29 research outputs found

    Review of Insulin Therapy In Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus Ambulatory Patients

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    The purposes of this study were to review utilization of insulin therapy in type 2 diabetes mellitus out patients and identify its drug related problems. The data were collected cross-sectionally with purposive sampling method in the period March 2016 until May 2016 in Outpatient Clinic Universitas Airlangga Teaching Hospital Surabaya. The results of 240 patients showed that insulin was used as monotherapy insulin in 2,9% patients; combination 1 insulin & 1-4 OAD in 31,3%; basal bolus therapy 27,9%; combination basal−bolus therapy & 1-3 OAD 43,9%. Based on blood glucose target achievement, only 20,8% of patients achieve the target, 75,1% failed to achieve the target and 4,1%   suffered from hypoglycemia. Drug related problems identified adverse drug reaction of antidiabetic therapy such as hypoglycemia (6.7%), nausea (3.8%), bloating (1.3%), increase of flatulency (2.9%) and inappropriate combination (0,4%). In conclusion insulin therapy was complicated and individually, most of the patients still did not reach the target and there was potential drug related problem in this patients group. So that caring from solid inter-professional health collaboration is neede


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    Pulau Nusakambangan merupakan sebuah pulau pegunungan kapur dengan gua-gua yang berkembang di dalamnya. Penelitian Arthropoda gua di Nusakambangan dilakukan pada Juni 2003. Dari hasil penelitian di sembilan gua diperoleh 361 spesimen terdiri 62 jenis, 38 famili dari 22 ordo. Dari jenis-jenis tersebut diperoleh 8 jenis yang diduga troglobit dan 51 jenis troglofil dan troglosen sedangkan 4 jenis guanofil

    Potensi Pengembangan Pembangkit Listrik Hibrida di PLTB Samas, Bantul, DIY

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    Dalam masa sekarang ini, perkembangan teknologi telah mencapai tingkat peningkatan kreativitas manusia. Teknologi tidak hanya membantu manusia dalam membantu kegiatan sehari-hari, namun sekarang telah mampu membuat manusia berinovasi dan memberikan gagasan baru pada perkembangannya. Salah satu perkembangan teknologi adalah teknologi pembangkit listrik. Zaman sekarang setiap orang dalam seharinya pasti membutuhkan listrik. Seperti lampu jalan, lampu kendaraan, telepon genggam, perangkat elektronik lainnya dan sebagainya. Namun seiring dengan berkembang pesat populasi manusia, listrik yang dibutuhkan semakin besar dan berakibat “dikeruknya” lebih dalam sumber daya alam yang terbatas sebagai pembangkit seperti minyak bumi, gas alam maupun batu bara. Kita butuh solusi bagaimana caranya agar kehidupan manusia tetap berlangsung walaupun nantinya sumber daya alam sebagai pembangkit itu telah habis. Pembangkit Listrik Hibrida yang paling mudah dikembangkan adalah dari Pembangkit Listrik Tenaga Surya dan Pembangkit Listrik Tenaga Bayu dikarenakan kedua pembangkit ini mudah dikembangkan dan perawatannya mudah. Kata Kunci : Listrik, Panel Surya, Baling-baling, Minyak Bumi, Gas Alam, Hibrid

    Ninety-eight new species of Trigonopterus weevils from Sundaland and the Lesser Sunda Islands

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    The genus Trigonopterus Fauvel, 1862 is highly diverse in Melanesia. Only one species, Trigonopterus amphoralis Marshall, 1925 was so far recorded West of Wallace's Line (Eastern Sumatra). Based on focused field-work the fauna from Sundaland (Sumatra, Java, Bali, Palawan) and the Lesser Sunda Islands (Lombok, Sumbawa, Flores) is here revised. We redescribe T. amphoralis Marshall and describe an additional 98 new species: T. acuminatus sp. n.,T. aeneomicans sp. n.,T. alaspurwensis sp. n.,T. allopatricus sp. n.,T. allotopus sp. n.,T. angulicollis sp. n.,T. argopurensis sp. n.,T. arjunensis sp. n.,T. asper sp. n.,T. attenboroughi sp. n.,T. baliensis sp. n.,T. batukarensis sp. n.,T. bawangensis sp. n.,T. binodulus sp. n.,T. bornensis sp. n.,T. cahyoi sp. n.,T. costipennis sp. n.,T. cuprescens sp. n.,T. cupreus sp. n.,T. dacrycarpi sp. n.,T. delapan sp. n.,T. dentipes sp. n.,T. diengensis sp. n.,T. dimorphus sp. n.,T. disruptus sp. n.,T. dua sp. n.,T. duabelas sp. n.,T. echinatus sp. n.,T. empat sp. n.,T. enam sp. n.,T. fissitarsis sp. n.,T. florensis sp. n.,T. foveatus sp. n.,T. fulgidus sp. n.,T. gedensis sp. n.,T. halimunensis sp. n.,T. honjensis sp. n.,T. ijensis sp. n.,T. javensis sp. n.,T. kalimantanensis sp. n.,T. kintamanensis sp. n.,T. klatakanensis sp. n.,T. lampungensis sp. n.,T. latipes sp. n.,T. lima sp. n.,T. lombokensis sp. n.,T. merubetirensis sp. n.,T. mesehensis sp. n.,T. micans sp. n.,T. misellus sp. n.,T. palawanensis sp. n.,T. pangandaranensis sp. n.,T. paraflorensis sp. n.,T. pararugosus sp. n.,T. parasumbawensis sp. n.,T. pauxillus sp. n.,T. payungensis sp. n.,T. porcatus sp. n.,T. pseudoflorensis sp. n.,T. pseudosumbawensis sp. n.,T. punctatoseriatus sp. n.,T. ranakensis sp. n.,T. relictus sp. n.,T. rinjaniensis sp. n.,T. roensis sp. n.,T. rugosostriatus sp. n.,T. rugosus sp. n.,T. rutengensis sp. n.,T. saltator sp. n.,T. santubongensis sp. n.,T. sasak sp. n.,T. satu sp. n.,T. schulzi sp. n.,T. sebelas sp. n.,T. sembilan sp. n.,T. sepuluh sp. n.,T. seriatus sp. n.,T. serratifemur sp. n.,T. setifer sp. n.,T. silvestris sp. n.,T. singkawangensis sp. n.,T. singularis sp. n.,T. sinuatus sp. n.,T. squalidus sp. n.,T. sumatrensis sp. n.,T. sumbawensis sp. n.,T. sundaicus sp. n.,T. suturalis sp. n.,T. syarbis sp. n.,T. telagensis sp. n.,T. tepalensis sp. n.,T. tiga sp. n.,T. trigonopterus sp. n.,T. tujuh sp. n.,T. ujungkulonensis sp. n.,T. variolosus sp. n.,T. vulcanicus sp. n.,T. wallacei sp. n.. All new species are authored by the taxonomist-in-charge, Alexander Riedel. Most species belong to the litter fauna of primary wet evergreen forests. This habitat has become highly fragmented in the study area and many of its remnants harbor endemic species. Conservation measures should be intensified, especially in smaller and less famous sites to minimize the number of species threatened by extinction

    Komunitas Collembola Guano Kelelawar di Gua Lawa Nusakambangan, Jawa Tengah

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    ABSTRACT: Guano kelelawar merupakan salah satu ekosistem menarik di dalam gua yang mempunyai komposisi fauna yang unik dan spesifik namun belum banyak dipelajari di Indonesia. Penelitian komunitas Collembola guano kelelawar di Gua Lawa dilakukan pada bulan April 2000. Enam belas perangkap sumuran dipasang pada dua buah transek sepanjang 10 meter dengan jarak masing-masing 1 meter di dalam gua yang dipasang selama 4 hari. Dua puluh contoh guano diambil dengan bor tanah yang dapat dipisah dengan diameter 5 cm sedalam 12 cm. Masing-masing contoh guano dibagi menjadi 3 lapisan dengan ketebalan masing-masing 4 cm. Perangkap sumuran digunakan untuk mengetahui jenis-jenis Collembola yang aktif di permukaan. Untuk mempelajari kemelimpahan dan distribusi vertikal Collembola di dalam guano digunakan contoh guano. Didapatkan 17 jenis Collembola dari 4 famili di lokasi penelitian. Tiga jenis yang paling melimpah di permukaan guano adalah Hypogastrura sp., Folsomides parvulus dan Pseudosinella sp. dan tiga jenis Collembola yang melimpah di dalam guano adalah Lepidocyrtus sp., Lepidocyrtus cf. mastani dan Salina celebensis. Arthropoda lain didominasi oleh kelompok predator (50,41%) yaitu Acarina, Carabidae dan Formiddae. Distribusi vertikal Collembola didapatkan bahwa lapisan yang paling melimpah adalah kedalaman 8-12 cm (56%). Hal ini disebakan oleh kemelimpahan predator di permukaan guano dan mikrohabitat di dalam guano yang sesuai untuk Collembola yaitu temperatur, kandungan air dan kekompakan guano. Kata Kunci: Komunitas Collemboladistribusi vertikalguano kelelawarGua Law

    Collembola Lantai Hutan Di Kawasan Hulu Sungai Tabalong Kalimantan Selatan

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    Collembola in Kalimantan Island is poorly studied even this island has high value of biodiversity especially Collembola. Taxonomically, Collembola in Borneo was studied well by Yosii in Sabah (Malaysia) in the other side, very few report about ecology of Collembola in Kalimantan. This research was aimed to study the ecology of Collembola in five different forest types i.e. 3 natural forest and two Industrial tree plantation (HTI). This study was done in forest on Upper Tabalong River at June 2002. Collembola was collected by using a pitfall traps and soil-litter samples. Each forest type had twenty pitfall traps were set along two transects with 100 in length and operated for four days. Five soil-litter samples were collected in each forest type and modification of Berlese funnel was used to sort out Collembola from soil and litter for two weeks. The results of study show that dominant families in study sites are Paronellidae, Dicyrtomidae and Entomobryidae. These families are surface dwelling Collembola that live on soil surface among the litter. Five different forest types have different Collembolan composition due to different microhabitat, which had different vegetation and diversity. Number of species and individual of Collembola was showed that the highest of Collembola both species and individual was in natural forest (Km 57/Arboretum) and the lowest one was in Industrial tree plantation (HTI 1/Acacia mangium).The richness of collembola was affected by diversity of vegetation in each site and condition of forest floor

    The Myriapoda of Halimun-Salak National Park (Java, Indonesia): overview and faunal composition

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    The myriapod fauna of the mega-diverse country of Indonesia is so far insufficiently known, with no species lists or determination keys. In order to obtain an overview of the faunal composition of the Myriapoda in an Indonesian forest system, the fauna of the Halimun-Salak National Park in western Java was explored during the dry season (September–October 2015) in the framework of the German-Indonesian INDOBIOSYS project (Indonesian Biodiversity Discovery and Information System). A total of 980 Myriapoda specimens were collected by hand by 3–4 researchers from three different sites in the national park, from which 796 specimens were determined to a higher taxonomic level (class, order, family) and 617 specimens were determined to morphospecies. Among these, 27 were Symphyla (4%) (excluded from further analyses), 226 Chilopoda (28%) and 543 Diplopoda (68%). The Scolopendromorpha (64% of all identified centipedes) and Polydesmida (69% of all identified Diplopoda) were the most represented orders in our samples. Twenty-four morphospecies of Chilopoda were determined: one each of Scutigeromorpha and Lithobiomorpha, six Scolopendromorpha and sixteen Geophilomorpha. Nine orders of diplopods were present, with a total of 47 morphospecies: one each of Polyxenida, Glomeridesmida and Chordeumatida, two each of Glomerida, Spirobolida and Siphonophorida, seven of Sphaerotheriida, ten of Spirostreptida and 21 of Polydesmida. Two species curves were obtained to have a first idea about the myriapod diversity in the Halimun-Salak National Park and to compare the three individual collecting sites. Our results depict the Scolopendromorpha as the most common centipedes in Javanese rainforests and the Geophilomorpha as the most species-rich order. In contrast, the Polydesmida were the most dominant millipede group with 167 specimens and with 13 morphospecies the family Paradoxosomatidae was the most diverse

    Macroarthropod Diversity, Distribution, and Community Structure in Cikarae Cave of the Klapanunggal Karst, West Java

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    Arthropods are the most dominant fauna in cave realms. Ecological studies of cave-dwelling arthropods are essential for cave ecosystem conservation. This study was conducted to determine the ecological aspects of macroarthropods in Cikarae Cave, West Java, focusing on their diversity, distribution, and community structure. The cave passage was divided into three zones based on environmental disparities. Data collection was carried out through direct search and counting methods. Data were analyzed using non-metric multidimensional scaling (NMDS) and several ecological indices (diversity, evenness, and dominance). Nineteen macroarthropod morphospecies were recorded and distributed among 5 classes, 11 orders, and 18 families. Most of these morphospecies were troglophiles. A new troglobitic species (Isopoda: Philosciidae) with a high degree of troglomorphy and exclusive microhabitat was registered. Most morphospecies were collected in Zone 1 (17), followed by Zone 3 (9) and Zone 2 (8). Collected macroarthropods preferred cave walls over floors and ceilings. Overall, Cikarae showed a low diversity index (0.782) and evenness (0.265), while dominance was relatively high (0.692). Trachyjulus tjampeanus, Rhaphidophora sp., and Theridiosomatidae sp. were the most dominant taxa

    A troglomorphic spider from Java (Araneae, Ctenidae, Amauropelma)

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    A new troglomorphic spider from caves in Central Java, Indonesia, is described and placed in the ctenid genus Amauropelma Raven, Stumkat & Gray, until now containing only species from Queensland, Australia. Only juveniles and mature females of the new species are known. We give our reasons for placing the new species in Amauropelma, discuss conflicting characters, and make predictions about the morphology of the as yet undiscovered male that will test our taxonomic hypothesis. The description includes DNA barcode sequence data