1,042 research outputs found

    Tracking primary thermalization events in graphene with photoemission at extreme timescales

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    Direct and inverse Auger scattering are amongst the primary processes that mediate the thermalization of hot carriers in semiconductors. These two processes involve the annihilation or generation of an electron-hole pair by exchanging energy with a third carrier, which is either accelerated or decelerated. Inverse Auger scattering is generally suppressed, as the decelerated carriers must have excess energies higher than the band gap itself. In graphene, which is gapless, inverse Auger scattering is instead predicted to be dominant at the earliest time delays. Here, <8<8 femtosecond extreme-ultraviolet pulses are used to detect this imbalance, tracking both the number of excited electrons and their kinetic energy with time- and angle-resolved photoemission spectroscopy. Over a time window of approximately 25 fs after absorption of the pump pulse, we observe an increase in conduction band carrier density and a simultaneous decrease of the average carrier kinetic energy, revealing that relaxation is in fact dominated by inverse Auger scattering. Measurements of carrier scattering at extreme timescales by photoemission will serve as a guide to ultrafast control of electronic properties in solids for PetaHertz electronics.Comment: 16 pages, 8 figure

    Nitrogen isotopic evidence for deglacial changes in nutrient supply in the eastern equatorial Pacific

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    The Eastern Equatorial Pacific (EEP) is a high nutrient–low chlorophyll region of the ocean. Downcore nitrogen isotope records from the EEP have been previously interpreted as a direct reflection of changes in nutrient consumption. However, the observed changes in sedimentary δ15N since the last glacial maximum have no coherent relationship with export productivity or an inferred variation in the iron‐to‐nitrate ratio of the surface waters. Rather, downcore N isotope records in the EEP strongly resemble changes in the extent of water column denitrification as recorded in nearby sedimentary δ15N records along the western margin of the Americas. This similarity is attributed to the overprinting of the N isotopic composition of nitrate in the EEP through the advection of nitrate westward from the margins in the subsurface. A local nitrogen isotope record of changes in the degree of nutrient consumption is extracted from the bulk sedimentary record by subtracting two different sedimentary δ15N records of denitrification changes from two new EEP δ15N records (TR163‐22 and ODP Site 1240). The denitrification records used are from 1) the Central American margin (ODP Site 1242) and 2) the South American margin (GeoB7139‐2). The degree of consumption in the surface waters declines rapidly from elevated values during the last glacial maximum to a pair of minima around 15 and 11–13 ka, and finally it increases into the Holocene. The derived EEP nitrogen isotope record indicates that the regional peak in export productivity occurred when the supply of nutrients exceeded the apparently high demand. The influx of nutrients during the deglaciation is attributed to the resumption of intense overturning in the Southern Ocean and the release of sequestered CO2 and nutrient‐rich, O2 poor waters from the deep ocean. This has important implications for understanding the glacial‐interglacial scale variation in intermediate water suboxia and water column denitrification

    Academic literacy and student diversity: evaluating a curriculum-integrated inclusive practice intervention in the United Kingdom

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    The sustainability of universities is based, among other aspects, on their ability to adapt to changes and the needs of students, an increasingly diverse population. In this sense, Academic literacy provision at universities tends to be centralized and to offer language support for general academic literacy purposes rather than language development that responds in a more nuanced way to the particular literacy needs of students’ disciplines. Yet, in recent years, several studies have supported the integration of academic literacy into subject teaching outlining the principles of an inclusive model of academic literacy instruction. This paper draws on a theoretical framework developed by Wingate to evaluate a curriculum-integrated inclusive practice intervention in the United Kingdom with students from a first-year credit-bearing module at Middlesex University Business School. The study used a mixed methods approach that includes a literature review, secondary data, feedback questionnaire and a focus group to evaluate our teaching method and reflect on the collaboration of the team members to develop this inclusive pedagogical approach. The findings suggest that, on the whole, this intervention was perceived by both the module teaching team and students as positive, welcoming and often crucial for supporting undergraduate students into the disciplinary discourse of their subject of study. Yet, recommendations were made with respect to developing better guidelines for subject lecturers on how to deliver the integrated academic literacy as well as the importance of the participation of students, student learning assistants and graduate teaching assistants in the design of the intervention. This study contributes to the literature on inclusive practice intervention and pedagogical approaches to integrating academic literacy into subject teaching for a diverse student population, contributing to the social sustainability of the universities

    The Implementation of Teleconsultations in a Physiotherapy Service During COVID-19 Pandemic in Brazil: A Case Report

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    Introduction: The Brazilian Council of Physiotherapy and Occupational Therapy regulated the use of teleconsultation during the COVID-19 pandemic, creating uncertainty about its use in Brazil. Objective: To describe the experience of teleconsultations during the COVID-19 pandemic. Methods: Four patients participated in the study with the following diagnoses: Parkinson’s disease, stroke, peripheral facial paralysis, and tibial plateau fracture. Patients underwent up to 10 physiotherapy sessions via digital tools.&nbsp; The 5-A self-management tool (Assess, Advise, Agree, Assist, Arrange) guided the sessions. Results: The teleconsultation type varied between synchronous (n = 1; 25%); asynchronous (n = 2; 50%) and synchronous/asynchronous (n = 1; 25%). There was 75% (n = 3) adherence and one withdrawal (25%). As the benefits of teleconsultations, the patients pointed out the convenience, maintenance of the exercises, and contact with the professional. The reported limitations were the lack of the use of physiotherapeutic devices. Conclusion: Teleconsultations contribute to the continuity of physiotherapy treatment during social isolation. Adherence to treatment was facilitated by access to the technology and by offering patients the choice of teleconsultation type. &nbsp

    Modelling apple orchard systems

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    While a number of models have been developed to assist managers of deciduous fruit tree crops with specific aspects of decision making, most are non-optimising predictive models and few employ detailed mechanistic models of fruit-tree growth that would enable the simulation of any orchard system from planting to maturity. This paper details the complex biological and economic relationships present in an apple orchard system and describes a dynamic simulation model based on these interactions. The model is bioeconomic in nature, and may be used to investigate a range of issues of relevance to the commercial apple orchardist. These issues include understanding how biological factors influence apple-tree productivity, and how to choose among a diverse range of apple orchard systems. Each system, consisting of a particular combination of cultivar, rootstock, tree spacing and training method, has implications for fruit quality, quantity and ultimately profit. The choice of system is made at planting, while an important annual decision is the optimal rate of thinning, both of which determine potential yield over the lifetime of the orchard. These decisions also influence costs and revenues per hectare and, by necessity, are made in the context of unknown future prices of inputs and outputs. The bioeconomic model is used to maximise net present value of one orchard system by selecting optimal thinning strategies over a 15-year period

    HPLC-DAD methodology for the quantification of organic acids, furans and polyphenols by direct injection of wine samples

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    This article proposes a simple and sensitive HPLC method with photo-diode array detection for the analysis of organic acids, monomeric polyphenols and furanic compounds in wine samples by direct injection. The chromatographic separation of 8 organic acids, 2 furans and 22 phenolic compounds was carried out with a buffered solution (pH 2.70) and acetonitrile as mobile phases and a difunctionally bonded C18 stationary phase, Atlantis dC18 (250 4.6 mm, 5mm) column. The elution was performed in 12 min for the organic acids and in 60 min for the phenolic compounds, including phenolic acids, stilbenes and flavonoids. Target compounds were detected at 210 nm (organic acids, flavan-3-ols and benzoic acids), 254 nm (ellagic acid), 280 nm (furans and cinnamic acid), 315 nm (hydroxycinnamic acids and trans-resveratrol) and 360 nm (flavonoids). The RSD for the repeatability test (n55) of peak area and retention times were below 3.1 and 0.3%, respectively, for phenolics and below 1.0 and 0.2% for organic acids. The RSDs expressing the reproducibility of the method were higher than for the repeatability results but all below 9.0%. Method accuracy was evaluated by the recovery results, with averaged values between 80 and 104% for polyphenols and 97–105% for organic acids. The calibration curves, obtained by triplicate injection of standard solutions, showed good linearity with regression coefficients higher than 0.9982 for polyphenols and 0.9997 for organic acids. The LOD was in the range of 0.07–0.49 mg/L for polyphenols (cinnamic and gallic acids, respectively) and 0.001–0.046 g/L for organic acids (oxalic and lactic acids, respectively). The method was successfully used to measure and assess the polyphenolic fingerprint and organic acids profile of red, white, rose ´ and fortified wines

    Examining the role of wine brand love on brand loyalty: a multi-country comparison

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    This study develops and tests a model through a multi-country study that considers consumer wine knowledge and wine experience, wine brand trust and wine brand satisfaction as antecedents of wine brand love, and wine brand loyalty as a consequence of wine brand love. Data were collected in five wine-producing countries (Australia, Chile, France, Mexico and Portugal) with a final sample of 3462 completed surveys. Hypotheses were tested with structural equation modeling and the findings confirm the importance of brand love as both a mediator and direct influence on brand loyalty for wine consumers. Furthermore, brand satisfaction was positively and significantly related to brand love. In addition, wine experience, rather than wine knowledge, positively influenced brand trust and satisfaction. Finally, results also identify differences between countries thereby providing insights into how companies should focus their marketing strategies internationally.info:eu-repo/semantics/acceptedVersio

    Nitrogen isotopic evidence for deglacial changes in nutrient supply in the eastern equatorial Pacific

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    The Eastern Equatorial Pacific (EEP) is a high nutrientâ "low chlorophyll region of the ocean. Downcore nitrogen isotope records from the EEP have been previously interpreted as a direct reflection of changes in nutrient consumption. However, the observed changes in sedimentary δ15N since the last glacial maximum have no coherent relationship with export productivity or an inferred variation in the iron-to-nitrate ratio of the surface waters. Rather, downcore N isotope records in the EEP strongly resemble changes in the extent of water column denitrification as recorded in nearby sedimentary δ15N records along the western margin of the Americas. This similarity is attributed to the overprinting of the N isotopic composition of nitrate in the EEP through the advection of nitrate westward from the margins in the subsurface. A local nitrogen isotope record of changes in the degree of nutrient consumption is extracted from the bulk sedimentary record by subtracting two different sedimentary δ15N records of denitrification changes from two new EEP δ15N records (TR163-22 and ODP Site 1240). The denitrification records used are from 1) the Central American margin (ODP Site 1242) and 2) the South American margin (GeoB7139-2). The degree of consumption in the surface waters declines rapidly from elevated values during the last glacial maximum to a pair of minima around 15 and 11â "13 ka, and finally it increases into the Holocene. The derived EEP nitrogen isotope record indicates that the regional peak in export productivity occurred when the supply of nutrients exceeded the apparently high demand. The influx of nutrients during the deglaciation is attributed to the resumption of intense overturning in the Southern Ocean and the release of sequestered CO2 and nutrient-rich, O2 poor waters from the deep ocean. This has important implications for understanding the glacial-interglacial scale variation in intermediate water suboxia and water column denitrification