86 research outputs found

    Analysis of materials influence of facade in the external propagation of fires

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    En aquest treball final de grau s’ha volgut profunditzar en els coneixements del foc, la seva propagació en façanes i la normativa en qüestió, posteriorment posar-ho en practica fent assajos al laboratori del foc de la EPSEB. Consta de cinc parts, les quatre primeres son teòriques i la ultima és la part pràctica relacionada amb les anteriors. La primera part tracta sobre el foc, com s’origina, com es pot extingir i com es pot convertir en un incendi. També es parla de quins són els factors que propicien la propagació d’un incendi en edificació. La següent part profunditza en com són les vies de propagació del foc en façana i quins són els aspectes que afectaran en les variacions de cada una. La part central analitza la normativa d’Espanya (CTE) en seguretat contra incendis, especialment la protecció en façanes. També es tracta la normativa d’EEUU, Regne Unit, Nova Zelanda, França, Finlàndia, Suècia, i acaba fent una comparació amb l’espanyola. La penúltima part explica els materials retardants, sobre quines son les formes d’actuació dels retardants, quins tipus hi ha i els mètodes d’aplicació. Per acabar, l’última part és la que tracta sobre els assajos que s’han fet al laboratori del foc de la nostra universitat. Primer s’han analitzats els materials més comuns en façana que propicien la propagació com és els tendals, els aïllants tèrmics i les persianes. Després s’han fet provetes amb fusta, se’ls hi ha aplicat diferents tractaments amb pintures, i s’ha vist si tenien o no efecte retardant i com era aquest, com és el vernís, la pintura intumescent i la pintura anticalòricaIn this final work of degree has wanted to deepen in the knowledges of the fire, his propagation in facades and the rule in question, later put it practises doing essays to the laboratory of the fire of the EPSEB. It consists of five parts, the four first theoretical dream and the last is the practical part related with the previous. The first part treats on the fire, as it originates, as it can extinguish and how can turn into a fire. Also it speaks of which are the factors that contribute to the propagation of a fire in edification. The following part deepens in how the roads of propagation of the fire in facade are and what are the appearances that will affect in the variations of each one.The central part analyses the rule of Spain (CTE) in security against fires, especially the protection in façades. Also it treats the rule of U.S., United Kingdom, New Zealand, France, Finland, Sweden, and finishes doing a comparison with the Spaniard. The penultimate part explains the retardants materials, on what dream the forms of performance of the retardants, which types there is and the methods of application. To finish, the last part is the one who treats on the essays that have done to the laboratory of the fire of our university. First they have analysed the most common materials in façade that contribute to the propagation how is the awnings, the thermal insulators and the blinds. Afterwards they have done test with wood, has applied them to him different treatments with paintings, and has seen if had or no retardant effect and as it was this, as it is the varnish, the painting intumescent and the painting anticaloric

    Immunoteràpia, un concepte clàssic amb novetats rellevants: els biològics i la immunoteràpia antitumoral com a exemples concrets

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    De la inducció de memòria immunitària de les vacunes antiinfeccioses, a la immunoteràpia cel·lular i genètica per al tractament de tumors, el ventall de teràpies potencials a través de la modulació del sistema immunitari és una de les aproximacions més prometedores que el coneixement basat en la immunologia ha fet, fa i farà realitat. Els avenços són constants i els resultats obtinguts en aquests primers anys del segle XXI situen la immunoteràpia entre les àrees mèdiques amb més potencialitat de tractament. En aquesta revisió ens centrarem en alguns dels avenços més rellevants dels tractaments basats en fàrmacs biològics (principalment anticossos), així com en els canvis introduïts en el tractament del càncer a través de la manipulació de la resposta immunitària.From the induction of immunological memory with anti-infectious vaccines through cell and gene immunotherapy to tumour treatments, the range of potential therapies stemming from modulation of the immune system is one of the most promising areas of immunology-based knowledge. Developments are constant and the results obtained during the early 21st century have placed immunotherapy among the areas with the greatest potential for clinical treatment. In this review, we focus on some of the biggest developments in treatment based on biological drugs (mainly antibodies) and, particularly, the progress made in the treatment of cancer by manipulating immune responses against tumour

    Evolución de las encuestas del fitness en España y a nivel mundial: un análisis de los últimos 5 años

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    Since 2006 the American College of Sport Medicine (ACSM) has annually published the Worldwide Survey of Fitness Trends and through them fitness professionals around the world are asked about their prediction of the most prominent trends in the fitness market for the following year. The results of fitness trends surveys are intended to help this industry make important business decisions for its growth and future development. Spain was the first country in the world to replicate the methodology of ACSM's Worldwide Survey, and now more and more regions are doing the same. There have been five editions of the Spanish survey allowing for the first evolutionary portrayal of fitness trends in this regional market that could be also compared and contrasted to the corresponding results of worldwide surveys. Results of these comparisons highlight differences of relevance and evolution over time of the main fitness trends between Spanish and Worldwide settings. A progressive divergence in both surveys is observed over time. Some of the main similarities and differences of regional and worldwide trends are identified, and their potential causes are discussed. As a conclusion, a comparison of both surveys underlines the interest to replicate at regional levels the ACSM Worldwide Fitness Trends Surveys to get a better understanding that links the knowledge about worldwide trends with specificities found in more specific geographic regions.Desde 2006, el Colegio Americano de Medicina del Deporte (ACSM) publica anualmente la Encuesta mundial de tendencias de fitness y, a través de ella, se pregunta a los profesionales del fitness de todo el mundo sobre su predicción acerca de las tendencias más destacadas en el mercado del fitness para el año siguiente. Los resultados de estas encuestas están destinados a ayudar a la industria del fitness a tomar decisiones comerciales importantes para su crecimiento y desarrollo futuro. España fue el primer país del mundo en replicar la metodología de la Encuesta Mundial de ACSM, y ahora cada vez más países y regiones están haciendo lo mismo. Se han realizado cinco ediciones de la encuesta española, que permiten la primera descripción evolutiva de las tendencias de fitness en este mercado regional, pudiendo también compararse y contrastarse con los resultados correspondientes de las encuestas mundiales. Los resultados de estas comparaciones destacan las diferencias en cuanto a relevancia y evolución en el tiempo de las principales tendencias de fitness entre los entornos español y mundial, observándose una divergencia progresiva en ambas encuestas a lo largo del tiempo. Durante el manuscrito se identifican las principales similitudes y diferencias de las tendencias regionales y mundiales, y se discuten sus posibles causas. Como conclusión, la comparación de ambas encuestas subraya el interés de replicar a nivel regional la Encuesta Mundial de Tendencias de Fitness del ACSM para obtener una mejor comprensión que vincule el conocimiento sobre las tendencias mundiales con las especificidades encontradas en regiones geográficas más específica

    Postcopulatory sexual selection favors fertilization success of restocking hybrid quails over native Common quails (Coturnix coturnix)

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    Postcopulatory sexual selection plays an important role in the reproductive success of males in many species. Differences in fertilization success could affect rates of admixture and genetic introgression between divergent lineages. We investigated sperm precedence in matings in captivity involving Common quails (Coturnix coturnix) and farm quails of hybrid origin (C. coturnix × domestic Japanese quail, C. japonica), the last used in restocking practices to increase hunting bags. These inter-specific matings in natural conditions are claimed to represent an important threat to the conservation of native Common quail populations. Results showed that fertilization success of each male depended on (1) the time it spent with the female, (2) the presence of sperm from a previous male in the female oviduct, (3) the time that the previous partner had been copulating with the female, and, most importantly, (4) the genetic origin of the male (wild or farm). Farm hybrid males showed higher fertilization success than wild Common males, and they required less time with the female to fertilize the same proportion of eggs. The presence of sperm from another male in the female oviduct reduced the percentage of fertilized eggs by a male. However, this reduction was higher for wild males when the precedent mate was a farm male. In summary, the sperm of farm hybrid males may outcompete the sperm of native males and this could be favoring the introgression of domestic Japanese alleles into the Common quail population, thus constituting a severe conservation threat to wild Common quail populations.[GER]In vielen Arten spielt die postkopulative sexuelle Selektion für den Fortpflanzungserfolg von Männchen eine große Rolle. Unterschiede im Befruchtungserfolg können Einfluss haben auf die Rate der genetische Introgression und Vermischung zwischen verschiedenen Abstammungslinien. Um Unterschiede in der Spermienwettbewerbsstärke zwischen wilden Wachteln (Coturnix coturnix) und Japanischen Wirtschaftswachtelaus stammenden Hybridwachteln (C. coturnix × C. japonica), die für die Aufstockung von Beständen zur Jagd genutzt wurden, zu untersuchen, haben wir Verpaarungen in der Gefangenschaft durchgeführt. Es wird vermutet, dass solche zwischenartlichen Verpaarungen unter natürlichen Bedingungen ein Risiko für den Erhalt des Artbestandes von Wachteln darstellen. Unsere Ergebnisse zeigten, dass der Fortpflanzungserfolg eines Männchen davon beeinflusst wurde (1) wie viel Zeit es mit dem Weibchen verbrachte, (2) ob bereits Spermien eines anderen Männchen im Ovidukt waren, (3) wie lange ein vorheriger Partner mit dem Weibchen kopuliert hatte, und vor allem (4) welchen genetischen Hintergrund das Männchen (Wildtier oder Wirtschaftswachtel) hatte. Hybride Wirtschaftswachteln hatten den höchsten Fortpflanzungserfolg und befruchteten die gleiche Anzahl Eier eines Weibchens schneller. Wenn bereits Spermien eines anderen Männchens im Ovidukt waren, verringerte dies den prozentualen Anteil erfolgreicher Befruchtungen des nächsten Männchen. Dieser Effekt war am stärksten für wilde Männchen, wenn der vorherige Partner eine Wirtschaftswachtel war. Zusammenfassend lässt sich sagen, dass Spermien von Hybridmännchen wettbewerbsstärker zu sein scheinen als Spermien frei lebender Wachteln. Dies mag die Introgression der Allele von Japanischen Wirtschaftswachteln in die Wildpopulation unterstützen und eine ernste Bedrohung für den Erhalt wilder Wachtelpopulationen darstellen.Peer reviewe

    Release of hypoacetylated and trimethylated histone H4 is an epigenetic marker of early apoptosis

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    Nuclear events such as chromatin condensation, DNA cleavage at internucleosomal sites, and histone release from chromatin are recognized as hallmarks of apoptosis. However, there is no complete understanding of the molecular events underlying these changes. It is likely that epigenetic changes such as DNA methylation and histone modifications that are involved in chromatin dynamics and structure are also involved in the nuclear events described. In this report we have shown that apoptosis is associated with global DNA hypomethylation and histone deacetylation events in leukemia cells. Most importantly, we have observed a particular epigenetic signature for early apoptosis defined by a release of hypoacetylated and trimethylated histone H4 and internucleosomal fragmented DNA that is hypermethylated and originates from perinuclear heterochromatin. These findings provide one of the first links between apoptotic nuclear events and epigenetic markers

    Treatment of early borderline lesions in low immunological risk kidney transplant patients : a Spanish multicenter, randomized, controlled parallel-group study protocol: the TRAINING study

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    Subclinical inflammation, including borderline lesions (BL), is very common (30-40%) after kidney transplantation (KT), even in low immunological risk patients, and can lead to interstitial fibrosis/tubular atrophy (IFTA) and worsening of renal function with graft loss. Few controlled studies have analyzed the therapeutic benefit of treating these BL on renal function and graft histology. Furthermore, these studies have only used bolus steroids, which may be insufficient to slow the progression of these lesions. Klotho, a transmembrane protein produced mainly in the kidney with antifibrotic properties, plays a crucial role in the senescence-inflammation binomial of kidney tissue. Systemic and local inflammation decrease renal tissue expression and soluble levels of α-klotho. It is therefore important to determine whether treatment of BL prevents a decrease in α-klotho levels, progression of IFTA, and loss of kidney function. The TRAINING study will randomize 80 patients with low immunological risk who will receive their first KT. The aim of the study is to determine whether the treatment of early BL (3rd month post-KT) with polyclonal rabbit antithymocyte globulin (Grafalon®) (6 mg/kg/day) prevents or decreases the progression of IFTA and the worsening of graft function compared to conventional therapy after two years post-KT, as well as to analyze whether treatment of BL with Grafalon® can modify the expression and levels of klotho, as well as the pro-inflammatory cytokines that regulate its expression. This phase IV investigator-driven, randomized, placebo-controlled clinical trial will examine the efficacy and safety of Grafalon® treatment in low-immunological-risk KT patients with early BL. : NCT04936282. Registered June 23, 2021, . Protocol Version 2 of 21 January 2022. Sponsor: Canary Isles Institute for Health Research Foundation, Canary Isles (FIISC). [email protected]

    Synthetic conjugates of ursodeoxycholic acid inhibit cystogenesis in experimental models of polycystic liver disease

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    Background and aims: polycystic liver diseases (PLDs) are genetic disorders characterized by progressive development of symptomatic biliary cysts. Current surgical and pharmacological approaches are ineffective, and liver transplantation represents the only curative option. Ursodeoxycholic acid (UDCA) and histone deacetylase 6 inhibitors (HDAC6is) have arisen as promising therapeutic strategies, but with partial benefits. Approach and results: here, we tested an approach based on the design, synthesis, and validation of a family of UDCA synthetic conjugates with selective HDAC6i capacity (UDCA-HDAC6i). Four UDCA-HDAC6i conjugates presented selective HDAC6i activity, UDCA-HDAC6i #1 being the most promising candidate. UDCA orientation within the UDCA-HDAC6i structure was determinant for HDAC6i activity and selectivity. Treatment of polycystic rats with UDCA-HDAC6i #1 reduced their hepatomegaly and cystogenesis, increased UDCA concentration, and inhibited HDAC6 activity in liver. In cystic cholangiocytes UDCA-HDAC6i #1 restored primary cilium length and exhibited potent antiproliferative activity. UDCA-HDAC6i #1 was actively transported into cells through BA and organic cation transporters. Conclusions: these UDCA-HDAC6i conjugates open a therapeutic avenue for PLDs

    2022 Fitness Trends from Around the Globe

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    From this article, the reader should be able to Identify top 20 fitness trends for Australia, Brazil, China, Europe, Mexico, Spain, and the United States. Recognize individual and unique fitness trends represented within Australia, Brazil, China, Europe, Mexico, Spain, and the United State

    Synthetic Conjugates of Ursodeoxycholic Acid Inhibit Cystogenesis in Experimental Models of Polycystic Liver Disease

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    Background and Aims Polycystic liver diseases (PLDs) are genetic disorders characterized by progressive development of symptomatic biliary cysts. Current surgical and pharmacological approaches are ineffective, and liver transplantation represents the only curative option. Ursodeoxycholic acid (UDCA) and histone deacetylase 6 inhibitors (HDAC6is) have arisen as promising therapeutic strategies, but with partial benefits. Approach and Results Here, we tested an approach based on the design, synthesis, and validation of a family of UDCA synthetic conjugates with selective HDAC6i capacity (UDCA-HDAC6i). Four UDCA-HDAC6i conjugates presented selective HDAC6i activity, UDCA-HDAC6i #1 being the most promising candidate. UDCA orientation within the UDCA-HDAC6i structure was determinant for HDAC6i activity and selectivity. Treatment of polycystic rats with UDCA-HDAC6i #1 reduced their hepatomegaly and cystogenesis, increased UDCA concentration, and inhibited HDAC6 activity in liver. In cystic cholangiocytes UDCA-HDAC6i #1 restored primary cilium length and exhibited potent antiproliferative activity. UDCA-HDAC6i #1 was actively transported into cells through BA and organic cation transporters. Conclusions These UDCA-HDAC6i conjugates open a therapeutic avenue for PLDs.Supported by the Spanish Carlos III Health Institute (ISCIII; J.M. Banales: FIS PI15/01132, PI18/01075 and Miguel Servet Program CON14/00129; M.J. Perugorria: PI14/00399, PI17/00022; J.J.G. Marin: FIS PI16/00598) cofinanced by "Fondo Europeo de Desarrollo Regional" (FEDER); CIBERehd (ISCIII): J.M. Banales, M.J. Perugorria, L. Bujanda, and J.J.G. Marin; Spanish Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness (M. J. Perugorria: Ramon y Cajal Program RYC-2015-17755); IKERBASQUE, Basque foundation for Science (M.J. Perugorria and J.M. Banales), Spain; "Junta de Castilla y Leon" (J.J.G. Marin: SA06P17); " Diputacion Foral Gipuzkoa" (J.M. Banales: DFG15/010, DFG16/004; M.J. Perugorria: DFG18/114, DFG19/081), BIOEF (Basque Foundation for Innovation and Health Research: EiTB Maratoia BIO15/CA/016/BD to J.M. Banales), Department of Health of the Basque Country (J.M. Banales: 2017111010; M.J. Perugorria: 2019111024), and Euskadi RIS3 (J.M. Banales: 2016222001, 2017222014, and 2018222029; 2019222054); La Caixa Scientific Foundation (J.M. Banales: HR17-00601); "Fundacion Cientifica de la Asociacion Espanola Contra el Cancer" (AECC Scientific Foundation, to J.M. Banales and J.J.G. Marin); and "Centro Internacional sobre el Envejecimiento", Spain (J.J.G. Marin: OLD-HEPAMARKER, 0348-CIE-6-E). F.J. Caballero-Camino was funded by the Spanish Ministry of Science and Innovation (BES-2014-069148), A. Santos-Laso by the Basque Government (PRE_2018_2_0195), and Pui Y. Lee-Law by the European Association for the Study of the Liver (EASL; Sheila Sherlock Award). The Spanish Ministry of Science and Innovation supported F. P. Cossio: (CTQ2016-80375-P and CTQ2014-51912-REDC) as well as the Basque Government (F.P. Cossio: IT-324-07). I. Rivilla had a postdoctoral contract from the Donostia International Physics Center