao Tom´e region constitute an integrated system with the Brazil Current and the coastal upwelling, characterizing a dynamic system which we propose to nominate as Brazil Current-eddy-upwelling system. We present a methodology of parametric model construction of the oceanographic features (or Feature Models) which compose the inferred system . These models are capable of three-dimensionally building independent the relevant features from synoptic surface and bottom data in order to compose the initial fields for numerical models with the objective of understanding the dynamics of the interaction of Brazil Current-eddy-upwelling system. By means of numerical simulation usingthe initial fields based on the Feature Models, we investigated the process which conducts to the thermohaline asymmetry of the eddies in the Brazil Current as mentioned above. This is due to the baroclinic approximation of the currents to shallower depths. The penetration of the Central Water in the South Atlantic by the bottom Ekman layer does not have a significant effect on the eddy structure. Additional numerical experiments were carried out with the objective of unders tanding which of the geophysical instabilities were involved in the growth of the Brazil Current meanders and eddies. The results analyzed through calculation of energy conversion allowed us to conclude that the Brazil Current-eddie-upwelling system presents mixed instability (barotropic and baroclinic). However, the baroclinic instability is dominant and is mostly associated to the vertical shear of the oceanic currents. The system, however,was sensitive to the action of the northeast wind shear and consequently to the coastal upwelling. Such sensibility was interpreted as the main responsible for the relevance of barotropic instability in the growth process of meanders in the Brazil Current. Lastly, we verified that a quasi-stationary frontal cyclonic meander, in special growth conditions by instability mechanisms, mayhelp in establishing coastal upwelling. The simulated S~ao Tom´e Cape Eddy presented a very low phase velocity and grew towards the open sea, almost perpendicularly to the continental shelf break. Therefore, the growth of the S~ao Tom´e Cape Eddy advects Coastal Water into its center and, therefore, lead to upwelling of South Atlantic Central Water near the coast. We can therefore say that there are in fact interaction mechanisms between the coastal system and the meso-scale activity of the Brazil Current
Dynamics of meso-scale interactions activity between Brazil Current and coastal upwelling phenomenon off Cape Frio and Cape of São Tomé, RJ
Os meandros da Corrente do Brasil ao largo do sudeste brasileiro s~ao singulares em termos de sua composic¸ ~ao termohalina. Estes v´ ortices, principalmente na regi~ao de Cabo Frio e Cabo de S~ao Tom´e, constituem um sistema integrado a ressurg^encia costeira e a pr´opria Corrente do Brasil, caracterizando um sistema din^amico que propomos denominar Corrente do Brasil-v ´ ortice-ressurg^encia. Apresentamos uma metodologia de construc¸ ~ao de modelos param´etricos das feic¸ ~oes oceanogr´aficas (ou Modelos de Feic¸ ~ao) que comp~oem o sistema. Estes modelos s~ao capazes de construir tridimensionalmente feic¸ ~oes oceanogr´aficas individuais a partir de dados sin´oticos de superf´?cie e fundo para elaborac¸ ~ao de campos iniciais de modelos num´ericos, com o objetivo de compreender a interac¸ ~ao do sistema din^amico Corrente do Brasil-v´ ortice-ressurg^encia. Atrav´es da simulac¸ ~ao num´erica dos campos iniciais baseados nos Modelos de Feic¸ ~ao investigamos o processo que conduz `a assimetria termohalina dos v´ ortices da Corrente do Brasil, acima descrita. Esta foi devida a aproximac¸ ~ao desses v´ ortices junto ao talude continental e ao ajustamento barocl´?nico das correntes `as menores profundidades. Verificamos, ainda, que a penetrac¸a~o da A´ gua Central do Atla^ntico Sul pela camada de Ekman de fundo n~ao tem efeito significativo na estrutura dos v´ ortices. Realizamos experimentosnum´ericos adicionais com o objetivo de investigar quais os tipos de instabilidade geof´?sica estariam envolvidas no fen^omeno do crescimento dos meandros e v´ ortices da Corrente do Brasil. Analisando os resultados atrav´es de c´alculos de convers~ao de energia pudemos concluir que o sistema Corrente do Brasil-v´ ortice-ressurg^encia apresenta instabilidade mista ( barotr ´opica e barocl´?nica). Contudo, verificamos quantitativamente que a instabilidade barocl´?nica foi dominante. O sistema, no entanto, mostrou-se sens´?vel `a ac¸ ~ao da tens~ao de cisalhamento do vento de nordeste na regi~ao e consequentemente `a ressurg^encia costeira. Interpretamos tal sensibilidade como fator respons´avel pela relev^ancia da instabilidade barotr ´opica no processo de crescimento dos meandros da Corrente do Brasil. Por fim, verificamos que um meandro cicl ^onico frontal, quase-estacion´ario, em condic¸ ~oes especiais de crescimento por mecanismo de instabilidade, pode auxiliar no estabelecimento da ressurg^encia costeira. O v´ ortice do Cabo de S~ao Tom´e simulado apresenta velocidade de fase muito baixa e cresce em direc¸ ~ao a oceano aberto, de forma praticamente perpendicular `a quebra de plataforma. Logo, o crescimento do vo´ rtice de Cabo de Sa~o Tome´ faz com que o mesmo advecte A´ gua Costeira para seu interior provocando, por continuidade, afloramento da A´ gua central do Atla^ntico Sul junto `a costa. Assim, podemos dizer que h´a, de fato, uma interac¸ ~ao entre o sistema costeiro e a atividade de meso-escala da Corrente do Brasil.The Brazil Current meanders off the Brazilian southeast coast are unique in terms of their thermohaline structure. These eddies, especially off the Cape Frio and S~ao Tom´e region constitute an integrated system with the Brazil Current and the coastal upwelling, characterizing a dynamic system which we propose to nominate as Brazil Current-eddy-upwelling system. We present a methodology of parametric model construction of the oceanographic features (or Feature Models) which compose the inferred system . These models are capable of three-dimensionally building independent the relevant features from synoptic surface and bottom data in order to compose the initial fields for numerical models with the objective of understanding the dynamics of the interaction of Brazil Current-eddy-upwelling system. By means of numerical simulation usingthe initial fields based on the Feature Models, we investigated the process which conducts to the thermohaline asymmetry of the eddies in the Brazil Current as mentioned above. This is due to the baroclinic approximation of the currents to shallower depths. The penetration of the Central Water in the South Atlantic by the bottom Ekman layer does not have a significant effect on the eddy structure. Additional numerical experiments were carried out with the objective of unders tanding which of the geophysical instabilities were involved in the growth of the Brazil Current meanders and eddies. The results analyzed through calculation of energy conversion allowed us to conclude that the Brazil Current-eddie-upwelling system presents mixed instability (barotropic and baroclinic). However, the baroclinic instability is dominant and is mostly associated to the vertical shear of the oceanic currents. The system, however,was sensitive to the action of the northeast wind shear and consequently to the coastal upwelling. Such sensibility was interpreted as the main responsible for the relevance of barotropic instability in the growth process of meanders in the Brazil Current. Lastly, we verified that a quasi-stationary frontal cyclonic meander, in special growth conditions by instability mechanisms, mayhelp in establishing coastal upwelling. The simulated S~ao Tom´e Cape Eddy presented a very low phase velocity and grew towards the open sea, almost perpendicularly to the continental shelf break. Therefore, the growth of the S~ao Tom´e Cape Eddy advects Coastal Water into its center and, therefore, lead to upwelling of South Atlantic Central Water near the coast. We can therefore say that there are in fact interaction mechanisms between the coastal system and the meso-scale activity of the Brazil Current
Frente TĂ©rmica e NĂşcleo de Velocidade da Corrente do Brasil na Costa Sudeste Brasileira
Surface Thermal Fronts (TF) in the southeastern brazilian coast, were examined in order to validate its utility in the identification of the symmetry axis of the Brazil Currents main flux. The spatial variability of the position of TF was initially characterized in the GOES-8 diary thermal data for 2006/2007, in maps which has free cloud cover for the region. To correlate them with the symmetry axis, diary outputs of a numerical model performed for the CB domain in 2007, were obtained and evaluated. For each output, the thermal field and total velocities field were digitilized in the upper layer, resulting in a curve positioned along the TF and another in the symmetry axis respectively. The normal distance average between these two curves were measured for each simulation day, and was found 48.11 \ub1 10.53 km indicating that the mean distance between TF and symmetry axis modeled was similar to the distance known, between the internal edge and the velocity nucleus of CB. The seasonal variability was marked and showed the formation sites of the meanders and eddies along CB flux. A similar comparison was made, validating each modeled TF with each respective TF taken out of the orbital data. Although the mean distance found was 28 \ub1 10.4 km, it showed that both TF measured and the identificated features were similarly positioned, giving a value to the modeled one.Pages: 7100-710
Reconstruction of missing data in orbital images of sea surface temperature in the southwest region of the Atlantic Ocean
An empirical orthogonal function-based technique was used to reconstruct missing data of Sea Surface Temperature (SST) images. Sea surface temperature data was used to assess the benefits of a univariate reconstruction, and the combination of both SST and Maps of Sea Level Anomalies (MSLA) data was used in a multivariate approach. In the multivariate approach the effect of addition of MSLA data in the reconstruction of Brazil Current (BC) features was assessed. Results were satisfactory in both approaches. The combination of SST plus MSLA significantly improves results obtained by reconstruction; statistical analyses found an improvement of ~ 5%. All experiments correctly represent the mesoscale features off the southwest South Atlantic
Frentes Oceânicas: Plataforma Continental Sudeste Brasileira
Oceanic fronts shape marine ecosystems, therefore front mapping and characterization are among the most important aspects of physical oceanography. The aim of this research is to automatically detect fronts and eddies from ocean colour satellite images. The algorithm SIED (single image edge detection, Cayula & Cornillon, 1992) were tuned to automatically delineate fronts associated with the brazilian current and coastal waters using satellite-derived sea surface temperature and chlorophyll-a. Two additional changes were made to the original method. First, the minimum length for a valid front was increased from 10 to 25 pixels. This increased the spatial range in which front segments are considered part of thee same feature. Second, the ration of variance between the two pixel populations to the variance within the populations was changed from de default 0.76 to 0.78 for this study. The results of the changes in the front detection algorithm appear to produce more realistic fronts for the selected area.Pages: 7082-708
Harvest locations of goose barnacles can be successfully discriminated using trace elemental signatures
European Union regulations state that consumers must be rightfully informed about the provenance of fishery products to prevent fraudulent practices. However, mislabeling of the geographical origin is a common practice. It is therefore paramount to develop forensic methods that allow all players involved in the supply chain to accurately trace the origin of seafood. In this study, trace elemental signatures (TES) of the goose barnacle Pollicipes pollicipes, collected from ten sites along the Portuguese coast, were employed to discriminate individual's origin. Barium (Ba), boron (B), cadmium (Cd), chromium (Cr), lithium (Li), magnesium (Mg), manganese (Mn), phosphorous (P), lead (Pb), strontium (Sr) and zinc (Zn) - were quantified using Inductively Coupled Plasma-Mass Spectrometry (ICP-MS). Significant differences were recorded among locations for all elements. A regularized discriminant analysis (RDA) revealed that 83% of all individuals were correctly assigned. This study shows TES can be a reliable tool to confirm the geographic origin of goose barnacles at fine spatial resolution. Although additional studies are required to ascertain the reliability of TES on cooked specimens and the temporal stability of the signature, the approach holds great promise for the management of goose barnacles fisheries, enforcement of conservation policies and assurance in accurate labeling
An overview of jellyfish aquaculture: for food, feed, pharma and fun
Interest on jellyfish research has significantly increased over the last two decades, mostly driven by the potential benefits of their high-end uses. Recent efforts have been put forward towards the commercial use of scyphozoan jellyfish, although the pipeline leading to their full exploitation is still at an early stage of development. Indeed, further research and several technical advances are still required to expand the use of these bioresources to a larger and more sustainable scale. Here, we describe the state of the art of culture systems already available to farm these organisms throughout the different stages of their life cycle and provide an overview of the potential applications of jellyfish aquaculture for food, feed, as source of bioactive compounds for pharmaceutical and other biotechnological applications, as well as to supply the marine aquarium trade. Overall, this work aims to raise awareness on the relevance that jellyfish will likely play on the development of sustainable blue bioeconomy frameworks fostering a sustainable valorisation of marine living resources.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio