259 research outputs found

    Clinical and Laboratory Profile of Dogs Seroreactive to Ehrlichiosis Treated at the Veterinary Medical Teaching Hospital in Niterói, State of Rio de Janeiro, Brazil

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    Background: Ehrlichiosis is a tick-borne disease highly prevalent in Brazil, and is relevant in canine clinical practice due to its high morbidity and mortality. Its clinical signs are nonspecific and its phases are acute, lasting 2 to 4 weeks; subclinical, i.e., asymptomatic; and chronic, resembling an autoimmune disease. The purpose of this study was to identify the occurrence of reactivity to Ehrlichia canis of bitches treated at the Veterinary Medical Teaching Hospital of the Universidade Federal Fluminense (UFF) - Niterói, RJ, Brazil, based on serological examination by iELISA, and to compare the hematological, biochemical, urinary protein-creatinine and urinary density profiles of reactive and non-reactive animals. Materials, Methods & Results: This study involved solely bitches, regardless of breed, starting at 1 year of age. One hundred and thirty bitches, 1 to 16 year-old (mean age 7.02 ± 4.00), weighing 1.5 to 50 kg (mean weight 12.12 ± 10.65) were subjected to clinical examination and abdominal ultrasound. Complete blood count, biochemical measurements, urinalysis and serology for E. canis were also performed. The serum was used in the iELISA to identify immunoglobulin G (IgG), using a canine Ehrlichia Imunotest® diagnostic kit (Imunodot®, Jaboticabal, SP, Brazil) according to the manufacturer’s instructions. Sixty animals (46.20%) were reactive to E. canis. According to their owners, only 5 (8.3%) of the 60 seroreactive animals had a history of tick-borne disease. The most common profile was that of mixed breed animals living with their owners, older than 7 years, who had not been treated preventatively with specific drugs against ectoparasites. Laboratory tests showed significant differences between groups in terms of total protein (TP), and calcium and urinary protein-creatinine ratio (UPC). TP and UPC were elevated in the non-reactive group, while the only significant change in the reactive group was mild hypocalcemia. In this study, 30% (18/60) of the bitches were seroreactive to E. canis and had hypocalcemia. Of these, 50% (9/18) had a UPC above 0.5. Furthermore, 66.7% (12/18) of this group with hypocalcemia also showed urine density (UD) of less than 1024. Among these 18 bitches, 5 had both alterations, i.e., UPC > 0.5 and UD < 1024.Discussion: In this study, a high prevalence of bitches seroreactive to Ehrlichia canis was observed, despite the absence of clinical and/or laboratory signs indicative of the disease. In the investigation of IgG class antibodies, it is not possible to determine the exact time of infection, and titers may remain high for a period of more than 11 months, even after treatment and elimination of the bacterium. The fact that most seroreactive bitches showed no symptoms compatible with the disease either before or during the study suggests that they were in the subclinical phase of ehrlichiosis. The main reason for calcium metabolism disorders is a phosphorus imbalance, a condition that occurs in kidney diseases. Isosthenuria reflects the kidney’s inability to concentrate urine. This finding may be one of the first clinical manifestations of chronic kidney disease (CKD), especially in dogs. On the other hand, the UPC ratio may increase with the progression of CKD. The presence of hypocalcemia, isosthenuria and increased UPC associated with seroreactivity suggests that infection by E. canis may be associated with the onset of CKD. Veterinarians should keep in mind the complexity of the pathophysiology of ehrlichiosis to ensure the disease is not underdiagnosed in any of its phases, thereby ensuring the correct treatment is provided. Such awareness is expected to reduce the chronicity of the disease and underlying sequelae among dogs.Keywords: Ehrlichia canis, serology, tick, clinic, renal.Descritores: Ehrlichia canis, sorologia, carrapato, clínica, renal.Título: Perfil clínico e laboratorial de cadelas sororeativas para erliquiose tratadas em um Hospital Veterinário Universitário em Niterói, Estado do Rio de Janeiro, Brasil

    Homens e políticas públicas: entre o público e o privado : visibilidades e invisibilizações

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    The subject of public policies for men in Brasil starts to get attention between the 1960s and 1970s of the twetieth century, in view of the need to deal with the fact that, at the same time that men held greater power than women, they had disadvantages in relation to them in terms of morbidity and mortality rates. In this context, this article presents a review based on the Scoping Review method, on public policies aimed at men in the period 2010-2020. To do so, we started with the following question:  how does academic scientific production relate “men” to public policies intended for them? Discursive Textual Analysis was used for the process of understanding  the collected material. This is a self-organized process in which new understandings emerge from a sequence of three components: deconstruction of  the corpus texts – unitarization; establishment of relationships between unitary elements – categorization; apprehension of the emergent in which the new understanding is communicated and validated. In this process, two categories emerged from the results: The Public and The Private in Public Policies and Men and Public Policies: Visibilities and Invisibilities. These findings expose the complexity of the issue. The discourses, which are inserted in the symbolic plan, instituted through different rituals that naturalyze the structure of power and domination, dictate and delimit spaces of circulation and performance for women and also for men. These men trapped in gender roles, question little about the social constructions around their masculinity, exercising it with full visibility.O tema das políticas públicas para homens, no Brasil, começa a receber atenção entre as décadas de 60 e 70 do século XX, diante da necessidade de lidar com o fato de que, ao mesmo tempo em que homens detinham maior poder que as mulheres, eles possuíam desvantagens em relação a elas no que se refere às taxas de morbimortalidade. Nesse contexto, este artigo apresenta uma revisão baseada no método de Scoping Review, sobre políticas públicas direcionadas aos homens no período de 2010-2020. Para tal, partiu-se da seguinte questão: como a produção científica acadêmica relaciona “homens” com as políticas públicas a eles destinadas? Utilizou-se a Análise Textual Discursiva para o processo de compreensão do material coletado. Esse é um processo auto-organizado em que novos entendimentos emergem de uma sequência de três componentes: desconstrução dos textos do corpus - unitarização; estabelecimento de relações entre os elementos unitários – categorização; apreensão do emergente em que a nova compreensão é comunicada e validada. Nesse processo, emergiram dos resultados duas categorias: O Público e o Privado nas Políticas Públicas e Homens e Políticas Públicas: Visibilidades e Invisibilizações. Os achados deste estudo expõem a complexidade da questão. Os discursos, que se inserem no plano simbólico, instituídos por meio de diferentes rituais que naturalizam a estrutura de poder e dominação, ditam e delimitam espaços de circulação e atuação para mulheres e, também, para homens. Esses homens, presos aos papeis de gênero, pouco questionam sobre as construções sociais em torno de sua masculinidade, exercendo-a com plena visibilidade

    What is the value of the company? The valuation case of Magazine Luiza

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    Objective: Magazine Luiza, founded in November 1957, a national retail icon, started in 2011 at B3, with exponential growth in the valuation of its shares. This case provides the following pedagogical objectives: a) to promote the problem analysis, to propose and inquire decisions regarding valuation; b) stimulate reflection between the theory that supports the evaluation purposes and the way it should be developed and applied; c) expand the ability to relate the valuation theoretical assumptions of valuation and their adequacy to reality. Methodology: The Financial Statements were extracted from the MGL company website, on Economática® and on B3 website. Professor Damodaran's database was also used. We highlight the data are real, however, on the other hand, the existence of Alpha Varejo and its proposed acquisition of Magazine Luiza is considered as a hypothetical situation. Results: From a behavioral point of view, it allows students and professors to have fair and discussions so that there is mutual respect for divergent opinions and ideas, allowing the exposure of their points of view. Estimating the company's value using the Discounted Cash Flow and Relative Valuation methods is a complex task and can be considered as an important decision-making process, especially for the company's shareholder. In the use of methods, there is the need to choose appropriate premises that best reflect the reality of the company. Study Contributions: The performance of the proposed activity, with undergraduate or graduate students in the business area in disciplines aimed to analyze the financial viability of companies and valuation, contributes to the training of these students with critical analysis development and stimulating discussion in ??finance area

    A Incubação como Fomento ao Desenvolvimento Local: A experiência junto ao CDCT – Centro de Desenvolvimento Comunitário das Timbaúbas

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    Incubação é um processo de fomento ao desenvolvimento de uma dada realidade, que busca alternativas para gerar trabalho e renda, e que se pauta segundo uma noção de economia solidária (ES). Este trabalho buscará relatar uma experiência de incubação ao bairro das Timbaúbas, em Juazeiro do Norte - CE. Esta experiência teve inicio em janeiro de 2010, quando a ITEPS (Incubadora Tecnológica de Empreendimentos Populares e Solidários) passou a auxiliar uma associação que já funcionava no referido bairro. O método de estudo desse processo foi a pesquisa-ação, em que através da interação entre incubadora e organização incubada (associação) foi possível vivenciar e analisar a estruturação, capacitação e mobilização do grupo incubado bem como a preparação para consolidar uma tecnologia social importante para o desenvolvimento local, nomeadamente um banco comunitário de desenvolvimento (BCD). Este trabalho avalia de maneira genérica benefícios da incubação para comunidade e as dificuldades de implantação desse processo

    Navigating is precise, living is (im)precise.

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    Este artigo se prop?e a refletir sobre as respostas pol?ticas e sociais que v?m sendo constru?das no territ?rio nacional para lidar com o que hoje ? conhecido como ?o problema das drogas?. Partiremos da perspectiva hist?rica das pol?ticas p?blicas voltadas para a assist?ncia dos sujeitos que se drogam para, em seguida, fazer o tensionamento entre o que tem sido proposto atualmente e o que de fato ocorre na pr?tica. Finalmente, discutiremos criticamente as dificuldades de apropria??o de certas propostas pelo campo da sa?de, valendo-nos da biopol?tica como categoria de an?lise. A experi?ncia dos Consult?rios de Rua no munic?pio de Belo Horizonte ser? apresentada como uma possibilidade de interven??o no contexto da Sa?de Coletiva ? luz da Psican?lise.This article aims to reflect upon political and social responses that have been constructed in the national territory to cope with what is known today as ?the problem of drugs?. We start from the historical perspective of public policies aimed at assisting subjects who take drugs in order to make a counterpoint between what has been currently proposed and what actually occurs in practice. Finally, we critically discuss the difficulties in the appropriation of certain proposals by the health field, taking biopolitics as the analysis category. The experience of Street Clinics in the city of Belo Horizonte is presented as a possibility of intervention in the context of Public Health in light of Psychoanalysis

    Qual é o valor da empresa? O caso de valuation da empresa Magazine Luiza

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    Objetivo: A empresa Magazine Luiza, fundada em novembro/1957, ícone do varejo nacional, abriu seu capital em 2011 na B3, com crescimento exponencial na valorização de suas ações. Este caso proporciona os seguintes objetivos pedagógicos: a) promover a análise de problemas, propor e indagar decisões em relação à valuation; b) estimular a reflexão entre a teoria que sustenta os propósitos de avaliação e a forma como ela deve ser desenvolvida e aplicada; c) ampliar a capacidade de relacionar os pressupostos teóricos de valuation e a sua adequação à realidade. Metodologia: As Demonstrações Contábeis foram extraídas do site da empresa MGL, na Economática® e no site da B3. Também foi utilizada a base de dados do professor Damodaran. Destaca-se que os dados são reais, porém, em contrapartida, considera-se como situação hipotética a existência da empresa Alpha Varejo e sua proposta de aquisição da empresa Magazine Luiza. Resultados: Sob o ponto de vista comportamental, permite que estudantes e docente tenham diálogos e discussões saudáveis de modo que haja respeito mútuo às opiniões e ideias divergentes, permitindo a exposição de seus pontos de vista. Estimar o valor da empresa pelos métodos do Fluxo de Caixa Descontado e Avaliação Relativa é uma tarefa complexa, e pode ser considerada como um processo importante para tomada de decisão, principalmente para o acionista da empresa. No uso dos métodos, reside a necessidade de escolhas de premissas adequadas que melhor refletem a realidade da empresa. Contribuições do Estudo: A realização da atividade proposta, com estudantes de graduação ou pós-graduação na área de negócios em disciplinas voltadas para análise de viabilidade financeira de empresas e valuation, contribui para a formação destes estudantes com desenvolvimento de análise crítica e estímulo à discussão na área de finanças

    Relations between health and the environment: potential impacts resulting from the disruption of tailings dams – a literature review in the cases of Mariana and Brumadinho, MG

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    A mineração pode resultar em impactos adversos para os ecossistemas naturais e saúde humana. Tendo em conta os graves rompimentos que ocorreram recentemente no Brasil (nos municípios de Mariana e de Brumadinho, no estado de Minas Gerais) e a relação existente entre saúde e meio ambiente, o presente trabalho buscou levantar, por meio de uma revisão bibliográfica, os impactos desencadeados pelo rejeito de mineração sobre a saúde humana e ecossistemas naturais. Os impactos ambientais implicaram diretamente na alteração do metabolismo e funcionamento dos ecossistemas naturais, devido à contaminação dos compartimentos ambientais e dos prejuízos à biodiversidade. Quanto à saúde humana, foram evidentes os riscos de intoxicação, prejuízos à saúde mental, agravos de doenças existentes, arboviroses e zoonoses. Os resultados deste estudo podem contribuir para o estabelecimento de estratégias e formulação de políticas públicas que visem a reversão do cenário encontrado.Mining can result in adverse impacts on natural ecosystems and human health. Considering the serious disruptions that occurred recently in Brazil (Mariana and Brumadinho municipalities, in the State of Minas Gerais), and the relationship between health and the environment, the present study aimed to identify, by a bibliographic review, the impacts induced by mining waste on human health and ecosystems. Environmental impacts affected the ecosystem's natural metabolism and functioning due to the environmental compartments’ contamination and the damage to biodiversity. Concerning human health, the risks of intoxication, damage to mental health, worsening of existing diseases, arboviruses, and zoonoses were evident. The findings can contribute to the establishment of strategies and public policy formulations to reverse the found scenario

    Miltefosine Administration in Cats with Refractory Sporotrichosis

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    Background: Sporotrichosis is a zoonosis caused by fungi of the Sporothrix schenckii complex. Cats have important zoonotic potential due to the high parasite load found in the cutaneous lesions. Refractory cases to antifungal therapy are increasing, becoming a public health problem. Miltefosine is a drug with high in vitro activity against Sporothrix brasiliensis. However, this efficacy has not been confirmed in vivo yet and administration has not been studied in the feline species. This study aimed to evaluate the effectiveness and safety of miltefosine administration in cats with resistant sporotrichosis.Materials, Methods & Results: Ten cats with refractory sporotrichosis were included in this study. Inclusion criteria were previous diagnosis for sporotrichosis associated with therapy with oral antifungals (itraconazole and/or potassium iodide) for more than one year, followed by one of these conditions: incomplete clinical remission, worsening of disease during treatment or recurrence after conventional treatment. Cats underwent clinical and dermatological examinations. Data on lifestyle and previous treatments were provided by the owners. Fungal culture and histochemical techniques were performed in all cats before miltefosine treatment. Blood samples were collected before and during the study for laboratory tests, such as blood count, blood urea nitrogen (BUN), serum creatinine, alanine aminotransferase (ALT) and alkaline phosphatase, as well as serology for Feline Immunodeficiency (FIV) and Feline Leukemia (FeLV). Miltefosine was prescribed at a dosage of 2 mg/kg orally every 24 h. The animals were monitored by phone during the whole process and reassessed on days 0, 15, 30 and 45 of the treatment. Out of 10 cats, lesions were present on the nose in nine, ears in four, periocular areas in one and limbs in four. One cat received treatment for 45 days, six for 30 days, one for 21 days, one for 15 days and one for 3 days. One cat showed no response to the treatment and nine showed disease progression. Hyporexia and weight loss were the most frequent clinical signs related to miltefosine treatment, followed by sialorrhea, vomiting and diarrhea. Few adverse effects on hematology and biochemistry (mainly renal and hepatic parameters) were observed during the study. Hematocrit decrease was observed in four animals. However, only one cat had hematocrit decrease below normal values (anemia), which was already present before miltefosine administration. Other cats had a decrease of five points. Three cats showed elevation in leucometria and four in plasma protein. In relation to renal and hepatic biochemistry, one animal showed a BUN increase and another one showed a transient increase in ALT. Two animals started the treatment with increased ALT but had no problems during the study and values decreased even during the miltefosine administration.Discussion: Although two cats showed sialorrhea, most owners did not report difficulty in administering the drug orally, representing an advantage of this medication. Weight loss, secondary to gastrointestinal changes, was the most clinically relevant alteration. The most frequent hematological alteration was hematocrit decrease and only the animal that started the study with 20% hematocrit ended the study with anemia. Renal and hepatic parameters were not significant in the cats of this study. Miltefosine did not lead to sporotrichosis remission in this small population of cats, which reveals that, despite its in vitro efficacy against Sporothrix spp., the drug is not effective in vivo in the feline species. Further studies are needed to investigate the efficacy of this drug in a larger number of cats, and possible reasons for its in vivo ineffectiveness

    Analysis of the reported risk situations for the nutrition service in a hospital in Southern Brazil

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    Objetivo: Analisar as situações de risco notificadas para o serviço de nutrição em um hospital público do sul do Brasil. Método: Estudo retrospectivo das situações de risco, de acordo com a Classificação Internacional de Segurança do Paciente (CISP), registradas no ano de 2017 no sistema de notificações do hospital. As análises foram realizadas no programa estatístico SPSS versão 21.0. Resultados: Das 172 notificações, 70,3% envolveram pacientes adultos. A maioria aconteceu em dias úteis (84,9%); no turno da manhã (39,5%). Foram mais frequentes os incidentes (62,2%) que causaram danos leves (68,6%). As principais dietas envolvidas nas notificações foram as normais (33,1%), enterais (15,1%) e para Diabetes Mellitus (9,9%). As principais causas de notificação foram atribuídas a falhas no cumprimento das rotinas (61,6%), envolvendo atraso na entrega das refeições (15,1%) e falha de comunicação (13,9%). Conclusão: Verificou-se um grande número de situações de risco, ocorrendo nos momentos e tipos de dietas mais frequentes na realidade hospitalar, sinalizando a necessidade de melhoria na cultura de segurança do paciente, visando a aperfeiçoar a qualidade da assistência nutricional hospitalar.Objective: To analyze the reported risk situations for the nutrition service in a public hospital in southern Brazil. Method: Retrospective study of risk situations, according to the International Patient Safety Classification (CISP), registered in 2017 in the hospital's notification system. The analyzes were performed using the statistical program SPSS version 21.0. Results: Of the 172 reports, 70.3% involved adult patients. The majority happened on working days (84.9%); in the morning shift (39.5%). Incidents were more frequent (62.2%) causing mild damage (68.6%). The main diets involved in the reports were normal (33.1%), enteral (15.1%), and Diabetes Mellitus (9.9%). The main causes of notification were attributed to failure to comply with routines (61.6%), involving delayed meal delivery (15.1%) and communication failure (13.9%). Conclusion: There was a large number of risk situations, occurring in the most frequent moments and types of diets in the hospital, signaling the need for improvement in the patient safety culture, aiming to improve the quality of hospital nutritional assistance

    Comparação analítica entre resultados da glicemia em bovinos obtidos com glicosímetro portátil vs método enzimático.

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    Changes in glycemic levels can negatively affect the body. Several techniques for the measurement of blood glucose have been described, but the enzymatic method is considered standard and more accurate in both humans and animals. The College of American Pathologists recommends the use of portable glucometers (PGs), which are routinely used in human medicine because this is an easy, relatively inexpensive method that delivers results quickly. The aim of this study was to compare the results of the measurement of blood glucose in cattle obtained using portable Accu-Check® glucometer with the enzymatic method (EM), which is still considered standard