384 research outputs found

    Resultados de un programa de educación postural, con una intervención gamificada vs intervención tradicional

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    The teaching methodology adopted by teachers can influence the levels of participation and learning of students. The main goal of this study was to compare the effect of two intervention programs of postural education according to the used methodology. A total of 36 students (19 girls and 17 boys) in the 1st year of high school participated in the study. In the first intervention program a gamified methodology was applied, while in the second one a traditional methodology was used. Both intervention programs were carried out along 6 sessions. Theoretical contents were analyzed through questionnaires (COSACUES and COSACUES-AEF) and muscular endurance through three physical tests (Biering-Sørensen Test, Side Bridge Test and Prone Forearm Plank Test) before and after the intervention. Motivation levels (Feeling Scale) and perception of effort (OMNI Scale) were measured after each session. The results obtained did not show significant differences between methodologies, but differences have been found in terms of gender and type of methodology. Girls were shown to assimilate better contents with the gamified methodology. There was also a greater perception of effort and greater motivation with the gamified intervention. Therefore, the application of gamified educational interventions by teachers can be an interesting strategy to increase the levels of motivation and effort of students.La metodología de enseñanza adoptada por el profesorado puede influir en los niveles de participación y aprendizaje del alumnado. El objetivo principal de este estudio fue comparar el efecto de dos programas de intervención de educación postural en función de la metodología utilizada. Un total de 36 estudiantes (19 niñas y 17 niños) de 1º de Educación Secundaria Obligatoria participaron en el estudio. En el primer programa de intervención se aplicó una metodología gamificada, mientras que en el segundo se empleó una metodología tradicional. Ambos programas de intervención se llevaron a cabo a lo largo de 6 sesiones. Se analizaron los contenidos teóricos a través de dos cuestionarios (COSACUES y COSACUES-AEF) y la resistencia muscular a través de tres test físicos (Biering-Sørensen Test, Side Bridge Test y Prone Forearm Plank Test) antes y después de la intervención. Los niveles de motivación (Feeling Scale) y la percepción del esfuerzo (OMNI Scale) se midieron tras cada sesión. Los resultados obtenidos no mostraron diferencias significativas entre las metodologías, pero se encuentran diferencias en términos de género y tipo de metodología. Se demostró que las niñas asimilaban mejor los contenidos con la metodología gamificada. Se encuentra, además, una mayor percepción del esfuerzo y una mayor motivación con la intervención gamificada. Por lo tanto, la aplicación de intervenciones educativas gamificadas por parte del profesorado puede ser una estrategia interesante para aumentar los niveles de motivación y esfuerzo del alumnado

    Dinámica anticipada del PIB trimestral en México ante shocks negativos derivados de factores debidos a la crisis sanitaria del covid-19

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    Anticipated Dynamics of Quarterly GDP in Mexico in the Face of Negative Shocks Arising from Factors due to the Covid-19 Health CrisisThis article presents the anticipated effects in terms of Mexico´s Gross National Product (GNP) quarterly growth rates due to shocks which are expected to impact those quarterly growth rates in the context of the covid-19 macroeconomics impacts. As econometric procedures, we identify a Markovian autoregressive of best-fit to data on the dynamics of those quarterly growth rate from Q1-1960 to Q4-2019, under four statistical states, given by different means and volatilities in growth rates. After that, we introduce some negative shocks that are equivalent to several macroeconomic effects related to covid-19. Through this econometric simulation exercise, we found that the GNP growth rate could be negative during a period from two to six yearly quarter, depending on the magnitude and persistence of negative shocks and the eventual stabilizing effects that could occur in the Mexican economy. This contribution offers an econometric model to estimate the impacts of relevant and unexpected macroeconomics events even when such impacts could not be described under conventional probability distributions.Este artículo presenta los efectos anticipados en la tasa de crecimiento del producto interno bruto (PIB) trimestral de México debido a perturbaciones (shocks) que se espera la afecten en los próximos trimestres, en el contexto de los impactos del covid-19. Con este objetivo, se identifica la especificación econométrica markoviana autorregresiva de mejor ajuste a los datos de la dinámica del crecimiento del PIB de Q1-1960 a Q4-2019, bajo la condición de cuatro regímenes diferentes, dados por cambios en la media y por la volatilidad de la tasa de crecimiento. Posteriormente se introducen shocks negativos que asimilan diversos efectos macroeconómicos derivados del impacto económico del covid-19. En este ejercicio de simulación, la tasa de crecimiento del PIB puede permanecer en recesión de dos a seis trimestres, lo cual depende de la magnitud y persistencia que podrían tener los shocks negativos y a los posibles efectos estabilizadores que incidirán en la producción en México. Esta contribución ofrece un modelo para cuantificar efectos macroeconómicos ante eventos significativos e inesperados, con la limitación de que tales eventos podrían alejarse de distribuciones de probabilidad convencionales

    Evaluating Activation and Absence of Negative Effect: Gamification and Escape Rooms for Learning

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    Innovation has allowed for and developed new ways of teaching and learning. Gamification is among the new training methodologies, which is a didactic approach based on the game structure with an attractive component for students. Within gamification, flipped learning and problem-based learning, escape rooms can be found as a technical aspect, which is focused on providing enigmas and tracks for the various educational content that students have assimilated through learning based on problem solving. The aim of this study is to identify how the use of gamification with the use of educational escape rooms affects activation and absence of a negative effect on students. 61 Master students of the Autonomous City of Ceuta participated in this case study. They were divided into three study groups (1 control group; 2 experimental groups) that followed different formative actions (control group—traditional; experimental groups—escape rooms). To achieve the objectives, a mixed research design based on quantitative and qualitative techniques was followed. The instrument used for data collection was the GAMEX (Gameful Experience Scale). The results reveal that the students who had taken a gamified formative action through escape rooms obtained better assessment results in the indicators concerning motivation, teamwork, commitment, activation, and absence of a negative effect on the learning process than those with the traditional methodology

    Effects on Personal Factors Through Flipped Learning and Gamification as Combined Methodologies in Secondary Education

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    Purpose: This study aims to analyze the effects of a flipped and gamified program on the autonomy, competence, relation with others, satisfaction/enjoyment, intrinsic and extrinsic motivation, and boredom of students of Physical Education. Method: The study used a control group and an experimental group to compare pretest and posttest data in both of them. Instruments used were the Basic Psychological Needs in Exercise Scale, Sport Motivation Scale, and Sport Satisfaction Instrument, all of them validated in academic literature. Results: On one hand, data indicated that autonomy has been increased with the application of these teaching methodologies. On the other hand, students’ satisfaction, enjoyment, and intrinsic motivation have improved based on the interaction with gamification and flipped learning. Finally, with all dimensions, it seems that academic performance has been improved, although not in a significative way. Discussion/Conclusion: Results of the study provide to educational researchers valuable information for a better understanding of how flipped learning and gamification influence personal performance of Physical Education students

    Active and Emerging Methodologies for Ubiquitous Education: Potentials of Flipped Learning and Gamification

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    Introduction: Nowadays, education is immersed in a process of constant renewal due to the inference of two fundamental facts: The emergence of new technologies and the development of new active methodologies that lead the teaching and learning processes. Methods: A case study was developed to analyze the effects caused in these processes by the implementation of “flipped learning” and “gamification” as teaching models; after the implementation of each one, variables such as learning achievement, learning anxiety, motivation, and autonomy were compared. This work was carried out with secondary school subjects (n = 60) of an educational center of the Autonomous City of Ceuta. A descriptive experimental study was carried out. Gamification and flipped learning effects were compared to analyze both their potentials as educational methodologies. Results: The results show the benefits of both methodologies. All measured dimensions increased positively, in accordance with previous studies on the subject. Conclusion: The implementation of both methodologies in the classroom causes an improvement in the students’ learning processes, in their achievements, and in their enthusiasm

    Momento Económico (8)

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    En este número Temas de hoy, 2/ La energía del programa, Ignacio Cabrera, 3/ Se recupera la industria automotriz, 6/ Más apoyo del Estado a los industriales exportadores, Lucia Alvarez Mosso, 7/ La danza de las divisas, Ma. Luisa González Marín, 10/ La planeación del desarrollo científico tecnológico en México. Adrián Chavero Gonrález, 12/ La política científico-tecnológica en México (1980-1984), Alberto León, 1

    Localized and stress corrosion cracking of sensitized Al-Mg-Sc-Zr alloy manufactured by laser powder bed fusion

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    The effect of thermal ageing at 150 ºC on the corrosion behaviour of Scalmalloy® (Al-Mg-Sc-Zr) alloy additively manufactured by laser powder bed fusion (LPBF) is reported for the first time. Samples before and after the thermal treatment exhibit similar results on cyclic polarisation curves, electrochemical impedance measurements in 3.5 wt% NaCl, and tensile and hardness tests. However, electron microscopy characterisation reveals that the application of this temperature for sufficient time causes most of the grain limits to be decorated by Al3Mg2 particles which in turn provokes the sensitization of the alloy to intergranular corrosion processes due to microgalvanic couplingSEM and TEM data were obtained at SC-ICYT University of Cadiz. L.G.R. acknowledges support from the Programme for Attracting Talent of UCA and from IMEYMAT: Institute of Research on Electron Microscopy and Materials, UCA. L.C.C. and A.O.L. acknowledge support from UCA and Titania , Ensayos y Proyectos Industriales S.L for their predoctoral positions. The authors would also like to acknowledge Titania, Ensayos y Proyectos Industriales S.L. for the support in the achievements of this work

    Efectos de una Unidad Didáctica de educación postural en 1º de la Educación Secundaria Obligatoria

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    The main objective of this study was to know the prevalence of lower back pain and to evaluate the effects of a didactic postural education unit on the theoretical knowledge of back health, as well as the effects on the endurance of the extensor, inclining and flexor trunk muscles in students of 1st ESO. 18 students (10 boys and 8 girls) of 12.22 ± .43 years old from a school belonging to the Valencian Community participated. An initial assessment (Pretest) of theoretical knowledge and physical aptitudes was carried out through various field tests. After this, the intervention program was applied, in which a postural education unit composed of 8 sessions was developed, being the first one on theoretical content and the remaining 7 practices. After the application of the postural unit, the same tests (Postest) were carried out. The results showed statistically significant improvements after the application of the didactic unit in the knowledge about back health (p ≤ .004) and on the strength of the trunk musculature (p ≤ .001) in students of 1st ESOs. The improvements produced can have important implications in the prevention of low back pain in school age.El objetivo de este estudio fue conocer la prevalencia de dolor lumbar y evaluar los efectos de una unidad didáctica de educación postural sobre los conocimientos teóricos de la salud de la espalda, así como los efectos de la misma sobre la resistencia de la musculatura extensora, inclinadora y flexora del tronco en alumnado de 1º de ESO. Participaron 18 discentes (10 chicos y 8 chicas) de 12.22 ± .43 años de edad de un colegio perteneciente a la Comunidad Valenciana. Se realizó una evaluación inicial (Pretest) de conocimientos teóricos y de aptitudes físicas a través de diversos test de campo. Tras esto, se aplicó el programa de intervención, en el que se desarrolló una unidad didáctica de educación postural compuesta por 8 sesiones, siendo la primera de ellas sobre contenidos teóricos y las 7 restantes prácticas. Tras la aplicación de la unidad didáctica se llevaron a cabo los mismos test (Postest). Los resultados mostraron mejoras estadísticamente significativas tras la aplicación de la unidad didáctica en los conocimientos sobre la salud de la espalda (p ≤ .004) y sobre la resistencia de la musculatura del tronco (p ≤ .001) en los alumnos y alumnas de 1º de ESO. Las mejoras producidas pueden tener implicaciones importantes en la prevención del dolor lumbar en edad escolar

    Analises comparativo entre sistemas de produção de algodão y seu impacto socioeconômico no departamento de Paraguarí, Paraguai = Comparative analysis between cotton production systems and the socio-economic impact of the department of Paraguari, Paraguay

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    El algodón en el Paraguay es cultivado en su mayoría por la agricultura familiar que cuentan con superficies de no más de 20 ha, y esto involucra a la mano de obra de toda la familiar, por lo tanto, tiene una trascendencia social muy importante. Debido a la ineficiencia que existe en la producción de algodón dentro de la agricultura familiar se busca responder a la necesidad de brindar información de la mejor alternativa en cuanto a sistema de producción para el pequeño productor.CONACYT – Consejo Nacional de Ciencia y TecnologíaPROCIENCI