909 research outputs found

    School\u27s Impact on Immigrant Students\u27 Self-Identity

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    Students today have a lot on their plates. Besides a full schedule of classes, many students also have duties at home, part-time jobs, and a variety of extra-curricular activities. Immigrant students have the added responsibilities of balancing learning about a new country and culture and keeping parts of their native culture alive. They may also be learning a new language and/or translating for their parents. Simultaneously, they are often trying to figure out how they fit in this new place and in their new school. Culturally Responsive Teaching, where value is placed on the student’s culture, language, and experiences, and incorporated into their education is one way to help them adjust and fit in. Helping them to develop and share their personal stories, and listen to other people’s stories, is another way to help them adjust

    The versification of the Romansh poet Andri Peer: the heptasyllable and hendecasyllable in his early free forms

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    This paper examines the versification style of the Romansh poet Andri Peer, who can be considered as the first “modern” poet of the Romansh literature. It focuses on Andri Peer’s most frequently used verse lines in his early free forms: the heptasyllabic and hendecasyllabic verse. A rhythmical analysis of the single verse instances revealed that the internal organisation of the line is not very elaborate. In the case of the heptasyllables found in his early free forms, only four patterns make up over 80% of all heptasyllabic verses. Regarding Peer’s hendecasyllables, it is shown that his arrangement of the prominent syllables is rather regular, especially in comparison to the hendecasyllables of his precursor Peider Lansel. This trend in Peer’s versification to use fixed dispositions of syllables is interpreted as a compensation for the loss of other structural features such as the stanza or the rhyme

    Sketch-based Queries in Mobile GIS-Environments

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    Recent achievements in the field of mobile computing and wireless communication promise data retrieval anywhere and anytime. This development provided the basis to expand GIs technology to handheld devices, such as personal digital assistants (PDAs). Although traditional GIs technology is well suited for desktop workstations, it needs to be adapted in order to satisfy the requirements of users using handheld computing devices. This adaptation is necessary because the usability of traditional GISs depends on characteristics of desktop computers, such as their relatively large user interfaces (e.g., displays, keyboards, pointing devices), considerable computing resources (i.e., CPU, memory, storage, operating systems), and high bandwidth network connectivity. Small devices possess few of these characteristics, hence, requiring new and efficient methods for interaction with spatial databases. We propose a concept that supports sketch-based querying in mobile GIs environments. This concept combines newest techniques for spatial querying and mobile technologies. Such a combination is beneficial for users because it allows them to formulate queries by drawing the desired configuration with a pen on the touch-sensitive PDA screen, and consequently avoids typing complex statements in some SQL-like query language. Client-server architectures in mobile environments are characterized by low and fluctuating bandwidth, and by frequent disconnections. We discuss client-server strategies in mobile environments, suggest an adaptive client-server architecture for geomobile querying, and analyze the performance. It is shown that adaptation to the mobile environment is necessary in order to ensure efficiency of geo-mobile queries

    After the next

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    The mass media fascination with mass death and mass disease has a long history. But what makes a disease communicable in our culture of media? In this think piece, I argue that the mass media has found in the idea of the next pandemic an ideal opportunity to corroborate its own discursive problematic

    Speed Crash Course

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    Durich Chiampells "Topographie" als Apologie und Inszenierung Rätiens

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    Durich Chiampell’s (c. 1510 – c. 1582) "Raetiae alpestris topographica descriptio" deals with the geography of the Republic of the Three Leagues – today the region of Graubünden – in a manner influenced to such a high degree by rhetorical principles that it is rather a mise-en-scène constructed to transmit a certain view of his subject rather than objective knowledge. The article shows this in the chosen examples relating to geography and history. The criticism he faced by his orderers in Zurich were refuted by Chiampell with arguments drawn from contemporary historiography

    Rational and safe dosing of phenprocoumon during loading and maintenance phase

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    Phenprocoumon is the second most commonly used oral anticoagulant worldwide and the most common agent in many European countries including Switzerland. Given its long half-life of about one week, an initial loading-dose is generally applied. A high loading-dose is helpful to rapidly reach a therapeutic concentration but may be associated with an increased risk of bleeding if the effect overshoots. Phenprocoumon has a narrow therapeutic range, and individual dose requirements are highly variable. In clinical practice the initial dose-finding process for phenprocoumon is largely empiric and often delegated to inexperienced staff members. Thus, both a prolonged loading phase and overshooting of anticoagulation is commonly observed. Question under study The general aim of the thesis was to define one or more algorithms for the loading phase of phenprocoumon-treatment. These algorithms should be easily applicable in a clinical setting and help to improve the drug safety of phenprocoumon especially during the initial dose-finding process. Retrospective study In a retrospective study, predictors of individual dosing needs for a target-INR of 2.0 to 3.0 in medical and orthopaedic inpatients were determined. Several significant predictors of the loading dose could be identified. Using these predictors two simple clinical algorithms for the initial dosing of phenprocoumon in medical and orthopedic inpatients were developed. One algorithm contains clinical data and, additionally, serum albumin; the second algorithm contains clinical data only. Prospective study The aim of the prospective, randomized interventional study was to validate the efficacy and safety of the two previously proposed dosing algorithms for the initiation of oral anticoagulation with phenprocoumon. Additionally, the predictive value of pharmacogenetic markers was to be studied. Both algorithms could be validated and were slightly optimized. They proved to be very safe and effective in hospitalized patients with a high rate of comorbidity. The algorithm using clinical data can be especially recommended due to its simplicity of use

    Untersuchungen zur Bestimmung der Poissonschen Konstanten an Fichtenholz

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    Zusammenfassung: An Fichtenholz wurden mittels inkrementaler Wegaufnehmer die E-Moduln in den drei Hauptschnittrichtungen (längs, radial, tangential) und die sechs Poissonschen Konstanten nach Klimatisierung im Normalklima bestimmt. Das Verhältnis der E-Moduln ET:ER:EL wurde mit 1:2,43:25,4 ermittelt. Es wurden folgende Poissonsche Konstanten bestimmt: μRL= 0,022, μTL=0,015, μLR=0,376, μLT= 0,420, μTR=0,335, μRT=0,64
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