392 research outputs found

    Evaluation of PRNP polymorphisms in Brazilian local adapted breeds

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    The present study was conducted to genotype and estimate haplotypes and haplotypic and genotypic frequencies on three previously reported PRNP polymorphisms in Brazilian local adapted/naturalized breeds, and to evaluate the flock‘s genetic potential in relation to scrapie usceptibility/resistance

    A família (d)escrita pelos jovens:permanência e mudança de modelos de paternidade

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    O presente estudo teve como principal objectivo identificar as imagens que os jovens portugueses têm acerca das suas famílias e sobre os modelos de paternidade que as enformam. Baseia-se numa análise qualitativa e integrada de 792 composições escri- tas por jovens estudantes de todo o país, de ambos os sexos e com idades compreendidas entre os 11 e os 14 anos. Com esta metodologia adoptou-se uma perspectiva raramente utilizada nos estudos sobre a família: captar a realidade familiar através dos discursos dos jovens. Enquanto agentes activos que contribuem para a construção da vida familiar e social, as suas opiniões e perspectivas sobre os processos de construção e mudança dos papéis parentais são fundamentais para compreender as famílias contemporâneas e as relações de género. Do conjunto de material analisado destacam-se as representações dos jovens relativamente à complexidade cultural dos modelos e “papéis” parentais que os homens põem em prática quotidianamente, encontrando-se na confluência de imagens múltiplas e, por vezes, contrastantes do que significa ser pai.The main objective of this study was to identify the images that the Portuguese adolescents have of their families and the fatherhood models that inform those families. It is based on a qualitative and integrated analysis, on a national scale, of 792 essays written by 11-14 year old schoolchildren, of both sexes. This methodology adopted a perspective rarely taken in studies of the family: to capture the reality of the family through the discourses of the youth. As active agents who contribute to the construction of social and family life, their opinions and perspectives regarding the processes of construction and change associated with parental roles are fundamental to an understanding of contemporary families and gen- der relations. In the material analysed, taken as a whole, particular prominence is given to the young people’s representations of the cultural complexity of the parental models and “roles” that men put into practice on a daily basis, as they find themselves at the point where multiple and frequently contrasting images of what it means to be a father converge.La présente étude a pour principal objectif d’identifier les images que les jeunes portugais ont de leurs familles et des modèles de paternité auxquels elles obéissent. Elle se base sur une analyse qualitative et intégrée de 792 compositions écrites par des élèves de tout le pays, des deux sexes et âgés entre 11 et 14 ans. Cette méthodologie a permis d’adopter une approche rarement utilisée dans les études sur la famille : saisir la réalité familiale à travers les discours des jeunes. En tant qu’agents actifs qui contribuent à la construction de la vie familiale et sociale, leurs opinions et leurs perspectives sur les processus de construction et de changement des rôles parentaux sont fondamentales pour comprendre les familles contemporaines et les relations de genre. Sur l’ensemble du matériel ana- lysé, l’accent est mis sur les représentations des jeunes relatives à la complexité culturelle des modèles et des « rôles » parentaux que les hommes mettent en pratique quotidiennement, à la confluence d’images multiples et parfois contrastantes de ce que signifie être père

    Studying Erythromelalgia Using Doppler Flowmetry Perfusion Signals and Wavelet Analysis—An Exploratory Study

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    Funding Information: This research was financed by national funds through FCT—Foundation for Science and Technology, I.P. (Portugal), under the [UIDB/04567/2020] and [UIDP/04567/2020] programs. All imaging instrumentation was provided by ALIES-COFAC. Publisher Copyright: © 2023 by the authors.Erythromelalgia (EM) is a rare disease, which is still poorly characterized. In the present paper, we compared the hand perfusion of one female EM patient, under challenges, with a healthy control group. Using a laser Doppler flowmeter (LDF) with an integrated thermal probe, measurements were taken in both hands at rest (Phase I) and after two separate challenges—post-occlusive hyperemia (PORH) in one arm (A) and reduction of skin temperature (cooling) with ice in one hand (B) (Phase II). The final measurement periods corresponded to recovery (Phases III and IV). The control group involved ten healthy women (27.3 ± 7.9 years old). A second set of measurements was taken in the EM patient one month after beginning a new therapeutic approach with beta-blockers (6.25 mg carvedilol twice daily). Z-scores of the patient’s LDF and temperature fluctuations compared to the control group were assessed using the Wavelet transform (WT) analysis. Here, fluctuations with |Z| > 1.96 were considered significantly different from healthy values, whereas positive or negative Z values indicated higher or lower deviations from the control mean values. Cooling elicited more measurable changes in LDF and temperature fluctuations, especially in higher frequency components (cardiac, respiratory, and myogenic), whereas PORH notably evoked changes in lower frequency components (myogenic, autonomic, and endothelial). No significant Z-score deviations were observed in the second measurement, which might signify a stabilization of the patient’s distal perfusion following the new therapeutic approach. This analysis involving one EM patient, while clearly exploratory, has shown significant deviations in WT-derived physiological components’ values in comparison with the healthy group, confirming the interest in using cold temperature as a challenger. The apparent agreement achieved with the clinical evaluation opens the possibility of expanding this approach to other patients and pathologies in vascular medicine.publishersversionpublishe

    Práticas de letramento na Educação Infantil: um estudo bibliográfico

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    The pedagogical practices to encourage children’s literacy are indicated as the articulating theme of this reflection. Such practices are shown as possibilities for a teaching action that relates the children's previous knowledge of their social environment to the theoretical contribution based on social interaction. In this regard, from a qualitative perspective of a bibliographical study, the main objective of this research was to reflect on literacy practices in Early Childhood Education in the Fortaleza city, based on a literature review. Based on the studies of Soares (2003, 2011) and Kleiman (2007) and in the documents that support teaching practice in early childhood education in the municipality of Fortaleza as well; could to realize that literacy practices are indispensable to the reality of children in early childhood education, as they prepare students for reading and writing experiences.Indica-se como tema articulador desta reflexão as práticas pedagógicas para o estímulo ao letramento infantil. Tais práticas se mostram como possibilidades de uma ação docente que combine os conhecimentos prévios das crianças de seu meio social, junto ao aporte teórico baseado na interação social. Neste aspecto, numa perspectiva qualitativa, de um estudo de natureza bibliográfico, buscou-se como objetivo central desta proposta refletir sobre as práticas de letramento na Educação Infantil no município de Fortaleza, a partir de uma revisão de literatura. Com base nos estudos de Soares (2003; 2011) e Kleiman (2007). E ainda nos documentos que amparam a prática docente na Educação Infantil no município de Fortaleza; pode-se averiguar que as práticas de letramento se apresentam indispensáveis à realidade das crianças na educação infantil, pois são elas que preparam os alunos para experiências de leitura e escrita

    Microscopia eletrônica de varredura da interação entre Cryptococcus magnus e Colletotrichum gloeosporioides em frutos de mamão

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    ABSTRACTThe objective of this work was to investigate possible modes of action of the yeast Cryptococcus magnus in controlling anthracnose (Colletotrichum gloeosporioides) on post harvested papaya fruits. Scanning electron microscopy was used to analyze the effect of the yeast on inoculations done after harvest. Results showed that C. magnus is able to colonize wound surfaces much faster than the pathogen, outcompeting the later for space and probably for nutrients. In addition, C. magnus produces a flocculent matrix, which affects hyphae integrity. The competition for space and the production of substances that affect hyphae integrity are among the most important modes of action of this yeast. ______________________________________________________________________________ RESUMOO objetivo deste trabalho foi investigar prováveis modos de ação da levedura Cryptococcus magnus, que resultam no controle da antracnose (Colletotrichum gloeosporioides) em frutos de mamoeiro na póscolheita. A microscopia eletrônica de varredura foi utilizada para avaliar o efeito da levedura sobre inoculações realizadas após a colheita. Os resultados mostraram que C. magnus é capaz de colonizar a superfície de ferimentos nos frutos e vencer a competição por espaço e, provavelmente, por nutrientes. Além disso, C. magnus produz uma matriz de textura característica que afeta a integridade da hifa do patógeno. A competição por espaço e a produção de substâncias que afetam a integridade das hifas estão entre os mais importantes modos de ação desta levedura

    Compensação ambiental devido à falta de tratamento de esgotos domésticos no município de Campanha (MG)Environmental compensation due to lack of treatment of domestic wastewater in the municipality of Campanha (MG)

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    O tratamento de esgotos domésticos, sem dúvida, é uma questão de enorme relevância para o saneamento de um município, vez que assegura o bem-estar e a saúde pública. No entanto, a ausência desses serviços acarreta em vários impactos negativos à população e ao ecossistema aquático, ocasionando danos que muitas vezes podem ser irreversíveis. No município de Campanha-MG, a concessão dos serviços de esgotamento sanitário à empresa de economia mista ocorreu há mais de uma década. Porém, até a presente data, os esgotos domésticos estão sendo lançados, sem prévio tratamento, nos cursos d’água. Dessa forma, o presente artigo apresenta sugestão de compensação ambiental para o dano ocasionado no ambiente pelos esgotos sanitários não tratados e lançados irregularmente no ecossistema aquático. O dano ocasionado nas águas foi quantificado e valorado. Em seguida, levantou-se o custo de recuperação da vegetação de um hectare. A partir do quantum obtido na valoração ambiental e do custo de recuperação, obteve-se a área a ser recuperada. Por fim, delimitou-se, utilizando recursos de geoprocessamento, a bacia hidrográfica onde ocorreu o dano e se sugere a compensação pela empresa responsável pelo dano ambiental. A metodologia dos trabalhos norteou-se, dentre outros, pelos seguintes dispositivos normativos: Lei Federal nº 9.433/1997, Lei Federal 12.651/2012 e Lei Estadual 12.503/1997, que cria o Programa Estadual de Conservação da Água e ABNT NBR 14653-6:2008.Abstract The treatment of domestic wastewater, with no doubt, is a question of enormous relevance to sanitation of a municipality. This treatment ensures the public welfare and health. However, the lack of this treatment leads to several negative impacts to the population and the aquatic ecosystem, causing irreversible damage, some times. In the city of Campanha-MG, the concession of wastewater treatment services to private/public (mixed) company occurred for a decade. However, up to now, the domestic wastewaters are being thrown, untreated, into waterways. This way, this paper presents environmental compensation suggestion for the damages caused to the environment by untreated wastewater. The damage caused to the water was quantified and valued. Soon after, it was estimated the recovery costs of the vegetation of a hectare. From the quantum environmental valuation and the cost of vegetation recovery, it was gotten the area to be required for compensation. Finally, hydrographic watershed was delimited using geoprocessing resources. This basin is where the environmental damage occurred and where it is suggested the compensation by the company responsible for the damage. The methodology of work was guided, among others, the following regulatory provisions: Federal Law 9433/1997; Federal Law 12651 / 2012; State Law 12503/1997 and NBR 14653-6: 2008

    Detecção e avaliação de assinaturas de seleção em ovinos

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    O recente desenvolvimento de painéis de “single nucleotide polymorphisms” (SNPs) distribuídos ao longo do genoma possibilitou a realização de diversos trabalhos com diferentes espécies. O processo seletivo promove o aumento ou a diminuição da frequência alélica (ou gênica) em loci específicos do genoma, além de promover o arrasto dos alelos próximos no cromossomo. Desta forma, são formadas regiões do genoma com o aumento na frequência de determinados alelos na população, o que caracteriza a assinatura de seleção. A detecção destas assinaturas é importante para a caracterização dos recursos genéticos, bem como a identificação de genes ou regiões envolvidos no controle e na expressão de características de importância produtiva e econômica. Os ovinos são uma importante espécie para estes estudos, uma vez que encontram-se amplamente dispersos em diferentes ambientes e apresentam grande diversidade fenotípica. Devido à grande quantidade de dados gerados nas análises genômicas, são necessários métodos estatísticos e programas específicos para a detecção de assinaturas de seleção. Assim, os objetivos deste artigo de revisão são apresentar os principais métodos estatísticos e os programas atualmente utilizados para análise de dados genômicos e a detecção de assinaturas de seleção; descrever os resultados dos recentes trabalhos publicados sobre assinaturas de seleção em ovinos; e discutir alguns desafios e oportunidades nesta área de pesquisa.The recent development of genome-wide single nucleotide polymorphism (SNP) arrays made it possible to carry out several studies with different species. The selection process can increase or reduce allelic (or genic) frequencies at specific loci in the genome, besides dragging neighboring alleles in the chromosome. This way, genomic regions with increased frequencies of specific alleles are formed, caracterizing selection signatures or selective sweeps. The detection of these signatures is important to characterize genetic resources, as well as to identify genes or regions involved in the control and expression of important production and economic traits. Sheep are an important species for theses studies as they are dispersed worldwide and have great phenotypic diversity. Due to the large amounts of genomic data generated, specific statistical methods and softwares are necessary for the detection of selection signatures. Therefore, the objectives of this review are to address the main statistical methods and softwares currently used for the analysis of genomic data and the identification of selection signatures; to describe the results of recent works published on selection signatures in sheep; and to discuss some challenges and opportunities in this research field

    A human type 5 adenovirus-based Trypanosoma cruzi therapeutic vaccine re-programs immune response and reverses chronic cardiomyopathy

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    Chagas disease (CD), caused by the protozoan Trypanosoma cruzi, is a prototypical neglected tropical disease. Specific immunity promotes acute phase survival. Nevertheless, one-third of CD patients develop chronic chagasic cardiomyopathy (CCC) associated with parasite persistence and immunological unbalance. Currently, the therapeutic management of patients only mitigates CCC symptoms. Therefore, a vaccine arises as an alternative to stimulate protective immunity and thereby prevent, delay progression and even reverse CCC. We examined this hypothesis by vaccinating mice with replication-defective human Type 5 recombinant adenoviruses (rAd) carrying sequences of amastigote surface protein-2 (rAdASP2) and trans-sialidase (rAdTS) T. cruzi antigens. For prophylactic vaccination, naive C57BL/6 mice were immunized with rAdASP2+rAdTS (rAdVax) using a homologous prime/boost protocol before challenge with the Colombian strain. For therapeutic vaccination, rAdVax administration was initiated at 120 days post-infection (dpi), when mice were afflicted by CCC. Mice were analyzed for electrical abnormalities, immune response and cardiac parasitism and tissue damage. Prophylactic immunization with rAdVax induced antibodies and H-2Kb-restricted cytotoxic and interferon (IFN)gamma-producing CD8+ T-cells, reduced acute heart parasitism and electrical abnormalities in the chronic phase. Therapeutic vaccination increased survival and reduced electrical abnormalities after the prime (analysis at 160 dpi) and the boost (analysis at 180 and 230 dpi). Post-therapy mice exhibited less heart injury and electrical abnormalities compared with pre-therapy mice. rAdVax therapeutic vaccination preserved specific IFNgamma-mediated immunity but reduced the response to polyclonal stimuli (anti-CD3 plus anti-CD28), CD107a+ CD8+ T-cell frequency and plasma nitric oxide (NO) levels. Moreover, therapeutic rAdVax reshaped immunity in the heart tissue as reduced the number of perforin+ cells, preserved the number of IFNgamma+ cells, increased the expression of IFNgamma mRNA but reduced inducible NO synthase mRNA. Vaccine-based immunostimulation with rAd might offer a rational alternative for re-programming the immune response to preserve and, moreover, recover tissue injury in Chagas\u27 heart disease