1,639 research outputs found

    Unary FA-presentable semigroups

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    Automatic presentations, also called FA-presentations, were introduced to extend nite model theory to innite structures whilst retaining the solubility of interesting decision problems. A particular focus of research has been the classication of those structures of some species that admit automatic presentations. Whilst some successes have been obtained, this appears to be a dicult problem in general. A restricted problem, also of signicant interest, is to ask this question for unary automatic presentations: auto-matic presentations over a one-letter alphabet. This paper studies unary FA-presentable semigroups. We prove the following: Every unary FA-presentable structure admits an injective unary automatic presentation where the language of representatives consists of every word over a one-letter alphabet. Unary FA-presentable semigroups are locally nite, but non-nitely generated unary FA-presentable semigroups may be innite. Every unary FA-presentable semigroup satises some Burnside identity.We describe the Green's relations in unary FA-presentable semigroups. We investigate the relationship between the class of unary FA-presentable semigroups and various semigroup constructions. A classication is given of the unary FA-presentable completely simple semigroups.PostprintPeer reviewe

    Kinetics of diffusional droplet growth in a liquid/liquid two-phase system

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    This report contains experimental results for the interdiffusion coefficient of the system, succinonitrile plus water, at a number of compositions and temperatures in the single phase region of the phase diagram. The concentration and temperature dependence of the measured diffusion coefficient has been analyzed in terms of Landau - Ginzburg theory, which assumes that the Gibb free energy is an analytic function of its variables, and can be expanded in a Taylor series about any point in the phase diagram. At most points in the single phase region this is adequate. Near the consolute point (critical point of solution), however, the free energy is non-analytic, and the Landau - Ginzburg theory fails. The solution to this problem dictates that the Landau - Ginzburg form of the free energy be replaced by Widom scaling functions with irrational values for the scaling exponents. As our measurements of the diffusion coefficient near the critical point reflect this non-analytic character, we are preparing for publication in a refereed journal a separate analysis of some of the data contained herein as well as some additional measurements we have just completed. When published, reprints of this article will be furnished to NASA

    On The Geachian Theory Of the Trinity And Incarnation: A Reply to Jedwab

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    Teaching Truth-Functional Conditionals

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    Why I Am Unconvinced by Arguments against the Existence of Hell

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    Image motion compensation for an electronic imaging system

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    The design of an image compensation device is given which is capable of minimizing the in-track image disturbances caused by velocity variations in an optical scanning device. Guidelines for the development of this mechanism are based on known optical principles. Acceptable response capabilities for this device are based on subjective and quantitative image quality standards. A first order analysis of the device was conducted to specify the performance required to minimize the distortions mentioned above. The final system specifications take into account actual hardware that is currently available for the typical scanner system presented

    Automatic presentations for semigroups

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    Special Issue: 2nd International Conference on Language and Automata Theory and Applications (LATA 2008)This paper applies the concept of FA-presentable structures to semigroups. We give a complete classification of the finitely generated FA-presentable cancellative semigroups: namely, a finitely generated cancellative semigroup is FA-presentable if and only if it is a subsemigroup of a virtually abelian group. We prove that all finitely generated commutative semigroups are FA-presentable. We give a complete list of FA-presentable one-relation semigroups and compare the classes of FA-presentable semigroups and automatic semigroups. (C) 2009 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.PostprintPeer reviewe

    A quantitative comparison of corrective and perfective maintenance

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    This paper presents a quantitative comparison of corrective and perfective software maintenance activities. The comparison utilizes basic data collected throughout the maintenance process. The data collected are extensive and allow the impact of both types of maintenance to be quantitatively evaluated and compared. Basic statistical techniques test relationships between and among process and product data. The results show interesting similarities and important differences in both process and product characteristics

    Exploring a cardio-thoracic hospital ward soundscape in relation to restoration

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    Hospitals can provide stressful experiences for both patients and medical staff. A well-designed hospital soundscape should avoid adding to negative emotional states (e.g. stress), limit any detrimental cognitive effects (e.g. attentional fatigue), and enable restoration. Experiences of the cardio-thoracic ward soundscape, in a UK public University hospital, were explored via semi-structured interviews with 11 patients and 16 nurses. Thematic coding analysis resulted in 11 key themes including notions of restoration and emotional responses. The themes were used to develop a conceptual model to describe the processes involved in the perception and evaluation of the soundscape. The language used by patients and nurses indicated the emotional response to the soundscape was at times stressful and at others potentially restorative. Coping methods of accepting and habituating to individual sounds were noted. The impact of the patients' and nurses' ability to maintain these coping strategies are discussed in relation to restoration and the temporal variation of the soundscape. A period of 'quiet time' was in operation at the hospital and the importance of this was noted through various responses relating to emotion and restoration. The results suggest the soundscape has potentially, a beneficial role in facilitating restoration thus helping patients' recovery and medical staff's ability to remain productive. This research supports the need to study hospital soundscapes further so that design implications can be considered for the production of a more restorative environment, possibly through the masking/removal of unwanted sounds and optimising positive sounds