459 research outputs found

    Ziziphus lotus (L.) Lam. as a source of health promoting products: metabolomic profile, antioxidant and tyrosinase inhibitory activities

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    The methanolic extract of the stem bark of a wild species of jujube, Ziziphus lotus (L.) Lam., growing in Sicily, was chemically and biologically investigated. The chemical profile was defined by UHPLC-HR-ESI-Orbitrap/MS analysis whereas antioxidant and tyrosinase inhibitory activities were investigated by in vitro assays. The extract showed a high total phenolic and flavonoid content (TPC = 271.65 GAE/g and TFC = 188.11 RE/g extract). Metabolomic analysis revealed a rich phytocomplex characterized by phenols, cyclopeptide alkaloids, and triterpenoid saponins, some of which here detected for the first time. The mushroom tyrosinase inhibition assay displayed that the methanolic extract efficiently inhibits the monophenolase and diphenolase activity. Furthermore, the extract showed a strong ability to scavenge DPPH, a good Fe3+ reducing antioxidant power, in addition to a Fe2+ chelating activity. Taken together, these results suggest possible novel applications of wild jujube stem bark as a source of potential skin-care agents with several uses in pharmaceutical and cosmetic industries

    Metabolic Flexibility in Canine Mammary Tumors: Implications of Carnitine System

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    Deregulation of fatty acid catabolism provides an alternative energy source to glycolysis for cancer cell survival and proliferation. The regulator enzymes of the carnitine system (CS), responsible for the transport of fatty acids across mitochondrial membranes for β-oxidation are deregulated in tumorigenesis. Recently, we found that Carnitine Palmitoyl Transferase 1 (CPT1), a crucial regulator of CS components, is expressed and dysregulated in canine mammary tumor (CMT) tissues and cells. In this study, we examined the protein expression of the three remaining enzymes of CS (Carnitine Acylcarnitine Translocase (CACT), Carnitine Palmitoyl Transferase 2 (CPT2), Carnitine O-acetyltransferase (CrAT), in canine mammary cells and tissues by Western blot and immunohistochemistry. Protein expression of the components of CS was found in normal mammary glands and a concomitant deregulation of expression in CMT tissues that inversely correlated with the degree of tumor differentiation. Moreover, the expression and a different deregulation of CS-related proteins was also observed in CF33, CMT-U27, CMT-U309, and P114 cell lines used as in vitro model. These results demonstrate for the first time the expression of CS components in CMT tissues and cancer cells; however, further studies are needed to elucidate their roles in dogs as well

    Interactive architectural modeling with procedural extrusions

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    We present an interactive procedural modeling system for the exterior of architectural models. Our modeling system is based on procedural extrusions of building footprints. The main novelty of our work is that we can model difficult architectural surfaces in a procedural framework, e.g. curved roofs, overhanging roofs, dormer windows, interior dormer windows, roof constructions with vertical walls, buttresses, chimneys, bay windows, columns, pilasters, and alcoves. We present a user interface to interactively specify procedural extrusions, a sweep plane algorithm to compute a two-manifold architectural surface, and applications to architectural modeling

    Interventional sialendoscopy for radioiodine-induced sialadenitis: quo vadis?

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    La tossicità delle ghiandole salivari rappresenta un noto effetto indesiderato dello iodio radioattivo (I) utilizzato per il trattamento di neoplasie tiroidee, con una prevalenza che varia dal 2% al 67% della popolazione esposta. Recentemente, la scialoendoscopia è stata introdotta come un interessante strumento diagnostico e terapeutico per la gestione dei pazienti affetti da scialoadenite radioiodio-indotta non responsiva ai trattamenti medici standard. Lobiettivo della presente revisione è stato valutare linfluenza di questa procedura sulla storia clinica di pazienti affetti da scialoadenite conseguente a trattamento con radioiodio. Complessivamente, la revisione ha incluso 8 studi, 122 pazienti e 264 scialoendoscopie. Le stenosi duttali ed i tappi mucosi hanno rappresentato l85.7% dei reperti endoscopici, sostenendo il ruolo dellostruzione duttale nella fisiopatologia della scialoadenite da radioiodio. Circa l89.3% dei pazienti riportarono una risoluzione parziale o completa degli episodi di scialoadenite ricorrente, senza complicanze post-operatorie maggiori. Un solo caso è stato sottoposto a parotidectomia per fallimento del trattamento scialoendoscopico e persistenza dei sintomi. Tuttavia, i risultati della letteratura riguardarono principalmente valutazioni soggettive e solamente in due esperienze cliniche furono prese in considerazione misure oggettive con risultati discordanti. La xerostomia fu analizzata in pochi studi, con benefici differenti rispetto ai sintomi ostruttivi. La tempistica ideale per la videoendoscopia delle ghiandole salivari necessita di ulteriori analisi, al fine di definire la miglior gestione delle scialoadeniti ostruttive radioiodio-indotte

    Valorization of citrus waste for circular economy: A case study on bergamot pomace as sorbent for Cd2+ removal and source of added value compounds

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    The potential of bergamot pomace for the development of materials able to efficiently remove cadmium(II) from water and for the recovery of bioactive compounds has been explored. To this purpose, raw bergamot waste resulting after industrial essential oil and juice extraction was mechanically ground, desiccated, pretreated with various chemicals (e.g. NaOH, HNO3, H2O2, H2O, 2-propanol) and dried up to constant weight thus affording solid samples that were characterized by ATR FT-IR spectroscopy. The solutions recovered after the pomace pretreatments were investigated by means of HPLC in combination with PDA and MS detectors to assess the residual content of bioactive components, e.g., phenolic and oxygenated heterocyclic compounds (OHCs). Potentiometric studies were performed on suspensions at t = 25 °C, I = 0.10 mol dm−3 in NaNO3(aq) to investigate pomace acid-base properties and binding ability towards Cd2+ ions. Sorption efficiency was investigated by means of kinetic and isotherm batch experiments and resulted to be 92 ± 7 mg g−1. Once loaded, sorbent reusability was tested by performing metal stripping cycles using various desorbents (HCl, HNO3, L-GLDA, S,S-EDDS, EDTA) with an efficiency of ∼ 60% after one cycle. The equilibrium Cd2+ concentration in solution was determined by differential pulse voltammetry and ICP-OES

    Comparative Study on Phenolic Profile and Biological Activities of the Aerial Parts of Sinapis pubescens L. subsp. pubescens (Brassicaceae) Wild from Sicily (Italy)

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    This work aimed to investigate Sinapis pubescens subsp. pubescens spontaneously grown in Sicily (Italy) as new potential source of active metabolites; specifically, a comparative study on leaf, flower, and stem hydroalcoholic extracts was performed. Polyphenols were quantitatively determined by spectrophotometric methods and characterized by HPLC-PDA/ESI-MS; a total of 55 polyphenolic compounds were identified, highlighting considerably different qualitative-quantitative profiles. The extracts showed antioxidant activity, evaluated by in vitro assays; particularly, the leaf extract displayed the best radical scavenging activity (DPPH test) and reducing power, while the flower extract showed the greatest chelating activity. The antimicrobial properties of the extracts were investigated against bacteria and yeasts by standard methods; no antimicrobial activity was found against the strains tested. The extracts resulted to be non-toxic after preliminary toxicity evaluation by the Artemia salina lethality bioassay. The aerial parts of S. pubescens subsp. pubescens proved to be valuable sources of antioxidants for pharmaceutical and nutraceutical applications

    Factors affecting outcome in frameless non-isocentric stereotactic radiosurgery for trigeminal neuralgia: A multicentric cohort study

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    Background: Stereotactic radiosurgery (SRS) is an effective treatment for trigeminal neuralgia (TN). Nevertheless, a proportion of patients will experience recurrence and treatment-related sensory disturbances. In order to evaluate the predictors of efficacy and safety of image-guided non-isocentric radiosurgery, we analyzed the impact of trigeminal nerve volume and the nerve dose/volume relationship, together with relevant clinical characteristics. Methods: Two-hundred and ninety-six procedures were performed on 262 patients at three centers. In 17 patients the TN was secondary to multiple sclerosis (MS). Trigeminal pain and sensory disturbances were classified according to the Barrow Neurological Institute (BNI) scale. Pain-free-intervals were investigated using Kaplan Meier analyses. Univariate and multivariate Cox regression analyses were performed to identify predictors. Results: The median follow-up period was 38 months, median maximal dose 72.4 Gy, median target nerve volume 25 mm3, and median prescription dose 60 Gy. Pain control rate (BNI I-III) at 6, 12, 24, 36, 48, and 60 months were 96.8, 90.9, 84.2, 81.4, 74.2, and 71.2%, respectively. Overall, 18% of patients developed sensory disturbances. Patients with volume 65 30 mm3 were more likely to maintain pain relief (p = 0.031), and low integral dose (< 1.4 mJ) tended to be associated with more pain recurrence than intermediate (1.4-2.7 mJ) or high integral dose (> 2.7 mJ; low vs. intermediate: log-rank test, \u3c72 = 5.02, p = 0.019; low vs. high: log-rank test, \u3c72 = 6.026, p = 0.014). MS, integral dose, and mean dose were the factors associated with pain recurrence, while re-irradiation and MS were predictors for sensory disturbance in the multivariate analysis. Conclusions: The dose to nerve volume ratio is predictive of pain recurrence in TN, and re-irradiation has a major impact on the development of sensory disturbances after non-isocentric SRS. Interestingly, the integral dose may differ significantly in treatments using apparently similar dose and volume constraints
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