299 research outputs found

    Quantification of Leishmania infantum DNA in females, eggs and larvae of Rhipicephalus sanguineus

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    <p/> <p>Background</p> <p><it>Leishmania infantum </it>is a widespread parasite that affects dogs and humans worldwide. It is transmitted primarily by phlebotomine sand flies, but recently there has been much discussion on the role of the brown dog tick, <it>Rhipicephalus sanguineus</it>, as a potential vector for this protozoan. Recent laboratory and field investigations have contributed to this hypothesis, but a proof of the vector capacity of <it>R. sanguineus </it>has yet to be provided. Following a recent study suggesting that <it>L. infantum </it>passes transovarially from the female tick to her progeny the current study provides new evidence of the transovarial transmission of <it>L. infantum </it>in <it>R. sanguineus</it>.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>Engorged females of <it>R. sanguineus </it>were collected from the environment in a dog shelter of southern Italy, where canine leishmaniosis is endemic. In the laboratory, 97 females that successfully laid eggs, their eggs and the originated larvae were subjected to DNA extraction and then tested by a TaqMan-based real time PCR targeting a fragment of the kinetoplast DNA (kDNA) of <it>L. infantum</it>.</p> <p>Results and conclusions</p> <p><it>L. infantum </it>kDNA was detected in engorged females, their eggs and originating larvae, with a parasite load ranging from 1.8 × 10<sup>-4 </sup>to 10.0 × 10<sup>0</sup>. Certainly, the current study provides further evidence on the passage of <it>L. infantum </it>from <it>R. sanguineus </it>females to their offspring. The observation of promastigote forms in larvae is necessary to definitively confirm this hypothesis, which would raise interesting questions about the possible role of ticks in the maintenance of <it>L. infantum </it>infection among dogs in certain areas.</p


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    Se objetivó en este estudio subrayar las potencialidades y vulnerabilidades del proceso del cambio curricular. Los sujetos de la encuesta fueron 43 educandos del segundo período de graduación en enfermería de la UNIFESO, que están insertos en el cambio curricular. Los resultados fueron presentados en unidades temáticas enfatizando las potencialidades y vulnerabilidades del proceso de cambio curricular. Entre las potencialidades, la primera es que el aprendizaje es facilitado por la interacción grupal, la segunda que el aprendizaje ocurre por la participación efectiva de los educandos, tercera, el aprendizaje y el dinamismo del proceso enseñanza-aprendizaje y la cuarta, la integración enseñanza-trabajo-ciudadanía como un diferencial en la formación. Siendo las vulnerabilidades cuestiones relacionadas a la estructura y organización curricular y relativas al proceso enseñanza-aprendizaje. Por consiguiente, se puede afirmar que el desafío puesto es transformar las tensiones generadas por el cambio curricular en momentos propiciadores y generar de las vulnerabilidades las grandes potencialidades del proceso de cambio.Objetivou-se neste estudo a destacar as potencialidades e vulnerabilidades do processo de mudança curricular. Os sujeitos da pesquisa foram 43 educandos do segundo período de graduação em enfermagem da UNIFESO, que estão inseridos na mudança curricular. Os resultados foram apresentados em unidades temáticas enfatizando as potencialidades e vulnerabilidades do processo de mudança curricular. Dentre as potencialidades à aprendizagem é facilitada pela interação grupal, a segunda a aprendizagem ocorre pela participação efetiva dos educandos, a terceira aprendizagem e o dinamismo do processo ensino-aprendizagem e a quarta a integração ensino-trabalho-cidadania como um diferencial na formação. Sendo as vulnerabilidades questões relacionadas à estrutura e organização curricular e relativos ao processo ensino-aprendizagem. Por conseguinte pode-se afirmar que o desafio posto é transformar as tensões geradas pela mudança curricular em momentos propiciadores e gerar das vulnerabilidades as grandes potencialidades do processo de mudanç

    Release of Lungworm Larvae from Snails in the Environment: Potential for Alternative Transmission Pathways

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    Background: Gastropod-borne parasites may cause debilitating clinical conditions in animals and humans following the consumption of infected intermediate or paratenic hosts. However, the ingestion of fresh vegetables contaminated by snail mucus and/or water has also been proposed as a source of the infection for some zoonotic metastrongyloids (e.g., Angiostrongylus cantonensis). In the meantime, the feline lungworms Aelurostrongylus abstrusus and Troglostrongylus brevior are increasingly spreading among cat populations, along with their gastropod intermediate hosts. The aim of this study was to assess the potential of alternative transmission pathways for A. abstrusus and T. brevior L3 via the mucus of infected Helix aspersa snails and the water where gastropods died. In addition, the histological examination of snail specimens provided information on the larval localization and inflammatory reactions in the intermediate host. Methodology/Principal Findings: Twenty-four specimens of H. aspersa received ~500 L1 of A. abstrusus and T. brevior, and were assigned to six study groups. Snails were subjected to different mechanical and chemical stimuli throughout 20 days in order to elicit the production of mucus. At the end of the study, gastropods were submerged in tap water and the sediment was observed for lungworm larvae for three consecutive days. Finally, snails were artificially digested and recovered larvae were counted and morphologically and molecularly identified. The anatomical localization of A. abstrusus and T. brevior larvae within snail tissues was investigated by histology. L3 were detected in the snail mucus (i.e., 37 A. abstrusus and 19 T. brevior) and in the sediment of submerged specimens (172 A. abstrusus and 39 T. brevior). Following the artificial digestion of H. aspersa snails, a mean number of 127.8 A. abstrusus and 60.3 T. brevior larvae were recovered. The number of snail sections positive for A. abstrusus was higher than those for T. brevior. Conclusions: Results of this study indicate that A. abstrusus and T. brevior infective L3 are shed in the mucus of H. aspersa or in water where infected gastropods had died submerged. Both elimination pathways may represent alternative route(s) of environmental contamination and source of the infection for these nematodes under field conditions and may significantly affect the epidemiology of feline lungworms. Considering that snails may act as intermediate hosts for other metastrongyloid species, the environmental contamination by mucus-released larvae is discussed in a broader context

    Anorexia nervosa and Wernicke-Korsakoff syndrome: a case report

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Introduction</p> <p>Wernicke's encephalopathy is an acute, potentially fatal, neuropsychiatric syndrome resulting from thiamine deficiency. The disorder is still greatly under-diagnosed, and failure to promptly identify and adequately treat the condition can lead to death or to the chronic form of the encephalopathy - Korsakoff's syndrome. Wernicke's encephalopathy has traditionally been associated with alcoholism but, in recent years, there has been an increase in the number of clinical settings in which the disorder is observed.</p> <p>Case presentation</p> <p>We report the case of a 45-year-old Caucasian woman who arrived at the emergency room presenting signs of marked malnutrition and mental confusion, ataxic gait and ophthalmoplegia. Main laboratory test findings included low serum magnesium and megaloblastic anemia. Brain magnetic resonance imaging revealed increased T2 signal in the supratentorial paraventricular region, the medial regions of the thalamus and the central and periaqueductal midbrain. The diagnosis of Wernicke's encephalopathy was made at once and immediate reposition of thiamine and magnesium was started. The patient had a long history of recurrent thoughts of being overweight, severe self-imposed diet restrictions and self-induced vomiting. She had also been drinking gin on a daily basis for the last eight years. One day after admittance the acute global confusional state resolved, but she presented severe memory deficits and confabulation. After six months of outpatient follow-up, memory deficits remained unaltered.</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>In this case, self-imposed long-lasting nutritional deprivation is thought to be the main cause of thiamine deficiency and subsequent encephalopathy, but adjunct factors, such as magnesium depletion and chronic alcohol misuse, might have played an important role, especially in the development of Korsakoff's syndrome. The co-morbidity between eating disorders and substance abuse disorders has emerged as a significant health issue for women, and the subgroup of patients with anorexia nervosa who also misuse alcohol is probably at a particular risk of developing Wernicke-Korsakoff syndrome. The present case report highlights this relevant issue.</p

    Single-port cholecystectomy in a patient with situs inversus totalis presenting with cholelithiasis: a case report

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Introduction</p> <p><it>Situs inversus totalis </it>(mirror image organs) is a rare condition and may affect the intra-abdominal viscera as well as the intrathoracic organs. Cholelithiasis is not more common in these conditions, but the diagnosis may be more difficult.</p> <p>Case presentation</p> <p>We present the case of a 59-year-old African woman with gallstones and <it>situs inversus totalis</it>. A single-port cholecystectomy was performed using a single trocar access device (SITRACC).</p> <p>Conclusions</p> <p>The procedure was uneventful, showing that this approach may be an option for this kind of surgery even in patients with <it>situs inversus totalis</it>.</p

    Síntomas de pacientes antes de la primera hospitalización por Síndrome Coronario Agudo

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    Este estudo objetivou caracterizar os pacientes quanto ao relato da presença de sintomas de dor torácica, dispneia e limitação das atividades diárias uma semana antes da primeira hospitalização por Síndrome Coronariana Aguda, segundo a forma de apresentação clínica, e compará-las. Estudo transversal, descritivo e correlacional. Utilizou-se um instrumento de avaliação clínica que investigou a presença e a gravidade dos sintomas de dispneia, precordialgia e restrição física decorrentes da isquemia do miocárdio. Com relação à limitação para realização de atividades físicas, pacientes com diagnóstico de angina instável mostraram maior comprometimento na semana que antecedeu a internação, assim como relataram a presença de dispneia e precordialgia com maior frequência do que os pacientes infartados em situações que vão desde realizarem grandes esforços como, por exemplo, caminhar na subida ou muito rápido no plano, até situações de repouso ou de pequenos esforços.The objective of this study was to characterize and compare patients regarding their report of experiencing chest pain, dyspnea and limitation of the daily life activities one week before their first hospitalization due to Acute Coronary Syndrome, according to the clinical presentation form, and compare them. This is a cross-sectional, descriptive and correlational study. A clinical evaluation instrument was used to investigate the presence and severity of dyspnea, chest pain and physical restriction due to myocardial ischemia. Regarding the limitation to carry out physical activities, patients diagnosed with unstable angina showed lower capacity the week before hospitalization, and reported experiencing dyspnea and chest pain more frequently than patients who had an infarction in situations ranging from making strong efforts, such as walking uphill or on a flat surface but very quickly, to resting and in situations of little effort.Estudio que objetivó caracterizar a pacientes en cuanto al relato de presencia de síntomas de dolor torácico, disnea y limitación de actividades diarias una semana antes de la primera hospitalización por Síndrome Coronario Agudo, según la forma de presentación clínica, y compararlas. Estudio transversal, descriptivo y correlacional. Se utilizó un instrumento de evaluación clínica que investigó la presencia y gravedad de síntomas de disnea, precordialgia y restricción física derivadas de isquemia de miocardio. En relación a limitaciones para realización de actividades físicas, pacientes con diagnóstico de angina inestable mostraron mayor compromiso en la semana que antecedió a la internación, así como relataron la presencia de disnea y precordialgia con mayor frecuencia que en los pacientes infartados en situaciones tales como realizar grandes esfuerzos como, por ejemplo, caminar en pendiente ascendiente o muy rápido en el llano, hasta situaciones de reposo o pequeños esfuerzos

    Health-related quality of life in patients admitted after a first episode of acute coronary syndrome

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    This study aimed to investigate health-related quality of life based on the four weeks antecedent to first admission for acute coronary syndrome and describe potential associations between quality of life, gender and prior treatment for any other cardiovascular condition. An exploratory, descriptive and cross-sectional study was conducted in two public hospitals in an inner state city of the State of São Paulo. Of 253 participants studied, 69.2% were male, 69.6% were married or living with a partner, and 58.1% were professionally active before the current hospital admission. Mean age was 57.9 years old. Higher scores were seen in the Social Functioning (X=86.1) domain, while the domain perceived as more compromised was Role Physical (X=57.7). Female participants and those who had previously been treated for any other cardiovascular condition had lower quality of life, and these differences were all statistically significant (pEl objetivo de este estudio fue investigar la calidad de vida relacionada a la salud, basada en las últimas cuatro semanas que antecedieron a la primera internación, por un síndrome coronario agudo, y describir potenciales asociaciones entre la calidad de vida, sexo y tratamiento previo para otras enfermedades cardiovasculares. Como método, se utilizó el estudio descriptivo y exploratorio, de tipo transversal, realizado en dos hospitales públicos en el interior del Estado de Sao Paulo. De los 253 sujetos estudiados, 69,2% eran hombres, 69,6% casados, o vivían con un compañero, y 58,1% eran profesionalmente activos antes de la internación. La edad promedio fue de 57,9 años. Los mayores puntajes obtenidos fueron en el dominio aspectos sociales (X=86,1), en cuanto el dominio más comprometido fue aspectos físicos (X=57,7). Se concluye que las mujeres, así como los sujetos que ya hacían tratamiento previo para otras enfermedades cardiovasculares, presentaron peor calidad de vida, y las diferencias fueron todas estadísticamente significativas (pO objetivo deste estudo foi investigar a qualidade de vida relacionada à saúde, baseada nas últimas quatro semanas que antecederam a primeira internação, por uma síndrome coronariana aguda, e descrever potenciais associações entre a qualidade de vida, sexo e tratamento prévio para outras doenças cardiovasculares. Usou-se, como método, o estudo descritivo e exploratório, do tipo transversal, realizado em dois hospitais públicos no interior do Estado de São Paulo. Dos 253 sujeitos estudados, 69,2% eram homens, 69,6% casados, ou viviam com um parceiro, e 58,1% eram profissionalmente ativos antes da internação. A idade média era de 57,9 anos. Os maiores escores obtidos foram no domínio aspectos sociais (X=86,1), enquanto o domínio mais comprometido foi aspectos físicos (X=57,7). Conclui-se que as mulheres, assim como os sujeitos que já faziam tratamento prévio para outras doenças cardiovasculares, apresentaram pior qualidade de vida, e as diferenças foram todas estatisticamente significantes (p<0,05)

    Why Are There So Few Rickettsia conorii conorii-Infected Rhipicephalus sanguineus Ticks in the Wild?

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    The bacterium Rickettsia conorii conorii is the etiological agent of Mediterranean spotted fever (MSF), which is a life-threatening infectious disease that is transmitted by Rhipicephalus sanguineus, the brown dog tick. Rh. sanguineus-R. conorii conorii relationships in the wild are still poorly understood one century after the discovery of the disease. In this study, we collected naturally infected ticks from the houses of people afflicted by MSF in Algeria. Colonies of both infected and non-infected ticks were maintained in our laboratory, and we studied the effect of temperature variations on the infected and non-infected ticks. We did not observe any major differences between the biological life cycle of the infected and non-infected ticks held at 25°C. However, a comparatively higher mortality relative to the control group was noticed when R. conorii conorii-infected engorged nymphs and adults were exposed to a low temperature (4°C) or high temperature (37°C) for one month and transferred to 25°C. R. conorii conorii-infected Rh. sanguineus may maintain and serve as reservoirs for the Rickettsia if they are not exposed to cold temperatures. New populations of ticks might become infected with Rickettsiae when feeding on a bacteremic animal reservoir


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    After the report of a second case of canine visceral leishmaniasis (CVL) in São Bento da Lagoa, Itaipuaçu, in the municipality of Maricá, Rio de Janeiro State, an epidemiological survey was carried out, through active search, totaling 145 dogs. Indirect immunofluorescence assay (IFA), enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA), and rapid chromatographic immunoassay based on dual-path platform (DPP(r)) were used to perform the serological examinations. The parasitological diagnosis of cutaneous fragments was performed by parasitological culture, histopathology, and immunohistochemistry. In the serological assessment, 21 dogs were seropositive by IFA, 17 by ELISA, and 11 by DPP(r), with sensitivity of 66.7%, 66.7% and 50%, and specificity of 87.2%, 90.2% and 94%, respectively for each technique. The immunohistochemistry of bone marrow using the cell-block technique presented the best results, with six positive dogs found, three of which tested negative by the other parasitological techniques. Leishmania sp. was isolated by parasitological culture in three dogs. The detection of autochthonous Leishmania infantum in Itaipuaçu, and the high prevalence of seropositive dogs confirm the circulation of this parasite in the study area and alert for the risk of expansion in the State of Rio de Janeiro