1,579 research outputs found

    Revolução e liberdade

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    Edição e tradução de Adriano CorreiaEdited by Adriano CorreiaThe original manuscript, dated to 1966-1967, may be found in The Hannah Arendt Papers at the Library of Congress: https://memory.loc.gov/cgi-bin/query/P?mharendt:1:./temp/~ammem_eA23::. In this edition we inserted the Arendt’s handwritten additions. All the many and relevant suppressions and previous formulations may be verified in the original manuscript. We chose to point out only the most relevant modifications

    Understanding the changes in the tourists perceived risk after covid-19

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    Tourism industry is witnessing a time of uncertainty due to the Covid-19 pandemic. Amidst all the doubts that the industry is experiencing, one certainty is clear: nothing will remain the same after the pandemic outbreak. Tourists have developed new needs that the industry of tourism should be able to understand and fulfill. This study seeks to understand the transformations in tourist consumer behavior caused by the covid-19 pandemic. Thus, based on several assumptions, an explanatory model was developed addressing both the demand side (new consumer preferences) and the supply side (measures and strategies to combat the impacts generated by the perceived risk acquired during the confinement period). The model developed reflects a permanent impact of the Covid-19 crisis on the tourist consumer behavior in terms of accelerating the shift to online services, with a greater emphasis on safety, hygiene and health, as well as environmental and sustainability awareness.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Digital marketing in hospitality - case study of social networks as a communication toll in Oporto hotels

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    Digital marketing and social networks are progressively becoming the most important communication tool in almost all business areas. This has considerably increased the information available online. In the tourism context, these developments have had a considerable effect, as they have altered the way tourists search for information, plan trips and share experiences. In a post-COVID-19 world, the innovative use of technologies to engage visitors online through virtual information has gained increasing importance, as it has the ability to provide displaced destination experiences, thus attracting consumer interest in relation to tourist attractions. In this sense, the objective of the present investigation is to understand the influence that generic and non-generic social networks have on the hotel sector, both from the perspective of the hotel and the consumer. To this end, data were collected on several digital channels from twelve hotels located in the Portuguese city of Porto. According to the results obtained, it was clear that the content and presence vary according to the stars of the hotels and the type of the social network analyzed.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio


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    A QUESTÃO SOCIAL EM HANNAH ARENDT: apontamentos críticos

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    Nesse texto, examinarei brevemente o que Hannah Arendt nomeou de questão social em seu exame da modernidade política. Além das implicações da ascensão do social para a definição da fronteira entre o público e o privado, refletirei sobre as dificuldades para pensar o tema da justiça na obra arendtiana por conta do rigor com que ela separa o econômico e o político

    Natalidade e amor mundi: sobre a relação entre educação e política em Hannah Arendt

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    In the present article we want to examine the articulations between Hannah Arendt's essay "The crisis in education" and central themes of her political thought, such as natality, the foreigner in the world condition, the love of the world (amor mundi), the political action, and the crisis of the modern era. The central objective here is, on the one hand, to emphasize how much that time-situated essay integrates harmoniously within her political thinking and, on the other hand, to highlight the classical vigor of her analysis. To Hannah Arendt, the essence of education is natality, that is, the fact that new individuals constantly arrive into the world as foreigners, to whom the invitation to feel at home must be made. Theses foreigners in a world in constant change are capable of initiating new events, without which the very preservation of the world would be in question. The education of youngsters must deal with the paradox of acquainting the newcomers with the old world that precedes them, without at the same time accommodating them entirely to the point that the novelty of their appearance would be suffocated, putting at risk the preservation of the world itself, which requires constant zeal and renovation. Notwithstanding the difficulty of mediation, Arendt believes that education must be, first and foremost, guided by the responsibility for the world, which translates both into its introduction to the newcomers and into the preservation of novelty in them.Pretende-se examinar, no presente artigo, as articulações entre o ensaio "A crise na educação", de Hannah Arendt, e temas centrais de seu pensamento político, como a natalidade, a condição de estrangeiro no mundo, o amor ao mundo (amor mundi), a ação política e a crise na era moderna. O objetivo central consiste em explicitar o quanto esse ensaio de ocasião se integra harmonicamente no âmbito do pensamento político da autora, por um lado, e ressaltar o vigor clássico de sua análise, por outro. Para ela, a essência da educação é a natalidade, ou seja, o fato de que constantemente chegam ao mundo novos indivíduos como estrangeiros, a quem deve ser feito o convite para que se sintam em casa. Esses estrangeiros em um mundo em constante mudança são capazes de iniciar novos eventos, sem os quais a conservação do próprio mundo estaria em questão. A educação dos jovens tem de lidar com o paradoxo de familiarizar os novos com o mundo velho que os precede, sem ao mesmo tempo acomodá-los inteiramente a ponto de a novidade de sua aparição ser sufocada, o que poria em risco a conservação mesma do mundo, demandante de permanente zelo e renovação. Não obstante a dificuldade da mediação, Arendt julga que a educação deve ser, antes de tudo, orientada pela responsabilidade pelo mundo, que se traduz tanto na sua apresentação aos novos quanto na conservação da novidade nestes


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    O objetivo deste artigo é examinar o desenvolvimento do tema do perdão na obra de Hannah Arendt, principalmente nos textos da década de 1950. Ao longo da década a autora modifica substancialmente sua compreensão da relação do perdão com o cristianismo e progressivamente situa o perdão, assim como a promessa e o poder, no centro de sua análise da ação e de suas fragilidades. Realizamos uma análise bibliográfica que percorre obras publicadas e textos inéditos e buscamos realizar uma síntese conceitual das várias características do perdão na obra da autora a partir do exame da relação da ação com a necessária reconciliação com sua imprevisibilidade.Palavras-Chave: Perdão; Ação; Reconciliação; Hannah Arendt; Paul RicoeurTHE TRAJECTORY OF FORGIVENESS IN THE WORK OF HANNAH ARENDTABSTRACTThe aim of this article is to examine the development of the theme of forgiveness in Hannah Arendt’s work, especially in the texts of the 1950s. Throughout the decade, the author substantially modifies her understanding of the relationship of forgiveness with Christianity and progressively places forgiveness, as well as promise and the power at the center of her analysis of the action and its weaknesses. We performed a bibliographic analysis that covers published works and unpublished texts and we seek to carry out a conceptual synthesis of the various characteristics of forgiveness in the author’s work from the examination of the relationship of the action with the necessary reconciliation with its irreversibility.Key words: Forgiveness; Action; Reconciliation; Hannah Arendt; Paul RicoeurLA TRAJECTOIRE DU PARDON DANS L’ŒUVRE D’HANNAH ARENDTABSTRACTLe but de cet article est d’examiner l’évolution du thème du pardon dans l’œuvre d’Hannah Arendt, notamment dans les textes des années 50. Tout au long de la décennie, l’auteur modifie considérablement sa compréhension de la relation entre le pardon et le christianisme et place progressivement le pardon, ainsi que la promesse et le pouvoir, au centre de son analyse de l’action et de ses faiblesses. Nous avons effectué une analyse bibliographique qui couvre les œuvres publiées et les textes non publiés et nous cherchons à réaliser une synthèse conceptuelle des différentes caractéristiques du pardon dans le travail de l’auteur, basée sur un examen de la relation entre l’action et la nécessaire réconciliation avec son irréversibilité.Key words: Pardon; Action; Reconciliation; Hannah Arendt; Paul Ricoeu

    Calibration of a multi-load cells weighing system based on neural networks

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    Multi-load cells weighting systems are based on a platform supported by four or more load cells, normally in parallel inputting lhe same signal conditioning unit. Because of mechanical and electrical paralleling tuning the gain of a load cell affects lhe behavior of the others, making the calibration difficult and tedious, specially withweightbridges for cars and trucb, requiring lhemotion of heavy weights around /arge p/atforms

    Comentário ao artigo “A dimensão literária do diagnóstico do presente em Foucault”

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    Commented text reference: Galantin, D. V. A dimensão literária do diagnóstico do presente em Foucault. Trans/Form/Ação: revista de filosofia da Unesp, vol. 43, n. 3, p. 71-100, 2020.Referência do texto comentado: Galantin, D. V. A dimensão literária do diagnóstico do presente em Foucault. Trans/Form/Ação: revista de filosofia da Unesp, vol. 43, n. 3, p. 71-100, 2020