629 research outputs found

    Context-based identification of energy consumption in industrial plants

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    Nowadays, reducing energy consumption is one of the highest priorities and biggest challenges faced worldwide and in particular in the industrial sector. Given the increasing trend of consumption and the current economical crisis, identifying cost reductions on the most energy-intensive sectors has become one of the main concerns among companies and researchers. Particularly in industrial environments, energy consumption is affected by several factors, namely production factors(e.g. equipments), human (e.g. operators experience), environmental (e.g. temperature), among others, which influence the way of how energy is used across the plant. Therefore, several approaches for identifying consumption causes have been suggested and discussed. However, the existing methods only provide guidelines for energy consumption and have shown difficulties in explaining certain energy consumption patterns due to the lack of structure to incorporate context influence, hence are not able to track down the causes of consumption to a process level, where optimization measures can actually take place. This dissertation proposes a new approach to tackle this issue, by on-line estimation of context-based energy consumption models, which are able to map operating context to consumption patterns. Context identification is performed by regression tree algorithms. Energy consumption estimation is achieved by means of a multi-model architecture using multiple RLS algorithms, locally estimated for each operating context. Lastly, the proposed approach is applied to a real cement plant grinding circuit. Experimental results prove the viability of the overall system, regarding both automatic context identification and energy consumption estimation.project LifeSaver - Context sensitive monitoring of energy consumption to support energy savings and emissions trading in industry (G.A. FP7-ICT-287652

    A universidade latino-americana: suas possibilidades e responsabilidades

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    Contribuição brasileira ao estudo do problema.Não é fácil para um brasileiro que não está suficientemen-te informado sôbre as origens, a evolução e a situação da Uni-versidade hispano-americana, examinar o complexo problema que a instituição universitária apresenta nesta parte do nosso continente. E' que, como justamente escreve Jacques Lam-bert, as duas metades da América do Sul, "são dois mundos de costas um para o outro, e entre os quais o intercâmbio de pes-soas e, sobretudo, de mercadorias, depois de ter sido impossí-vel durante longo tempo, é ainda hoje difícil" (1) .

    O Positivismo na República (Notas sôbre a história do Positivismo no Brasil) (Conclusão)

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    (Primeiro Parágrafo do Artigo)Apesar de estarem principalmente voltados para o aspecto religioso da doutrina de Augusto Comte, os positivistas do pequeno grupo do Rio de Janeiro nunca deixaram de "intervir" nos assuntos relacionados com a política e com a administração republicana

    O positivismo na República (Notas sobre a história do positivismo no Brasil)

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    (Primeiro Parágrafo do Artigo)Estas ligeiras notas para a história do positivismo no Brasil, constituem uma pequena e modesta contribuição ao estudo das história das idéias do nosso país

    A certificação de qualidade em sistemas solares para aquecimento de água

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    Tendo em atenção a política nacional para o desenvolvimento do mercado da Energia Solar Térmica, motivada pela necessidade de uma maior utilização das Energias Endógenas (Resolução do Conselho de Ministros nº154/2001 de 27 de Setembro), descreve-se a situação actual na área dos Equipamentos Solares para Aquecimento de Água, no que diz respeito à Certificação de Produtos e à Certificação de Pessoas, como medidas necessárias para a Garantia de Qualidade nesta área

    On the sustainable development of solar thermal obligations in buildings in the framework of the Portuguese case

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    This paper starts remembering the steps given in Portugal to prepare the introduction of a solar thermal obligation. Next, it presents a description of the present legislation related to the Solar Thermal Obligation (STO) and to other incentive measures for growth of the solar thermal market in Portugal. The main problems with implementation of the new regulation are analysed and systematized. Based on the acquired knowledge, further actions are presented to guarantee the success of Solar Thermal Obligation, namely proposals for updating the obligation in conformity with best practice for solar thermal installations and taking into account the new realities upcoming from the actual solar therma

    Trans-fatty acids in Portuguese food products

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    There is consistent evidence of adverse health effects from industrial trans-fatty acids (TFAs). Several measures to limit TFA intake have already been taken in various countries, but limited information is available in several countries on the actual TFA content in foods. In order to ensure accurate data on intake of TFAs, and to implement adequate measures to reduce their consumption, each country should have an estimate of the TFA content in the overall diet. The objective of this report is to provide updated data on the TFA content in Portuguese foods. It therefore details the results of 268 samples (acquired and analysed between October and December 2013), chosen based on a previous desk review to identify the food groups of higher concern in terms of their TFA content. The TFAs were quantified by gas chromatography after fat extraction. Potential unconformities were also estimated, taking as a basis a maximum limit of 2% TFAs in the fat.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Discursos (de partidos) políticos: construção de sentidos para a educação

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    Este artigo analisa os discursos políticos sobre educação produzidos pelos partidos políticos portugueses com assento parlamentar na Assembleia da República durante a primeira sessão legislativa da XIV legislatura (2019-2023). Pretendemos, com essa análise, compreender e discutir os sentidos atribuídos à educação pelos diferentes partidos, contribuindo para o estudo da construção discursiva do campo político da educação. Recorrendo à Análise de Discurso como método de análise, mais concretamente à Teoria do Discurso de Laclau e Mouffe, e partindo de uma perspetiva da política como campo de contingência e de mudança social, analisam-se os discursos com recurso a um dispositivo de análise que integra os conceitos de ponto nodal, articulação e momento. Discute-se a forma como os discursos político-partidários se constituem como discursos de autoridade, através da utilização de uma linguagem que promove o bem comum e universal e que procura revestir esses discursos de um carácter de indiscutibilidade. A luta discursiva dos partidos para fixar os sentidos de educação, evidenciada pela análise, permitiu discutir diferentes propostas de mudança social, bem como o carácter de autoridade desses discursos. As conclusões refletem a construção do sentido político para a educação realizada por cada um dos partidos. Palavras-chave: discurso político; poder; análise de discurso; educação


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    ABSTRACT: Infrared thermography is a noninvasive diagnostic imaging method that does not require animal restraint. This tool provides instant images in real time, even at great distances, being very advantageous for wild animals. The thermograph measures the frequency of infrared rays, it locates hot or cold regions in the body tissues, detecting physiological or pathological processes that modify body temperature. In the veterinary diagnosis of wild animals, thermal imaging is used to determine causes of lameness, lesions and inflammation. It also can be used to diagnosis infectious diseases, reproductive period or gestation and to measure animal welfare and stress levels. This research aimed to use infrared thermography as a tool for remote diagnosis in Brazilian canids and felids kept ex-situ at the Sorocaba Zoo, Brazil. During one year the images were recorded biweekly in 42 individuals (18 canids and 24 felids). No thermal change was noticed in the images taken biweekly. Twelve animals presented symptoms at different times, then images were taken immediately and recorded every 3 days to follow the evolution of the clinical signs and treatment. Atypical images were interpreted and correlated with the clinical signs. The method showed good sensitivity when applied to felids. In the canids there was good sensitivity for head and limb disorders, because these regions have shorter hair. It is concluded that thermography is an important diagnostic tool for canids and felids, being an examination carried out at a distance, without stress, non-invasive and painless, prioritizing animal welfare