15 research outputs found

    Medida de la Velocidad de Onda de Pulso mediante Ecografía Doppler : Concordancia con el Método Complior

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    La rigidez arterial es un parámetro establecido dentro de la valoración del riesgo cardio-vascular. Actualmente disponemos de múltiples métodos para determinar la velocidad de onda de pulso (VOP) y entre ellos los más utilizados son los métodos mecánicos, como el Complior o el Sphigmocor, que precisan de dispositivos específicos y una inversión importante en aprendizaje y tiempo de exploración. La utilización del doppler guiado por ecografía 2D es una buena alternativa a estos métodos. Realizamos un estudio comparativo para evaluar la fiabilidad del eco-doppler en la medida de la VOP carótida-femoral respecto al método Complior. Se estudió la VOP carótida-femoral utilizando los dos sistemas en 40 pacientes, mostrando ambos métodos muy buena concordancia (R=0'91). En el análisis de reproducibilidad de la VOP por doppler no se hallaron diferencias intra e interobservador. En base a los resultados, el estudio demuestra que la ecografía doppler puede ser usada para medir la VOP aórtica de manera fiable y reproducible, similar otros métodos más establecidos

    Genetic Variants Associated with Chronic Kidney Disease in a Spanish Population

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    Chronic kidney disease (CKD) patients have many affected physiological pathways. Variations in the genes regulating these pathways might affect the incidence and predisposition to this disease. A total of 722 Spanish adults, including 548 patients and 174 controls, were genotyped to better understand the effects of genetic risk loci on the susceptibility to CKD. We analyzed 38 single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) in candidate genes associated with the inflammatory response (interleukins IL-1A, IL-4, IL-6, IL-10, TNF-α, ICAM-1), fibrogenesis (TGFB1), homocysteine synthesis (MTHFR), DNA repair (OGG1, MUTYH, XRCC1, ERCC2, ERCC4), renin-angiotensin-aldosterone system (CYP11B2, AGT), phase-II metabolism (GSTP1, GSTO1, GSTO2), antioxidant capacity (SOD1, SOD2, CAT, GPX1, GPX3, GPX4), and some other genes previously reported to be associated with CKD (GLO1, SLC7A9, SHROOM3, UMOD, VEGFA, MGP, KL). The results showed associations of GPX1, GSTO1, GSTO2, UMOD, and MGP with CKD. Additionally, associations with CKD related pathologies, such as hypertension (GPX4, CYP11B2, ERCC4), cardiovascular disease, diabetes and cancer predisposition (ERCC2) were also observed. Different genes showed association with biochemical parameters characteristic for CKD, such as creatinine (GPX1, GSTO1, GSTO2, KL, MGP), glomerular filtration rate (GPX1, GSTO1, KL, ICAM-1, MGP), hemoglobin (ERCC2, SHROOM3), resistance index erythropoietin (SOD2, VEGFA, MTHFR, KL), albumin (SOD1, GSTO2, ERCC2, SOD2), phosphorus (IL-4, ERCC4 SOD1, GPX4, GPX1), parathyroid hormone (IL-1A, IL-6, SHROOM3, UMOD, ICAM-1), C-reactive protein (SOD2, TGFB1, GSTP1, XRCC1), and ferritin (SOD2, GSTP1, SLC7A9, GPX4). To our knowledge, this is the second comprehensive study carried out in Spanish patients linking genetic polymorphisms and CKD

    Doppler ultrasound in the measurement of pulse wave velocity: agreement with the Complior method

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    Aortic stiffness is an independent predictor factor for cardiovascular risk. Different methods for determining pulse wave velocity (PWV) are used, among which the most common are mechanical methods such as SphygmoCor or Complior, which require specific devices and are limited by technical difficulty in obtaining measurements. Doppler guided by 2D ultrasound is a good alternative to these methods. We studied 40 patients (29 male, aged 21 to 82 years) comparing the Complior method with Doppler. Agreement of both devices was high (R = 0.91, 0.84-0.95, 95% CI). The reproducibility analysis revealed no intra-nor interobserver differences. Based on these results, we conclude that Doppler ultrasound is a reliable and reproducible alternative to other established methods for the measurement of aortic PWV

    Consensus document for ultrasound training in the specialty of Nephrology

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    Grupo de Trabajo en Nefrología Diagnóstica e Intervencionista (GNDI) de la Sociedad Española de Nefrología (SEN).[ES] La ecografía es una herramienta esencial en el manejo del paciente nefrológico que permite el diagnóstico, el seguimiento y la realización de intervencionismo sobre el riñón. La utilidad de los ultrasonidos en Nefrología no se circunscribe exclusivamente al estudio ecográfico del riñón. Mediante ecografía el nefrólogo puede, además, optimizar el manejo de la fístula arteriovenosa para hemodiálisis, medir el riesgo cardiovascular (grosor íntima-media), implantar catéteres centrales para hemodiálisis ecoguiados y ayudar en la colocación de los peritoneales, así como calcular la volemia del paciente mediante ecografía cardiaca básica, ecografía de la vena cava inferior y pulmonar. Desde el Grupo de Trabajo en Nefrología Diagnóstica e Intervencionista (GNDI) de la Sociedad Española de Nefrología (SEN) hemos elaborado este documento de consenso en el que se resumen las principales aplicaciones de la ecografía en Nefrología, incluyendo los requisitos técnicos básicos necesarios, el marco normativo y el nivel de capacitación de los nefrólogos en esta materia. El objetivo de este trabajo es promover la inclusión de la ecografía, tanto diagnóstica como intervencionista, en la práctica clínica habitual del nefrólogo y en la cartera de servicios de Nefrología con la finalidad de ofrecer un manejo diligente, eficiente e integral al paciente nefrológico.[EN] Ultrasound is an essential tool in the management of the nephrological patient allowing the diagnosis, monitoring and performance of kidney intervention. However, the usefulness of ultrasound in the hands of the nephrologist is not limited exclusively to the ultrasound study of the kidney. By ultrasound, the nephrologist can also optimize the management of arteriovenous fistula for hemodialysis, measure cardiovascular risk (mean intimate thickness), implant central catheters for ultrasound-guided HD, as well as the patient's volemia using basic cardiac ultrasound, ultrasound of the cava inferior vein and lungs. From the Working Group on Interventional Nephrology (GNDI) of the Spanish Society of Nephrology (SEN) we have prepared this consensus document that summarizes the main applications of ultrasound to Nephrology, including the necessary basic technical requirements, the framework normative and the level of training of nephrologists in this area. The objective of this work is to promote the inclusion of ultrasound, both diagnostic and interventional, in the usual clinical practice of the nephrologist and in the Nephrology Services portfolio with the final objective of offering diligent, efficient and comprehensive management to the nephrological patient

    Medida de la Velocidad de Onda de Pulso mediante Ecografía Doppler: Concordancia con el Método Complior

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    La rigidez arterial es un parámetro establecido dentro de la valoración del riesgo cardio-vascular. Actualmente disponemos de múltiples métodos para determinar la velocidad de onda de pulso (VOP) y entre ellos los más utilizados son los métodos mecánicos, como el Complior o el Sphigmocor, que precisan de dispositivos específicos y una inversión importante en aprendizaje y tiempo de exploración. La utilización del doppler guiado por ecografía 2D es una buena alternativa a estos métodos. Realizamos un estudio comparativo para evaluar la fiabilidad del eco-doppler en la medida de la VOP carótida-femoral respecto al método Complior. Se estudió la VOP carótida-femoral utilizando los dos sistemas en 40 pacientes, mostrando ambos métodos muy buena concordancia (R=0’91). En el análisis de reproducibilidad de la VOP por doppler no se hallaron diferencias intra e interobservador. En base a los resultados, el estudio demuestra que la ecografía doppler puede ser usada para medir la VOP aórtica de manera fiable y reproducible, similar otros métodos más establecidos

    Estudi de l'hemodinàmica intrarenal mitjançant l'Index de Resistivitat com a marcador d'afectació renal, risc cardiovascular i rigidesa arterial

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    Dins de les mesures en la ona espectral intrarenal, l’índex de resistivitat (IRI) és el més conegut i estudiat com relacionat amb la valoració de la disfunció renal i el seu pronòstic. Així mateix s’ha relacionat amb marcadors de lesió d’òrgan diana i risc Càrdio-Vascular (RCV). Es realitza un estudi observacional de tall transversal per relacionar IRI amb variables de dany renal, RCV i rigidesa arterial. S’han estudiat 229 individus. L'IRI s’ha trobat significativament augmentat en pacients DM2 i amb insuficiència renal.S’ha correlacionat positivament amb l'edat i paràmetres de disfunció renal. A més s’han trobat correlacions positives i significatives amb tots els paràmetres de rigidesa arterial (VOP, AASI i pressió de pols de 24h), amb la disfunció endotelial, així com amb la càrrega ateromatosa (GIM i ITB). Els factors independents per a un IRI augmentat han estat l'edat, l'FG, la tensió arterial diastòlica de 24h, l'HbA1c i la rigidesa arterial. En resum, l’IRI es troba més elevat en diabètics i insuficients renals, i s’associa amb factors de risc càrdio-vasculars, amb rigidesa arterial i amb dany renal.Among the intrarenal spectral wave measurements, the resistivity index (RRI) is the most known and studied as related to the assessment of renal function and its prognosis. Also, it has been associated with markers of target organ damage and cardiovascular risk. Cross-sectional and observational study in order to relate RRI with kidney damage, cardiovascular risk and arterial stiffness. We studied 229 individuals. RRI has been found to be significantly increased in DM 2 and in kidney disease. Intrarenal resistivity has been positively correlated with age, parameters of renal dysfunction. Also, positive and significant correlations have been found with all parameters of arterial stiffness (VOP, AASI and pulse pressure was 24), with endothelial dysfunction as well as atherosclerotic burden. Independent factors for increased RII were age, GFR, 24 h diastolic blood pressure, the HbA1C and arterial stiffness. In summary, the RRI is elevated in patients with diabetes 2 and renal impairment, and is associated with cardiovascular risk factors, arterial stiffness and kidney damage

    Prevalence of Cysts in Seminal Tract and Abnormal Semen Parameters in Patients with Autosomal Dominant Polycystic Kidney Disease

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    Background and objectives: Autosomal dominant polycystic kidney disease is a systemic disorder with a wide range of extrarenal involvement. The scope of this study was to analyze the prevalence of seminal cysts and to correlate these findings with the sperm parameters in patients with autosomal dominant polycystic kidney disease

    Prevalence of Protein-Energy Wasting in Dialysis Patients Using a Practical Online Tool to Compare with Other Nutritional Scores: Results of the Nutrendial Study

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    This cross-sectional study aims to explore the prevalence of protein-energy wasting (PEW) in dialysis patients in Catalonia, Spain, using a new and practical online tool which enables rapid calculation and comparison with other nutritional scores. Methods: A web tool (Nutrendial) was created to introduce different variables and automatically calculate PEW, Malnutrition inflammation Score (MIS) and Subjective Global Assessment (SGA) in 1389 patients (88% in haemodialysis (HD)), 12% in peritoneal dialysis (PD) from different regions of Catalonia. Results: A prevalence of 23.3% (26% HD, 10.2% PD) of PEW was found, with a mean MIS score of 6 and SGA score of C in 7% of the patients. ROC analysis showed MIS as the best nutritional score to diagnose PEW (AUC 0.85). Albumin delivered lower diagnostic precision (AUC 0.77) and sensitivity (66%). A cut off point of 7 (86% sensitivity and 75% specificity) for MIS and 3.7 mg/dL for albumin were found to predict the appearance of PEW in this population. SGA B or C showed an 87% sensitivity and 55% specificity to diagnose PEW. Very low nutritional intervention (14%) was recorded with this tool in patients with PEW. Conclusions: This new online tool facilitated the calculation of PEW, enabling different professionals—including nephrologists, dieticians and nurses—to efficiently obtain insights into the nutritional status of the Catalonian dialysis population and implement the required nutritional interventions. MIS is the score with more sensitivity to diagnose PEW