30 research outputs found

    Impaired glucose tolerance in adults with Duchenne and Becker muscular dystrophy

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    The aim of this study was to determine the response to an oral glucose tolerance test (OGTT) in adult males with Becker muscular dystrophy (BMD) and Duchenne muscular dystrophy (DMD), and to investigate whether body composition contributes to any variance in the glucose response. Twenty-eight adult males with dystrophinopathy (BMD, n = 13; DMD, n = 15) and 12 non-dystrophic controls, ingested 75 g oral anhydrous glucose solution. Fingertip capillary samples were assessed for glucose at 30-min intervals over 2-h post glucose ingestion. Fat free mass relative to body mass (FFM/BM) and body fat (BF%) was assessed using bioelectrical impedance. Vastus lateralis muscle anatomical cross sectional area (VL ACSA) was measured using B-mode ultrasonography. Blood glucose was higher in MD groups than control at 60, 90 and 120 min post ingestion of glucose. Compared to controls, FFM/BM and VL ACSA were lower in MD groups compared to controls (p < 0.001). Glucose tolerance values at 120 min were correlated with FFM/BM and BF% in the BMD group only. Our results suggest that glucose tolerance is impaired following OGTT in adult males with BMD and DMD. It is recommended that adults with BMD and DMD undertake routine glucose tolerance assessments to allow early detection of impaired glucose tolerance

    Role of the Arabidopsis PIN6 auxin transporter in auxin homeostasis and auxin-mediated development

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    Plant-specific PIN-formed (PIN) efflux transporters for the plant hormone auxin are required for tissue-specific directional auxin transport and cellular auxin homeostasis. The Arabidopsis PIN protein family has been shown to play important roles in developmental processes such as embryogenesis, organogenesis, vascular tissue differentiation, root meristem patterning and tropic growth. Here we analyzed roles of the less characterised Arabidopsis PIN6 auxin transporter. PIN6 is auxin-inducible and is expressed during multiple auxin–regulated developmental processes. Loss of pin6 function interfered with primary root growth and lateral root development. Misexpression of PIN6 affected auxin transport and interfered with auxin homeostasis in other growth processes such as shoot apical dominance, lateral root primordia development, adventitious root formation, root hair outgrowth and root waving. These changes in auxin-regulated growth correlated with a reduction in total auxin transport as well as with an altered activity of DR5-GUS auxin response reporter. Overall, the data indicate that PIN6 regulates auxin homeostasis during plant development.Christopher I. Cazzonelli, Marleen Vanstraelen, Sibu Simon, Kuide Yin, Ashley Carron-Arthur, Nazia Nisar, Gauri Tarle, Abby J. Cuttriss¤, Iain R. Searle, Eva Benkova, Ulrike Mathesius, Josette Masle, Jiří Friml, Barry J. Pogso

    Statistical Techniques Complement UML When Developing Domain Models of Complex Dynamical Biosystems

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    Computational modelling and simulation is increasingly being used to complement traditional wet-lab techniques when investigating the mechanistic behaviours of complex biological systems. In order to ensure computational models are fit for purpose, it is essential that the abstracted view of biology captured in the computational model, is clearly and unambiguously defined within a conceptual model of the biological domain (a domain model), that acts to accurately represent the biological system and to document the functional requirements for the resultant computational model. We present a domain model of the IL-1 stimulated NF-κB signalling pathway, which unambiguously defines the spatial, temporal and stochastic requirements for our future computational model. Through the development of this model, we observe that, in isolation, UML is not sufficient for the purpose of creating a domain model, and that a number of descriptive and multivariate statistical techniques provide complementary perspectives, in particular when modelling the heterogeneity of dynamics at the single-cell level. We believe this approach of using UML to define the structure and interactions within a complex system, along with statistics to define the stochastic and dynamic nature of complex systems, is crucial for ensuring that conceptual models of complex dynamical biosystems, which are developed using UML, are fit for purpose, and unambiguously define the functional requirements for the resultant computational model

    The influence of the microtubule inhibitor, methyl benzimidazol-2-yl-carbamate (MBC) on nuclear division and the cell cycle in Saccharomyces cerevisiae.

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    Methyl benzimidazol-2-yl-carbamate (MBC), at a concentration of 100 microM, has a pronounced effect on the growth of Saccharomyces cerevisiae, resulting in the accumulation of cells as large doublets. We have determined a specific execution point for the effect of MBC on the yeast cell cycle, and have shown that this execution point is between the cycle events of spindle pole body duplication and spindle pole body separation. An ultrastructural examination of the MBC-treated cells revealed the absence of cytoplasmic and spindle microtubules. MBC treatment also produced an altered spindle pole body morphology, causing the disappearance of the outer component. Nuclear size was also markedly increased in the MBC-induced doublet cells, although the septa were completely absent from these doublet cells. It is proposed that MBC inhibits microtubule polymerization, rather than causing the depolymerization of stable microtubules

    Griseofulvin-induced aggregation of microtubule protein.

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    Griseofulvin (7-chloro-2',4,6-trimethoxy-6'-methylspiro[benzofuran-2(3H),1'-[2]cyclohexene]-3,4'-dione) induces aggregation of microtubule protein at 0 degrees C. This aggregate contains approx. 90% of the microtubule-associated proteins originally present in the microtubule protein. The supernatant obtained after removal of the griseofulvin-induced aggregate does not form microtubules on warming at 37 degrees C. Addition of the griseofulvin-aggregated protein to this supernatant and warming to 37 degrees C gives rise to a limited amount of microtubule assembly. The possible involvement of griseofulvin-induced aggregation of microtubule protein at 0 degrees C in the inhibition by griseofulvin of microtubule assembly in vitro is discussed

    A correlation between in vivo and in vitro effects of the microtubule inhibitors colchicine, parbendazole and nocodazole on myxamoebae of Physarum polycephalum.

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    The effects of the microtubule inhibitors colchicine, parbendazole and nocodazole on the growth of myxamoebae of Physarum polycephalum were closely paralleled by the effects of these drugs on the assembly in vitro of purified amoebal microtubule protein. Colchicine at 100 microM did not inhibit amoebal growth and did not inhibit formation, or depolymerization, of amoebal microtubules. The benzimidazole carbamate derivatives nocodazole and parbendazole were very effective in both inhibiting growth and inhibiting the assembly in vitro of amoebal microtubule protein. Parbendazole was the most effective