2,840 research outputs found

    Diseño e implementación de un sistema de descubrimiento de servicios de red basado en ANQP e IEEE 802.21

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    En la sociedad el uso de las redes inalámbricas se ha extendido de forma notoria, permitiendo que cada usuario pueda acceder a todo tipo de servicios de forma continuada. El desarrollo de tecnologías Wireless Local Area Network (WLAN) como WiFi, Wide Wireless Area Network (WWAN) como GPRS, GSM o UMTS y Wireless Metropolitan Area Network como WiMAX permiten a los usuarios acceder a dichos servicios desde cualquier lugar y momento, paradigma conocido en el mundo anglosajón como “anywhere anytime connectivity”. Dichas tecnologías utilizan el espectro radioeléctrico para la comunicación y como tal, el servicio sólo se encuentra disponible en un área de cobertura limitada. El movimiento del usuario, al cruzar el límite de cobertura de una celda, hace que sea necesario de realizar traspasos entre diferentes puntos de acceso, conocidos como handovers. Dependiendo del despliegue tecnológico asociado a dicha zona geográfica, los traspasos pueden ser horizontales u homogéneos, donde el traspaso se realiza entre puntos de acceso de la misma tecnología o verticales u heterogéneos, donde el traspaso ocurre entre diferentes tecnologías. El traspaso entre redes heterogéneas presenta una serie de retos; como el descubrimiento de las diferentes redes, la necesidad de manejar diferentes tipos de interfaz y las diferentes características de las tecnologías. Dado que el mercado demanda soluciones que permitan el traspaso entre redes heterogéneas y dicho traspaso no está exento de problemas, el IEEE aprobó la creación del estándar IEEE 802.21 (Media Independent Handover Services) que define mecanismos para la optimización en el traspaso entre redes heterogéneas. Esta especificación, entre otras cosas, define mecanismos para recibir información sobre las redes existentes en un área geográfica para que el usuario pueda realizar un traspaso. Además, dicha información podría ser muy útil para que el usuario incluso pueda elegir la red que mas le conviene dependiendo de una serie de características elegidas por el mismo. De esta forma, con los mecanismos propuestos en la especificación IEEE 802.21, un usuario podría informarse de todas las redes a su alrededor. Sin embargo, aunque esta especificación tiene muy buena acogida dentro del mundo académico, no ha sido desplegada mayoritariamente. Uno de los motivos por los que este estándar no ha sido desplegado actualmente es su excesiva complejidad, ya que a parte de los servicios de información referidos anteriormente, también implementa otros servicios como el servicio de comandos y de eventos, siendo todos ellos obligatorios de implementar. Para solventar este problema, el IEEE 802.21 WG está actualmente trabajando en la especificación IEEE 802.21c, que permite utilizar un terminal “legacy“ para acceder al servicio de información a través de un punto de acceso habilitado a tal efecto. De esta manera, en este trabajo, exploramos las modificaciones necesarias en los diferentes protocolos utilizados para el intercambio de información entre un terminal de usuario que implemente IEEE 802.11u y un servidor de información IEEE 802.21.Ingeniería Telemátic

    Motorized circular rail with RGB-D sensor on cart for physical rehabilitation

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    This paper introduces a motorized circular rail managing the movement of two carts equipped with an RGB-D sensor each. The proposal is aimed at continuously tracking a person who is undergoing a series of physical rehabilitation exercises from two different viewpoints to monitor if the exercises are being correctly conducted. More concretely, this work offers all details of the trajectory calculation for safe movement of both carts on the motorized circular rail. Then, two study cases are presented to show the efficiency of the control algorithms implemented.AEI - Agencia Estatal de Investigação(TIN2016-79100-R)This work was partially supported by Ministerio de Ciencia, Innovación y Universidades, Agencia Estatal de Investigación (AEI) / European Regional Development Fund (FEDER, UE) under DPI2016-80894-R and TIN2016-79100-R grants

    Collaborative Computer-Assisted Cognitive Rehabilitation System

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    Recently have been proposed different physical and cognitive rehabilitation system that allow people with some disabilities to improve and recover some lost capabilities. All these systems allow to carry out these therapies at home proving patients the possibility to accomplish a better rehabilitation, due to the fact that they can practice at home and in a more controlled environment. But, it is not so common that these systems include some social features that reduce the feeling of social isolation of the patients. Thus, in this paper we present an adaptation of a previous proposal including some multiuser therapies that try include some social features and other aspect related to videogames that increases the motivation and makes the treatment funny

    Neural correlates of phonological, orthographic and semantic reading processing in dyslexia

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    Developmental dyslexia is one of the most prevalent learning disabilities, thought to be associated with dysfunction in the neural systems underlying typical reading acquisition. Neuroimaging research has shown that readers with dyslexia exhibit regional hypoactivation in left hemisphere reading nodes, relative to control counterparts. This evidence, however, comes from studies that have focused only on isolated aspects of reading. The present study aims to characterize left hemisphere regional hypoactivation in readers with dyslexia for the main processes involved in successful reading: phonological, orthographic and semantic. Forty-one participants performed a demanding reading task during MRI scanning. Results showed that readers with dyslexia exhibited hypoactivation associated with phonological processing in parietal regions; with orthographic processing in parietal regions, Broca's area, ventral occipitotemporal cortex and thalamus; and with semantic processing in angular gyrus and hippocampus. Stronger functional connectivity was observed for readers with dyslexia than for control readers 1) between the thalamus and the inferior parietal cortex/ventral occipitotemporal cortex during pseudoword reading; and, 2) between the hippocampus and the pars opercularis during word reading. These findings constitute the strongest evidence to date for the interplay between regional hypoactivation and functional connectivity in the main processes supporting reading in dyslexia. Keywords: Dyslexia, Reading, Hypoactivation, Functional connectivity, Thalamus, Hippocampu

    Material alternativo como elemento estructural: “cerchas con bambú”

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    Bamboo as a structural element itself goes back to several hundred years ago, where the availability of both economic resources, raw materials, construction equipment and construction methods were very scarce. In those times, bamboo was already used by man, you could see some furniture, wax or household objects (beds, chairs, brooms etc.). In China the use of bamboo is very common, it is one of the few places in the world where man has managed to give it a wide variety of uses, from medicinal, to ornamental, to include it in the construction of various types of Projects. The inclusion of bamboo in the construction activities carried out by man, is largely due to the myriad advantages it offers from a constructive point of view, as well as the advantages from the ecological point of view. The various research programs that have been carried out have shown that there are different techniques and methods with which the constructive characteristics of bamboo can be improved.El uso del bambú como elemento estructural se remonta a varios cientos de años atrás, en donde la disponibilidad de recursos tanto económicos, materia prima, equipos de construcción y los métodos constructivos eran muy escasos. En aquellos tiempos, el bambú ya era utilizado por el hombre, se podían ver algunos muebles, enceres u objetos caseros (camas, sillas, escobas etc.). En China el uso del bambú es muy común, es uno de los pocos lugares en el mundo donde el hombre ha logrado darle una gran variedad de usos, desde el medicinal, pasando por lo ornamental hasta llegar a incluirlo en la construcción de diversos tipos de proyectos. La inclusión del bambú en las actividades constructivas que realiza el hombre, se debe en gran medida al sinnúmero de ventajas que brinda desde el punto de vista constructivo, como también las ventajas desde el punto de vista ecológico.  Los diversos programas de investigación que se han llevado a cabo, han demostrado que existen diversas técnicas y métodos con las cuales las características constructivas del bambú se pueden mejorar.&nbsp

    Failure analysis of a plastic modular belt in-service

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    [EN] In this study, an analysis of the possible causes of the failure in-service of a section of a plastic modular belt was conducted. The study begins with a reproduction of the service conditions in a traction gear. An analysis of the fracture surfaces revealed the existence of defects in the interior of the parts. With the aim of determining the origin of the imperfections and their influence on the failure, an exhaustive mechanical and rheological characterization of the material was carried out. The development of an FE Analysis established that the reduction of the tensile strength of the part due to internal defects was around 70%. Tests also showed that the most stressed area was the area where the most defects appeared. A simulation of the injection process showed that the defects are caused by the geometry of the part, leading to the conclusion that its failure was caused by bad dimensioning of thicknesses.Sanchez-Caballero, S.; Sellés Cantó, MÁ.; Ferrándiz Bou, S.; Peydro, MA.; Oliver, B. (2018). Failure analysis of a plastic modular belt in-service. Engineering Failure Analysis. 93:13-25. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.engfailanal.2018.06.019S13259

    Infrared Constraints on AGN Tori Models

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    This work focuses on the properties of dusty tori in active galactic nuclei (AGN) derived from the comparison of SDSS type 1 quasars with mid-Infrared (MIR) counterparts and a new, detailed torus model. The infrared data were taken by the Spitzer Wide-area InfraRed Extragalactic (SWIRE) Survey. Basic model parameters are constraint, such as the density law of the graphite and silicate grains, the torus size and its opening angle. A whole variety of optical depths is supported. The favoured models are those with decreasing density with distance from the centre, while there is no clear tendency as to the covering factor, ie small, medium and large covering factors are almost equally distributed. Based on the models that better describe the observed SEDs, properties such as the accretion luminosity, the mass of dust, the inner to outer radius ratio and the hydrogen column density are computed.Comment: 4 pages, 4 figures, to appear in "Infrared Diagnostics of Galaxy Evolution", ASP Conference Series, Pasadena, 14-16 November 200

    Production of Docosahexaenoic Acid and Odd-Chain Fatty Acids by Microalgae Schizochytrium limacinum Grown on Waste-Derived Volatile Fatty Acids

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    Heterotrophic microalgae are recognized as a source of bioactive compounds. However, there are still some drawbacks for their use at an industrial scale associated with the high cost of glucose, the main carbon source in heterotrophic cultures. In recent years, significant efforts have been made to investigate more sustainable carbon sources to produce biomass. In this study, the capacity of Schizochytrium limacinum to grow on waste-derived volatile fatty acids and the effect that their use produces on biomass and fatty acids profiles were investigated. Acetic, propionic, butyric, valeric and caproic acid were evaluated independently, as well as in a synthetic mixture (VFA). The use of acetic and butyric resulted in a good biomass productivity, while the use of valeric and propionic acid resulted in higher content of odd-chain fatty acids (OCFA), increasingly investigated due to their potential benefits for human health. The use of industrial waste-derived VFA as a potential carbon source was validated through the utilization of biowaste derived effluents from a volatile fatty acid platform. The biomass produced was of 18.5 g/L, 54.0% lipids, 46.3% docosahexaenoic acid (DHA) and 25.0% OCFA, concluding that waste derived VFA can produce DHA and OCFA in a suitable ratio of DHA/OCFA with potential industrial applications.The authors would like to thank the European project VOLATILE. The project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement No 720777

    Desarrollo de un índice para el control de avance de proyectos de construcción de vivienda durante su ciclo de vida

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    El proceso de control de un proyecto de construcción que involucre el ciclo de vida integralmente es una tarea compleja. El control de un proyecto en función solamente de la ejecución de la obra es una versión limitada, ya que, el éxito de un proyecto depende de que todas las etapas de su ciclo de vida sean realizadas correctamente. Encontrar un índice para el control del proyecto que abarque todo su ciclo de vida no es una tarea fácil,tiene una perspectiva multidimensional porque considera las etapas de diseño, construcción, ventas y satisfacción del cliente, donde cada una involucra actividades muy diversas. Este artículo desarrolla un índice de control de avance del proyecto, identifica los indicadores de desempeño en cada etapa del ciclo de vida y usa un modelo aditivo de pesos ponderados para integrar el modelo matemático, que permita conocer el avance del proyecto. Se utilizó el método Delphi para conocer los indicadores de desempeño que deben integrar el modelo, aplicándose en proyectos de construcción de vivienda. Este método de investigación podría ser utilizado para desarrollar el índice de control de cualquier proyecto de construcción y ser utilizado como método de comparación en empresas que gestionan múltiples proyectos.Postprint (published version

    Morphological studies of the Spitzer Wide-Area Infrared Extragalactic survey galaxy population in the UGC 10214 Hubble space telescope/advanced camera for surveys field

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    We present the results of a morphological analysis of a small subset of the Spitzer Wide-Area Infrared Extragalactic survey (SWIRE) galaxy population. The analysis is based on public Advanced Camera for Surveys (ACS) data taken inside the SWIRE N1 field, which are the deepest optical high-resolution imaging available within the SWIRE fields as of today. Our reference sample includes 156 galaxies detected by both ACS and SWIRE. Among the various galaxy morphologies, we disentangle two main classes, spheroids (or bulge-dominated galaxies) and disc-dominated ones, for which we compute the number counts as a function of flux. We then limit our sample to objects with Infrared Array Camera (IRAC) fluxes brighter than 10 μJy, estimated ~90 per cent completeness limit of the SWIRE catalogues, and compare the observed counts to model predictions. We find that the observed counts of the spheroidal population agree with the expectations of a hierarchical model while a monolithic scenario predicts steeper counts. Both scenarios, however, underpredict the number of late-type galaxies. These observations show that the large majority (close to 80 per cent) of the 3.6- and 4.5-μm galaxy population, even at these moderately faint fluxes, is dominated by spiral and irregular galaxies or mergers