405 research outputs found

    Towards testing gravity with cosmic voids

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    Redshift-space distortions with split densities

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    Accurate modelling of redshift-space distortions (RSD) is challenging in the non-linear regime for two-point statistics e.g. the two-point correlation function (2PCF). We take a different perspective to split the galaxy density field according to the local density, and cross-correlate those densities with the entire galaxy field. Using mock galaxies, we demonstrate that combining a series of cross-correlation functions (CCFs) offers improvements over the 2PCF as follows: 1. The distribution of peculiar velocities in each split density is nearly Gaussian. This allows the Gaussian streaming model for RSD to perform accurately within the statistical errors of a (1.5h11.5\,h^{-1}Gpc)3^3 volume for almost all scales and all split densities. 2. The PDF of the density field at small scales is non-Gaussian, but the CCFs of split densities capture the non-Gaussianity, leading to improved cosmological constraints over the 2PCF. We can obtain unbiased constraints on the growth parameter fσ12f\sigma_{12} at the per-cent level, and Alcock-Paczynski (AP) parameters at the sub-per-cent level with the minimal scale of 15h1Mpc15\,h^{-1}{\rm Mpc}. This is a \sim30 per cent and \sim6 times improvement over the 2PCF, respectively. The diverse and steep slopes of the CCFs at small scales are likely to be responsible for the improved constraints of AP parameters. 3. Baryon acoustic oscillations (BAO) are contained in all CCFs of split densities. Including BAO scales helps to break the degeneracy between the line-of-sight and transverse AP parameters, allowing independent constraints on them. We discuss and compare models for RSD around spherical densities.Comment: 23 pages, 16 figures, MNRAS accepted version after peer review, minor comment

    Void Dynamics

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    Cosmic voids are becoming key players in testing the physics of our Universe. Here we concentrate on the abundances and the dynamics of voids as these are among the best candidates to provide information on cosmological parameters. Cai, Padilla \& Li (2014) use the abundance of voids to tell apart Hu \& Sawicki f(R)f(R) models from General Relativity. An interesting result is that even though, as expected, voids in the dark matter field are emptier in f(R)f(R) gravity due to the fifth force expelling away from the void centres, this result is reversed when haloes are used to find voids. The abundance of voids in this case becomes even lower in f(R)f(R) compared to GR for large voids. Still, the differences are significant and this provides a way to tell apart these models. The velocity field differences between f(R)f(R) and GR, on the other hand, are the same for halo voids and for dark matter voids. Paz et al. (2013), concentrate on the velocity profiles around voids. First they show the necessity of four parameters to describe the density profiles around voids given two distinct void populations, voids-in-voids and voids-in-clouds. This profile is used to predict peculiar velocities around voids, and the combination of the latter with void density profiles allows the construction of model void-galaxy cross-correlation functions with redshift space distortions. When these models are tuned to fit the measured correlation functions for voids and galaxies in the Sloan Digital Sky Survey, small voids are found to be of the void-in-cloud type, whereas larger ones are consistent with being void-in-void. This is a novel result that is obtained directly from redshift space data around voids. These profiles can be used to remove systematics on void-galaxy Alcock-Pacinsky tests coming from redshift-space distortions.Comment: 8 pages, 4 figures, to appear in the proceedings of IAU308 Symposium "The Zeldovich Universe

    Modeling the environmental dependence of the growth rate of cosmic structure

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    International audienceThe growth rate of cosmic structure is a powerful cosmological probe for extracting information on the gravitational interactions and dark energy. In the late-time Universe, the growth rate becomes nonlinear and is usually probed by measuring the two-point statistics of galaxy clustering in redshift space up to a limited scale, retaining the constraint on the linear growth rate f. In this paper, we present an alternative method to analyze the growth of structure in terms of local densities, i.e., f(Δ). Using N-body simulations, we measure the function of f(Δ) and show that structure grows faster in high-density regions and slower in low-density regions. We demonstrate that f(Δ) can be modeled using a log-normal Monte Carlo random walk approach, which provides a means to extract cosmological information from f(Δ). We discuss prospects for applying this approach to galaxy surveys

    Cosmology without cosmic variance

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    We examine the improvements in constraints on the linear growth factor G and its derivative f=d ln G / dln a that are available from the combination of a large-scale galaxy redshift survey with a weak gravitational lensing survey of background sources. In the linear perturbation theory limit, the bias-modulation method of McDonald & Seljak allows one to distinguish the real-space galaxy clustering from the peculiar velocity signal in each Fourier mode. The ratio of lensing signal to galaxy clustering in transverse modes yields the bias factor b of each galaxy subset (as per Pen 2004), hence calibrating the conversion from galaxy real-space density to matter density in every mode. In combination these techniques permit measure of the growth rate f in each Fourier mode. This yields a measure of the growth rate free of sample variance, i.e. the uncertainty in f can be reduced without bound by increasing the number of redshifts within a finite volume. In practice, the gain from the absence of sample variance is bounded by the limited range of bias modulation among dark-matter halos. Nonetheless, the addition of background weak lensing data to a redshift survey increases information on G and f by an amount equivalent to a 10-fold increase in the volume of a standard redshift-space distortion measurement---if the lensing signal can be measured to sub-percent accuracy. This argues that a combined lensing and redshift survey over a common low-redshift volume is a more powerful test of general relativity than an isolated redshift survey over larger volume at high redshift. An example case is that a survey of ~10^6 redshifts over half the sky in the redshift range z=0.5±0.05z=0.5\pm 0.05 can determine the growth exponent \gamma for the model f=Ωmγf=\Omega_m^\gamma to an accuracy of ±0.015\pm 0.015, using only modes with k<0.1h/Mpc, but only if a weak lensing survey is conducted in concert. [Abridged]Comment: 9 pages, 3 figures, accepted by MNRAS, minor changes to match the accepted versio

    Galaxy clustering in the DESI Legacy Survey and its imprint on the CMB

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    We use data from the DESI Legacy Survey imaging to probe the galaxy density field in tomographic slices covering the redshift range 0<z<0.80<z<0.8. After careful consideration of completeness corrections and galactic cuts, we obtain a sample of 4.9×1074.9\times 10^7 galaxies covering 17 739 deg2^2. We derive photometric redshifts with precision σz/(1+z)=0.0120.015\sigma_z/(1+z)=0.012 - 0.015, and compare with alternative estimates. Cross-correlation of the tomographic galaxy maps with Planck maps of CMB temperature and lensing convergence probe the growth of structure since z=0.8z=0.8. The signals are compared with a fiducial Planck Λ\LambdaCDM model, and require an overall scaling in amplitude of Aκ=0.901±0.026A_\kappa=0.901\pm 0.026 for the lensing cross-correlation and AISW=0.984±0.349A_{\rm ISW} = 0.984 \pm 0.349 for the temperature cross-correlation, interpreted as the Integrated Sachs-Wolfe effect. The ISW amplitude is consistent with the fiducial Λ\LambdaCDM prediction, but lies significantly below the prediction of the AvERA model of R\'acz et al. (2017), which has been proposed as an alternative explanation for cosmic acceleration. Within Λ\LambdaCDM, our low amplitude for the lensing cross-correlation requires a reduction either in fluctuation normalization or in matter density compared to the Planck results, so that Ωm0.78σ8=0.297±0.009\Omega_m^{0.78}\sigma_8=0.297\pm 0.009. In combination with the total amplitude of CMB lensing, this favours a shift mainly in density: Ωm=0.274±0.024\Omega_m=0.274\pm0.024. We discuss the consistency of this figure with alternative evidence. A conservative compromise between lensing and primary CMB constraints would require Ωm=0.296±0.006\Omega_m=0.296\pm0.006, where the 95% confidence regions of both probes overlap.Comment: 18 pages, 18 figures, revised to match the accepted version on MNRA

    Probing the missing baryons with the Sunyaev-Zel'dovich effect from filaments

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    Observations of galaxies and galaxy clusters in the local universe can account for only 10%\sim\,10\% of the total baryon content. Cosmological simulations predict that the `missing baryons' are spread throughout filamentary structures in the cosmic web, forming a low-density gas with temperatures of 105107 ⁣10^5-10^7\,\!K. We search for this warm-hot intergalactic medium (WHIM) by stacking the Planck Compton yy-parameter map of the thermal Sunyaev-Zel'dovich (tSZ) effect for 1,002,334 pairs of CMASS galaxies from the Sloan Digital Sky Survey. We model the contribution from the galaxy halo pairs assuming spherical symmetry, finding a residual tSZ signal at the 2.9\mbox{\sigma} level from a stacked filament of length 10.5h1Mpc10.5\,h^{-1}\,\rm Mpc with a Compton parameter magnitude y=(0.6±0.2)×108y=(0.6\pm0.2)\times10^{-8}. We consider possible sources of contamination and conclude that bound gas in haloes may contribute only up to 20%20\% of the measured filamentary signal. To estimate the filament gas properties we measure the gravitational lensing signal for the same sample of galaxy pairs; in combination with the tSZ signal, this yields an inferred gas density of ρb=(5.5±2.9)×ρbˉ\rho_{\rm b}=(5.5\pm 2.9)\times\bar{\rho_{\rm b}} with a temperature T=(2.7±1.7)×106T=(2.7\pm 1.7) \times 10^6\,K. This result is consistent with the predicted WHIM properties, and overall the filamentary gas can account for 11±7% 11\pm 7\% of the total baryon content of the Universe. We also see evidence that the gas filament extends beyond the galaxy pair. Averaging over this longer baseline boosts the significance of the tSZ signal and increases the associated baryon content to 28±12%28\pm 12\% of the global value.Comment: 13 pages, 8 figures; accepted for publication in A&

    Intergalactic filaments spin

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    Matter in the Universe is arranged in a cosmic web, with a filament of matter typically connecting each neighbouring galaxy pair, separated by tens of millions of light-years. A quadrupolar pattern of the spin field around filaments is known to influence the spins of galaxies and haloes near them, but it remains unknown whether filaments themselves spin. Here, we measure dark-matter velocities around filaments in cosmological simulations, finding that matter generally rotates around them, much faster than around a randomly located axis. It also exhibits some coherence along the filament. The net rotational component is comparable to, and often dominant over, the known quadrupolar flow. The evidence of net rotations revises previous emphasis on a quadrupolar spin field around filaments. The full picture of rotation in the cosmic web is more complicated and multiscale than a network of spinning filamentary rods, but we argue that filament rotation is substantial enough to be an essential part of the picture. It is likely that the longest coherently rotating objects in the Universe are filaments. Also, we speculate that this rotation could provide a mechanism to generate or amplify intergalactic magnetic fields in filaments.Comment: MNRAS, in press. Illustrative animation at https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=h1-a-htHAx

    Measuring cosmic filament spin with the kinetic Sunyaev-Zel'dovich effect

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    The spin of intergalactic filaments has been predicted from simulations, and supported by tentative evidence from redshift-space filament shapes in a galaxy redshift survey: generally, a filament is redshifted on one side of its axis, and blueshifted on the other. Here, we investigate whether filament spins could have a measurable kinetic Sunyaev-Zel'dovich (kSZ) signal, from CMB photons being scattered by moving ionised gas; this pure velocity information is complementary to filament redshift-space shapes. We propose to measure the kSZ dipole by combining galaxy redshift surveys with CMB experiments. We base our S/N analyses first on an existing filament catalogue, and its combination with Planck data. We then investigate the detectability of the kSZ dipole using the combination of DESI or SKA-2 with next-stage CMB experiments. We find that the gas halos of filament galaxies co-rotating with filaments induce a stronger kSZ dipole signal than that from the diffuse filamentary gas, but both signals seem too small to be detected in near-term surveys such as DESI+future CMB experiments. But the combination of SKA-2 with future CMB experiments could give a more than 10σ\sigma detection. The gain comes mainly from an increased area overlap and an increased number of filaments, but also the low noise and high resolution in future CMB experiments are important to capture signals from filaments small on the sky. Successful detection of the signals may help to find the gravitomagnetic effect in large-scale structure and advance our understanding of baryons in the cosmic web.Comment: Minor revisions, MNRAS accepte