69 research outputs found

    Improving Remote Sensing-based Flood Mapping using GIS (terrain-based) Analysis

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    This presentation was given as part of the GIS Day@KU symposium on November 15, 2017. For more information about GIS Day@KU activities, please see http://gis.ku.edu/gisday/2017/PLATINUM SPONSORS: KU Department of Geography and Atmospheric Science KU Institute for Policy & Social Research GOLD SPONSORS: KU Libraries State of Kansas Data Access & Support Center (DASC) SILVER SPONSORS: Bartlett & West Kansas Applied Remote Sensing Program KU Center for Global and International Studies BRONZE SPONSORS: Boundles

    NASAs Mid-Atlantic Communities and Areas at Intensive Risk Demonstration: Translating Compounding Hazards to Societal Risk

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    Remote sensing provides a unique perspective on our dynamic planet, tracking changes and revealing the course of complex interactions. Long term monitoring and targeted observation combine with modeling and mapping to provide increased awareness of hydro-meteorological and geological hazards. Disasters often follow hazards and the goal of NASAs Disasters Program is to look at the earth as a highly coupled system to reduce risk and enable resilience. Remote sensing and geospatial science are used as tools to help answer critical questions that inform decisions. Data is not the same as information, nor does understanding of processes necessarily translate into decision support for disaster preparedness, response and recovery. Accordingly, NASA is engaging the scientific and decision-support communities to apply remote sensing, modeling, and related applications in Communities and Areas at Intensive Risk (CAIR). In 2017, NASAs Applied Sciences Disasters Program hosted a regional workshop to explore these issues with particular focus on coastal Virginia and North Carolina. The workshop brought together partners in academia, emergency management, and scientists from NASA and partnering federal agencies to explore capabilities among the team that could improve understanding of the physical processes related to these hazards, their potential impact to changing communities, and to identify methodologies for supporting emergency response and risk mitigation. The resulting initiative, the mid-Atlantic CAIR project, demonstrates the ability to integrate satellite derived earth observations and physical models into actionable, trusted knowledge. Severe storms and associated storm surge, sea level rise, and land subsidence coupled with increasing populations and densely populated, aging critical infrastructure often leave coastal regions and their communities extremely vulnerable. The integration of observations and models allow for a comprehensive understanding of the compounding risk experienced in coastal regions and enables individuals in all positions make risk-informed decisions. This initiative uses a representative storm surge case as a baseline to produce flood inundation maps. These maps predict building level impacts at current day and for sea level rise (SLR) and subsidence scenarios of the future in order to inform critical decisions at both the tactical and strategic levels. To accomplish this analysis, the mid-Atlantic CAIR project brings together Federal research activities with academia to examine coastal hazards in multiple ways: 1) reanalysis of impacts from 2011 Hurricane Irene, using numerical weather modeling in combination with coastal surge and hydrodynamic, urban inundation modeling to evaluate combined impact scenarios considering SLR and subsidence, 2) remote sensing of flood extent from available optical imagery, 3) adding value to remotely sensed flood maps through depth predictions, and 4) examining coastal subsidence as measured through time-series analysis of synthetic aperture radar observations. Efforts and results are published via ArcGIS story maps to communicate neighborhoods and infrastructure most vulnerable to changing conditions. Story map features enable time-aware flood mapping using hydrodynamic models, photographic comparison of flooding following Hurricane Irene, as well as visualization of heightened risk in the future due to SLR and land subsidence

    The geometry of flow: Advancing predictions of river geometry with multi-model machine learning

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    Hydraulic geometry parameters describing river hydrogeomorphic is important for flood forecasting. Although well-established, power-law hydraulic geometry curves have been widely used to understand riverine systems and mapping flooding inundation worldwide for the past 70 years, we have become increasingly aware of the limitations of these approaches. In the present study, we have moved beyond these traditional power-law relationships for river geometry, testing the ability of machine-learning models to provide improved predictions of river width and depth. For this work, we have used an unprecedentedly large river measurement dataset (HYDRoSWOT) as well as a suite of watershed predictor data to develop novel data-driven approaches to better estimate river geometries over the contiguous United States (CONUS). Our Random Forest, XGBoost, and neural network models out-performed the traditional, regionalized power law-based hydraulic geometry equations for both width and depth, providing R-squared values of as high as 0.75 for width and as high as 0.67 for depth, compared with R-squared values of 0.57 for width and 0.18 for depth from the regional hydraulic geometry equations. Our results also show diverse performance outcomes across stream orders and geographical regions for the different machine-learning models, demonstrating the value of using multi-model approaches to maximize the predictability of river geometry. The developed models have been used to create the newly publicly available STREAM-geo dataset, which provides river width, depth, width/depth ratio, and river and stream surface area (%RSSA) for nearly 2.7 million NHDPlus stream reaches across the rivers and streams across the contiguous US.Comment: 30 pages, 10 figure

    The Global Flood Partnership Conference 2017 - From hazards to impacts

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    From 27 – 29 June 2017, the 2017 Global Flood Partnership Conference was held at the University of Alabama, U.S.A. More than 90 participants attended the conference coming from 11 different countries in 5 continents. They represented 56 institutions including international organisations, the private sector, national authorities, universities, governmental research agencies and non-profit organisations. Each year, floods cause devastating losses and damage across the world. Growing populations in ill-planned flood-prone coastal and riverine areas are increasingly exposed to more extreme rainfall events. With more population and economic assets at risk, governments, banks, international development and relief agencies, and private firms are investing in flood reduction measures. However, in many countries, the flood risk is not managed optimally because of a lack of scientific data and methods or a communication gap between science and risk managers. The Global Flood Partnership was launched in 2014 and is a cooperation framework between scientific organisations and flood disaster managers worldwide to develop flood observational and modeling infrastructure, leveraging on existing initiatives for better predicting and managing flood disaster impacts and flood risk globally. The conference theme was “From hazards to impacts” and participants had the opportunity to showcase their latest relevant research and activities. As usual, the advances and success stories of the Partnership were reviewed and the next steps to further strengthen the GFP were discussed. As in past meetings, participants had numerous opportunities to present their work, exchange ideas, and turn it into a lively and successful meeting. This included a "Marketplace of Ideas" session, "Ignite" talks, Problem-solving session, workshops, poster pitch session and breakout groups.JRC.E.1-Disaster Risk Managemen

    Global scale evaluation of precipitation datasets for hydrological modelling

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    Abstract. Precipitation is the most important driver of the hydrological cycle but is challenging to estimate over large scales from satellites and models. Here, we assessed the performance of six global and quasi-global high-resolution precipitation datasets (ERA5 global reanalysis (ERA5), Climate Hazards group Infrared Precipitation with Stations version 2.0 (CHIRPS), Multi-Source Weighted-Ensemble Precipitation version 2.80 (MSWEP), TerraClimate (TERRA), Climate Prediction Centre Unified version 1.0 (CPCU) and Precipitation Estimation from Remotely Sensed Information using Artificial Neural Networks-Cloud Classification System-Climate Data Record (PERCCDR)) for hydrological modelling globally and quasi-globally. We forced the WBMsed global hydrological model with the precipitation datasets to simulate river discharge from 1983 to 2019 and evaluated the predicted discharge against more than 1800 hydrological stations worldwide, using a range of statistical methods. The results show large differences in the accuracy of discharge predictions when using different precipitation input datasets. Based on evaluation at annual, monthly and daily time scales, MSWEP followed by ERA5 demonstrated a higher CC and KGE than other datasets for more than 50 % of the stations. Whilst, ERA5 was the second-highest performing dataset, it showed the highest error and bias in about 20 % of the stations. The PERCCDR is the least well performing dataset with large bias (percentage of bias up to 99 %) and errors (normalised root mean square error up  to 247 %) with a higher KGE and CC than the other products in less than 10 % of the stations. Even though MSWEP provided the highest performance overall, our analysis reveals high spatial variability, meaning that it is important to consider other datasets in areas where MSWEP showed a lower performance. The results of this study provide guidance on the selection of precipitation datasets for modelling river discharge for a basin, region or climatic zone as there is no single best precipitation dataset globally. Finally, the large discrepancy in the performance of the datasets in different parts of the world highlights the need to improve global precipitation data products.  </jats:p

    Global-scale evaluation of precipitation datasets for hydrological modelling

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    Abstract. Precipitation is the most important driver of the hydrological cycle, but it is challenging to estimate it over large scales from satellites and models. Here, we assessed the performance of six global and quasi-global high-resolution precipitation datasets (European Centre for Medium-Range Weather Forecasts (ECMWF) Reanalysis version 5 (ERA5), Climate Hazards group Infrared Precipitation with Stations version 2.0 (CHIRPS), Multi-Source Weighted-Ensemble Precipitation version 2.80 (MSWEP), TerraClimate (TERRA), Climate Prediction Centre Unified version 1.0 (CPCU), and Precipitation Estimation from Remotely Sensed Information using Artificial Neural Networks-Cloud Classification System-Climate Data Record (PERSIANN-CCS-CDR, hereafter PERCCDR) for hydrological modelling globally and quasi-globally. We forced the WBMsed global hydrological model with the precipitation datasets to simulate river discharge from 1983 to 2019 and evaluated the predicted discharge against 1825 hydrological stations worldwide, using a range of statistical methods. The results show large differences in the accuracy of discharge predictions when using different precipitation input datasets. Based on evaluation at annual, monthly, and daily timescales, MSWEP followed by ERA5 demonstrated a higher correlation (CC) and Kling–Gupta efficiency (KGE) than other datasets for more than 50 % of the stations, whilst ERA5 was the second-highest-performing dataset, and it showed the highest error and bias for about 20 % of the stations. PERCCDR is the least-well-performing dataset, with a bias of up to 99 % and a normalised root mean square error of up to 247 %. PERCCDR only show a higher KGE and CC than the other products for less than 10 % of the stations. Even though MSWEP provided the highest performance overall, our analysis reveals high spatial variability, meaning that it is important to consider other datasets in areas where MSWEP showed a lower performance. The results of this study provide guidance on the selection of precipitation datasets for modelling river discharge for a basin, region, or climatic zone as there is no single best precipitation dataset globally. Finally, the large discrepancy in the performance of the datasets in different parts of the world highlights the need to improve global precipitation data products. </jats:p

    A global network for operational flood risk reduction

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    Every year riverine flooding affects millions of people in developing countries, due to the large population exposure in the floodplains and the lack of adequate flood protection measures. Preparedness and monitoring are effective ways to reduce flood risk. State-of-the-art technologies relying on satellite remote sensing as well as numerical hydrological and weather predictions can detect and monitor severe flood events at a global scale. This paper describes the emerging role of the Global Flood Partnership (GFP), a global network of scientists, users, private and public organizations active in global flood risk management. Currently, a number of GFP member institutes regularly share results from their experimental products, developed to predict and monitor where and when flooding is taking place in near real-time. GFP flood products have already been used on several occasions by national environmental agencies and humanitarian organizations to support emergency operations and to reduce the overall socio-economic impacts of disasters. This paper describes a range of global flood products developed by GFP partners, and how these provide complementary information to support and improve current global flood risk management for large scale catastrophes. We also discuss existing challenges and ways forward to turn current experimental products into an integrated flood risk management platform to improve rapid access to flood information and increase resilience to flood events at global scale