133 research outputs found

    Crop yield, C and N balance of three types of cropping systems on an Ultisol in Northern Lampung

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    AbstractThree types of cropping systems, cassava-based intercropping, hedgerow intercropping and legume cover crop rotations, were evaluated in 1994–1997 in Northern Lampung, Sumatra. The purpose of this experiment was to quantify the C and N flows returned within and transported out of plots and crop yields of different cropping systems.Cassava-based systems were not stable and yields declined over time. Intercropping cassava with rice increased cassava fresh tuber weight by 5–48% compared to the monocrop-ping system. The hedgerow intercropping gave lower maize, rice, groundnut and cowpea yields than could be obtained in a crop rotation with legume cover crops. Maize grain yields in the 80–20 rice/maize mixture were about 0.4 Mg ha−1 in the rice — groundnut rotation and about half as much when intercropped with cassava or hedgerows. Rice yields intercropped with cassava or with hedgerows were about 1 Mg ha−1 less in year 2 and 3 than those grown in rotation with groundnut. The rice yield in the first cropping season was only about 1 Mg ha−1, but in the second and third year yields in the rice — legume rotation increased to around 2 and around 3 Mg ha−1, respectively. This increase occurred despite a decline in soil organic matter content.The cassava-based systems removed much more C (7 Mg ha−1 yr-1) than the other systems, while less was returned (about 0.5–2 Mg ha−1) to the soil. In the hedgerow intercropping system about 2.5 Mg C ha−1 yr−1 was returned to the plot as biomass pruning and crop residues and about 1.5 Mg C ha−1 yr−1 was removed from the plot as yield. In the cover crop rotation 2.6 Mg ha−1 yr−1 of C was returned to the plot as crop residues plus Mucuna (only the 2nd year) and Cowpea biomass, and about 1.1 Mg ha−1 yr−1 was removed from the plot. The hedgerow intercropping systems gave an N surplus of about 15–50 kg ha−1 yr−1 returned to the soil; while the balance was 10–20 kg ha−1 yr−1 for the cover crop rotation systems and the cassava-based systems showed a negative N budget of about 60 kg ha−1 yr−1

    Agroforestry Interactions in Rainfed Agriculture: Can Hedgerow Intercropping Systems Sustain Crop Yield on an Ultisol in Lampung (Indonesia)?

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    The productivity of rainfed agriculture land developed on Ultisols is limited by physical and chemical constraints. These problems can be solved and consistently high yields obtained only by the development of comprehensive manage-ment systems. In the 1980s, hedgerow inter-cropping was promoted initially for improving soil fertility and sustainability of crop production on nutrient-depleted soils. However the previous enthusiasm for hedgerow intercropping is unsupported by scientific evidence and its labour demand too high. The question remains, is there a window of opportunity where the biophysical principle of hedgerow intercropping is sound? Research to compare the long-term performance of crops and trees in hedgerow intercropping and monocluture cropping is needed. This research has been conducted at long-term field experiment station at the BMSF-Project, Lampung, Indone-sia. The experiment site had non-nitrogen-fixing peltophorum (PP), nitrogen-fixing gliricidia (GG) and alternate peltophorum and gliricidia (PG) hedgerow intercropping and maize / groundnut monoculture (C) treatments. We concluded that the net interactions related to soil fertility and competition for growth resources in peltophroum were positive for crop yield in PP and PG but negative for GG. Even so, the PP and PG sys-tems resulted in similar yields as monocropping; however, hedgerow intercropping considerably improved soil fertility attributes

    An analysis of the economic values of novel cropping systems in N. E. Thailand and S. Sumatra

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    AbstractThe use of food-crop intercropping, hedgerow intercropping and secondary or cover cropping to increase incomes of resource-poor farmers in South East Asia was investigated. Since all systems improve conservation of nutrients and most give extra marketable produce, they were expected to increase farm profitability. On upland farms in Lampung, South Sumatra, both inter- and secondary crops were found to improve yields compared with cassava monocropping and thus the income derived from growing cassava or rice with maize. These increases were equivalent to between 70 and 440 US dollars per hectare. An economic analysis of the lowland rice-producing systems in North East Thailand suggested that with the exception of growing cowpea, the use of pre-rice cover crops was not profitable despite a substantial increase in rice yield, because the additional labour cost more than the additional income was worth. A benefit of leguminous crops, however, can be the extra marketable product. Groundnut in Indonesia and cowpea in Thailand gave an attractive extra US400–1150totalincomeincreaseperhectareperyear(i.e.extrayieldofthemainfoodcropplusextramarketableproducefromthesecondarycrop)evenaftertheadditionalcostswerededucted.HedgerowintercroppinggavesmallerprofitmarginsofaboutUS 400–1150 total income increase per hectare per year (i.e. extra yield of the main food crop plus extra marketable produce from the secondary crop) even after the additional costs were deducted. Hedgerow intercropping gave smaller profit margins of about US 90. Although both hedgerow intercropping and secondary cropping represent a considerable investment of labour by farmers, this investment may be more feasible than paying for fertilizer on credit. On balance the most attractive option tested was the use of a leguminous secondary crop, e.g. groundnut or multipurpose cowpea, within the food crop cycle

    The potential of conservation agriculture to improve nitrogen fixation in cowpea under the semi-arid conditions of Kenya.

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    Open Access Journal; Published online: 07 Oct 2022Low-cost but productive crop intensification options are needed to assist smallholder farmers in the tropics to move away from poverty. This study assessed the capacity of cowpea (Vigna unguiculata (L.) Walp.) to perform biological N fixation (BNF) under no-tillage practices, crop residue cover and intercropping with maize (Zea mays L.). The study was performed during the long rains of 2017 at Kiboko experimental station, located in semi-arid eastern Kenya. The research field trials had been running for three years (6 cropping seasons) by the time the sampling took place. The experimental set up was a split-plot design: main plots being tillage system (no till + maize stover retention (CA), and conventional tillage to 15 cm depth without mulch retention (CT)), sub-plot being cropping system (maize-cowpea intercrop, maize monocrop, and cowpea monocrop). Cowpea plants were sampled at 50% flowering stage and at physiological maturity to investigate biomass production and %N derived from the atmosphere (%Ndfa) through the 15N natural abundance technique, using maize as a reference control. Results showed that the number of nodules per plant was higher in CA treatments rather than in CT although not significant (p>0.05). Mean cowpea grain yield at harvest varied between 472 – 590 kg ha‐1 in intercrops whereas grain yield in monocrops was between 1465 - 1618 kg ha-1. Significant differences were however recorded between treatments with CT monocropped cowpea at flowering recording the highest mean %Ndfa (62%) and CT intercrop the lowest (52%). At harvest stage CA inter recorded the highest %Ndfa (54%) while CT intercrop the lowest (41%). The %Ndfa was higher (p<0.05) at flowering (between 57- 69%) compared with 45 - 64 % at harvest stage. Overall cowpeas in intercrops derived between 17.8 - 22.8 kg ha-1 of their total N from atmospheric dinitrogen fixation while monocrops between 54.9 - 55.2 kg ha-1. The effect of CA on BNF was positive but not significantly different from CT. These results suggest that CA has the potential to enhance the BNF process but there is a need to explore in future alternative spatial arrangement and variety choice in intercropping of cowpea and maize to optimize the BNF process

    Nitrogen use efficiency of monoculture and hedgerow intercropping in the humid tropics

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    The design of productive and efficient intercropping systems depends on achieving complementarity between component speciesrsquo resource capture niches. Spatiotemporal patterns of capture and use of pruning and urea nitrogen (N) by trees and intercrops were elucidated by isotopic tracing, and consequences for nitrogen use efficiency were examined. During the first cropping season after applying urea–15N, maize accounted for most of the plant 15N recovery in Peltophorum dasyrrachis (33.5%) and Gliricidia sepium (22.3%) hedgerow intercropping systems. Maize yield was greatest in monoculture, and maize in monoculture also recovered a greater proportion of urea 15N (42%) than intercropped maize. Nitrogen recovery during active crop growth will not be increased by hedgerow intercropping if hedgerows adversely affect crop growth through competition for other resources. However, hedgerows recovered substantial amounts of 15N during both cropping cycles (e.g. a total of 13–22%), showing evidence of spatio-temporal complementarity with crops in the spatial distribution of roots and the temporal distribution of Nuptake. The degree of complementarity was species-specific, showing the importance of selecting appropriate trees for simultaneous agroforestry. After the first cropping season 17–34% of 15N applied was unaccounted for in the plant-soil system. Urea and prunings N were recovered by hedgerows in similar amounts. By the end of the second (groundnut) cropping cycle, total plant 15N recovery was similar in all cropping systems. Less N was taken up by the maize crop from applications of labelled prunings (5–7%) than from labelled urea (22–34%), but the second crop recovered similar amounts from these two sources, implying that prunings N is more persistent than urea N. More 15N was recovered by the downslope hedgerow than the upslope hedgerow, demonstrating the interception of laterally flowing N by hedgerows

    Total elemental composition of soils in Sub-Saharan Africa and relationship with soil forming factors

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    AbstractA thorough understanding of the variation in total soil element concentrations is important especially in the Sub-Saharan Africa (SSA) soil contexts for agricultural and environmental management at large scale. Fingerprinting of soil elemental composition may form a useful basis for evaluating soils in a way that relates to soil-forming factors and inherent soil functional properties. The objectives of this paper are to quantify the proportion of variability in total elemental composition by total X-ray fluorescence (TXRF) method of 1074 soil samples from the Africa Soil Information Service (AfSIS) Project baseline and to determine the relationships with soil forming factors. The samples were from 34 sentinel sites measuring 10×10km, randomized within major climate zones in SSA. Within each sentinel site there were sixteen spatially stratified 1km2 clusters, within which there were ten 100m2 plots. The within and between site patterns of variation in total element composition of 17 elements; Al, P, K, Ca, Ti, V, Cr, Mn, Fe, Ni, Cu, Zn, Ga, Sr, Y, Ta, and Pb, were explored. Total element concentration values were within the range reported globally for soil Cr, Mn, Zn, Ni, V, Sr, and Y and higher than reported range for Al, Cu, Ta, Pb, and Ga. There were significant variations (P<0.05) in total element composition within and between the sites for all the elements analyzed with the greatest proportion of total variance and number of significant variance components occurring at the site (55–88%) followed by the cluster nested within site (10–40%) levels. The explorations of the relationships between element composition data and site factors using Random Forest regression demonstrated that soil-forming factors have important influence on total elemental composition in the soil. The fact that the soil-forming factors are related to the concentration of naturally occurring elements in the soil gives rise to the notion that they might be predicted from the soils' element composition. Results implied that >70% of variation in soil element composition patterns can be predicted using information in existing databases or readily observable features. Successful use of TXRF technique would open up possibilities for using total soil elemental composition fingerprints as a useful basis for characterizing soils in a way that relates to soil-forming factors and inherent soil functional properties

    Effects of spatial resolution of terrain models on modelled discharge and soil loss in Oaxaca, Mexico

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    The effect of the spatial resolution of digital terrain models (DTMs) on topography and soil erosion modelling is well documented for low resolutions. Nowadays, the availability of high spatial resolution DTMs from unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs) opens new horizons for detailed assessment of soil erosion with hydrological models, but the effects of DTM resolution on model outputs at this scale have not been systematically tested. This study combines plot-scale soil erosion measurements, UAV-derived DTMs, and spatially explicit soil erosion modelling to select an appropriate spatial resolution based on allowable loss of information. During 39 precipitation events, sediment and soil samples were collected on five bounded and unbounded plots and four land covers (forest, fallow, maize, and eroded bare land). Additional soil samples were collected across a 220ha watershed to generate soil maps. Precipitation was collected by two rain gauges and vegetation was mapped. A total of two UAV campaigns over the watershed resulted in a 0.60m spatial-resolution DTM used for resampling to 1, 2, 4, 8, and 15m and a multispectral orthomosaic to generate a land cover map. The OpenLISEM model was calibrated at plot level at 1m resolution and then extended to the watershed level at the different DTM resolutions. Resampling the 1m DTM to lower resolutions resulted in an overall reduction in slope. This reduction was driven by migration of pixels from higher to lower slope values; its magnitude was proportional to resolution. At the watershed outlet, 1 and 2m resolution models exhibited the largest hydrograph and sedigraph peaks, total runoff, and soil loss; they proportionally decreased with resolution. Sedigraphs were more sensitive than hydrographs to spatial resolution, particularly at the highest resolutions. The highest-resolution models exhibited a wider range of predicted soil loss due to their larger number of pixels and steeper slopes. The proposed evaluation method was shown to be appropriate and transferable for soil erosion modelling studies, indicating that 4m resolution (<5% loss of slope information) was sufficient for describing soil erosion variability at the study site

    Combined Effects of Legumes with Rock Phosphorus on Rice in West Africa

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    Rice (Oryza sativa L.) demand in West Africa is unmet because of insufficient production. Legume fixed N [biological N fixation (BNF)] may sustainably increase rice productivity in low-input systems. However, P deficiency limits BNF on the acid soils encountered in the region, despite the prevalence of phosphate rock (PR). Pot and field experiments were conducted in Cîte d'Ivoire in 1996–1998 to study the impact of combined legume and PR on rice performance. Triple superphosphate and PR were applied at rates of 60 (pot) and at 90 (field) kg P ha−1 to rice and the legume Aeschynomene afraspera grown for 8 wk and then incorporated before rice transplanting. Legume fixed N was determined by 15N isotope dilution. Under field conditions, addition of PR doubled the biomass of A. afraspera Irrespective of P source, P application increased the amount of BNF-N (three- to eightfold) to 36 mg N plant−l in pots and to 84 kg N ha−1 in the field. Nitrogen derived from the air was correlated with legume P uptake (r = 0.97***, where *** = significant at the 0.001 level) and nodulation (r = 0.91**, where ** = significant at the 0.01 level). The synergy of PR and BNF on N and P cycling improved P nutrition and total biomass of subsequent lowland rice under pot conditions. Combining legume green manure (GM) with PR enhanced soil extractable Bray-1 P and may thus play an important role in improving the availability of PR. Under field conditions, due to asynchrony in GM nutrient release and demand, the impact of the combined GM–PR treatment on rice yield was minimal

    Xaraés palisadegrass remains productive after the disappearance of stylo in tropical legume-grass pasture

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    Gradual reduction of legumes in mixed tropical pastures requires periodic oversowing. Exploiting the carrying capacity of grass for an extra year after the disappearance of legumes can be economically advantageous to the farmer. This study aimed to evaluate the productivity of XaraĂ©s palisadegrass (Brachiaria brizantha) pastures in response to its historical association with stylo (Stylosanthes guianensis) under two canopy heights to determine whether different grazing management conditions affect the defoliation pattern left by grazing animals. The split-plot experimental design was used, with the historical botanical composition (HBC) (24, 34, 45 and 52 % legume composition) corresponding to the main plots and the canopy frequency of defoliation determined at heights of 30 and 45 cm for XaraĂ©s palisadegrass corresponding to the subplots with two replicates (500 m2) grazed by TabapuĂŁ cows. Pastures with over 34 % stylo in the botanical composition remained productive for one year after legume disappearance, accumulating more than 8 mg ha−1 of forage per year. XaraĂ©s palisadegrass pastures at a height of 30 cm provided better canopy structure, with 64 % less stem production and 43 % less dead material. The 30-cm pre-grazing canopy height provided a grazing environment conducive to forage intake by animals that resulted in efficient use of the pasture. In response to the improved canopy structure, the cows grazed an average of 60 fewer minutes. A HBC greater than 34 % of legumes in the pastures allows for the postponement of legume oversowing until the next growing season
