268 research outputs found

    An Interpretation of the Continuous Adaptation of the Self/Environment Process

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    Insights into the nondual relationship of organism and environment and their processual nature have resulted in numerous efforts at understanding human behavior and motivation from a holistic and contextual perspective. Meadian social theory, cultural historical activity theory (CHAT), ecological psychology, and some interpretations of complexity theory persist in relating human activity to the wider and more scientifically valid view that a process metaphysics suggests. I would like to articulate a concept from ecological psychology – that of the affordance, and relate it to aspects of phenomenology and neuroscience such that interpretations of the self, cognition, and the brain are understood as similar to interpretations of molar behaviors exhibited in social processes. Experience with meditation as a method of joining normal reflective consciousness with ‘awareness’ is described and suggested as a useful tool in coming to better understand the nondual nature of the body

    Un portale per l’archeologia medievale

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    Thanks to the great development in the use of the Internet, even in Archaeology the Net can be exploited both as a means to spread new research results, and to create a dialogue between different institutions like Universities, Superintendences, archaeological and cultural associations. Nowadays, through thousands of web sites, users have acquired a good experience in surfing and are able to choose which site to visit and not. This article presents a detailed description of our web site for Medieval Archaeology, which counts more than 6000 web pages since it was put on line in 1996. It has become a benchmark and a starting point for every kind of research in medieval archaeology on the Interne

    l archeologia dell elevato come archeologia

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    A seguito della recente comparsa in Italia di numerosi studi dedicati all'archeologia dell'architettura, si vuole proporre con questo contributo una riflessione sui rapporti tra la stratigrafia verticale e quella orizzontale e, in particolare, sui rapporti tra l'indagine dell'evidenza materiale (strutture verticali) e la sua interpretazione. In questo contesto si presentano alcuni studi coordinati dall'Insegnamento di Archeologia Medievale dell'Università di Siena, riguardanti progetti realizzati intorno alla nascita e allo sviluppo dei castelli, con particolare riferimento alla Toscana centro meridionale

    Colline Metallifere (Tuscany, Italy)

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    Since the 1980s, in Italy, and Tuscany in particular, considerable experience has been developed in research on the mining landscape in relation to the geography of population, with particular attention to the Medieval period. Numerous research projects carried out in the Colline Metallifere areas of Livourne and Grosseto by the Archaeology Department of the University of Sienna (Prof. Riccardo Francovich) have revealed the huge potential offered by this territory for the study of the population, extraction and production dynamics of the pre-industrial period as well as the necessity for rigorous surveillance of the remains of these activities which have been progressively eroded by recent and massive extraction activities and by the current development of housing and infrastructure. In the Livourne Colline Metallifere area, we have already advanced from the research phase to the creation of a fully operational Archaeo-mining Park which has made it possible to protect an extensive territory containing a wealth of pre-industrial and industrial archaeological evidence, including the mining village of Rocca San Silvestro. In the Grosseto province, the Colline Metallifere grossetane Technological and Archaeological Park was recently created. The aim of this institution is to preserve and enhance historical and archaeological heritage of prime importance which twenty years of research have contributed to uncover across a vast territory.Depuis les années 80, en Italie, et en particulier en Toscane, une expérience considérable d’étude du paysage minier en relation avec la géographie du peuplement s’est développée, avec une attention particulière pour la période médiévale. Les nombreuses recherches menées dans la zone des Colline Metallifere de Livourne et de Grosseto par le Département d’Archéologie de l’Université de Sienne (prof. Riccardo Francovich) ont mis en évidence le potentiel énorme de ce territoire pour l’étude des dynamiques de peuplement, d’extraction et de production d’époque préindustrielle, ainsi que la nécessité d’une surveillance rigoureuse des vestiges de ces activités progressivement érodés par les activités d’extraction récentes et massives et par le développement de l’habitat et des infrastructures actuellement en cours. Dans la zone des collines métallifères de Livourne, nous sommes déjà passés de la phase de recherche à l’institution d’un Parc Archéominier pleinement opérationnel qui a permis de protéger un vaste territoire riche en témoignages archéologiques préindustriels et industriels comprenant le village minier de Rocca San Silvestro. Dans la province de Grosseto a été récemment créé le Parc Technologique et Archéologique des Colline Metallifere de Grosseto. Cette institution a pour objectif de préserver et mettre en valeur un patrimoine historique et archéologique de grande importance que vingt ans de recherches ont contribué à mettre au jour sur un vaste territoire

    Leyes subnacionales de paridad de género y unicameralidad: Córdoba (Argentina) como caso testigo

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    Este estudio explora el impacto de las leyes de paridad de género vigentes en la provincia de Córdoba en los últimos veinte años. Desde su implementación, tales normativas han contemplado un criterio de paridad vertical por el cual las listas electorales deben conformarse con un porcentaje equivalente de mujeres y varones, organizado con una alternancia secuencial aplicada tanto a titulares como a suplentes. Sin embargo, el efecto de estas normativas se debilita al aplicarse en Cámaras Legislativas como la de Córdoba, organizada bajo un sistema mixto que combina bancas correspondientes a distritos plurinominales y uninominales. Este estudio analiza la composición de la Unicameral Cordobesa, evidenciando los obstáculos que imposibilitan alcanzar una composición paritaria en la Cámara. Los resultados dan cuenta también de la subrepresentación de mujeres en otros roles jerárquicos dentro de la Cámara y en los Ministerios.Fil: Francovich, Mila. Universidad Nacional de Córdoba. Instituto de Investigaciones Psicológicas. - Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Centro Científico Tecnológico Conicet - Córdoba. Instituto de Investigaciones Psicológicas; ArgentinaFil: Saletti, Lorena. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Centro Científico Tecnológico Conicet - Córdoba. Centro de Investigaciones y Estudios sobre Cultura y Sociedad. Universidad Nacional de Córdoba. Centro de Investigaciones y Estudios sobre Cultura y Sociedad; ArgentinaFil: Brussino, Silvina Alejandra. Universidad Nacional de Córdoba. Instituto de Investigaciones Psicológicas. - Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Centro Científico Tecnológico Conicet - Córdoba. Instituto de Investigaciones Psicológicas; Argentina1º Congreso Latinoamericano de Ciencia, Tecnología y Sociedad: Desafíos y escenarios de la postpandemiaSan JuanArgentinaUniversidad Nacional de San JuanUniversidad Nacional de CuyoGobierno de la Provincia de San Jua

    La storia di Firenze tra tarda antichità e medioevo. Nuovi dati dallo scavo di via de’ Castellani

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    Il nostro recente progetto è finalizzato alla conoscenza della risorsa archeologica di Firenze. In particolare la nostra attenzione si è concentrata sugli aspetti legati alle trasformazioni della città tra tarda antichità e medioevo: i cambiamenti nell’economia cittadina, le forme urbanistiche che Florentia assunse nella lunga transizione tra III e vIII secolo, la riurbanizzazione bassomedievale e le ancor più significative vicende che portarono alla formazione della città del Rinascimento. L’obiettivo consiste nel riscrivere, sulla base di nuove fonti, processi ancora non messi a fuoco, contribuendo a ridefinire lo sviluppo contemporaneo della città sulla base dei segni materiali della storia

    Polymeric nanoparticles enhance the sonodynamic activity of meso-tetrakis (4-sulfonatophenyl) porphyrin in an in vitro neuroblastoma model

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    PURPOSE: Sonodynamic therapy is a developing noninvasive modality for cancer treatment, based on the selective activation of a sonosensitizer agent by acoustic cavitation. The activated sonosensitizer agent might generate reactive oxygen species leading to cancer cell death. We investigated the potential poly-methyl methacrylate core-shell nanoparticles (NPs) loaded with meso-tetrakis (4-sulfonatophenyl) porphyrin (TPPS) have to function as an innovative sonosensitizing system, ie, TPPS-NPs. METHODS: Shockwaves (SWs) generated by a piezoelectric device were used to induce acoustic cavitation. The cytotoxic effect of the sonodynamic treatment with TPPS-NPs and SWs was investigated on the human neuroblastoma cell line, SH-SY5Y. Cells were exposed for 12 hours to TPPS-NPs (100 μg/mL) and then to SWs (0.43 mJ/mm(2) for 500 impulses, 4 impulses/second). Treatment with SWs, TPPS, and NPs alone or in combination was carried out as control. RESULTS: There was a statistically significant decrease in SH-SY5Y cell proliferation after the sonodynamic treatment with TPPS-NPs and SWs. Indeed, there was a significant increase in necrotic (16.91% ± 3.89%) and apoptotic (27.45% ± 3.03%) cells at 48 hours. Moreover, a 15-fold increase in reactive oxygen species production for cells exposed to TPPS-NPs and SWs was observed at 1 hour compared with untreated cells. A statistically significant enhanced mRNA (messenger ribonucleic acid) expression of NRF2 (P<0.001) and a significant downregulation of TIGAR (P<0.05) and MAP3K5 (P<0.05) genes was observed in cells exposed to TPPS-NPs and SWs at 24 hours, along with a statistically significant release of cytochrome c (P<0.01) at 48 hours. Lastly, the sonosensitizing system was also investigated in an in vitro three-dimensional model, and the sonodynamic treatment significantly decreased the neuroblastoma spheroid growth. CONCLUSION: The sonosensitizing properties of TPPS were significantly enhanced once loaded onto NPs, thus enhancing the sonodynamic treatment’s efficacy in an in vitro neuroblastoma model
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