70 research outputs found

    Complex Hamiltonian Equations and Hamiltonian Energy

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    In the framework of Kaehlerian manifolds, we obtain complex Hamiltonian equations on momentum phase space T*M. Also we conclude complex Hamiltonian equations via the Legendre transformation. Then, definiting complex Routhian function similar to real analogue, we calculate Hamiltonian energy function of the system associated to complex Routhian function

    Reflections on the need for a vaccine strategy against COVID-19 for pregnant and postpartum women

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    KOBİ’lerin yönetim ve organizasyon sorunları: Denizli’deki tekstil işletmelerinde bir araştırma

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    Small and Medium Sized Enterprises (SME) are important establishments for countries to evolve entrepreneurship, to refresh economy, to create employment, technological development and structural change. SME’s have to know and apply management and organization topics to continue their lifes in today’s circumstances. In today’s business environment that is intensified competition is lived, importance of investigating solution ways and taking necessary steps for management and organization problems which SME’s face is high for SME’s to survive and develop.At this investigation, it is aimed to search management and organization problems of textile enterprises which are considered as SME that is activating at Denizli Industrial Zone. For this, survey and interview method is used. By looking at investigation results; some suggestions are emphasized  by gaining some findings about planning, harmonization, auditing, devolution of authority, decision making, organization related problems, institutionalization related problems, human resources related problems and education related problems that takes place in SME management and organization problems.Küçük ve Orta Büyüklükteki İşletmeler (KOBİ); ülkeler için girişimciliğin gelişmesi, ekonominin canlanması, istihdam oluşturma, teknolojik gelişim ve yapısal değişim bakımından üzerinde durulması gereken önemli kuruluşlardır. KOBİ’lerin günümüz şartlarında varlıklarını sürdürebilmeleri için yönetim ve organizasyon konularını bilmeleri ve uygulamaları gerekmektedir. Yoğun rekabetin yaşandığı günümüz iş ortamında, KOBİ’lerin ayakta kalabilmeleri ve gelişim gösterebilmeleri için karşılaştıkları yönetim ve organizasyon sorunlarının çözüm yollarını araştırmaları ve gerekli adımları atmalarının önemi büyüktür.Bu araştırmada, Denizli Organize Sanayi Bölgesinde faaliyette bulunan KOBİ niteliğindeki tekstil işletmelerinin yönetim ve organizasyon sorunları araştırılmaya çalışılmıştır. Bunun için anket ve mülakat yöntemi kullanılmıştır. Araştırma sonuçlarına göre; KOBİ yönetim ve organizasyon sorunları içinde yer alan, planlama, uyumlaştırma, denetim, yetki devri, karar alma, organizasyona ilişkin sorunlar, kurumsallaşmaya ilişkin sorunlar, insan kaynaklarına ilişkin sorunlar ve eğitime ilişkin sorunlara yönelik bulgular elde edilerek bazı öneriler üzerinde durulmuştur

    Serum Markers in the Diagnosis of Tubal Pregnancy

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    The introduction of highly sensitive methods, such as transvaginal sonography and measurement of serum β-human chorionic gonadotropin, has dramatically improved ectopic pregnancy diagnosis in recent years. Early diagnosis is the key to successful and conservative management of women with ectopic pregnancy; however, approximately 50 percent of such women are initially misdiagnosed, resulting in significant morbidity and mortality. In order to improve diagnosis, several serum markers are being investigated including progesterone, CA 125, pregnancy-associated plasma protein-A, vascular endothelial growth factor, and maternal creatine kinase. Measurement of serum vascular endothelial growth factor, alone or together with other markers, could be a promising method for earlier and more accurate differential diagnosis. However, the clinical applicability of these findings remains to be evaluated in larger prospective studies

    Mother’s freedom of choice and the rights of an unborn child: a comparison between the views of freshmen and senior medical school students

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    OBJECTIVES: To compare the views of freshman students with senior students of the Faculty of Medicine- University of São Paulo concerning the respect for the mother’s freedom of choice, the need to protect the unborn child, the proportionality between the mother’s freedom of choice and the protection of the unborn child, and issues related to legal abortion. To determine whether the medical knowledge acquired throughout the academic years can influence the views of medical students on these issues. METHODS: First- and sixth-year students of the Faculty of Medicine - University of São Paulo answered a questionnaire; the inclusion criteria were as follows: a first- or sixth-year student of the medical school and a signature on the free informed consent form. To compare the proportions, a chi-square or Fisher’s exact test was used. The significance level was set to 5%. RESULTS: Regarding the mother’s freedom of choice, in the case when a pregnant woman undergoes a cesarean section by means of a court order despite her intention to not have a cesarean, 55.7% of the first-year students have answered that the mother’s choice should be respected. Among the sixth-year students, only 28.9% believe that the mother’s intention should be considered (

    Pregnancy of unknown location

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    Pregnancy of unknown location is a situation in which a positive pregnancy test occurs, but a transvaginal ultrasound does not show intrauterine or ectopic gestation. One great concern of pregnancy of unknown location is that they are cases of ectopic pregnancy whose diagnosis might be postponed. Transvaginal ultrasound is able to identify an ectopic pregnancy with a sensitivity ranging from 87% to 94% and a specificity ranging from 94% to 99%. A patient with pregnancy of unknown location should be followed up until an outcome is obtained. The only valid biomarkers with clinical application and validation are serum levels of the beta fraction of hCG and progesterone. A single serum dosage of hCG is used only to determine whether the value obtained is above or below the discriminatory zone, that means the value of serum hCG above which an intrauterine gestational sac should be visible on ultrasound. Serum progesterone levels are a satisfactory marker of pregnancy viability, but they are unable to predict the location of a pregnancy of unknown location: levels below 5 ng/mL are associated with nonviable gestations, whereas levels above 20 ng/mL are correlated with viable intrauterine pregnancies. Most cases are low risk and can be monitored by expectant management with transvaginal ultrasound and serial serum hCG levels, in addition to the serum progesterone levels. To minimize diagnostic error and intervene during progressive intrauterine gestation, protocol indicates active treatment only in situations when progressive intrauterine pregnancy is excluded and a high possibility of ectopic pregnancy exists