127 research outputs found

    A cross-curricular physical activity intervention to combat cardiovascular disease risk factors in 11-14 year olds: 'Activity Knowledge Circuit'

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    Background: Cardiovascular disease is the leading cause of mortality worldwide. Risk factors associated with cardiovascular disease have been shown to track from childhood through to adulthood. Previous school-based physical activity interventions have demonstrated modest improvements to cardiovascular disease risk factors by implementing extra-curricular activities or improving current physical education curriculum. Few have attempted to increase physical activity in class-room taught curriculum subjects. This study will outline a school-based cross-curricular physical activity intervention to combat cardiovascular disease risk factors in 11-14 year old children. Method/Design: A South Wales Valley school of low socio-economic status has been selected to take part. Participants from year eight (12-13 years) are to be assigned to an intervention group, with maturation-matched participants from years seven (11-12 years) and nine (13-14 years) assigned to a control group. A cross-curricular physical activity intervention will be implemented to increase activity by two hours a week for 18 weeks. Participants will briskly walk 3200 m twice weekly during curriculum lessons (60 minutes duration). With the exception of physical education, all curriculum subjects will participate, with each subject delivering four intervention lessons. The intervention will be performed outdoors and on school premises. An indoor course of equal distance will be used during adverse weather conditions. Cardiovascular disease risk factors will be measured pre- and post-intervention for intervention and control groups. These will take place during physical education lessons and will include measures of stature, mass, waist, hip, and neck circumferences, together with skinfold measure's taken at four sites. Blood pressure will be measured, and fitness status assessed via the 20 m multi-stage fitness test. Questionnaires will be used to determine activity behaviour (physical activity questionnaire for adolescence), diet (seven day food diary) and maturation status. Fasting blood variables will include total cholesterol, lowdensity lipoprotein cholesterol, high density lipoprotein cholesterol, triglycerides, insulin, glucose, high-sensitivity C-reactive protein, interleukin-6, adiponectin, and fibrinogen. Motivational variables and psychological well-being will be assessed by questionnaire. Discussion: Our study may prove to be a cost effective strategy to increase school time physical activity to combat cardiovascular disease risk factors in children.</p

    Limited diversity associated with duplicated class II MHC-DRB genes in the red squirrel population in the United Kingdom compared with continental Europe

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    The red squirrel (Sciurus vulgaris) population in the United Kingdom has declined over the last century and is now on the UK endangered species list. This is the result of competition from the eastern grey squirrel (S. carolinensis) which was introduced in the 19th century. However, recent evidence suggests that the rate of population decline is enhanced by squirrelpox disease, caused by a viral infection carried asymptomatically by grey squirrels but to which red squirrels are highly susceptible. Population genetic diversity provides some resilience to rapidly evolving or exotic pathogens. There is currently no data on genetic diversity of extant UK squirrel populations with respect to genes involved in disease resistance. Diversity is highest at loci involved in the immune response including genes clustered within the major histocompatibility complex (MHC). Using the class II DRB locus as a marker for diversity across the MHC region we genotyped 110 red squirrels from locations in the UK and continentalEurope. Twenty four Scvu-DRB alleles at two functional loci; Scvu-DRB1 and Scvu- DRB2, were identified. High levels of diversity were identified at both loci in the continental populations. In contrast, no diversity was observed at the Scvu-DRB2 locus in the mainland UK population while a high level of homozygosity was observed at the Scvu-DRB1 locus. The red squirrel population in the UK appears to lack the extensive MHC diversity associated with continental populations, a feature which may have contributed to their rapid decline

    Gene probing reveals the widespread distribution, diversity and abundance of isoprene-degrading bacteria in the environment

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    Background: Approximately 500 Tg of isoprene are emitted to the atmosphere annually, an amount similar to that of methane, and despite its significant effects on the climate, very little is known about the biological degradation of isoprene in the environment. Isolation and characterisation of isoprene degraders at the molecular level has allowed the development of probes targeting isoA encoding the α-subunit of the isoprene monooxygenase. This enzyme belongs to the soluble diiron centre monooxygenase family and catalyses the first step in the isoprene degradation pathway. The use of probes targeting key metabolic genes is a successful approach in molecular ecology to study specific groups of bacteria in complex environments. Here, we developed and tested a novel isoA PCR primer set to study the distribution, abundance, and diversity of isoprene degraders in a wide range of environments. Results: The new isoA probes specifically amplified isoA genes from taxonomically diverse isoprene-degrading bacteria including members of the genera Rhodococcus, Variovorax, and Sphingopyxis. There was no cross-reactivity with genes encoding related oxygenases from non-isoprene degraders. Sequencing of isoA amplicons from DNA extracted from environmental samples enriched with isoprene revealed that most environments tested harboured a considerable variety of isoA sequences, with poplar leaf enrichments containing more phylogenetically diverse isoA genes. Quantification by qPCR using these isoA probes revealed that isoprene degraders are widespread in the phyllosphere, terrestrial, freshwater and marine environments. Specifically, soils in the vicinity of high isoprene-emitting trees contained the highest number of isoprene-degrading bacteria. Conclusion: This study provides the molecular ecology tools to broaden our knowledge of the distribution, abundance and diversity of isoprene degraders in the environment, which is a fundamental step necessary to assess the impact that microbes have in mitigating the effects of this important climate-active gas

    Towards a microbial process-based understanding of the resilience of peatland ecosystem service provisioning – a research agenda

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    Peatlands are wetland ecosystems with great significance as natural habitats and as major global carbon stores. They have been subject to widespread exploitation and degradation with resulting losses in characteristic biota and ecosystem functions such as climate regulation. More recently, large-scale programmes have been established to restore peatland ecosystems and the various services they provide to society. Despite significant progress in peatland science and restoration practice, we lack a process-based understanding of how soil microbiota influence peatland functioning and mediate the resilience and recovery of ecosystem services, to perturbations associated with land use and climate change. We argue that there is a need to: in the short-term, characterise peatland microbial communities across a range of spatial and temporal scales and develop an improved understanding of the links between peatland habitat, ecological functions and microbial processes; in the medium term, define what a successfully restored ’target’ peatland microbiome looks like for key carbon cycle related ecosystem services and develop microbial-based monitoring tools for assessing restoration needs; and in the longer term, to use this knowledge to influence restoration practices and assess progress on the trajectory towards ‘intact’ peatland status. Rapid advances in genetic characterisation of the structure and functions of microbial communities offer the potential for transformative progress in these areas, but the scale and speed of methodological and conceptual advances in studying ecosystem functions is a challenge for peatland scientists. Advances in this area require multidisciplinary collaborations between peatland scientists, data scientists and microbiologists and ultimately, collaboration with the modelling community. Developing a process-based understanding of the resilience and recovery of peatlands to perturbations, such as climate extremes, fires, and drainage, will be key to meeting climate targets and delivering ecosystem services cost effectively

    The role of calcium in the organisation of fibrillin microfibrils

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    AbstractThe microfibrillar glycoprotein fibrillin has a multidomain structure which contains forty-three epidermal growth factor-like motifs with calciumbinding consensus sequences. We have utilized intact microfibrils isolated from human dermal fibroblast cultures to investigate the putative influence of bound calcium on microfibrillar organization and integrity. Incubation with EDTA or EGTA rapidly resulted in gross disruption of microfibril morphology. The treatment induced disorganization of the interbead domains although the regular beaded arrangement was always apparent. These changes were readily reversible on replacing calcium, indicating that the treatment had not compromised microfibrillar integrity. The data localize calcium binding EGF-like repeats to the interbead domains and indicate that lateral packing of fibrillin monomers is calcium-dependent. This arrangement suggests how mutations in epidermal growth factor-like domains of fibrillin might cause the disruption in microfibril organization and interactions which underlies the clinical symptoms of some Marian syndrome patients
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