
Kinetics of diffusional droplet growth in a liquid/liquid two-phase system


This report contains experimental results for the interdiffusion coefficient of the system, succinonitrile plus water, at a number of compositions and temperatures in the single phase region of the phase diagram. The concentration and temperature dependence of the measured diffusion coefficient has been analyzed in terms of Landau - Ginzburg theory, which assumes that the Gibb free energy is an analytic function of its variables, and can be expanded in a Taylor series about any point in the phase diagram. At most points in the single phase region this is adequate. Near the consolute point (critical point of solution), however, the free energy is non-analytic, and the Landau - Ginzburg theory fails. The solution to this problem dictates that the Landau - Ginzburg form of the free energy be replaced by Widom scaling functions with irrational values for the scaling exponents. As our measurements of the diffusion coefficient near the critical point reflect this non-analytic character, we are preparing for publication in a refereed journal a separate analysis of some of the data contained herein as well as some additional measurements we have just completed. When published, reprints of this article will be furnished to NASA

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