2,333 research outputs found

    Tidal deformations of spinning black holes in Bowen-York initial data

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    We study the tidal deformations of the shape of a spinning black hole horizon due to a binary companion in the Bowen-York initial data set. We use the framework of quasi-local horizons and identify a black hole by marginally outer trapped surfaces. The intrinsic horizon geometry is specified by a set of mass and angular-momentum multipole moments Mn\mathcal{M}_n and Jn\mathcal{J}_n respectively. The tidal deformations are described by the change in these multipole moments caused by an external perturbation. This leads us to define two sets of dimensionless numbers, the tidal coefficients for Mn\mathcal{M}_n and Jn\mathcal{J}_n, which specify the deformations of a black hole with a binary companion. We compute these tidal coefficients in a specific model problem, namely the Bowen-York initial data set for binary black holes. We restrict ourselves to axisymmetric situations and to small spins. Within this approximation, we analytically compute the conformal factor, the location of the marginally trapped surfaces, and finally the multipole moments and the tidal coefficients.Comment: 22 pages, 1 figur

    La formación de docentes en TIC: aportaciones desde diferentes modelos de formación

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    Training the teaching staff in Information and Communication Technologies comes implicitly with the study of its different dimensions and principles, regarding the indications that have been pointed from a variety of studies and works. In our current society, it is clear that the significance of ICT to improve quality and educational performance is not exclusively determined by its presence, but also by the variety of transformations that involves not only using them as a way of consuming knowledge but also seeing them as tools to enrich, create and generate said knowledge. From this perspective, investment in professional development is more important than investment in resources associated with technology. ftis is an important aspect for incorporation of ITC, not considering only its use to do better things than we do without it, but to do things in a complete different manner. We present this article which describes a tour of some of the bases and models, analyzing the problematic of training in digital skills that teachers might face when they incorporate them into their teaching and professional practice.Hablar de la formación del profesorado en Tecnologías de la Información y la Comunicación, implica el estudio de diferentes dimensiones y principios, contemplando las indicaciones que han apuntado distintos estudios y trabajos. En la sociedad actual, es claro que la significación de las TIC para mejorar la calidad y el rendimiento educativo, no viene exclusivamente determinado por su presencia, sino también por diferentes transformaciones que implican pasar de utilizarlas únicamente como una forma de consumir conocimientos, a verlas como herramientas para enriquecerlos, crearlos y generarlos. Desde esta perspectiva, la inversión en desarrollo profesional es más importante que la inversión en recursos asociados a la tecnología, siendo unaspecto importantepara su incorporación, el noplantearse únicamente su utilización para hacer mejor las cosas que hacemos sin ellas, sino para hacer cosas completamente distintas. Desde esta óptica, planteamos el presente artículo en el que se describe un recorrido por algunas de las bases y modelos, analizando la problemática de la formación en las competencias digitales que debe poseer el profesorado a la hora de incorporarlas en su práctica docente y profesional

    SGSDesigner, the ODESGS Environment User Interface

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    In this demo, we will show SGSDesigner, the ODESGS Environment user interface. ODESGS Environment (the realization of the ODESGS Framework [1]) is an environment for supporting both a) the annotation of pre-existing Grid Services(GSs) and b) the design of new complex Semantic Grid Services(SGSs) in a (semi) automatic way. In the demo we will focus in the annotation of a WSRF GS, using the annotation process proposed by the ODESGS Framework

    The motivation of technological scenarios in augmented reality (AR): results of different experiments

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    Augmented Reality (AR) is an emergent technology that is acquiring more and more relevance in teaching every day. Together with mobile technology, this combination arises as one of the most effective binomials to support significant and ubiquitous learning. Nevertheless, this binomial can only prove valid if the student is motivated to use it during the learning process. An attempt was made through the implementation of Keller’s Instructional Material Motivational Survey model o determine the degree of motivation of Pedagogy, Medicine and Art students from the University of Seville for using AR-enriched notes available by means of mobile devices in the classroom. Three applications designed for the subjects of Educational Technology, Anatomy and Art served to assess it positively in terms of the motivation raised by the participation in the experiment, as well as regarding academic performance improvement. It can additionally be stated that our main finding was a link between students’ motivation to use the enriched notes and the performance obtained in the subject in which they use them. Evidence was also found that the utilization of Augmented Reality benefits the learning process

    A Framework for Design and Composition of Semantic Web Services

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    Semantic Web Services (SWS) are Web Services (WS) whose description is semantically enhanced with markup languages (e.g., OWL-S). This semantic description will enable external agents and programs to discover, compose and invoke SWSs. However, as a previous step to the specification of SWSs in a language, it must be designed at a conceptual level to guarantee its correctness and avoid inconsistencies among its internal components. In this paper, we present a framework for design and (semi) automatic composition of SWSs at a language-independent and knowledge level. This framework is based on a stack of ontologies that (1) describe the different parts of a SWS; and (2) contain a set of axioms that are really design rules to be verified by the ontology instances. Based on these ontologies, design and composition of SWSs can be viewed as the correct instantiation of the ontologies themselves. Once these instances have been created they will be exported to SWS languages such as OWL-S

    ODESWS, A Semantic Web Service Development

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    ODE SWS is a development environment to design Semantic Web Services (SWS) at the knowledge level. ODE SWS describe the service following a problem-solving approach in which the SWS are modeled using tasks, to represent the SWS functional features, and methods, to describe the SWS internal structure. In this paper, we describe the ODE SWS architecture and the capabilities of its graphical interface, which enables users to design SWS independently of the semantic markup language used to represent them

    SWSDesigner: The Graphical Interface of ODESWS

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    ODESWS is a development environment to design Semantic Web Services (SWS) at the knowledge level. ODESWS describe the service following a problem-solving approach in which the SWS are modelled using tasks, to represent the SWS functional features, and methods, to describe the SWS internal structure. In this paper, we describe the ODESWS graphical interface (called SWSDesinger). This interface enables users to design SWS independently of the semantic markup language in which the service will be implemented, and once the design has been export the service to an SWS implementation languag

    Creating personal learning environments as a resource for training: the Dipro 2.0 Project

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    A través del presente artículo se ofrece una primera aproximación al concepto de PLE en lo que corresponde a los componentes fundamental, herramientas que lo configuran, así como diferentes perspectivas o marcos de diseño instruccional desde lo que poder enmarcarlos para su aplicación didáctica en contextos de formación de enseñanza superior. La última parte del mismo, está destinada a la exposición del proyecto Dipro 2.0 desarrollado con el objetivo principal de construir un entorno personal de aprendizaje que sirviese como herramienta tecnológica-didáctica y curricular desde el que formar al profesorado universitario, así como para la formación de los estudiantes en temáticas vinculadas con las tecnologías educativasThrough this article provides a first approximation to the concept of PLE, which corresponds to the key components, tools that make it up, and different perspectives and instructional design frameworks from which to frame them for use in training contexts didactic higher education. The last part of it, is intended to exposure Dipro 2.0 project developed with the primary objective of building a personal learning environment that would serve as a technological-curricular teaching and from which university to train teachers and to the formation of students on topics related to educational technology

    La formación en la era digital: ambientes enriquecidos por la tecnología

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    La sociedad del conocimiento requiere formar a ciudadanos de manera diferente a como se realizaba la sociedad postindustrial, entre otros motivos porque el conocimiento se ha hecho dinámico e inestable. Ello requiere educar al estudiante en escenarios formativos diferentes, y en este sentido las tecnologías de la información y la comunicación (TIC) nos aportan verdaderas posibilidades para crear ambientes enriquecidos por ellas que se acerquen a las nuevas modalidades de aprendizaje que se están produciendo en la sociedad del conocimiento. Para ello, se necesita, por una parte, apoyarnos en diferentes teorías de aprendizaje, y por otra, en transformar las ideas que tradicionalmente hemos empleado sobre las TIC, y pasarnos a entenderlas como TAC (tecnologías de aprendizaje y conocimiento) y TEP (tecnologías de empoderamiento y participación). Pero, para ello, se deberá resolver una serie de obstáculos, que van desde la formación del profesorado desde nuevas perspectivas, el romper el mito de los “nativos digitales”, facilitar el impulso de la investigación y crear estructuras organizativas de apoyo a los docentes.The knowledge society need citizens to train differently as trained in the post-industrial society, among other reasons because knowledge has become dynamic and unstable. This demands train student in different educational scenarios, and in this sense the information and communications technology (ITC) give us trues possibilities to create enriched spaces for them to come to new possibilities to create new learning that are producing in knowledge society. By this, you need, on the one hand, support on different theories of learning, and the other hand, to transform the ideas that we traditionally used ICT, and move us to understand them as TAC (Technology Learning and Knowledge) and TEP (Technology Empowerment and Participation). But to do so it, must resolves some list of obstacles, ranging from teacher training from new perspectives, breaking the myth ”digital natives”, facilitate the impulse of research, and create organizational structures to support teachers

    Educational visions of MOOC

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    Los “Cursos Masivos en Abiertos” o MOOC se están convirtiendo en una de las tecnologías de gran penetración en el terreno educativo en los últimos tiempos, considerándose por algunos como una tecnología que creará un tsunami sobre la educación universitaria, transformándola como no había ocurrido anteriormente y cambiando sus bases de actuación. Por el contrario, su puesta en acción nos está aportando referencias contrarias, y desde las grandes esperanzas depositadas en los mismos se está pasando a situaciones más realistas. En el artículo se analizan algunas de sus posibilidades y se presentan diferentes reflexiones para su aplicación educativa apoyándonos en modelos emergentes de aprendizaje.The MOOC or “Mass in Open Courses” are becoming one of the technologies of great insight into the educational field in recent times, considered by some as a technology that will create a tsunami on transforming university education as he had not previously occurred and changing their bases of operation. Conversely putting it into action is bringing us contrary references, and from the high hopes for them are switching to more realistic situations. The article discusses some of its possibilities and different reflections for educational application are presented relying on emerging learning models