1,701 research outputs found

    Primary cilia disassembly down-regulates mechanosensitive hedgehog signalling: a feedback mechanism controlling ADAMTS-5 expression in chondrocytes

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    SummaryObjectiveHedgehog signalling is mediated by the primary cilium and promotes cartilage degeneration in osteoarthritis. Primary cilia are influenced by pathological stimuli and cilia length and prevalence are increased in osteoarthritic cartilage. This study aims to investigate the relationship between mechanical loading, hedgehog signalling and cilia disassembly in articular chondrocytes.MethodsPrimary bovine articular chondrocytes were subjected to cyclic tensile strain (CTS; 0.33 Hz, 10% or 20% strain). Hedgehog pathway activation (Ptch1, Gli1) and A Disintegrin And Metalloproteinase with Thrombospondin Motifs 5 (ADAMTS-5) expression were assessed by real-time PCR. A chondrocyte cell line generated from the Tg737ORPK mouse was used to investigate the role of the cilium in this response. Cilia length and prevalence were quantified by immunocytochemistry and confocal microscopy.ResultsMechanical strain upregulates Indian hedgehog expression and activates hedgehog signalling. Ptch1, Gli1 and ADAMTS-5 expression were increased following 10% CTS, but not 20% CTS. Pathway activation requires a functioning primary cilium and is not observed in Tg737ORPK cells lacking cilia. Mechanical loading significantly reduced cilium length such that cilia became progressively shorter with increasing strain magnitude. Inhibition of histone deacetylase 6 (HDAC6), a tubulin deacetylase, prevented cilia disassembly and restored mechanosensitive hedgehog signalling and ADAMTS-5 expression at 20% CTS.ConclusionsThis study demonstrates for the first time that mechanical loading activates primary cilia-mediated hedgehog signalling and ADAMTS-5 expression in adult articular chondrocytes, but that this response is lost at high strains due to HDAC6-mediated cilia disassembly. The study provides new mechanistic insight into the role of primary cilia and mechanical loading in articular cartilage

    Lithium chloride modulates chondrocyte primary cilia and inhibits Hedgehog signaling

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    This work was supported in part by funding from the AO Foundation (project S-12-15K) and the Medical Research Council (Swindon, United Kingdom) (MR/L002876/1). C.A.P. was supported by the Royal Society of New Zealand through a James Cook Research Fellowshi

    Mechanical Stimulation: A Crucial Element of Organ-on-Chip Models

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    Organ-on-chip (OOC) systems recapitulate key biological processes and responses in vitro exhibited by cells, tissues, and organs in vivo. Accordingly, these models of both health and disease hold great promise for improving fundamental research, drug development, personalized medicine, and testing of pharmaceuticals, food substances, pollutants etc. Cells within the body are exposed to biomechanical stimuli, the nature of which is tissue specific and may change with disease or injury. These biomechanical stimuli regulate cell behavior and can amplify, annul, or even reverse the response to a given biochemical cue or drug candidate. As such, the application of an appropriate physiological or pathological biomechanical environment is essential for the successful recapitulation of in vivo behavior in OOC models. Here we review the current range of commercially available OOC platforms which incorporate active biomechanical stimulation. We highlight recent findings demonstrating the importance of including mechanical stimuli in models used for drug development and outline emerging factors which regulate the cellular response to the biomechanical environment. We explore the incorporation of mechanical stimuli in different organ models and identify areas where further research and development is required. Challenges associated with the integration of mechanics alongside other OOC requirements including scaling to increase throughput and diagnostic imaging are discussed. In summary, compelling evidence demonstrates that the incorporation of biomechanical stimuli in these OOC or microphysiological systems is key to fully replicating in vivo physiology in health and disease

    Nanoscale Mapping Reveals Functional Differences in Ion Channels Populating the Membrane of Primary Cilia.

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    BACKGROUND/AIMS: The primary cilium is a nanoscale membrane protrusion believed to act as a mechano-chemical sensor in a range of different cell types. Disruptions in its structure and signalling have been linked to a number of medical conditions, referred to as ciliopathies, but remain poorly understood due to lack of techniques capable of investigating signal transduction in cilia at nanoscale. Here we set out to use latest advances in nanopipette technology to address the question of ion channel distribution along the structure of primary cilium. METHODS: We used glass nanopipettes and Scanning Ion Conductance Microscopy (SICM) to image 3D topography of intact primary cilia in inner medullary collecting duct (IMCD) cells with nanoscale resolution. The high-resolution topographical images were then used to navigate the nanopipette along the structure of each cilium and perform spatially resolved single-channel recordings under precisely controlled mechanical and chemical stimulation. RESULTS: We have successfully obtained first single-channel recordings at specific locations of intact primary cilia. Our experiments revealed significant differences between the populations of channels present at the ciliary base, tip and within extra-ciliary regions in terms of mean conductance and sensitivity to membrane displacement as small as 100 nm. Ion channels at the base of cilium, where mechanical strain is expected to be the highest, appeared particularly sensitive to the mechanical displacement. CONCLUSION: Our results suggest the distribution of ion channels in the membrane of primary cilia is non-homogeneous. The relationship between the location and function of ciliary ion channels could be key to understanding signal transduction in primary cilia

    Scientific basis for standardization of fetal head measurements by ultrasound: a reproducibility study.

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    OBJECTIVE: To compare the standard methods for ultrasound measurement of fetal head circumference (HC) and biparietal diameter (BPD) (outer-to-outer (BPDoo) vs outer-to-inner (BPDoi) caliper placement), and compare acquisition of these measurements in transthalamic (TT) vs transventricular (TV) planes. METHODS: This study utilized ultrasound images acquired from women participating in the Oxford arm of the INTERGROWTH-21(st) Project. In the first phase of the study, BPDoo and BPDoi were measured on stored images. In the second phase, real-time measurements of BPD, occipitofrontal diameter (OFD) and HC in TT and TV planes were obtained by pairs of sonographers. Reproducibility of measurements made by the same (intraobserver) and by different (interobserver) sonographers, as well as the reproducibility of caliper placement and measurements obtained in different planes, was assessed using Bland-Altman plots. RESULTS: In Phase I, we analyzed ultrasound images of 108 singleton fetuses. The mean intraobserver and interobserver differences were < 2% (1.34 mm) and the 95% limits of agreement were < 5% (3 mm) for both BPDoo and BPDoi. Neither method for measuring BPD showed consistently better reproducibility. In Phase II, we analyzed ultrasound images of 100 different singleton fetuses. The mean intraobserver and interobserver differences were < 1% (2.26 mm) and the 95% limits of agreement were < 8% (14.45 mm) for all fetal head measurements obtained in TV and TT planes. Neither plane for measuring fetal head showed consistently better reproducibility. Measurement of HC using the ellipse facility was as reproducible as HC calculated from BPD and OFD. OFD by itself was the least reproducible of all fetal head measurements. CONCLUSIONS: Measurements of BPDoi and BPDoo are equally reproducible; however, we believe BPDoo should be used in clinical practice as it allows fetal HC to be measured and compared with neonatal HC. For all head measurements, TV and TT planes provide equally reproducible values at any gestational age, and HC values are similar in both planes. Fetal head measurement in the TT plane is preferable as international standards in this plane are available; however, measurements in the TV plane can be plotted on the same standards. Copyright © 2016 ISUOG. Published by John Wiley & Sons Ltd

    Mechanical Stimulation Modulates Osteocyte Regulation of Cancer Cell Phenotype

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    Breast and prostate cancers preferentially metastasise to bone tissue, with metastatic lesions forming in the skeletons of most patients. On arriving in bone tissue, disseminated tumour cells enter a mechanical microenvironment that is substantially different to that of the primary tumour and is largely regulated by bone cells. Osteocytes, the most ubiquitous bone cell type, orchestrate healthy bone remodelling in response to physical exercise. However, the effects of mechanical loading of osteocytes on cancer cell behaviour is still poorly understood. The aim of this study was to characterise the effects of osteocyte mechanical stimulation on the behaviour of breast and prostate cancer cells. To replicate an osteocyte-controlled environment, this study treated breast (MDA-MB-231 and MCF-7) and prostate (PC-3 and LNCaP) cancer cell lines with conditioned media from MLO-Y4 osteocyte-like cells exposed to mechanical stimulation in the form of fluid shear stress. We found that osteocyte paracrine signalling acted to inhibit metastatic breast and prostate tumour growth, characterised by reduced proliferation and invasion and increased migration. In breast cancer cells, these effects were largely reversed by mechanical stimulation of osteocytes. In contrast, conditioned media from mechanically stimulated osteocytes had no effect on prostate cancer cells. To further investigate these interactions, we developed a microfluidic organ-chip model using the Emulate platform. This new organ-chip model enabled analysis of cancer cell migration, proliferation and invasion in the presence of mechanical stimulation of osteocytes by fluid shear stress, resulting in increased invasion of breast and prostate cancer cells. These findings demonstrate the importance of osteocytes and mechanical loading in regulating cancer cell behaviour and the need to incorporate these factors into predictive in vitro models of bone metastasis

    An in vitro investigation of the inflammatory response to the strain amplitudes which occur during high frequency oscillation ventilation and conventional mechanical ventilation

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    The research was supported by the National Institute for Health Research (NIHR) Biomedical Research Centre based at Guy’s and St Thomas’ NHS Foundation Trust and King’s College Londo

    Synergies for Improving Oil Palm Production and Forest Conservation in Floodplain Landscapes

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    Lowland tropical forests are increasingly threatened with conversion to oil palm as global demand and high profit drives crop expansion throughout the world’s tropical regions. Yet, landscapes are not homogeneous and regional constraints dictate land suitability for this crop. We conducted a regional study to investigate spatial and economic components of forest conversion to oil palm within a tropical floodplain in the Lower Kinabatangan, Sabah, Malaysian Borneo. The Kinabatangan ecosystem harbours significant biodiversity with globally threatened species but has suffered forest loss and fragmentation. We mapped the oil palm and forested landscapes (using object-based-image analysis, classification and regression tree analysis and on-screen digitising of high-resolution imagery) and undertook economic modelling. Within the study region (520,269 ha), 250,617 ha is cultivated with oil palm with 77% having high Net-Present-Value (NPV) estimates (413/ha?yr413/ha?yr–637/ha?yr); but 20.5% is under-producing. In fact 6.3% (15,810 ha) of oil palm is commercially redundant (with negative NPV of 299/ha?yr-299/ha?yr--65/ha?yr) due to palm mortality from flood inundation. These areas would have been important riparian or flooded forest types. Moreover, 30,173 ha of unprotected forest remain and despite its value for connectivity and biodiversity 64% is allocated for future oil palm. However, we estimate that at minimum 54% of these forests are unsuitable for this crop due to inundation events. If conversion to oil palm occurs, we predict a further 16,207 ha will become commercially redundant. This means that over 32,000 ha of forest within the floodplain would have been converted for little or no financial gain yet with significant cost to the ecosystem. Our findings have globally relevant implications for similar floodplain landscapes undergoing forest transformation to agriculture such as oil palm. Understanding landscape level constraints to this crop, and transferring these into policy and practice, may provide conservation and economic opportunities within these seemingly high opportunity cost landscapes

    Immune reconstitution and clinical recovery following anti-CD28 antibody (TGN1412)-induced cytokine storm

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    Cytokine storm can result from cancer immunotherapy or certain infections, including COVID-19. Though short-term immune-related adverse events are routinely described, longer-term immune consequences and sequential immune monitoring are not as well defined. In 2006, six healthy volunteers received TGN1412, a CD28 superagonist antibody, in a first-in-man clinical trial and suffered from cytokine storm. After the initial cytokine release, antibody effect-specific immune monitoring started on Day + 10 and consisted mainly of evaluation of dendritic cell and T-cell subsets and 15 serum cytokines at 21 time-points over 2 years. All patients developed problems with concentration and memory; three patients were diagnosed with mild-to-moderate depression. Mild neutropenia and autoantibody production was observed intermittently. One patient suffered from peripheral dry gangrene, required amputations, and had persistent Raynaud's phenomenon. Gastrointestinal irritability was noted in three patients and coincided with elevated γδT-cells. One had pruritus associated with elevated IgE levels, also found in three other asymptomatic patients. Dendritic cells, initially undetectable, rose to normal within a month. Naïve CD8+ T-cells were maintained at high levels, whereas naïve CD4+ and memory CD4+ and CD8+ T-cells started high but declined over 2 years. T-regulatory cells cycled circannually and were normal in number. Cytokine dysregulation was especially noted in one patient with systemic symptoms. Over a 2-year follow-up, cognitive deficits were observed in all patients following TGN1412 infusion. Some also had signs or symptoms of psychological, mucosal or immune dysregulation. These observations may discern immunopathology, treatment targets, and long-term monitoring strategies for other patients undergoing immunotherapy or with cytokine storm