75 research outputs found

    A relação entre estado e mercado na perspectiva do desenvolvimento econômico: uma análise a aprtir das características do processo de reformas da China

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    XX Encontro Nacional de Economia Política: desenvolvimento Latino-Americano, Integração e Inserção Internacional - UNILA, Foz do Iguaçu, 26 a 29 de maio de 2015O trabalho busca, através de uma análise histórica, descrever o processo de transformação da economia chinesa nas últimas décadas. Tendo em vista as particularidades da sua trajetória de crescimento, destaca-se a interação particular entre Estado e Mercado em sua economia centralizada, bem como a crescente preocupação com o progresso técnico e inserção nas cadeias globais de valor. Conclui- se que, ainda que seja um caso de sucesso em muitos aspectos, a replicação da estratégia do país é inviável quando se está ciente dos diferentes aspectos institucionais, históricos, políticos e econômicos que moldaram a sua trajetória no tempo. Alguns insights do seu processo de crescimento, no entanto, podem servir de inspiração para outros países em desenvolvimentoBanco Nacional de Desenvolvimento Econômico e Social (BNDES); Usina Hidrelétrica de Itaipu (ITAIPU); Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES) e Universidade Federal da Integração Latino-Americana (UNILA

    Honey without money? Kaizen effects on Brazilian firms

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    The views expressed in this paper are the views of the authors and do not necessarily reflect the opinion of BNDES. References: p. 31-32.One of the key drivers for a firm’s productivity growth is management. One management practice considered cost effective is Kaizen. Originally from Japan, the Kaizen basic concept is continuous improvement with the involvement of the full workforce. Using firm-level dataset from Brazil’s innovation and manufacturing surveys, this paper evaluates quantitatively whether Kaizen has impacted the performance of domestic firms. Our initial results suggest a productivity premium on Kaizen adopters, yet when it materializes is not detectable in the short-term. Moreover, impact on innovation is observable after Kaizen implementation. Understanding these outcomes with a qualitative approach, our analysis highlights the importance of Kaizen on innovation, especially by improving worker’s time at production line as well as the long-term vision of Kaizen on productivity

    Bônus sem ônus? Efeitos do Kaizen nas empresas brasileiras

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    O presente artigo é de exclusiva responsabilidade dos autores, não refletindo, necessariamente, a opinião do BNDES. Bibliografia: p. 32-33.Um dos fatores-chave para o aumento da produtividade nas empresas é a gestão. Uma prática de gestão eficiente é o kaizen. Originário do Japão, o conceito básico do kaizen é a melhoria contínua com o envolvimento de toda a força de trabalho. Utilizando o conjunto de dados estratificados por empresa obtido nas pesquisas da indústria e de inovação do Brasil, este artigo avalia quantitativamente se o kaizen afetou o desempenho das empresas nacionais. Os resultados iniciais sugerem um prêmio de produtividade para os adotantes do kaizen, no entanto, quando ele se materializa, não é detectável no curto prazo. Além disso, o impacto na inovação é observável depois da implementação do kaizen. Entendendo esses resultados com uma abordagem qualitativa, a presente análise destaca a importância dessa ferramenta na inovação, sobretudo melhorando o tempo do trabalhador na linha de produção, bem como a visão de longo prazo do kaizen sobre a produtividade

    Genetic Structure of Meagre (Argyrosomus regius) in Portugal: Implications for Fisheries Management

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    The meagre Argyrosomus regius (Asso, 1801) is a marine migratory species with a wide distribution range encompassing the north-eastern and central-eastern Atlantic Ocean, the Mediter ranean Sea, and the western Black Sea. A. regius is one of the largest overexploited sciaenids, being a valuable resource for aquaculture and fisheries along its distribution range. The Iberian Peninsula is considered an intermediate area between two genetically distinct groups of A. regius populations, one in the north-eastern Atlantic Ocean and one in the eastern Mediterranean Sea. The current knowledge on the population dynamics and distribution of this species has been derived from commercial and recreational fishery catches; therefore, little is known about the importance of the Iberian Peninsula for the species’ management and conservation. The aim of this study is to evaluate the A. regius population genetic structure along the Portuguese coast taking into consideration the north-eastern Atlantic region. To achieve this goal, the genetic diversity, differentiation, populational structure and demographic history of A. regius populations along the Atlantic coast were analyzed using 15 microsatellite loci. The detected populational structure indicates that A. regius species in Portugal are divided into two distinct stocks, one across the Portuguese western coast, possibly related to the Tagus spawning and nursery area, and another one on the southern coast. This study reveals the need for A. regius-specific fishery management plans in Portugal and underlines the importance of considering the genetic structure of A. regius populations when delineating such management plans

    Spatial Variation in Mercury Bioaccumulation and Magnification in a Temperate Estuarine Food Web

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    Estuaries are renown sinks or repositories of contaminants and reflect historical pollution of persistent compounds. In particular, mercury (Hg) contamination is widespread in coastal environments and occurs in both inorganic (THg) and highly toxic organic forms (OHg) with high bioaccumulation potential. Trophic magnification factors have been increasingly used to quantify biomagnification and represent the average rate of change in contaminant concentration throughout a food web. Here, we assessed small-scale spatial variation in THg and OHg concentrations, as well as variations in local trophic magnification factors in three segregated areas of the Tejo estuary. Selected sites covered a gradient of contamination from industrial Hg hotspots to a natural reserve area, and are key nursery areas for multiple fishes. We analyzed concentrations in sediment and biota, representing the entire local food webs. Samples included sediments, primary producers (salt marsh plants), primary consumers (macrobenthic invertebrates) and top consumers (fish muscle and liver), and the trophic web structure was characterized via SIAR mixed-modeling of nitrogen and carbon isotopic ratios. Spatial variation in Hg concentrations was observed in sediment and biota (but not for all species), with highest concentrations in the area near historical mercury input. Hg concentrations increased with trophic level, and so did the OHg fraction (% of OHg relative to THg), with mean maximum values up to 48.7 and 94.9% in invertebrates and fish, respectively. Trophic magnification factors were positive for all sites (p < 0.05 for all regressions), ranging between 1.56 to 1.76 and 1.78 to 2.47 for THg and OHg, respectively. Overall, rates of mercury bioaccumulation were similar across sites with variations in biota Hg concentrations reflecting baseline differences in site environmental levels. Understanding mercury bioaccumulation and magnification in estuarine biota is critical to safeguard the multiple ecologic functions and economic benefits estuaries provide.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Characterization and Predictors of Paranoid Ideation in Youths

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    Paranoid ideation is a common thought process that constitutes a defense against perceived social threats. The current study aimed at the characterization of paranoid ideation in youths and to explore the possible predictors involved in the development of paranoid ideations. Paranoid ideation, shame, submission, early childhood memories and current depressive, anxious and stress symptomatology were assessed in a sample of 1516 Portuguese youths. Higher frequencies of paranoid ideation were observed, particularly in females and youths from lower socioeconomic status. The main predictors identified relates to submissive behaviors and adverse childhood experiences, and especially to shame feelings. The current study emphasizes that the predictors are similar to findings in adults and clinical populations, and future implications to research and clinical practice aiming at paranoid ideations are discussed, as well as the pertinence of the study of mediating factors that allow a wider understanding of this thought process in younger populations and the prevention of psychopathology in adulthood

    Evidence of Genetic Segregation among Meagre (Argyrosomus regius) Atlantic Spawning Areas

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    The meagre Argyrosomus regius, one of the largest sciaenidae in the world, is a valuable resource for fisheries and aquaculture. Despite its socioeconomic relevance, knowledge about population dynamics and wild stocks is still scarce, and conservation risks are associated with overexploitation. Two genetic distinct groups, one in the North Atlantic Ocean and one in the eastern Mediterranean Sea, were identified by previous studies. However, little is known about the genetic structure of the Atlantic group, where four important spawning areas have been identified. To assess if each spawning area is an independent breeding unit, the genetic diversity, populational structure, and demographic history of A. regius along the North–East and Eastern Central Atlantic coast were analyzed, using 15 microsatellite loci. Results corroborate the hypothesis tested, suggesting four genetic groups: a first group encompassing individuals from the Gironde spawning area, a second group encompassing individuals from the Tagus spawning area, a third group corresponding to individuals captured in the Algarve region, and a forth group gathering individuals from Morocco and Mauritania. This study reveals the need for specific fisheries management plans considering genetic structure information, and highlights the need for international cooperation.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Evidence of Genetic Segregation among Meagre (Argyrosomus regius) Atlantic Spawning Areas

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    The meagre Argyrosomus regius, one of the largest sciaenidae in the world, is a valuable resource for fisheries and aquaculture. Despite its socioeconomic relevance, knowledge about population dynamics and wild stocks is still scarce, and conservation risks are associated with overexploitation. Two genetic distinct groups, one in the North Atlantic Ocean and one in the eastern Mediterranean Sea, were identified by previous studies. However, little is known about the genetic structure of the Atlantic group, where four important spawning areas have been identified. To assess if each spawning area is an independent breeding unit, the genetic diversity, populational structure, and demographic history of A. regius along the North-East and Eastern Central Atlantic coast were analyzed, using 15 microsatellite loci. Results corroborate the hypothesis tested, suggesting four genetic groups: a first group encompassing individuals from the Gironde spawning area, a second group encompassing individuals from the Tagus spawning area, a third group corresponding to individuals captured in the Algarve region, and a forth group gathering individuals from Morocco and Mauritania. This study reveals the need for specific fisheries management plans considering genetic structure information, and highlights the need for international cooperation