17 research outputs found

    Peccary movements as determinants of the movements of large cats in Brazilian Amazonia

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    As part of a study on the ecology of a community of middle-sized and larger mammals in a seasonally dry forest in the far north of the Brazilian Amazonia, peccaries (the white-lipped peccary Tayassu pecari and the collared peccary Tayassu tajacu) and large cats (the jaguar Panthera onca and the puma Puma concolor) were regularly surveyed for 1 year. Diurnal and nocturnal surveys were carried out by the line-transect method, in five different forest types along a 10 km transect, and data were collected on their use of the forest types. The peccary herds and the large cats were sighted regularly throughout the study period, but more frequently over the dry season in the high-ground forests in eastern Maracá. Over the dry season, when food was scarce except in the Buritizals, T. pecari, closely followed by a P. onca, monopolized the Buritizal forests, whereas T. tajacu, followed by a P. concolor, exploited the other available high-ground forest types. Fluctuations in food supply regulated the dynamics of the two species of peccaries, which ultimately determined the whereabouts of the large cat predators. This may be a counter-strategy to survive in an extremely seasonal environment where food, more than any other variable, is the key determinant of the survival of both peccaries and large cats. © 2007 The Zoological Society of London

    Monitoramento por radiotelemetria da área de uso de onça parda reintroduzida no entorno do Parque Estadual da Serra do Brigadeiro - MG, Brasil Radiotelemetry monitoring of the home range of cougar reintroduced at the surroundings of the State Park of Serra do Brigadeiro - MG, Brazil

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    Um exemplar macho, subadulto de onça parda reintroduzido foi monitorado por técnica de radiotelemetria. O monitoramento foi de 110 dias, realizado de forma aleatória, com intervalos descontínuos. Os dados do acompanhamento sugerem que a área utilizada por este espécime seja de, aproximadamente, 26km². Esta configura o menor índice já descrito para a espécie, porém, deve-se ressaltar a importância deste monitoramento básico, visto a incipiência do comportamento de um felino de grande porte reintroduzido em habitat natural após período em cativeiro.<br>One subadult male specimen of a reintroduced mountain lion was monitored using the radio telemetry technique. The monitoring lasted 110 days, being randomly distributed. Data of the monitoring through radiotelemetry suggested that the home range of this specimen was of approximately 26km². This sets as the smallest home range described for this species. However, the importance of this basic monitoring should be emphasized, since information of the behavior of a large feline reintroduced in its natural habitat after a period in captivity is incipient