171 research outputs found

    Usage of Computer Media among the Students of Pedagogy (University of La Laguna)

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    El objetivo es conocer el perfil del estudiante de nuevo ingreso del Grado de Pedagogía (Universidad de La Laguna), así como sus conocimientos, usos y actitudes hacia el medio informático. Permitirá establecer objetivos reales en la metodología docente de la asignatura de Iniciación a la Economía de la Educación. Se cumplimentaron 272 cuestionarios. Se aplicó un análisis multivariante ALSCAL para determinar el grado de similitud entre el perfil del estudiante y el uso del ordenador. Un resultado destacado es el que asocia formación informática con diversificación del uso del ordenadorThe present work aims to know the students, in first year of the Degree of Pedagogy (University of La Laguna), knowledge profile, practices and attitudes toward computer media. This will allow to establish realistic teaching methodology in the course Introduction to Economics of Education. 272 questionnaires were completed. We applied an ALSCAL multivariate analysis in order to determine the degree of similarity between student profile and computer usage. A remarkable result is that student computing training is associated with a diversified usage of computers

    Reducing Power Losses in Smart Grids with Cooperative Game Theory

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    In a theoretical framework of game theory, one can distinguish between the noncooperative and the cooperative game theory. While the theory of noncooperative games is about modeling competitive behavior, cooperative game theory is dedicated to the study of cooperation among a number of players. The cooperative game theory includes mostly two branches: the Nash negotiation and the coalitional game theory. In this chapter, we restrict our attention to the latter. In recent years, the concept of efficient management of electric power has become more complex as a result of the high integration of distributed energy resources in the scenarios to be considered, mainly distributed generation, energy storage distributed, and demand management. This situation has been accentuated with the appearance of new consumption elements, such as electric vehicles, which could cause a high impact on distribution gridworks if they are not managed properly. This chapter presents an innovative approach toward an efficient energy model through the application of the theory of cooperative games with transferable utility in which the management, capacity, and control of distributed energy resources are integrated to provide optimal energy solutions that allow achieving significant savings in associated costs. This chapter presents a general description of the potential of the application of the theory to address Smart Grid, providing a systematic treatment

    Linear Strain Tensors on Hyperbolic Surfaces and Asymptotic Theories for Thin Shells

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    We perform a detailed analysis of the solvability of linear strain equations on hyperbolic surfaces. We prove that if the surface is a smooth noncharacteristic region, any first order infinitesimal isometry can be matched to an infinitesimal isometry of an arbitrarily high order. The implications of this result for the elasticity of thin hyperbolic shells are discussed

    La preparación del docente de Ciencias Naturales en formación como un comunicador ambiental: alternativa didáctica para su formación

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    Dado que la realización de encuestas y entrevistas, así como las observaciones a clases, permitieron constatar insuficiencias en la preparación del docente de Ciencias Naturales en formación como un comunicador ambiental, y que ello limita su capacidad de rectorar la educación ambiental en la escuela, se definieron las características que debe poseer el mismo para cumplir con esta condición y se elaboró una alternativa didáctica que toma como base, potenciar el desarrollo de la comunicación, su cultura general integral, el enfoque interdisciplinario y la estrecha relación entre lo cognitivo y lo afectivo, de modo que pueda educar acertadamente hacia la conservación del medio ambiente.After surveys and interviews we carried out together with class observation, some inadequacies were verified in the preparation of the in-training Natural Sciences teacher as an environmental communicator which limits it their capacity to control the environmental education in the school. Some of the characteristics they must possess are defined to fulfill this task; therefore a didactic alternative was elaborated that is based on developing their communication skills, culture, interdisciplinary focus and link between the cognitive and the affective aspect. All this is done to eventually allow him to can wisely educate when approaching the environment in education

    Influence of a Multidisciplinary Program of Diet, Exercise, and Mindfulness on the Quality of Life of Stage IIA-IIB Breast Cancer Survivors

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    Background: Integrative oncology has proven to be a useful approach to control cancer symptoms and improve the quality of life (QoL) and overall health of patients, delivering integrated patient care at both physical and emotional levels. The objective of this randomized trial was to evaluate the effects of a triple intervention program on the QoL and lifestyle of women with breast cancer. Methods: Seventy-five survivors of stage IIA-IIB breast cancer were randomized into 2 groups. The intervention group (IG) received a 6-month dietary, exercise, and mindfulness program that was not offered to the control group (CG). Data were gathered at baseline and at 6 months postintervention on QoL and adherence to Mediterranean diet using clinical markers and validated questionnaires. Between-group differences at baseline and 3 months postintervention were analyzed using Student’s t test for related samples and the Wilcoxon and Mann-Whitney U tests. Results: At 6 months postintervention, the IG showed significant improvements versus CG in physical functioning (p = .027), role functioning (p = .028), and Mediterranean diet adherence (p = .02) and a significant reduction in body mass index (p = .04) and weight (p = .05), with a mean weight loss of 0.7 kg versus a gain of 0.55 kg by the CG (p = .05). Dyspnea symptoms were also increased in the CG versus IG (p = .066). Conclusions: These results demonstrate that an integrative dietary, physical activity, and mindfulness program enhances the QoL and healthy lifestyle of stage IIA-IIB breast cancer survivors. Cancer symptoms may be better managed by the implementation of multimodal rather than isolated interventions.Background: Integrative oncology has proven to be a useful approach to control cancer symptoms and improve the quality of life (QoL) and overall health of patients, delivering integrated patient care at both physical and emotional levels. The objective of this randomized trial was to evaluate the effects of a triple intervention program on the QoL and lifestyle of women with breast cancer. Methods: Seventy-five survivors of stage IIA-IIB breast cancer were randomized into 2 groups. The intervention group (IG) received a 6-month dietary, exercise, and mindfulness program that was not offered to the control group (CG). Data were gathered at baseline and at 6 months postintervention on QoL and adherence to Mediterranean diet using clinical markers and validated questionnaires. Between-group differences at baseline and 3 months postintervention were analyzed using Student’s t test for related samples and the Wilcoxon and Mann-Whitney U tests. Results: At 6 months postintervention, the IG showed significant improvements versus CG in physical functioning (p = .027), role functioning (p = .028), and Mediterranean diet adherence (p = .02) and a significant reduction in body mass index (p = .04) and weight (p = .05), with a mean weight loss of 0.7 kg versus a gain of 0.55 kg by the CG (p = .05). Dyspnea symptoms were also increased in the CG versus IG (p = .066). Conclusions: These results demonstrate that an integrative dietary, physical activity, and mindfulness program enhances the QoL and healthy lifestyle of stage IIA-IIB breast cancer survivors. Cancer symptoms may be better managed by the implementation of multimodal rather than isolated interventions

    Comparativa y Analisis de Variabilidad Espacial entre las Medidas de Radiacion Solar Terrestres (SIAR) y Satelitales (CMSAF)

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    El objetivo de este trabajo es el análisis comparativo de dos fuentes de irradiación solar para el territorio peninsular español, siguiendo la iniciativa de estudios previos para otras regiones. La primera de estas fuentes corresponde a medidas de irradiación global diaria en el plano horizontal realizadas por los piranómetros de la red de estaciones meteorológicas del Sistema de Información Agroclimática del Regadío (SIAR), perteneciente al Ministerio de Medio Ambiente, Rural y Marino. Esta red está compuesta por más de 360 estaciones ubicadas en once Comunidades Autónomas de la España peninsular. La otra fuente de comparación es un conjunto de imágenes de satélite proporcionadas por la iniciativa denominada ``The Satellite Application Facility on Climate Monitoring'' (CM-SAF)

    Diversity and effective population size of four horse breeds from micro satellite DNA markers in South-Central Mexico

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    This study assesses genetic diversity and population structure of Quarter Horse, Azteca, Thoroughbred and Creole horses, frequently used for horse dancing competitions in traditional regional festivities. Since most animals in the studied area are used as breeders, the results support the improvement of management strategies, including periodical assessment of these populations to ensure acceptable population sizes and breed integrity, and documenting genetic flow and reproductive management.The South-Central region of Mexico has experienced a sizeable introduction of purebred horses for recreational aims. A study was designed to assess effective population sizes and genetic diversity and to verify the genetic integrity of four horse breeds. Using a 12-microsatellite panel, Quarter Horse, Azteca, Thoroughbred and Creole (CRL) horses were sampled and analysed for diversity and genetic structure. Genetic diversity parameters showed high numbers of heterozygous horses but small effective population sizes in all breeds. Population structure results suggested some degree of admixture of CRL with the other reference breeds. The highly informative microsatellite panel allowed the verification of diversity in introduced horse populations and the confirmation of small effective population sizes, which suggests a risk for future breed integrity

    Visceral Branches of the Abdominal Aorta in the New Zealand Rabbit: Ten Different Patterns

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    ArticuloThe abdominal aorta of the rabbit has been in the focus of research to develop new platforms of training diagnostic and therapeutic protocols; and for testing endovascular devices and materials, however, few descriptions of the anatomy of the abdominal aorta and its emerging visceral branches has been reported on the scientific literature for this specie. Anatomical variations are common and should have in mind during research and clinical trials. The aim of this study was to describe the different patterns that can occur in the visceral branches arising from the abdominal aorta in the rabbit


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    El presente estudio de investigación tuvo como objetivo determinar la Influencia del Programa Presupuestal 091 en la Gestión Institucional de las Instituciones Educativas de Inicial, UGEL N° 04 Trujillo Sur Este – 2018. Investigación tuvo un enfoque cuantitativo, diseño correlacional causal transversal, la población lo conforman los directivos y docentes de las instituciones educativas que ascienden a un total de 113, la muestra fue de 88 docentes y directivos; para la recolección de datos se empleó dos cuestionarios tipo escala Likert, que fueron validados con el coeficiente de V de Aiken, y se realizó la confiabilidad con el coeficiente de Alfa de Cronbach, en donde se obtuvo para el Programa Presupuestal 091 el resultado de 0,967 y para gestión institucional fue 0,943 (excelente fiabilidad). Los resultados fueron analizados con del software estadístico SPSS V. 23, en donde se determinó que el Programa Presupuestal 091 influye significativamente en la gestión institucional de las Instituciones Educativas de Inicial, UGEL N° 04 Trujillo Sur Este, 2018, con un valor de significancia de prueba Tau-b de Kendall de 0.016, el coeficiente Rho de Spearman = 0.257 (positiva baja), determinándose aceptar la hipótesis de investigación y rechazar hipótesis nula. Por otro lado, se determinó que el nivel de desempeño del Programa Presupuestal 091 fue de nivel eficiente con 51.1% a diferencia del nivel de gestión institucional fue de nivel regular con 78.4%. Palabras clave: programa presupuestal, gestión institucional, planificación estratégica


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    La presente investigación tuvo el propósito de determinar la relación causal entre las competencias gerenciales y la gestión de los procesos de enseñanza de los directores de colegio de las instituciones estatal de educación de la UGEL 04. Se empleó el método hipotético-deductivo. El estudio es de diseño correlacional causal, con un enfoque cuantitativo; la población fue de 75 directores, la muestra se obtuvo mediante el muestreo no paramétrico seleccionándose 70 directores por conveniencia. Se aplicaron dos cuestionarios, validados por 10 expertos y de confiabilidad, Alpha de Cronbach = 0.90, cuestionario de Competencias gerenciales, y 0.93 Procesos de enseñanza. Se determinó un nivel regular en competencias gerenciales con 48% y en gestión de los procesos de educación 58%. Concluyendo que existe una relación causal positiva moderada significativa entre las competencias gerenciales y la gestión de los procesos de educación de los directores de colegio materia de evaluación, incidiendo en la misma medida en la calidad de la educación.
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