1,704 research outputs found

    Determination Of The Adaptability And Stability Of Soybean Cultivars In Different Locations And At Different Sowing Times In Paraná State Using The Ammi And Eberhart And Russel Methods

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    This study aimed to evaluate the adaptability and phenotypic stability of 10 soybean genotypes in 12 environments in Paraná state by using the additive main effects and multiplicative interaction analysis (AMMI) and Eberhart and Russell models. The assays were conducted in a randomized complete block design with three replicates, in the 2010/2011 season in four locations in Paraná state (Assaí, São Pedro do Ivaí, Cornélio Procópio, and Marilândia do Sul), and with three sowing dates (15/-20/10/10; 29/10-03/11/10; 15/-20/11/10). The cultivars tested with Roundup Ready® technology included SYN 1049, SYN 1152, SYN 1059, SYN 3358, SYN 1163, SYN 1157, V-MAX, FT Campo Mourão, BMX Potência, and SYN 9070. The yield character was analyzed. Data were submitted to analysis of variance and the adaptability and stability were then analyzed. The results of the AMMI and Eberhart and Russell models were somewhat consistent for the stability parameter only. The AMMI analysis was able to capture 66% of the variance associated with residue no additives, of which 43.18% was retained in the first principal component of interaction and 23.58%, in the second component. This is sufficient to explain the genotype × environment interaction. The SYN 1059, SYN 1163, and VMAX genotypes are distinguished by their considerably higher yield and productive adaptation. In the AMMI analysis, the cultivar SYN 1163 showed commercial promise among the other cultivars for high grain yield performance, adaptation, and response predictability.3763973398

    Preference incorporation in MOEA/D using an outranking approach with imprecise model parameters

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    Multi-objective Optimization Evolutionary Algorithms (MOEAs) face numerous challenges when they are used to solve Many-objective Optimization Problems (MaOPs). Decomposition-based strategies, such as MOEA/D, divide an MaOP into multiple single-optimization sub-problems, achieving better diversity and a better approximation of the Pareto front, and dealing with some of the challenges of MaOPs. However, these approaches still require one to solve a multi-criteria selection problem that will allow a Decision-Maker (DM) to choose the final solution. Incorporating preferences may provide results that are closer to the region of interest of a DM. Most of the proposals to integrate preferences in decomposition-based MOEAs prefer progressive articulation over the “a priori” incorporation of preferences. Progressive articulation methods can hardly work without comparable and transitive preferences, and they can significantly increase the cognitive effort required of a DM. On the other hand, the “a priori” strategies do not demand transitive judgements from the DM but require a direct parameter elicitation that usually is subject to imprecision. Outranking approaches have properties that allow them to suitably handle non-transitive preferences, veto conditions, and incomparability, which are typical characteristics of many real DMs. This paper explores how to incorporate DM preferences into MOEA/D using the “a priori” incorporation of preferences, based on interval outranking relations, to handle imprecision when preference parameters are elicited. Several experiments make it possible to analyze the proposal's performance on benchmark problems and to compare the results with the classic MOEA/D without preference incorporation and with a recent, state-of-the-art preference-based decomposition algorithm. In many instances, our results are closer to the Region of Interest, particularly when the number of objectives increases

    Low Power CMOS Chopper Preamplifier Based on Source-Degeneration Transconductors

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    This paper describes the design of a low-power, low-noise flicker CMOS chopper preamplifier for sensor signal conditioning. The core amplifier and the Gm-C output low pass filter of the proposed fully differential preamplifier are based on a source degeneration transconductor. The circuit was designed in a standard 0.18µm CMOS process with 1.8V supply voltage. It shows 42dB gain, 1 kHz bandwidth and a total power consumption of 84 µW. The proposed configuration achieves a noise efficiency factor of 4.6 and a total input-referred noise of 560 nVrms integrated from 0.1 to 1 kHz

    An ACO-based Hyper-heuristic for Sequencing Many-objective Evolutionary Algorithms that Consider Different Ways to Incorporate the DM's Preferences

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    Many-objective optimization is an area of interest common to researchers, professionals, and practitioners because of its real-world implications. Preference incorporation into Multi-Objective Evolutionary Algorithms (MOEAs) is one of the current approaches to treat Many-Objective Optimization Problems (MaOPs). Some recent studies have focused on the advantages of embedding preference models based on interval outranking into MOEAs; several models have been proposed to achieve it. Since there are many factors influencing the choice of the best outranking model, there is no clear notion of which is the best model to incorporate the preferences of the decision maker into a particular problem. This paper proposes a hyper-heuristic algorithm—named HyperACO—that searches for the best combination of several interval outranking models embedded into MOEAs to solve MaOPs. HyperACO is able not only to select the most appropriate model but also to combine the already existing models to solve a specific MaOP correctly. The results obtained on the DTLZ and WFG test suites corroborate that HyperACO can hybridize MOEAs with a combined preference model that is suitable to the problem being solved. Performance comparisons with other state-of-the-art MOEAs and tests for statistical significance validate this conclusion

    Amputación Pirogoff modificada aplicada a la cirugía oncológica del pie

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    Los sarcomas óseos y de tejidos blandos del pie son infrecuentes, representando menos del 10% de todos los sarcomas de la extremidad inferior. El tratamiento más frecuente de los sarcomas del pie es la amputación por debajo de la rodilla, debido a la imposibilidad de conseguir márgenes amplios, pero en determinados casos de tumores del antepié se puede optar por una amputación parcial del pie con margen amplio. Se presenta una serie de tres casos de amputación de Pirogoff modificada aplicada a la resección oncológica tumoral. La amputación de Pirogoff consiste en una artrodesis calcaneotibial con resección del astrágalo, rotando el calcáneo 90°. La modificación de la técnica de amputación del Pirogoff, en la que se conservan ambos maléolos con escisión de la carilla articular favorece la estabilidad en el plano lateral y ayuda a una más rápida artrodesis. Es muy importante mantener los principios oncológicos de la resección tumoral.Bone and soft-tissue sarcomata of the foot are infrequent neoplasms, representing less than 10% of all lower limb sarcomata. The most frequent therapeutic measure for foot sarcomata is amputation below the knee, due to the difficulty to achieve ample (onco-)-surgical margins, yet in a number of cases of forefoottumours there is an option for partial foot amputation with ample surgical margins. We report a series of three cases of modified Pirogoff's amputation as applied to oncosurgical tumour resection. Pirogoff's amputation is a calcaneo-tibial arthrodesis with resection of the talus and 90° rotation of the calcaneus. The here reported modification of the Pirogoff amputation, in which both malleoli are preserved yet with excision of the articular surface, favours lateral-plane stability and promotes a quicker arthrodesis. It is highly important to observe and maintain the oncologic surgery principles for tumour resection


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    O estudo foi desenvolvido no rio Paraguai, na baía da Carne Seca, com objetivo de avaliar a hidrodinâmica e sedimentologias. Realizou atividade de gabinete, trabalho de campo e análise de laboratório. A vazão no rio variou de 596,60 a 888,54 m3/s e na baía variou de 11,57 a 23,94 m3/s. Os dados granulométricos mostraram a predominância de areia fina e silte nos sedimentos de fundo

    An Efficient, Streamable Text Format for Multimedia Captions and Subtitles

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    International audienceIn spite of the high profile of media types such as video, audio and images, many multimedia presentations rely extensively on text content. Text can be used for incidental labels, or as subtitles or captions that accompany other media objects. In a multimedia document, text content is not only constrained by the need to support presentation styles and layout, it is also constrained by the temporal context of the presentation. This involves intra-text and extra-text timing synchronization with other media objects. This paper describes a new timed-text representation language that is intended to be embedded in a non-text host language. Our format, which we call aText (for the Ambulant Text Format), balances the need for text styling with the requirement for an efficient representation that can be easily parsed and scheduled at runtime. aText, which can also be streamed, is defined as an embeddable text format for use within declarative XML languages. The paper presents a discussion of the requirements for the format, a description of the format and a comparison with other existing and emerging text formats. We also provide examples for aText when embedded within the SMIL and MLIF languages and discuss our implementation experiences of aText with the Ambulant Player

    Geoquímica de las rocas del stock Chinchiná - Santa Rosa

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     In this study, appears the first analytical results of major elements, trace and rare earth of the protomilonitas of the Stock Chinchiná-Santa Rosa, it is in the Western flank of the Central belt, between the faults Silvia-Pijao, eastwards and Cauca-Almaguer, on the west. The geochemistry characterization in the rocks that they formed in the Stock indicates that this one belongs to the subalkaline series with character toleítico and they are clasified like gabbros and madaly as metagabbro that change according to the grade of deformation between the cataclasites and the milonites. Tectonic discrimination diagrams, allowed to establish that the generation of intrusive body in an dominion distensive of dorsal oceanic type N-MORB; the identification of this environment will allow to set this body in a geotectonic position, forming a part of a complex ophiolitic.En este estudio, se presentan los primeros resultados analíticos de elementos mayores, traza y tierras raras de las rocas que conforman el Stock Chinchiná-Santa Rosa, localizado en el flanco Occidental de la Cordillera Central, entre las fallas Silvia-Pijao, al este y Cauca-Almaguer, al oeste. Los datos geoquímicos de este cuerpo indican que pertenece a la serie subalcalina con carácter toleítico, geoquímicamente se clasifican como gabros y modalmente como metagabros con un grado de deformación que varía de cataclasita a milonita. Los diagramas de discriminación tectónica, permiten establecer que la generación del cuerpo intrusivo ocurrió en un dominio distensivo de dorsal oceánica tipo N-MORB; la identificación de este ambiente permite posicionar geotectónicamente a este cuerpo, como parte de un complejo ofiolítico.   &nbsp

    Geoquímica de las rocas del stock Chinchiná - Santa Rosa

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     In this study, appears the first analytical results of major elements, trace and rare earth of the protomilonitas of the Stock Chinchiná-Santa Rosa, it is in the Western flank of the Central belt, between the faults Silvia-Pijao, eastwards and Cauca-Almaguer, on the west. The geochemistry characterization in the rocks that they formed in the Stock indicates that this one belongs to the subalkaline series with character toleítico and they are clasified like gabbros and madaly as metagabbro that change according to the grade of deformation between the cataclasites and the milonites. Tectonic discrimination diagrams, allowed to establish that the generation of intrusive body in an dominion distensive of dorsal oceanic type N-MORB; the identification of this environment will allow to set this body in a geotectonic position, forming a part of a complex ophiolitic.En este estudio, se presentan los primeros resultados analíticos de elementos mayores, traza y tierras raras de las rocas que conforman el Stock Chinchiná-Santa Rosa, localizado en el flanco Occidental de la Cordillera Central, entre las fallas Silvia-Pijao, al este y Cauca-Almaguer, al oeste. Los datos geoquímicos de este cuerpo indican que pertenece a la serie subalcalina con carácter toleítico, geoquímicamente se clasifican como gabros y modalmente como metagabros con un grado de deformación que varía de cataclasita a milonita. Los diagramas de discriminación tectónica, permiten establecer que la generación del cuerpo intrusivo ocurrió en un dominio distensivo de dorsal oceánica tipo N-MORB; la identificación de este ambiente permite posicionar geotectónicamente a este cuerpo, como parte de un complejo ofiolítico.   &nbsp

    The biology and behavior of the longhorned beetle, Dectes texanus on sunflower and soybean

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    The biology and behavior of the longhorned beetle Dectes texanus LeConte (Coleoptera: Cerambycidae) was studied on two host plants that suffer economic losses from this pest; sunflower, Helianthus annuus, and soybean, Glycines max. Reciprocal crosses of D. texanus collected from the two plants all produced viable progeny, indicating that conspecific insects attack both crops. Pupae from soybean stalks weighed about 40% less than those from sunflower, and adults fed on soybean lived a mean of 23 days, compared to a mean of 53 days (males) and 76 days (females) for those fed sunflower. A female's larval host plant had no effect on her tendency to ovipuncture plants of either type in a greenhouse trial. A field-tested population collected exclusively from sunflower contained three types of females in similar proportions: those that laid eggs only on sunflower, those that laid only on soybean, and those that laid equally on both host plants. Females in field trials fed more on the plant they had fed on in the laboratory, but soybean-fed females fed more on soybean than did sunflower-fed females. Females fed soybean also made more ovipunctures on soybean plants in field trials than sunflower-fed females, but their responses to sunflower plants were similar. Females displayed higher total ovipositional activity when they encountered sunflower first in the field, and lower total activity when they encountered soybean first. Feeding scores were significantly correlated with ovipunctures and eggs on both plant types. We conclude that sunflower is the preferred host plant, although females will accept soybean when it is the only available food. The results suggest that D. texanus is still in the initial stages of a host range expansion with female host selection behavior demonstrating both genetic influences and phenotypic flexibility. Sunflower represents a nutritionally superior, ancestral host plant and relatively high fitness costs are still associated with utilization of the novel host plant, soybean, costs that may be offset by benefits such as reduced intraspecific competition. These potential benefits and their consequent implications for D. texanus host range evolution are hypothesized and discussed