131 research outputs found

    Demographic sensitivity inside the local authorities

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    The knowledge of the administrated population it is not wll appreciated at local level by the Administrators (Majors, Councillors, Public Servants). The attention is more devoted to political items and the sensitivity for the numbers of the population is very feeble. The paper presents the main results a research made in may Municiplities in some Italian Regions (Toscana, Lazio, Molise, Campania, Puglie, Calabria) during 1996. Different topics were put to the attention of the Administrators and they were asked to quantify different demographic and social phenomena in their own institution. The questions were the relevance they assigned to the different matters, how many times they have discussed of said topics in the council, the general (at national level) importance of each aspect. Only recently some main changes appear: The Regions have experienced important demographic changes deeply affecting the local populations and consequently the Local Powers. This is the case of the experience of a so fst decrease in fertility, or the case of the rapid change of several regions from egigration into immigration areas. Unemployment, the elder survival, the family planning, the education, the youth problems, the immigrated population are some of the questions posed to the interviewees. Quite frequently an incoherent process between the perception and the consequent requested action is standing.

    Les migrations internationales face aux nouvelles frontières de l’Europe

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    Une carte et deux figures illustrent cet article.International audience[The field of study of international migration appears immutable. It consists of examining the residential migration of people who crossed an international border. It also makes it possible to highlight the existence of demographic boundaries. But, especially in Europe, it imposes a renewed thought to the extent that borders are shifting and varied because of changes in political geography. It is therefore necessary to draw up a typology of borders that engenders very different natures of international migration.]Le champ d'étude des migrations internationales apparaît immuable. Il consiste à examiner les migrations résidentielles de personnes ayant passé une frontière internationale. Il permet aussi de mettre en évidence l'existence de frontières démographiques. Mais, tout particulièrement en Europe, il impose une pensée renouvelée dans la mesure où les frontières s'avèrent mouvantes et variées en raison de changements dans la géographie politique. Il faut donc dresser une typologie des frontières qui engendre des natures fort différentes de migrations internationales

    The Principle of Subsidiarity and the Multilevel Citizenship: The Future of Social Inclusion

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    The principle of subsidiarity was formally introduced in the European Union’s legislation framework in 1992 with the Treaty of Maastricht; although already in 1986, the European Single Act authorized Community action only if a specific objective could be better attained at the Community level. However, the subsidiarity principle inspiring the functionalist approach – according to which the best solution is always the most effective – can be found already in the Vedel Report (25 March 1972), aimed at examining the problem of the extension of the powers of the European Parliament. The principle of subsidiary is the reorganization of authority in the European Union (EU), an important policy-creating process in which authority and policy-making influences are shared across multiple levels of government

    The Cult Statues of the Pantheon

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    This article reconsiders the possible statuary of the Pantheon in Rome, both in its original Augustan form and in its later phases. It argues that the so-called ‘Algiers Relief’ has wrongly been connected with the Temple of Mars Ultor and is in fact evidence of the association of the Divus Julius with Mars and Venus in the Pantheon of Agrippa, a juxtaposition which reflects the direction of Augustan ideology in the 20s b.c. and the building's celestial purpose. This triple statue group became the focus of the later Pantheon, and its importance is highlighted by the hierarchized system of architectural ornament of the present building

    Le migrazioni internazionali. Il cammino di un dibattito

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    La terza edizione di questo volume vede la luce nel momento, da tempo annunciato, in cui la questione dei movimenti migratori e dell’integrazione dei migranti assume una posizione centrale, non solo nel dibattito ma anche nell’azione di governo in Italia e in Europa. La presenza numerosa e consolidata in Italia di popolazioni di origini non ita-liane ed il rinnovarsi, sul fronte nord-africano, di movimenti di persone in condizioni di irregolarità, clandestinità, precarietà, criminalità, rischi di sopravvivenza e di assuefazione a tragedie umane frequenti ed intollerabili, creano le condizioni per probabili nuovi interventi politici e legislativi sia nel nostro paese che nel contesto europeo. L’aggiornamento dei dati statistici, anche con le più recenti indicazioni dell’ISTAT, e quello delle legislazioni in materia di migrazioni, caratterizzano doverosamente questa terza edizione; che tiene anche conto del rilevante impatto avuto in Italia della prima esperienza di partecipazione politica ed elettorale delle comunità italiane all’estero
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