685 research outputs found

    Innovative Service-Based Business Concepts for the Machine Tool Building Industry

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    Organised by: Cranfield UniversityDuring the last decade, machine tool building companies have been forced to put innovative offers on the market. Due to the technical features of their products and the prevailing organizational structures in this sector, especially product-service systems are a promising way of creating a unique selling point. In this paper, potential new business concepts for machine tool builders will be presented which aim at fulfilling basic customer needs like the increase in quality, flexibility, productivity and the reduction of lead times, costs and risks. For the implementation of these product-service systems, practical examples are given.Mori Seiki – The Machine Tool Compan

    De-manufacturing systems

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    open3noDe-Manufacturing Systems allow implementing optimized End-Of-Life strategies and are necessary to support a sustainable and competitive Manufacturing/De-Manufacturing integrated paradigm. However, available technologies, management methods and business models present several limitations that make landfill and, at a lower extent, materials recycling, the most diffused End-Of-Life practices. To overcome these limitations, this paper proposes an integrated multi-disciplinary research framework addressing single technologies improvement, system integration and business model coherency. The main challenges and research opportunities are presented that can boost the development of sustainable De-manufacturing Systems at industrial level.Colledani, Marcello; Copani, Giacomo; Tolio, TullioColledani, Marcello; Copani, Giacomo; Tolio, TULLIO ANTONIO MARI

    Las Marías and the dictatorship : business responsibility in labour repression during state terrorism in a Northeastern Argentine company

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    Fil: Copani, Andrea. Universidad Nacional de Buenos Aires. Facultad de Filosofía y Letras. Instituto Interdisciplinario de Estudios e Investigaciones de América Latina; Argentina.En este artículo pretendemos sintetizar los hallazgos presentados en el informe Responsabilidad empresarial en delitos de lesa humanidad. Represión a trabajadores durante el terrorismo de Estado relativos al caso de la empresa yerbatera correntina Las Marías. Nos centraremos en la reconstrucción de la represión sufrida por los trabajadores de la firma a partir del golpe de Estado del 24 de marzo de 1976, que ubicaremos en el contexto del diseño y despliegue represivo a nivel regional. A su vez, identificaremos aquellas prácticas empresariales represivas que surgen de la evidencia disponible hasta el momento. Por otra parte, abordaremos los principales hitos del proceso de denuncia, visibilización pública y judicialización del caso, desde sus inicios hasta la actualidad, atendiendo tanto a sus particularidades como a los rasgos que comparte con otros casos de delitos de lesa humanidad cometidos contra trabajadores.In this article, we aim at summarising the conclusions presented in the report called Responsabilidad empresarial en delitos de lesa humanidad. Represión a trabajadores durante el terrorismo de Estado (Business Responsibility in Crimes against Humanity. Labour Repression during State Terrorism) related to the case of Las Marías yerba grower’s in the Province of Corrientes. We will focus on the reconstruction of the repression suff ered by the fi rm’s workers from the coup d’état on March 24th, 1976, which we will be placing in the context of a repressive design and deployment at a regional level. Likewise, we will identify those repressive business practices which emerge from the evidence which has been available so far. On the other hand, we will deal with the main milestones of the denouncement process, public visibility and case legal proceedings, from its origin to the present time, paying attention to its particularities as well as to those features shared with other cases of crimes against humanity committed against workers


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    A través de su Programa de Historia Oral (PHO), el Instituto Interdisciplinario de Estudios e Investigaciones de América Latina (INDEAL) de la Facultad de Filosofía y Letras de la Universidad de Buenos Aires fomenta el desarrollo de reflexiones en torno a las temáticas de la memoria y la cultura desde una multiplicidad de perspectivas y enfoques disciplinares, anclados en el trabajo con fuentes orales.Con este espíritu, el PHO impulsó la convocatoria que dio lugar al presente número de la revista Historia, Voces y Memoria, que tenemos el gusto de presentar aquí. El número reúne una serie de contribuciones de autores y autoras de diversas trayectorias y procedencias, que agrupamos de acuerdo a los temas y problemas de los cuales se ocupan

    L'enigmatica città di Trinakíe

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    2. Greci e indigeni ad Eloro

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    L’histoire de Syracuse dans la phase la plus archaïque est bien mal connue. La tradition d’un conflit entre les Grecs et les indigènes (Thucydide) n’exclut pas une première période de cohabitation. Les rapports avec les indigènes ne sont pas clairs au moins jusqu’à la destruction du village de Monte Finocchito. Dans ce cadre devient très importante l’interprétation de la fondation de la colonie syracusaine d’Héloros (fin VIIIe sec. a.C.). Elle a été souvent considérée comme colonie militaire et comme barrière contre les Sicules, mais peut-être eut- elle un rôle différent, celui d’occuper un site qui pouvait être facilement choisi par d’autres Grecs comme siège d’une nouvelle colonie. Dans cette appropriation de la colline d’Héloros, les Syracusains se servirent d’un groupe d’indigènes. Finalement il faut reconsiderer l’idée que les indigènes representèrent un danger réel et constant pour Syracuse à l’époque archaïque

    The Effects of Microbial Inoculation on Short-to-Long Fermentation and Aerobic Stability of Grass-Legume Silage Ensiled in Big Bales

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    Wilted (35.9 % DM and 2.6% WSC) moderately difficult to ensile grass-legume mixture (red clover, alfalfa and timothy 50:20:30) was ensiled in cylindrical big bales (1.2 m hight and 1.2 m diameter) with a weight about 700 kg. The crop was ensiled for 8, 32 and 120 days with or without a microbial inoculation (SiloSolve® FC containing Lactococcus lactis DSM 11037/1k2081 and Lactobacillus buchneri DSM 22501/1k20738 applied at 1.5×105 CFU g-1 forage). Ten bales per treatment were prepared for each fermentation period. After each period of ensiling the big bales were opened, sampled, and tested for fermentation parameters, yeast and mould counts and aerobic stability. Weight loss during fermentation and aerobic exposure were recorded and DM losses were calculated. After 8 days of fermentation, the addition of SiloSolve® FC showed only significant positive effects on pH, acetic and butyric acid, while after 32 and 120 days of fermentation periods, significant improvements of adding SiloSolve® FC were observed across all parameters investigated. The results show that SiloSolve® FC is an effective treatment to reduce ammonia, ethanol, and butyric acid production, to control yeast and mould growth, and to improve acetic acid levels with a resulting improved aerobic stability of grass-legume mixture fermented in big bales. Total lactic acid bacteria increased significantly and an appreciable decrease number of yeasts were detected in the inoculated silage at all fermentation time points and after aerobic exposure if compared with untreated silage. Reduction in yeast and mould population during anaerobic phase of silage fermentation and during silage aerobic exposure period appears to be the main reason for the improvement aerobic stability of the inoculated silage. Improved fermentation, reduced DM loss during fermentation and during aerobic exposure periods lead to increase nutritive value of the inoculated silage

    Effect of inoculants of different composition on the quality of rye silages harvested at different stages of maturity

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    Winter rye (Secale cereale L.), one of the small-grain winter annuals, can be used as a cover crop for protection against soil erosion for absorption of unused soil nitrogen, and for cattle feed by preserving as silage. The experiment was conducted with the objective to evaluate the potential of the blend of homofermentative and hetero- and homofermentative lactic acid bacteria (LAB) as a rye silage additive. Early-cut rye (at boot stage, wilted) and whole-crop rye (at milk and soft dough stages of grain) were ensiled in laboratory mini-silos with (1) a blend of homofermentative LAB strains containing Lactobacillus plantarum (DSM26571), Enterococcus faecium (DSM22502), and Lactococcus lactis (NCIMB30117), (2) a blend of hetero- and homofermentative LAB strains containing Lactobacillus plantarum (DSM26571), Enterococcus faecium (DSM22502), and Lactobacillus buchneri (DSM22501), or (3) a blend of hetero- and homofermentative LAB strains containing Lactobacillus buchneri (DSM22501) and Lactococcus lactis (DSM11037). They were compared to ensiling without additive. After 60 days of fermentation at room temperature, mini-silos were opened, sampled for proximate analysis, forage hygiene, fermentation profile, and subjected to an aerobic stability (AS) test. Although the addition of homofermentative LAB strains was effective in reducing fermentation losses, it impaired the aerobic stability of rye silages. The combination of hetero- and homofermentative LAB strains was effective in reducing the aerobic deterioration of the rye silages by supporting a low pH value and inhibiting the proliferation of yeast and moulds

    Genomic profiling of cortical neurons following exposure to β-amyloid

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    In vitro and in vivo studies have shown that beta-amyloid peptide induces neuronal cell death. To explore the molecular basis underlying beta-amyloid-induced toxicity, we analyzed gene expression profiles of cultured rat cortical neurons treated for 24 and 48 h with synthetic beta-amyloid peptide. From the 8740 genes interrogated by oligonucleotide microarray analysis, 241 genes were found to be differentially expressed and segregated into distinct clusters. Functional clustering based on gene ontologies showed coordinated expression of genes with common biological functions and metabolic pathways. The comparison with genes differentially expressed in cerebellar granule neurons following serum and potassium deprivation indicates the existence of common regulatory mechanisms underlying neuronal cell death. Our results offer a genomic view of the changes that accompany beta-amyloid-induced neurodegeneration
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