141 research outputs found

    Surface wind fields (on Earth)

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    This document sets out to clarify the role of fronts and other atmospheric features on the form of surface wind fields. This is intended as a basic meteorological review of the typical features we will encounter in wind fields. Thus there is a strong emphasis on description at a fairly rudimentary level. The document should prove useful as we think about different models we could adopt for wind fields

    Non-zero mean Gaussian process prior wind field models

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    This report outlines the derivation and application of a non-zero mean, polynomial-exponential covariance function based Gaussian process which forms the prior wind field model used in 'autonomous' disambiguation. It is principally used since the non-zero mean permits the computation of realistic local wind vector prior probabilities which are required when applying the scaled-likelihood trick, as the marginals of the full wind field prior. As the full prior is multi-variate normal, these marginals are very simple to compute

    Splines and vector splines

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    The thrust of this report concerns spline theory and some of the background to spline theory and follows the development in (Wahba, 1991). We also review methods for determining hyper-parameters, such as the smoothing parameter, by Generalised Cross Validation. Splines have an advantage over Gaussian Process based procedures in that we can readily impose atmospherically sensible smoothness constraints and maintain computational efficiency. Vector splines enable us to penalise gradients of vorticity and divergence in wind fields. Two similar techniques are summarised and improvements based on robust error functions and restricted numbers of basis functions given. A final, brief discussion of the application of vector splines to the problem of scatterometer data assimilation highlights the problems of ambiguous solutions

    Flexible Gaussian process wind field models

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    This technical report builds on previous reports to derive the likelihood and its derivatives for a Gaussian Process with a modified Bessel function based covariance function. The full derivation is shown. The likelihood (with gradient information) can be used in maximum likelihood procedures (i.e. gradient based optimisation) and in Hybrid Monte Carlo sampling (i.e. within a Bayesian framework)

    A Bayesian state space modelling approach to probabilistic quantitative precipitation forecasting

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    The generation of very short range forecasts of precipitation in the 0-6 h time window is traditionally referred to as nowcasting. Most existing nowcasting systems essentially extrapolate radar observations in some manner, however, very few systems account for the uncertainties involved. Thus deterministic forecast are produced, which have a limited use when decisions must be made, since they have no measure of confidence or spread of the forecast. This paper develops a Bayesian state space modelling framework for quantitative precipitation nowcasting which is probabilistic from conception. The model treats the observations (radar) as noisy realisations of the underlying true precipitation process, recognising that this process can never be completely known, and thus must be represented probabilistically. In the model presented here the dynamics of the precipitation are dominated by advection, so this is a probabilistic extrapolation forecast. The model is designed in such a way as to minimise the computational burden, while maintaining a full, joint representation of the probability density function of the precipitation process. The update and evolution equations avoid the need to sample, thus only one model needs be run as opposed to the more traditional ensemble route. It is shown that the model works well on both simulated and real data, but that further work is required before the model can be used operationally. © 2004 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved

    Random field models and priors on wind

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    This report seeks to make concrete some of the ideas we have been discussing about sensible priors for winds over the ocean. In particular, random field models are reviewed, as are permissible covariance functions. The criteria which these covariance functions must satisfy in order that vorticity and divergence exist and are continuous are defined. The use of Helmholtz theorem is discussed, and possible choices for the covariances are suggested

    Defining the Fluid framework

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    In this position paper we present the developing Fluid framework, which we believe offers considerable advantages in maintaining software stability in dynamic or evolving application settings. The Fluid framework facilitates the development of component software via the selection, composition and configuration of components. Fluid's composition language incorporates a high-level type system supporting object-oriented principles such as type description, type inheritance, and type instantiation. Object-oriented relationships are represented via the dynamic composition of component instances. This representation allows the software structure, as specified by type and instance descriptions, to change dynamically at runtime as existing types are modified and new types and instances are introduced. We therefore move from static software structure descriptions to more dynamic representations, while maintaining the expressiveness of object-oriented semantics. We show how the Fluid framework relates to existing, largely component based, software frameworks and conclude with suggestions for future enhancements. © 2007 IEEE

    Data assimilation for precipitation nowcasting using Bayesian inference

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    This work introduces a new variational Bayes data assimilation method for the stochastic estimation of precipitation dynamics using radar observations for short term probabilistic forecasting (nowcasting). A previously developed spatial rainfall model based on the decomposition of the observed precipitation field using a basis function expansion captures the precipitation intensity from radar images as a set of ‘rain cells’. The prior distributions for the basis function parameters are carefully chosen to have a conjugate structure for the precipitation field model to allow a novel variational Bayes method to be applied to estimate the posterior distributions in closed form, based on solving an optimisation problem, in a spirit similar to 3D VAR analysis, but seeking approximations to the posterior distribution rather than simply the most probable state. A hierarchical Kalman filter is used to estimate the advection field based on the assimilated precipitation fields at two times. The model is applied to tracking precipitation dynamics in a realistic setting, using UK Met Office radar data from both a summer convective event and a winter frontal event. The performance of the model is assessed both traditionally and using probabilistic measures of fit based on ROC curves. The model is shown to provide very good assimilation characteristics, and promising forecast skill. Improvements to the forecasting scheme are discusse

    Advanced data driven visualisation for geo-spatial data

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    Most current 3D landscape visualisation systems either use bespoke hardware solutions, or offer a limited amount of interaction and detail when used in realtime mode. We are developing a modular, data driven 3D visualisation system that can be readily customised to specific requirements. By utilising the latest software engineering methods and bringing a dynamic data driven approach to geo-spatial data visualisation we will deliver an unparalleled level of customisation in near-photo realistic, realtime 3D landscape visualisation. In this paper we show the system framework and describe how this employs data driven techniques. In particular we discuss how data driven approaches are applied to the spatiotemporal management aspect of the application framework, and describe the advantages these convey

    Data visualisation with missing data: A non-linear approach

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    Exploratory analysis of data in all sciences seeks to find common patterns to gain insights into the structure and distribution of the data. Typically visualisation methods like principal components analysis are used but these methods are not easily able to deal with missing data nor can they capture non-linear structure in the data. One approach to discovering complex, non-linear structure in the data is through the use of linked plots, or brushing, while ignoring the missing data. In this technical report we discuss a complementary approach based on a non-linear probabilistic model. The generative topographic mapping enables the visualisation of the effects of very many variables on a single plot, which is able to incorporate far more structure than a two dimensional principal components plot could, and deal at the same time with missing data. We show that using the generative topographic mapping provides us with an optimal method to explore the data while being able to replace missing values in a dataset, particularly where a large proportion of the data is missing
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