1,456 research outputs found

    Cooperative WebLab in chemical engineering between France and Brazil: Validation of the methodology

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    A WebLab is an experiment operated remotely via Internet. Besides the strictly technical aspects of such an experiment, which may contribute to the learning of Chemical Engineering fundamentals, there is also important feedback when teams of students of two different countries are working together: the WebLab becomes an intercultural experience, enhancing the communication skills of the students. A WebLab between Universidade Federal de São Carlos (DEQ/UFSCar) and the Ecole Nationale Supérieure d’Ingénieurs en Arts Chimiques et Technologiques (ENSIACET) is presented in this work. A mass transfer experiment in a bench scale reactor (stirred and aerated) had to be studied by mixed teams, thus emulating challenges that will be common in future working environments. In order to perform the experiment, students in Brazil and in France were put into groups. The students had to make decisions about the procedure for executing the experiments. All the students were able to control the equipment, no matter where they were physically. Students communicated using video conference software. The students' and teachers' opinions of this experience were very positive. This methodology is an important contribution to the education of engineers in a world integrated by modern communication technologies

    Two-dimensional quantum-corrected black hole in a finite size cavity

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    We consider the gravitation-dilaton theory (not necessarily exactly solvable), whose potentials represent a generic linear combination of an exponential and linear functions of the dilaton. A black hole, arising in such theories, is supposed to be enclosed in a cavity, where it attains thermal equilibrium, whereas outside the cavity the field is in the Boulware state. We calculate quantum corrections to the Hawking temperature THT_{H}, with the contribution from the boundary taken into account. Vacuum polarization outside the shell tend to cool the system. We find that, for the shell to be in the thermal equilibrium, it cannot be placed too close to the horizon. The quantum corrections to the mass due to vacuum polarization vanish in spite of non-zero quantum stresses. We discuss also the canonical boundary conditions and show that accounting for the finiteness of the system plays a crucial role in some theories (e.g., CGHS), where it enables to define the stable canonical ensemble, whereas consideration in an infinite space would predict instability.Comment: 21 pages. In v.2 misprints corrected. To appear in Phys. Rev.

    Laser-noise-induced correlations and anti-correlations in Electromagnetically Induced Transparency

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    High degrees of intensity correlation between two independent lasers were observed after propagation through a rubidium vapor cell in which they generate Electromagnetically Induced Transparency (EIT). As the optical field intensities are increased, the correlation changes sign (becoming anti-correlation). The experiment was performed in a room temperature rubidium cell, using two diode lasers tuned to the 85^{85}Rb D2D_2 line (λ=780\lambda = 780nm). The cross-correlation spectral function for the pump and probe fields is numerically obtained by modeling the temporal dynamics of both field phases as diffusing processes. We explored the dependence of the atomic response on the atom-field Rabi frequencies, optical detuning and Doppler width. The results show that resonant phase-noise to amplitude-noise conversion is at the origin of the observed signal and the change in sign for the correlation coefficient can be explained as a consequence of the competition between EIT and Raman resonance processes.Comment: Accepted for publication in EPJ

    Effects of dietary beef tallow on performance, rumen fermentation, carcass traits and meat quality of growing lambs

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    Growing lambs were evaluated for the effect of increasing dietary levels of beef tallow (BT) on performance, rumen fermentation, and carcass and meat characteristics. Twenty-one 5-month-old male Rambouillet lambs were assigned randomly to one of three diets with 0, 20, and 40 g BT/kg dry matter (DM) and similar energy and protein contents. Lambs were adapted to the diets for 15 days, followed by a 45-day evaluation trial. Data were analysed using a mixed model. Growth, feed intake and ruminal fermentation were not affected by the dietary level of BT. Daily metabolizable energy intake (MEI), carcass yield and degree of fatness, increased linearly as the BT level increased. Carcass classification and muscle conformation were not affected by BT. Most meat characteristics (texture, pH, myoglobin, protein content, colour, cathepsins, and chemical composition) five and eight days post-mortem were not affected, except for fat content in meat, which increased linearly as diet BT level increased. Fatty acid (FA) profiles of the meat from lambs fed the three diets were similar. In conclusion, addition of BT at 20 and 40 g/kg DM to diets for growing lambs allowed reduced grain usage and increased forage levels (from 0 to 270 g/kg DM), increasing energy intake, carcass yield and fatness, and intramuscular fat without causing harmful effects on growth, feed intake or ruminal fermentation characteristics. Keywords: dietary fat, fatty acids, meat colour, shee

    Diagnosis And Treatment Of Congenital Hemophilia With Inhibitors. A Latin American Perspective

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    The Committee of Latin America on the Therapeutics of Inhibitor Groups (CLOTTING) is composed of a number of hemophilia specialists from Latin America. The group aims to encourage the adoption of a good standard of care for Latin American patients with hemophilia. The occurrence of inhibitors in patients with hemophilia poses clinical challenges, and it is estimated that between 1 000 and 3 000 patients in Latin America are affected by hemophilia with inhibitors. There is an urgent need to establish a regional consensus and clinical guidelines for the diagnosis and treatment of these patients. We present an extensive review based on best current clinical practice and published literature, as seen from a Latin American perspective, taking into account the variable nature of hemophilia care available in the various countries in this Region.683227242Ehrenforth, S., Kreuz, W., Scharrer, I., Incidence of development of factor VIII and factor IX inhibitors in haemophiliacs (1992) Lancet, 339, pp. 594-598Katz, J., Prevalence of factor IX inhibitors among patients with haemophilia B: Results of a large-scale North American study (1996) Haemophilia, 2, pp. 28-31Goudemand, J., Pharmaco-economic aspects of inhibitor treatment (1998) Eur J Haematol, 61, pp. 24-27World Hemophilia Federation Report on Global Survey 2006. World Federation of Hemophilia, 2007. On www.wfh.orgconsulted on 23/04/2008Rieger, A., Roisenberg, I., Prevalence of factor VIII inhibitors in patients with hemophilia A in Brazil (1999) Thromb Haemost, 81, pp. 475-476Fontes, E.M., Amorim, L., Carvalho, S.M., Farah, M.B., Hemophilia care in the state of Rio de Janeiro, Brazil (2003) Rev Panam Salud Pública, 13, pp. 124-128Izquierdo-Ramírez, J., Contreras-Mulato, E.L., Sotelo-Ham, E.I., Incidence of inhibitors in children with hemophilia A (1988) Bol Med Hosp Infant Méx, 45, pp. 578-582Boadas, A., Ruiz-Sáez, A., Arguello, A., de Bosch, N., Prevalence and acute bleeding treatment of allo and auto FVIII and FIX antibodies cases in Venezuela (2004) Haemophilia, 10, p. 56Wight, J., Paisley, S., The epidemiology of inhibitors in hemophilia A: A systematic review (2003) Haemophilia, 9, pp. 418-435Delivery of treatment for hemophilia (2002) Report of a joint WHO/WFH/ISTH meeting, , World Health OrganizationHay, C.R., Brown, S., Collins, P.W., Keeling, D.M., Liesner, R., The diagnosis and management of factor VIII and IX inhibitors: A guideline from the United Kingdom Haemophilia Centre Doctors Organization (2006) Br J Haematol, 133, pp. 591-605Ewing, N.P., Kasper, C.K., In vitro detection of mild inhibitors to factor VIII in hemophilia (1982) Am J Clin Pathol, 77, pp. 749-752Verbruggen, B., Novakova, I., Wessels, H., Boezeman, J., van den Berg, M., Mauser-Bunschoten, E., The Nijmegen modification of the Bethesda assay for factor VIII:C inhibitors: Improved specificity and reliability (1995) Thromb Haemost, 73, pp. 247-251Giles, A.R., Verbruggen, B., Rivard, G.E., Teitel, J., Walker, I., A detailed comparison of the performance of the standard versus the Nijmegen modification of the Bethesda assay in detecting factor VIII:C inhibitors in the hemophilia A population of Canada. Association of Hemophilia Centre Directors of Canada. Factor VIII/IX Subcommittee of Scientific and Standardization Committee of International Society on Thrombosis and Haemostasis (1998) Thromb Haemost, 79, pp. 872-875Verbruggen, B., van Heerde, W., Novakova, I., Lillicrap, D., Giles, A., A 4% solution of bovine serum albumin may be used in place of factor VIII:C deficient plasma in the control sample in the Nijmegen modification of the Bethesda factor VIII:C inhibitor assay (2002) Thromb Haemost, 88, pp. 362-364White II, G.C., Rosendaal, F., Aledort, L.M., Lusher, J.M., Rothschild, C., Ingerslev, J., Definitions in hemophilia. Recommendation of the scientific subcommittee on factor VIII and factor IX of the scientific and standardization committee of the International Society on Thrombosis and Haemostasis (2001) Thromb Haemost, 85, p. 560Kitchen, S., McCraw, A., (2000) Diagnosis of hemophilia and other bleeding disorders, , A laboratory manual. World Federation of Hemophiliahttp://www.med.unc.edu/isth, Available at:, Accessed November 2005http://www.wfh.org, Available at:, Accessed November 2005Oldenburg, J., Brackmann, H.H., Schwaab, R., Risk factors for inhibitor development in hemophilia A (2000) Haematologica, 85, pp. 7-13Rossetti, L.C., Candela, M., Pérez Bianco, R., de Tezanos Pinto, M., Western, A., Goodeve, A., Analysis of factor VIII gene intron 1 inversion in Argentinean families with severe hemophilia A and a review of the literature (2004) Blood Coagul Fibrinolysis, 15, pp. 569-572Santos, A., Montalva, O., Thomas, S., Veiga, M., De Paula, E., Ozelo, M., Genetic and ethnic aspects related to the development of inhibitors among Brazilian patients with hemophilia from five distinct geographical regions in Brazil (2006) Haemophilia, 12, pp. 1-154Mantilla-Capacho, J.M., Beltrán-Miranda, C.P., Luna-Záizar, H., Frequency of intron 1 and 22 inversions of Factor VIII gene in Mexican patients with severe Hemophilia A (2007) Am J Hematol, 82, pp. 283-287Guidelines for the management of hemophilia. World Federation of Hemophilia, 2005Girolami, A., Luzzatto, G., Varvarikis, C., Pellati, D., Sartori, R., Girolami, B., Main clinical manifestations of a bleeding diathesis: An often disregarded aspect of medical and surgical history taking (2005) Haemophilia, 11, pp. 193-202Suggestions for the management of FVIII inhibitors (2000) Treatment of Hemophilia Monograph, , Inhibitor Subcommittee of the Association of Hemophilia Clinic Directors of Canada, revised edition, World Federation of HemophiliaKasper, C., Diagnosis and management of inhibitors to factors VIII and IX (2004) Treatment of Hemophilia Monograph, , World Federation of HemophiliaGringeri, A., Mannucci, P.M., Italian Association of Haemophilia Centres. Italian guidelines for the diagnosis and treatment of patients with hemophilia and inhibitors (2005) Haemophilia, 11, pp. 611-619Key, N.S., Aledort, L.M., Beardsley, D., Home treatment of mild to moderate bleeding episodes using recombinant factor VIIa (NovoSeven) in haemophiliacs with inhibitors (1998) Thromb Haemost, 80, pp. 912-918Ingerslev, J., Sneppen, O., Hvid, I., Fredberg, U., Kristensen, H.L., Sindet-Petersen, S., Treatment of acute bleeding episodes with rFVIIa (1999) Vox Sang, 77, pp. 42-46Santagostino, E., Gringeri, A., Mannucci, P.M., Home treatment with recombinant activated factor VII in patients with factor VIII inhibitors: The advantages of early intervention (1999) Br J Haematol, 104, pp. 22-26Negrier, C., Goudemand, J., Sultan, Y., Bertrand, M., Rothschild, C., Lauroua, P., Multicenter retrospective study on the utilization of FEIBA in France in patients with factor VIII and factor IX inhibitors. French FEIBA Study Group. Factor Eight Bypassing Activity (1997) Thromb Haemost, 77, pp. 1113-1119Astermark, J., Donfield, S.M., DiMichelle, D.M., A randomized comparison of bypassing agents in hemophilia complicated by an inhibitor - The Feiba® NovoSeven® Comparative Study (FENOC) (2007) Blood, 109, pp. 546-551Young, G., Shafer, F.E., Rojas, P., Seremetis, S., Single 270 μg kg-1 dose rFVIIa vs. standard 90 μg kg-1 dose rFVIIa and APCC for home treatment of joint bleeds in hemophilia patients with inhibitors: A randomized comparison (2008) Haemophilia, 14, pp. 287-294Ozelo, M.C., Villaça, P.R., De Almeida, J.O., A cost evaluation of treatment alternatives for mild-to-moderate bleeding episodes in patients with hemophilia and inhibitors in Brazil (2007) Haemophilia, 13, pp. 462-469Kenet, G., Lubetsky, A., Luboshitz, J., Martinowitz, U., A new approach to treatment of bleeding episodes in young hemophilia patients: A single bolus megadose of recombinant activated factor VII (NovoSeven) (2003) J Thromb Haemost, 1, pp. 450-455Parameswaran, R., Shapiro, A.D., Gill, J.C., Kessler, C.M., Dose effect and efficacy of rFVIIa in the treatment of hemophilia patients with inhibitors: Analysis from the Hemophilia and Thrombosis Research Society Registry (2005) Haemophilia, 11, pp. 100-106Kavakli, K., Makris, M., Zulfikar, B., Erhardtsen, E., Abrams, Z.S., Kenet, G., Home treatment of haemarthroses using single dose regimen of recombinant activated factor VII in patients with hemophilia and inhibitors. 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    CFRP flexural and shear strengthening technique for RC beams : experimental and numerical research

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    Near surface mounted (NSM) technique has proved to be a very effective technique for the flexural strengthening of RC beams. Due to the relatively small thickness of the concrete cover that several beams present, cutting the bottom arm of steel stirrups for the installation of NSM laminates might be a possible strategy, whose implications on the beam’s load carrying capacity need to be assessed. When steel stirrups are cut, however, the shear resistance can be a concern. This also happens when a strengthening intervention is carried out to increase the flexural resistance of a beam, since in certain cases it is also necessary to increase the shear resistance in order to avoid the occurrence of brittle shear failure. The present work assesses the effectiveness of a technique that aims to increase both the flexural and shear resistance of RC beams that have the bottom arm of the steel stirrups cut for the application of NSM laminates. This assessment is performed by experimental and numerical research. The main results of the experimental program are presented and analyzed, and the innovative aspects of a constitutive model implemented in a computer program are described, being their virtues and deficiencies discussed.The study reported in this paper forms a part of the research program "CUTINEMO - Carbon fiber laminates applied according to the near surface mounted technique to increase the flexural resistance to negative moments of continuous reinforced concrete structures" supported by FCT, PTDC/ECM/73099/2006. The authors wish to acknowledge the support also provided by the S&P, Casais and Artecanter Companies. The second Author acknowledges the grant under the aforementioned research project. The third author acknowledges the financial support of FCT, PhD Grant number SFRH/BD/23326/2005

    Implementación de un programa piloto de servicios farmacéuticos en una población rural de Veracruz (México) con alta prevalencia de enfermedades crónico-degenerativas

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    Objetivo: Implementar un programa piloto de servicios farmacéuticos de carácter comunitario en una población rural de la zona centro de Veracruz (México) con una alta prevalencia de enfermedades crónico-degenerativas. Material y métodos: Consistió en dos fases: 1) identificación y caracterización de la población, y 2) implementación del programa piloto de los servicios farmacéuticos. El análisis estadístico se realizó con paquete estadístico STATA (versión 9.0). Resultados: Se le ofreció el servicio a una población de 904 personas, de las que 897 participaron; de estas últimas, 436 presentaron valores alterados de las patologías incluidas en el estudio. Para evaluar el efecto de la intervención farmacéutica sobre la efectividad de los tratamientos farmacológicos, se observó que en el grupo con hipertrigliceridemia, hipercolesterolemia y diabetes mellitus tipo 2 se produjo una disminución estadísticamente significativa de las concentraciones séricas de triglicéridos, colesterol y glucosa (p <0,001), respectivamente. De igual manera, se observó una reducción de la presión arterial diastólica y sistólica (p <0,001) después de la intervención. La evaluación clínica de los pacientes al final del tratamiento que incluyó servicios farmacéuticos fue en sentido favorable, ya que el 82,56% de la población de estudio refirió valores controlados dentro de las patologías de estudio y valores estadísticamente significativos (p <0,001). Los resultados negativos asociados a la medicación identificados fueron del tipo inefectividad cuantitativa, y se detectaron 14 reacciones adversas a medicamentos tipo A. Conclusiones: La atención farmacéutica es una estrategia idónea para actuar en el complejo proceso de generación y protección de la salud en comunidades vulnerables, como son las rurales con poblaciones con enfermedades crónico-degenerativas

    Implementación de un programa piloto de servicios farmacéuticos en una población rural de Veracruz (México) con alta prevalencia de enfermedades crónico-degenerativas

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    Objetivo: Implementar un programa piloto de servicios farmacéuticos de carácter comunitario en una población rural de la zona centro de Veracruz (México) con una alta prevalencia de enfermedades crónico-degenerativas. Material y métodos: Consistió en dos fases: 1) identificación y caracterización de la población, y 2) implementación del programa piloto de los servicios farmacéuticos. El análisis estadístico se realizó con paquete estadístico STATA (versión 9.0). Resultados: Se le ofreció el servicio a una población de 904 personas, de las que 897 participaron; de estas últimas, 436 presentaron valores alterados de las patologías incluidas en el estudio. Para evaluar el efecto de la intervención farmacéutica sobre la efectividad de los tratamientos farmacológicos, se observó que en el grupo con hipertrigliceridemia, hipercolesterolemia y diabetes mellitus tipo 2 se produjo una disminución estadísticamente significativa de las concentraciones séricas de triglicéridos, colesterol y glucosa (p <0,001), respectivamente. De igual manera, se observó una reducción de la presión arterial diastólica y sistólica (p <0,001) después de la intervención. La evaluación clínica de los pacientes al final del tratamiento que incluyó servicios farmacéuticos fue en sentido favorable, ya que el 82,56% de la población de estudio refirió valores controlados dentro de las patologías de estudio y valores estadísticamente significativos (p <0,001). Los resultados negativos asociados a la medicación identificados fueron del tipo inefectividad cuantitativa, y se detectaron 14 reacciones adversas a medicamentos tipo A. Conclusiones: La atención farmacéutica es una estrategia idónea para actuar en el complejo proceso de generación y protección de la salud en comunidades vulnerables, como son las rurales con poblaciones con enfermedades crónico-degenerativas

    Making nonlinear manifold learning models interpretable: The manifold grand tour

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    Dimensionality reduction is required to produce visualisations of high dimensional data. In this framework, one of the most straightforward approaches to visualising high dimensional data is based on reducing complexity and applying linear projections while tumbling the projection axes in a defined sequence which generates a Grand Tour of the data. We propose using smooth nonlinear topographic maps of the data distribution to guide the Grand Tour, increasing the effectiveness of this approach by prioritising the linear views of the data that are most consistent with global data structure in these maps. A further consequence of this approach is to enable direct visualisation of the topographic map onto projective spaces that discern structure in the data. The experimental results on standard databases reported in this paper, using self-organising maps and generative topographic mapping, illustrate the practical value of the proposed approach. The main novelty of our proposal is the definition of a systematic way to guide the search of data views in the grand tour, selecting and prioritizing some of them, based on nonlinear manifold models