1,627 research outputs found

    Insulin response and changes in composition of non-esterified fatty acids in blood plasma of middle-aged men following isoenergetic fatty and carbohydrate breakfasts

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    It was previously shown that a high plasma concentration of non-esterified fatty acids (NEFA) persisted after a fatty breakfast, but not after an isoenergetic carbohydrate breakfast, adversely affecting glucose tolerance. The higher concentration after the fatty breakfast may in part have been a result of different mobilization rates of fatty acids. This factor can be investigated as NEFA mobilized from tissues are monounsaturated to a greater extent than those deposited from a typical meal. Twenty-four middle-aged healthy Caucasian men were given oral glucose tolerance tests (OGTT), and for 28 d isoenergetic breakfasts of similar fat composition but of low (L) or moderate (M) fat content. The composition of NEFA in fasting and postprandial plasma was determined on days 1 and 29. No significant treatment differences in fasting NEFA composition occurred on day 29. During the OGTT and 0-1 h following breakfast there was an increase in plasma long-chain saturated NEFA but a decrease in monounsaturated NEFA (mug/100 mug total NEFA; Pg/100 mug total NEFA; P<0.05), expressed as an increase in 18:1 and decreases in 16:0 and 17:0 in treatment M relative to treatment L (P<0.05). Serum insulin attained 35 and 65 mU/l in treatments M and L respectively during this period. Negative correlations were found between 16:0 in fasting plasma and both waist:hip circumference (P=0.0009) and insulin response curve area during OGTT (within treatment M, P=0.0001). It is concluded that a normal postprandial insulin response is associated with a rapid change in plasma saturated:monounsaturated NEFA. It is proposed that this change is the result of a variable suppression of fat mobilization, which may partly account for a large difference in postprandial total plasma NEFA between fatty and carbohydrate meals

    Fast Predictive Simple Geodesic Regression

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    Deformable image registration and regression are important tasks in medical image analysis. However, they are computationally expensive, especially when analyzing large-scale datasets that contain thousands of images. Hence, cluster computing is typically used, making the approaches dependent on such computational infrastructure. Even larger computational resources are required as study sizes increase. This limits the use of deformable image registration and regression for clinical applications and as component algorithms for other image analysis approaches. We therefore propose using a fast predictive approach to perform image registrations. In particular, we employ these fast registration predictions to approximate a simplified geodesic regression model to capture longitudinal brain changes. The resulting method is orders of magnitude faster than the standard optimization-based regression model and hence facilitates large-scale analysis on a single graphics processing unit (GPU). We evaluate our results on 3D brain magnetic resonance images (MRI) from the ADNI datasets.Comment: 19 pages, 10 figures, 13 table

    Diurnal trends in responses of blood plasma concentrations of glucose, insulin, and C-peptide following high- and low-fat meals and their relation to fat metabolism in healthy middle-aged volunteers

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    An experiment was conducted in twelve healthy middle-aged volunteers, six of each sex, with a mean BMI of 27 kg/m(2) to detect differences between morning and afternoon in postprandial blood glucose, insulin and C-peptide concentrations. These responses were measured following the consumption of isoenergetic meals that were high or low in fat content, at breakfast and at lunch. Over 4d each subject received the high-carbohydrate (L, 5.5 g mixed fat/meal) and moderately high-fat (M, 33 g mixed fat/meal) breakfasts and lunches, in three combinations (LL, MM, LM), or they fasted at breakfast time and received a moderately high-fat lunch (NM), in three Latin squares. Each evening a standard meal was given. Plasma glucose, insulin and C-peptide responses were greater following L than M meals and within both MM and LL treatments insulin and C-peptide responses were greater following breakfast than following lunch. The incremental C-peptide response to a fatty lunch following a fast at breakfast time (MM) was similar to that to a fatty breakfast, but the incremental insulin response for the same comparison was marginally lower at lunch (P=0.06). The relationship of C-peptide and insulin concentrations was assessed. Plasma glucose response to a fatty lunch was increased by a fatty breakfast. The relationships of these metabolic events with fat metabolism are discussed

    Effects of high- and low-fat meals on the diurnal response of plasma lipid metabolite concentrations in healthy middle-aged volunteers

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    Three experiments were conducted in healthy middle-aged volunteers (six males and six females in Expt 1, six males and two females in Expt 2 and twelve males in Expt 3) with a mean BMI of 27 kg/m(2) to determine whether there is a difference between morning and afternoon dietary fat clearance and utilization, and to determine in what way the fat and starch contents of the meal influence postprandial blood lipid metabolites over 4.5 h. Over 4 days in Expt 1 each subject received isoenergetic, high-carbohydrate (L, 5.5 g mixed fat/meal) and moderately high-fat (M, 33 g mixed fat/meal) breakfasts and lunches, in three combinations (LL, MM, LM), or they fasted at breakfast time and received a high fat lunch (MM) in a randomized and balanced arrangement. Each evening a standard meal was given. The following effects were significant (P < 0.05): plasma triacylglycerol (TAG) responses were greater following RI meals; plasma TAG concentrations were greater in the afternoon than in the morning, following two meats of the same composition, although the postprandial incremental response was less following lunch than following breakfast and peak responses were reached much earlier than after breakfast; a low-fat breakfast, or fasting at breakfast time, delayed the peak TAG response to a M lunch. The plasma concentrations of nonesterified fatty acids (NEFA) and of free glycerol were higher in the afternoon following M meals at breakfast and lunch, especially in males. This response was reduced, by the L breakfast preceding the M lunch. Two M meals in succession lowered plasma HDL-cholesterol concentration. In Expt 2 each subject received a very low-fat (VL) breakfast, followed by a lunch of the same composition. Each of these meals was followed, 110 min from the start of eating, by an infusion of Intralipid 10 % emulsion at the rate of 1 ml/kg body weight over 60 s. Clearance rates of Intralipid were faster in the afternoon than in the morning (P = 0.024). In Expt 3 twelve subjects were randomly allocated to either treatment MM or LM meal patterns, as given in Expt 1. These were given daily for a period of 17 d, during which the change in fasting plasma TAG concentration was similar in both treatments. On days 1, 16 and 17 responses were measured to the M lunch and to a glucose tolerance test (GTT), conducted 2 h 17 min after lunch. The post-lunch responses confirmed those found in Expt 1; but immediately following the glucose dose there was an abrupt increase in plasma TAG that was greater in treatment LM than in treatment MM (P = 0.025), whereas plasma NEFA concentration decreased rapidly in both treatments at that time (P = 0.00066)

    Effect of breakfast fat content on glucose tolerance and risk factors of atherosclerosis and thrombosis

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    Twenty-four middle-aged healthy men were given a low-fat high-carbohydrate (5.5 g fat; L), or a moderately-fatty, (25.7 g fat; M) breakfast of similar energy contents for 28 d. Other meals were under less control. An oral glucose tolerance test (OGTT) was given at 09.00 hours on day 1 before treatment allocation and at 13.30 hours on day 29. There were no significant treatment differences in fasting serum values, either on day 1 or at the termination of treatments on day 29. The following was observed on day 29: (1) the M breakfast led to higher OGTT C-peptide responses and higher areas under the curves (AUC) of OGTT serum glucose and insulin responses compared with the OGTT responses to the L breakfast (P < 0.05); (2) treatment M failed to prevent OGTT glycosuria, eliminated with treatment L; (3) serum non-esterified fatty acid (NEFA) AUC was 59% lower with treatment L than with treatment M, between 09.00 and 13.20 hours (P < 0.0001), and lower with treatment L than with treatment M during the OGTT (P = 0.005); (4) serum triacylglycerol (TAG) concentrations were similar for both treatments, especially during the morning, but their origins were different during the afternoon OGTT when the Svedberg flotation unit 20-400 lipid fraction was higher with treatment L than with treatment M (P = 0.016); plasma apolipoprotein B-48 level with treatment M was not significantly greater than that with treatment L (P = 0.086); (5) plasma tissue plasminogen-activator activity increased after breakfast with treatment L (P = 0.0008), but not. with treatment M (P = 0.80). Waist:hip circumference was positively correlated with serum insulin and glucose AUC and with fasting LDL-cholesterol, Waist:hip circumference and serum TAG and insulin AUC were correlated with factors of thrombus formation; and the OGTT NEFA and glucose AUC were correlated. A small difference in fat intake at breakfast has a large influence on circulating diurnal NEFA concentration, which it is concluded influences adversely glucose tolerance up to 6 h later

    BAFF and MyD88 signals promote a lupuslike disease independent of T cells

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    Systemic lupus erythernatosus (SLE) is a systemic autoimmune disease characterized by the production of autoantibodies. However, the underlying cause of disease appears to relate to defects in T cell tolerance or T cell help to 13 cells. Transgenic (Tg) mice over-expressing the cytokine 13 cell-activating factor of the tumor necrosis factor family (BAFF) develop an autoimmune disorder similar to SLE and show impaired B cell tolerance and altered T cell differentiation. We generated BAFF Tg mice that were completely deficient in T cells, and, surprisingly, these mice developed an SLE-like disease indistinguishable from that of BAFF Tg mice. Autoimmunity in BAFF Tg mice did, however, require 13 cell-intrinsic signals through the Toll-like receptor (TLR)-associated signaling adaptor MyD88, which controlled the production of proinflammatory autoantibody isotypes. TLR7/9 activation strongly up-regulated expression of transmembrane activator and calcium modulator and cyclophilin ligand interactor (TACI), which is a receptor for BAFF involved in 13 cell responses to T cell-independent antigens. Moreover, BAFF enhanced TLR7/9 expression on 13 cells and TLR-mediated production of autoantibodies. Therefore, autoirnmunity in BAFF Tg mice results from altered 13 cell tolerance, but requires TLR signaling and is independent of T cell help. It is possible that SLE patients with elevated levels of BAFF show a similar basis for disease

    Implementing telephone triage in general practice: a process evaluation of a cluster randomised controlled trial

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    Background: Telephone triage represents one strategy to manage demand for face-to-face GP appointments in primary care. However, limited evidence exists of the challenges GP practices face in implementing telephone triage. We conducted a qualitative process evaluation alongside a UK-based cluster randomised trial (ESTEEM) which compared the impact of GP-led and nurse-led telephone triage with usual care on primary care workload, cost, patient experience, and safety for patients requesting a same-day GP consultation. The aim of the process study was to provide insights into the observed effects of the ESTEEM trial from the perspectives of staff and patients, and to specify the circumstances under which triage is likely to be successfully implemented. Here we report perspectives of staff. Methods: The intervention comprised implementation of either GP-led or nurse-led telephone triage for a period of 2-3 months. A qualitative evaluation was conducted using staff interviews recruited from eight general practices (4 GP triage, 4 Nurse triage) in the UK, implementing triage as part of the ESTEEM trial. Qualitative interviews were undertaken with 44 staff members in GP triage and nurse triage practices (16 GPs, 8 nurses, 7 practice managers, 13 administrative staff). Results: Staff reported diverse experiences and perceptions regarding the implementation of telephone triage, its effects on workload, and on the benefits of triage. Such diversity were explained by the different ways triage was organised, the staffing models used to support triage, how the introduction of triage was communicated across practice staff, and by how staff roles were reconfigured as a result of implementing triage. Conclusion: The findings from the process evaluation offer insight into the range of ways GP practices participating in ESTEEM implemented telephone triage, and the circumstances under which telephone triage can be successfully implemented beyond the context of a clinical trial. Staff experiences and perceptions of telephone triage are shaped by the way practices communicate with staff, prepare for and sustain the changes required to implement triage effectively, as well as by existing practice culture, and staff and patient behaviour arising in response to the changes made. Trial registration: Current Controlled Trials ISRCTN20687662. Registered 28 May 2009

    The role of Comprehension in Requirements and Implications for Use Case Descriptions

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    Within requirements engineering it is generally accepted that in writing specifications (or indeed any requirements phase document), one attempts to produce an artefact which will be simple to comprehend for the user. That is, whether the document is intended for customers to validate requirements, or engineers to understand what the design must deliver, comprehension is an important goal for the author. Indeed, advice on producing ‘readable’ or ‘understandable’ documents is often included in courses on requirements engineering. However, few researchers, particularly within the software engineering domain, have attempted either to define or to understand the nature of comprehension and it’s implications for guidance on the production of quality requirements. Therefore, this paper examines thoroughly the nature of textual comprehension, drawing heavily from research in discourse process, and suggests some implications for requirements (and other) software documentation. In essence, we find that the guidance on writing requirements, often prevalent within software engineering, may be based upon assumptions which are an oversimplification of the nature of comprehension. Hence, the paper examines guidelines which have been proposed, in this case for use case descriptions, and the extent to which they agree with discourse process theory; before suggesting refinements to the guidelines which attempt to utilise lessons learned from our richer understanding of the underlying discourse process theory. For example, we suggest subtly different sets of writing guidelines for the different tasks of requirements, specification and design